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Projects Update & Heating News!

A very special thank you to all of you who have become Patrons of the Chateau de Lalande. You have made The Chateau Diaries one of the top 400 Patreon accounts in the world, and have transformed not only our lives here, but the future of this beautiful chateau! I’m overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity. On behalf of this beautiful chateau that will continue to survive and flourish because of you, thank you!!!



Hello darling Stephanie!! So happy you posted! I slipped and fell and can’t really walk well and have run out of things to watch lol You are just in the nick of time! Much love ❤️


Heating first.


Heating for overall comfort. Especially if the facade is just cosmetic.


You know best ! It is your house ! Good people everywere do the trick !!


HEATING - first and foremost- being warm and comfortable is a core physical need - yes you are very used to managing the cold but hey now you dont have to anymore - thats what you needed to do because you had no choice- you did not have the money to sort the heating- now you do PLEASE PLEASE sort the core need of proper heating in your home - thats my opinion


The facade fits with all the outdoor improvements.


I vote heating, Steph. You all need to be comfortable living in the house and the facade can wait another year.


Absolutely the heating first, and preferably in one go.


Hi I think you definitely need to sort the heating out, you all need to be warm and comfortable and the heating will stop mould and damp Please heat the Chateau. X 🙂


Heating first. Get the bones done before you start on the cosmetic.


Alanna - hope you recover soon-and in the meantime the lovely La Landers can keep you company


If anything is detrimental on the facade, like leaving it will cause the budget to fix later to increase substantially, then do what you must on that, but I would say heating should be first and foremost.


Heating first Stephanie not so much for yourself , workers nor volunteers but simply for Paying Guests for they are the people who complain ! You do not need complaints X Lalande has to be a business first and foremost, and they complain !!!


I vote for heat.


Heating first..it's so important.


Since it's difficult to find a good plumber and you've found a good and reliable plumber now, best to go with heating.


That’s a good point to consider actually with rising costs of materials.


We have geothermal here in our house in Kentucky now and we can increase the heat or cooling or decrease. It’s very cost affective. Maybe you should have some quotes on an upgrade on it.

Mary Jane Kolesar

You could ask some of your fellow Chateau vlogers about the pellet heating system... if the heating can be done in stages, is it feasible to focus first on bedrooms that are occupied to try and accommodate Winter living and therefore work on facade at same time?


Heating!!!!!!! The facade is fun and cute but only cosmetic. Heating is part of the structure and integrity of a house. Also, you are hosting people with your gite and bnb, I think it’s important that their room are comfortable


Absolutely the heat first Stephanie. I would also think it would be most cost effective to get it all done at once. Please get that sorted before any new projects, I for one want you all to be warm. And you never know when a particularly severe winter might occur.


My first comment since becoming a patron! ;) Most definitely the heating. The facade won't provide comfort and health to you all next winter, but the heating will. The facade can still eventually happen...and who knows? Maybe sooner than later?


In my brain I started thinking as IF I was pondering on our own home in March. I am voting with the FACADE work FIRST and HEATING plans SECOND. Now that I said that lol I am wondering if BOTH aren’t possible at the same time? What I mean is since the facade is a little underway continue with this and see it through until you hit a stand still (which we have all witnessed in France planning approvals) it means working outside while the weather permits it. Then during your “pauses” in the facade stages you can get the quote & details from the heating dude and have them ready to submit (if needed approved) to the planning commission. Honestly you and the LaLanders have learned to dress for the chill in the château over the years & I have faith the heating will improve come winter in some way. The facade is very CRUCIAL to the structure of the château not just in looks, correct? I want to see you with all your walls standing to enjoy the heating heehee. Hugs from Michigan, USA 🇺🇸 🤗


I vote for heating, as well. Also, can I ask . . . where is Ian the builder?


Heating first - if you do the facade first and the heating gets messy you may have to redo some facade work!

Georgette Jones

Glad to see you relaxed and love seeing you doing your projects again❣️


It's the jangling bangle bracelets and Phillip's imitation for me.... Heating first!


Maslow’s hierarchy of needs tells me heat is more fundamental than the façade.


We would enjoy your comfort as number one! No more hot water bottles!


The heat. The heating will be more beneficial to the building and to everyone who lives at the Chateau. I would feel exactly the same as you do, the facade is more exciting but unfortunately sometimes, we just have to wait for the fun bits!


