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Hello everyone! 

I want to let you all know that tonight's Patreon video will be out on Friday instead of today. We are filming an additional small project for Chateau DIY, which has turned out to be both far more exciting - and more time-consuming - than expected! 

Throughout the night, we'll continue working on the project and I'll be filming a behind-the-scenes video of it for you, which I will release as soon as it launches on Channel 4 in the UK. Our wait won't be very long this time as the new series should be out in the early autumn. You will all see it before it's shown on The Chateau Diaries.

I can't describe how excited I am at the thought of sharing it with you all! Whilst the project is small, it's very emotional because it's linked to my father's art. As a little hint, it has something to do with the painting shown here...

See you on Friday in a special Patreon video about a wonderful piece of furniture that I've bought for the grand salon, and, until then

Lots of love from Lalande,

Stephanie x




That's my favorite painting by your father and I am sooo excited to see what you've been up to ❤️

Sabine Goetz

Your father's artwork is so beautiful!

Jillian Lubetkin

Can’t see this video as it doesn’t have a Play button. Still image?


So exciting- can’t wait


Looking forward to it.


This pattern would be lovely as a large needle point. Can someone design this for that purpose? There is a large world of needle pointers out there, including my daughter.


Looking forward to it! Love this painting 😍


Nick and Maree have a dog visitors have dogs. I fully believe if the chateau has animals a dog should be one of them.


I love your fathers artwork. And I have always loved this painting!