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Here are a few photos from the last few days at Lalande, when we all had a wonderful time with the lovely patrons who came to visit us. Thank you to those of you who could make it all this way, it was such a joy to spend time with all of you!

For those of you who couldn’t make it, I’ll be sharing in depth videos of all of the events with you next week, so that - as much as possible - you can feel as though you were here with us. In the meantime you can see a broader video about the patron days in The Chateau Diaries on Sunday ❤️



Nancy Sevier

I was thrilled that all our blessings for gorgeous weather worked! Perhaps next year I will be blessed to be able to attend!

Anne Green

So sad I had to cancel due to family illness 😔 thank you for the videos & photos as at least I can see what I missed ❤️