Hi Stephanie! I’d say the heating is much more important to do first. Loved the clip of Isabel “arm dancing “😂.


Heating first , will help to preserve all the wonderful tapestries, carpets, and artwork. Also will be wonderful for visitors!


Your comfort is more important. Get the heating done. And if you can, insulate and fix windows so your electric bill is better. The facade can wait. Wishing you the best!


I vote heating.


Would it be better to get all who are currently living permanently at LaLande as well as Nick, Marie and Michael being owners and regularly visit to sit down and have a vote on what they would prefer? On a side note, is Kirsty still gardening? With spring coming, would the walled garden be ready for planting again?


My opinion is the heating as it preserves the interior of what you have done so far. Is there technology to transform the wood from your property into pellets? I had a BnB in Nova Scotia which was much smaller than your chTeau and just the heating per month was $600.00 in 2004. But, had a friend who heated hers with pellets at half the cost. Love you and your endeavours! ❤️🇨🇦


Hello! We too are looking at pellet systems, to get off our oil furnace. The thing I am struggling with is the size of the storage area required for the pellets - some diagrams show a whole other building! So, not sure if that influences what order it makes sense to do things in - if you need to repurpose an area in the chateau for the storage, you might want to set that up before having to retrofit on a new facade? So many things to consider!


Yes, she is still here and getting on with preparing the walled garden for the season. I filmed her today so she will be in tomorrow’s Chateau Diaries 😊


It’s tricky isn’t it! I’ll go over our heating quote with you when it arrives, it might help you decide for your chateau!


Definitely the facade if you can suffer another year on the heating . You can’t complete the landscaping until the facade is addressed. In the end it’s really up to the occupants and guests.


HEATING! I also think the pellet system is the best. I know Billy has that and a few other chateau owners use it and love it. The facade is exciting but not as important. It seems the plumber you found is good to go and a knows his stuff - get while the getting is good. You have grown expedientially so the new equipment and laptop are much needed for sure - things should be much more efficient and in the long run keeps costs down.

Olivia Bakke

Heating first. I have confidence that you will have the money to start other projects in a rolling manner over the coming year.


I’d say the facade first. But if the planning permission & the reworking of the windows takes longer; do the heating first. It’s your decision really. But thank you for asking for our input. 😊❤️


Can you help the chapel restorer to fix his truck with cadeaux or patreon money? What is going on with him?


i think facade would be more interesting and a visible difference- is it the whole facade around the chateau? HOWEVER with any building the basics come first and heating has to be on that list. Could there be an advantage of extending the B&B open season for events and guests by an extra 2-3 months a year if the heating is to a more required standard for that purpose, (that in turn will earn more money). maybe await the quote and see if its possible just to do the front facade this year with heating and the rest to wait?


Heating....your so use to not having it, you will be so happy that you do! .....I think...LOL...ok, let the others decide, ignore me.


Heating every time ! The facade will make a huge visual impact for anyone approaching the chateau but the heating will make a huge comfort impact on those living in the chateau ! I would focus on the inside this year and the outside next year but that's me having moved into a house that at LAST has good central heating after years of living in a cold house with a disfunctioning boiler. xoxo


My vote is for the heating. It could be sometime before the facade can start so may as well crack on. Also makes sense to get it sorted so it can be done and I place ready for the room renovations. Ultimately do what you want though. You need to stay true to yourself! Xx


I'd say get the heating in. Imagine no hot water bottle 😍😍😍




No brainer, definitely heating.


Although not exciting, it needs to be the heating.


I'm afraid that I must vote for heating first and hopefully ALL of it! If you have a lovely warm home you can get Mummy and Percy to come for Christmas!! You 'could if you wanted to" open all year around. The extra heat in the house will protect your furnishings, draperies and the new paneling. Please please do heating first.


For me? Absolutely heating. The chateau is already beautiful outside even if not the way you'd like it to look in the end. Everyone will be comfortable and I think more ready to work and enjoy life inside the chateau. Now While the Grand Salon is still in progress and many things unfinished inside, this is the time to secure one fundamental of life in the Chateau.


Hi Lalanders, for me it is also the first time commenting. I would like to add to the heating/Façade debate that your façade might benefit from the heating being done before the façade. The heating will change the microclimate of the house and therefore also affect the walls. Also for the pellet heating: is there an option to also use the wood from your forest? Thank you very much for the joyful videos!


I'm voting for the heating as well; never good to risk a cold house getting damp issues.


