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Furniture & Panelling - Planning the Grand Salon!

A very special thank you to all of you who have become Patrons of the Chateau de Lalande. You have made The Chateau Diaries one of the top 400 Patreon accounts in the world, and have transformed not only our lives here, but the future of this beautiful chateau! I’m overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity. On behalf of this beautiful chateau that will continue to survive and flourish because of you, thank you!!!



Team Phillip! Cushion storage and hidden entrance. Great plan. Unless it’s too drafty.

Ann Bonney

On a different topic but still Grand Salon. Have you started the fire surround rebuild project? Your architect I think mentioned local stone mason schools may be a source for the skills you need. If not the fireplace perhaps the students could work on the moat.


I'm team Phillip! I like how the old features of the chateau get brought back. I think it would be really cool to access the cellars, like you would have in the past. I was wondering about the mirrors on the internal shutters, when they're closed would the mirrors be really distracting/blinding/hot on the exterior? I would hate for you to add something so cool, but when it gets closed it impacts wildlife. Maybe you can add like a canvas cover to drop down and cover the mirrors when closed?


How absolutely fantastic that you were able to get this piece! I love what you're saying about sourcing furniture that is worthy of the chateau. And Phillip, you're just such a good guy - I love how you told Steph how lovely she looked as you were going about your report for the rest of us. =) I love to see her treated so well!!

Brian Matthews

Stephanie, I am with Phillip on the cellar access doors...when having parties or receptions with large groups of people socializing, it would be immensely convenient, as well as time saving to have a way to have needed supplies stored readily at hand, rather than having to go to a different part of the chateau to retrieve it. Also I would like to agree with Staci, it shows just how considerate and loving Phillip is to you to, in the middle of sentence describing renovations, he out of the blue says, You look very pretty....lovely gentleman!


I absolutely loved this, you both have such incredib;e enthusiasm it is contagious......this could have been two hours long and I would've been just as enthralled! Very excited to see how it all progresses and I'm thrilled you beat out your competitor for that stunning cabinet.


I am Team Phillip on opening the door to the cave. Even if it isn't used much, it's so nice to have the original access again. So much of your restoration tries to respect the original as much as possible, I think you should re-open. The Grand Salon will be so perfect when you are done. Can hardly wait to see it finished!


I am team Phillip! Definitely break through :)


Team Philip, bust through that wall!


✨Philip was just made for Chateau de Lalande, he has so many skills and talents, and the passion so necessary for this beautiful renovation task! ✨👏🏼What a perfect match he is for you Stephanie, I hope you treasure every part of this adventure and the joy of working together, you are writing this chapter of Lalande’s history and giving so much joy to us in the process🤩 Thank you!! - team Philip of course, ALWAYS extra- surprises, storages, doors, secrets, always go for extra 😂🙌🏼 (and behind that door, could there be a picture of the beautiful couple whose passion and dedication created that beautiful restoration? Future owners will want to see you! And a pic of the team too of course 💗)