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This week's video is my chat with one of the lovely groups of patrons in the winter salon on our Open Days at Lalande.

Please let me know if you have any difficulties viewing this video. Patreon have chosen me to test the Beta version of their brand new video platform, so instead of creating this as a hidden video on YouTube, I've uploaded it straight to Patreon. I'd love to hear your feedback, and I'll be working with Patreon to iron out any kinks!

Lots of love to you all,





This is quite annoying. I usually save this to YouTube to watch on tv. Now i cannot see the videos at all. The people stealing the content pay to be members here and then share it out....nothing you do will stop them from doing that. I agree this only hurts your supporters.


Patreon money pays for upgrading the chateau. The video’s are a thank you gift.