You can actually make your own pellets from your own wood, the machine is a bit pricey but it's something to consider; xo


After thinking it over as if it were my property, I would definitely get the heat done first while you have a plumber and the money. Future Stephanie will probably thank you. The weather/climate has been so unpredictable. I think it’s important for the building to be heated and pipes protected from freezing etc even if the residents can manage as it is. Hopefully there will be a way to do it in phases. You’ll make the best decision in the end. Keep asking questions until you feel sure❤️


Okay, there are many valid points here regarding the heating. Change my vote to heating 🤪


I am with you that the facade is more exciting, but I think the heating is the logical first step. As long as the redoing of the facade has nothing to do with the structure of the Chateau, it can wait. Fixing the heating isn't only for your, your friends, your families,or the volunteers comfort, it's also a part of your business. If having a warm Chateau means you can have the BNB open a month or two more during the year, that means a possibility of more income, then you should do it. I am so happy that you are starting finding a better work/life balance. I have to say I miss the Tuesday Diaries, but your mental and physical health is so much more important. I am also glad to see that you didn't post your patreon video at 3 in the morning as the latest few have been. Please don't stay up all night just to get us the video "on time" Have you considered changing one of your upload dates so it's a bit more spread out during the week? For us it's two days with videos, one day of, two days with videos an then two days of starting from a Sunday, but for non patreon it is two days on, two days of, one day on and two days of. Writing the schedule out, it doesn't seem so bad actually but it's just a thought.


Heating first. I think this is a core requirement of a building (existing structure) , along with roof, electrics, foundation. …….as long as the facade is water tight and not causing any problems which are currently deteriorating the building


I apologize, I'm not sure if this has been asked or addressed, but why not replace the windows? Wouldn't that reduce the amount of heat needed overall, or was that because they would be related to the facade?


Isabel has a great way to stay in shape, more fun than lifting weights! When it comes to the chateau's temperature control, I think it would be ideal to work on that first. You are getting a lot of antiques to decorate with, the grand salon paneling, I think those things need to be stored in temperature control environments, so they stay in good shape. :)


LOL Isabelle is just simply the best!!!!


Heathing first , you might have mommy staying all winter then !


Just thought: it might be a massive relief & a lack of stress to have the heating fixed. I can see it’s been a source of worry & stress. Whilst I’m dying to see the façade complete; you can’t underestimate fixing a problem that’s stressful. Love to you all! 😊❤️🇫🇷✨


Heating first then the facade


I would have to agree with other comments Stephanie. I really think it is crucial to have that building properly heated. You could then look at extending your season and generate more income to go towards exterior.




I would choose the heating system first, and all in one go if that is the most cost effective way. If all at once, your tradespeople can also perhaps schedule all the time necessary and get it done quickly as not to disrupt your wonderful other projects.


I would go for the heating system. But will you still be able to use the geothermal on the main living level or keep it as a backup system in case of loss of electrical power? Also having seen the system as Billy’s chateau, it is huge. Where would it go? Where would you store the pellets and who would be responsible for stoking the system. On another note, what is happening with the restoration of the chapel?


I think the heating is something you should look at first. Even if it’s done in sections.


If the heat will effect the facade, then do the heat first. Plus, doing the heat first would allow you to keep the B&B open longer. This may allow more money for the facade more quickly. Since it will take a while to get planning permission for the facade, don't wait to do the heating.


love mummy xx


I vote heating x


Thanks for the update. Bird in hand.... get the heating done. The facade will have to be after the guest season anyway at this rate.


Heating first


Heating first. As others have said, a controlled climate will help preserve the many lovely things in the chateau including the wallpaper. The facade may also be affected by the change in building temperature.


Oh my, your mom is such a peach! That was very entertaining (and endearing) exercise. As was your vlog, with all the lovely updates. But to your query of us...I vote wholeheartedly for the heating. Love and warm hugs! ❤️


Hello! First time commenting since becoming a patron :) I vote for the heating first too. I've been watching past videos and I was wondering if I missed news on the chapel restoration... is that still on? I would love to know it's finally happening this year :)


I would do the heating system first. And who new the moves Mummy could rock in a car - what priceless memories ❣️


Heat❤️… Rock on Isabelle💃🏻


The Perthricks have a pellet burner for their chateau. Looks very efficient! I say go with ‘heat for health’ - I feel cold watching the Lalanders layer up🥶


Heating...Geo-thermal and solar back up source of energy too


I vote heating!


Any update on the Chapel restorer ?


PS: The bromance and the car “dancing”—oh I needed those laughs! You have such a delightful family (and friends!)


Hi Stephanie, My two pennies worth. Get the heat done first, May be have a phased heating where you can reduce or shut down parts of the Chateau in winter to reduce running costs. Then geothermal should stay and be improved as that should be about a third of the total heating output. I think pellet is quite expensive as I seem to remember that was the reason Billy Pethric moved out of the chateau during the winter. Also insulation and double glazing is the solution too. With the new computer I would move to SSD external drive for your Video Files, the benefits are they are smaller, light and faster than those HDD LaCie drives I think you use at the moment and you could connect a second screen to help with the editing process. Best wishes Si & Jackie.


Definitely the heating👍


Unless the facade is causing immediate structural damage, I'd say sort out the plumbing/heating first. Having efficient and effective heating will save money in the long run, will protect any expensive woodwork, repairs, etc that is being done by keeping a more stable temp, and make life immediately more comfortable. Also, any leaks in the old plumbing will not only be a distraction from other projects in time, money, and effort to repair, but can potentially cause significant damage. Having renovated a few old houses and built one from scratch that was totally off-grid, getting things protected from weather and dealing with structure/infrastructure was always the first priority. Also, having the occasional lie down after exciting "surprises" is a pro tip :) You are doing an amazing job navigating the complexities of such a large project - keep surrounding yourself with competent, loving, and humorous people, remember to breathe and have the occasional lie down and medicinal gin, and the end result will be magnificent!


Well, practically the heating of course. But if the heating can be done in stages maybe pair that with the facade stage you planned on doing? So central building with front facade?


I’m sure you’ll make the right decision. I know from experience that it is frustrating to spend money where it can’t be seen. I lean on the side of doing the heat. My idea is that you have many fine and valuable antiques. The pianos are something you may want to consider. Antiques and old fabrics need to be kept within a certain temperature and humidity range. Just a thought.


Heating. Agree with comments that hearing would allow you to open the chateau in cooler seasons which could make up a little revenue. Or maybe you could do it in phases, and do some of each and have the best of both worlds! Best wishes and lots of love!


Heating first, I think the façade can easily wait another year


Isabelle “Is there no privacy? It is my exercise music!” Percy patting her leg, “It’s alright!” 🥰😍🥰😍😂😂😂💙💗

Lynne Sands

Heating first, boring but so important for everyone’s comfort and to protect the inside of the chateau. The facade has waited a long time so a few more months wait will not hurt.


Yes, heating should probably come first. Would you ever consider having a few special Christmas season openings for guests if the heating was fixed? You all have such fun in December! I bet people would pay premium pricing to get to enjoy some of the fun! I like the idea of also investigating solar panels. I’m also a little confused about why the lake is so important. Now, don’t get me wrong, I understand the ecological & environmental import of having it back. But you don’t live inside the lake whereas the heating & the facade make up an actual structure that continues to breakdown if it isn’t repaired. I know you’ve got things in progress, but could they be put on hold to allow for the repairs on the structure?


🥰I’m glad you are taking more time to consciously enjoy your wonderful life which you share with all of us!💕💕 (a proper heating system is more important at the moment, not only for warmth but also to prevent other damage from leaks)


The chapel restoration relies heavily on the availability of the specialist restorer and, as he is an older gentleman, he is probably not working during the cold of the winter. Hopefully, he will be available at some point this year to get cracking on it.


Well everything about this video was wonderful!!The best part was Isabelle’s car dancing to her exercise music 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣LMAO waiting for her reaction when she found out you were filming 🤣🤣QUESTION: why is Amaury working on the marquise’s sitting room first instead of the grand salon??? I assume it has to do with the C4 filming schedule. Just curious. Referring to Steve/Sara’s comment about pellet storage, possibly store them in the room Marie was using as her floral studio if it’s big enough. I say HEATING FIRST. Façade next year after all the construction and planting dust is finished that way the new facade would stay cleaner.


Heating first


Please please please do the heating first. For the long-term, it's probably what is best for the building. The beautiful facade can wait one more year.


Definitely the heating first! ❤️

Kelly Kehoe Nichols

If you are confident with this Plummer, parts are available & you can book him now - heating first.

Julie Chittenden

If it were me, unless the facade would protect the building, I would do the heating. It's important for you all to be comfortable. Look at it this way, things like wall paneling and artwork do better when the temperature is regulated. However, if the facade is needed to keep the structure safe, do that first. That's about as clear as mud, isn't it? :)


Heating first vote


I'm very happy everyone's saying heating. I think we're all excited for the facade but cosmetic work shouldn't come before comfort in my opinion


Heating for me before facade. Have you considered an AIR to WATER system? I know many people here in Ireland that find it amazing. I'm not sure though how it would translate to a large chateau.


Heating gets my vote.


If those of you who live at La Lande are good with extra sweaters and cuddling up, I say do the facade!


Heating I would do 1st.


Most definitely the heating, that way maybe some of your volunteers and guests would stay through the winter months and mommy and Percy could spend more time there. If that’s what they want to do.


Heating heating heating. Plant up those lovely borders again and the facade looks so much better anyway. I’m not sure you could look everyone in the face if you had a nice facade while housemates froze next winter.


Heating first. However if any of the garden work will make it difficult to access the facade to work on it, then I would address those sections. If any outside work needs to be done to add the additional boilers then that should be considered as well. Lots of moving parts.


Heating first. I think I recall reading once that some places in the UK do a part exchange of wood and money for pellets. There may be something similar in France..?


Heating is important for the long term care and condition of the chateau. I'd expect dividing the job into bits will make more mess and risk more leaks in the long run. Even though I look forward to seeing the facade restored, the windows balanced and whatever landscaping will be planted by the walls installed I think having the interior temperature moderated in probably the most important conservation project for the chateau.


I would say that the heating is the most important issue right now. The facade is wonderful but maybe wait one more year for that.


I honestly don’t know. He’s told my mother that he is unwell again. I’m hoping that he’s just waiting for warmer weather, which would make a lot of sense


I vote heating but I do realize the facade would be more gratifying.


I have asked if it would be possible to make our own pellets in the future, so I’m waiting to hear back about that


Definitely the heating Stephanie even if just one part is completed before next winter. Love and hugs 🫂 🤗


Stephanie, I understand your preference for the facade, but unfortunately the most logical/practical is the heating…whether we like it or not.


They are related to the façade, but we’re also planning to do them. Amaury will be replacing the grand salon windows with double glazing as he works on that room.


Heating first!


The comfort of yourself, your guests and volunteers should perhaps be a priority, so heating gets my vote. The façade, whilst needing repairs/alterations still looks rustic and beautiful as is, it can be done later. Just my thoughts!


We are debating whether or not to keep the existing system, too. The new system would definitely be huge, it would probably go in Amaury’s workshop (he would move to the stables until finding a location further from bedrooms - it frustrates him not to be able to start working early in the morning so as not to disturb guests in the apartment above!) The pellets would be stored in the same room and the boilers are self-stoking, using a suction method. I am still waiting to hear more from the chapel restorer, who has delayed again due to ill health.


Heating definitely the priority!


HEAT will help preserve the chateau. Ask Amaury what extreme temperatures does to wood. Sorry Stephanie but the responsible thing to do is fix the heating. And it will make it much more comfortable for the Lalande family.


Any update on the chapel?


Heating should be the priority of,the two projects


I vote heating. Does KIRSTY the gardener still work at Lalande? Havnt seen her for ages x


Definitely, the heating should have priority! Thank you for asking our opinion. And, by the way, the last clip of your mummy is just precious. Hope she's continuing to heal well from her eye surgery. xoxo


That’s what Amaury’s parents use and they love it. The plumber isn’t convinced it’s right for a building of this size, though


The facade! If people are cold they will move more and perhaps get more done! What’s the point of heating empty rooms given you don’t operate the bnb in winter.


I love that your Mom is 18 inside .


The plumber is available now. The facade will happen at the right time, as well. Please do the heating. Maybe mummy would be happier to come back sooner if there’s heating. 🥰


Definitely the heating …water & leaks can cause a lot of damage & you don’t want to spoil the beautiful work you have already done xx


Heating first! It will give everyone a more comfortable time over winter.


Heating first! Aside from from obvious comfort, I will personally miss the iconic blue shutters when the facade is changed. Mummy is adorable as always 😂


The facade! and if there is a way we might Gift some money for the heating along with our Patreon for the ones who want you to have heat too. when you get a $Number let us know. You know you never have to ask we all want the best for you. all we need is a way to do it.


Hi Stephanie. For sure the heating!!! I do not want you lovely people to be cold again for another winter. Big hugs from Vegas


Absolutely the heating. You guys have been freezing. It’s a must do if you are to be able to inhabit the Chateau in the winters going forward.


I say heating and plumbing


Hi Stephanie, I would go with the heating first. It’s not as sexy as the facade but more necessary.


Heating for sure! you need to make yourselves comfortable during those long winters and alleviate the stress and worry about leaks damaging the chateau. Facade can wait.

Susan Hagadon

heating, poor Nati is a Popsicle


Heating first, the facade will be a longer project. Is there possibly be some parts you can start on at a lower cost for the facade.? The heating at a more efficient method would be more cost and time efficient,


Heating. I know it might be disappointing, but Function over Fashion. While you and your housemates may cope with the cold, what about the volunteers, guests, contractors, the chateau building, the contents, and your priceless collectables? The cold, damp and leaks may be doing more damage than you think.


Looks like I’m on my own with this but I was going to say the façade. We’re going into summer and like you said, cold is something you get used to. Plus you have electric so there’s electric blankets/heaters that can be used short term. The façade plans look amazing, it’s going to look great once it’s done.


Heating I think


Your mother is too funny! xx


The heating and plumbing without a doubt! It will ensure that life in the Chateau is comfortable for everyone living there. The facade will not, it is cosmetic. Heating the chateau also keeps it in better shape. Damages caused by leaks is a further expense whereas the facade can stay as is for another year or two without costing a lot more money to do it further down the line.


Definitely do the heating because once finished, you could rent apartments even when it gets colder, thus increasing income. And with all the tall summer sunflowers planted by Dan, they did a good job in 2021 hiding the lower parts of the chateau facade. I Laughed when you said you loved updates from Nick the Tree surgeon as I am totally with you on that; before that, i thought a wood is just a bunch of trees! And the same with Dan and Kirsty in the garden, i though I’d love everything about flowers but find vegetable/fruit planting and harvesting fascinating. Regarding your question from Venice when you asked about splitting your channels for Lalande Chateau Life vs other pursuits, and whether it is confusing/irritating for viewers. Some people love Chateau Diaries like some people love watching Coronation Street (but not East Enders, for example), following the trials and tribulations of the characters - how would they feel if these beloved characters went off to join occasional episodes of East Enders? With YouTube algorithms, if you post Sunday vlogs about life other than Lalande, some subscribers might not bother to click on those vlogs which might affect your algorithm. A new channel dedicated to other pursuits might be better, allowing your 2-3 dedicated Chateau Diaries vlogs to always get the most views when you post, with no one skipping a non-Lalande vlog. Your new YouTube manager will have the best insight on how to proceed.


I think heating. Sorry! For some reason it seems more sensible to do this in light of such global uncertainty. But I can’t really say why I think this. How is mummy now after her eye surgery? ( I may have missed an update as I’m behind on the vlogs ).


I say poll the people who most often stay in the chateau. They are the ones who are affected by the lack of heating. Also, is there damage that could be done by putting the heating off? Great video today! So lovely to see Nati and Amaury. Nati is so loving and kind it shows in the way she cares for Amaury when he is sick. She reminds me of Isabelle looking after you all.


P.S. - I vote heating first, especially if it can be managed in stages


Definitely the heating, you have struggled with the cold long enough. The facade would be nice, but heating is a necessity


Heating first


As someone who is from a warm clime, Florida, and who thinks our winters are cold - LOL yes I know how that sounds to people who live in actual cold :D - I add my vote to those saying to do the heating first. Also, it’s fascinating to me to see all that is involved with the radiators/heating systems…I know nothing of different heating systems (pellets? What? What kind? Why is that better? Etc). I really enjoy learning about new things, so I am really interested to see how all this plays out. 💕 And Mummy dancing in the car was absolutely classic - as was her surprise that she was filmed! Hahaha, she needs to come back to the chateau ASAP. ❤️


I would suggest asking Amaury his opinion on the heating considering the fortune in wood paneling he is installing. I would imagine head or lack of would have a significant affect on the wood.


I never post…but this is important. Heating is number one. By heating the rooms, apartments and Chateau, people will come because they know they will be warm and comfortable. They will not get chilled and sick. There is income coming in. You can put side a bit of it for the facade. The facade had been like it is for some time, it can wait another year. Love you all…Lynn


Heating absolutely first


I do have a question, can the heating system be divided into two systems. One being an area that is used all the time, and another one being used infrequently. The other thing is do you have to worry about mold forming when no heat is used? Something you don’t need! Bye for now. Love Lynn


I definitely vote for heating as I hate to see you all suffer through another winter wrapped up in jackets, blankets and hot water bottles.


Heat! Definitely the heat!


Hi Stephanie, definitely heating. Yes, not as sexy, but more important I think.


...so glad you are having more balance, I was getting stressed knowing you were stressed and as much as I love your vlogs, it has to be enjoyable for you. I still don't know how you are going to fit in your new channel with Oliver, but I'm sure you will figure it out. Thank you for the update, it is indeed all very exciting. x


It's wonderful that you've found someone to address the plumbing and leaks. If the upgrade will help protect all the interior investments from being damaged by water leaks and climate, that would make a good case for heating first.


Can you repurpose the geo thermal to the apartments like Mummy, Nati and Michael’s? That could perhaps save some funds?


Normally I don’t write a comment I just hide in the background and enjoy each vlog immensely!! However I just had to watch this one twice because I just LOVED Isabelle’s car dancing!! I will always remember this song now thinking of the dance 💃 I call “the Isabelle” I think it could catch on, just look at how quick Phillip took it up! 😉 Isabelle & Percy you both are so missed at LaLande along with Gerry who we a blessed to see more often. I am so happy parents and kids got to spend some much needed quality time together in SA. Y’all make our hearts so full with love & laughter! THANK YOU!


Heating! Apart from the comfort, imagine not having to worry about radiator leaks! Great way to exercise, Mummy!


Gorgeous video! I’d go for the facade as if not done it may delay the gardening projects which need to be done sequentially and seasonally. Also the heating requirements will decrease as you now head into spring and summer. You will have time to save extra funds while heading into next winter. It may also allow for more insulation to be added to the roof spaces to reduce heating needs and costs. Also if the heating can be done in stages perhaps the main ground floor areas could be completed first along with the major equipment such as the pellet burner installation. The ground floor rooms are used by everyone during the day and would get the greatest bang for your buck. The bedrooms are mainly used at night time and electric blankets, throws and quilts and hot water bottles etc can create heat at night. Loved seeing Gerry, Isabelle and Percy again! Isabelle’s dancercize was amazing! You need to buy her cheerleader pom-poms! 😍 And yes don’t worry about Tuesday or so many Sunday videos! You seem much more relaxed and enjoying life at LaLande without so much pressure. Keep it up! Life is for living!


Heating is essential. I would prioritize that. The façade is strictly aesthetic, although any structural issues related to the exterior should be addressed if they represent a risk to the building itself, such as leakage around windows, foundation matters, etc. If so, then you will need to balance that with the need for heating. Removing shutters and similar less costly items could be accomplished if they fit within your budget. Likewise, the lake is not an essential.


I understand your desire to control the accounting but your time is so valuable. Can you hire a part timer to do the actual input for you?


Totes go with the heating 👍


Heating first


What I hate most about European heating is how hot it is inside then you go outside and it’s freezing! Better to invest in the efficiency of the building itself, burning pellets sounds unsustainable and won’t help get to Net zero!


I agree with everyone above on team heating and predict it will unlock so much creativity within the house AND might even end up being serendipitous in some way that we can’t even know of yet, as so many projects at LeLande end up being. Perhaps something about the facade will be discovered by the plumbers and then thank goodness you did the heating first!! And while I will thoroughly enjoy the facade being done, I will also appreciate the old facade for as long as it remains. I think I’ll always have an affinity for it as it was the first time I saw a video. I still love seeing the old courtyard in the opening sequence and will rejoice when a new opening sequence is made while still missing the before.


Definitely go for the heating. It's part of the bones of the place. It won't make any sense to have a beautiful exterior if people are freezing inside of it. Plus, once the heating is fixed, you have options for a longer season, which is a good investment for the future.


Do the heat dear , the facade has been there for ions and can be fixed last ! Be warm good for morale.


I would always say heating first. Your guests, the people that live there, and definitely you Stephanie, should be warm and comfortable, always. I know yes you can put extra jumpers on, but you should not have to. Maybe get the vote of the people that live there rather than us? I pay $$ here to give you the ability to do what you think is best, so if you feel the exterior is more important, then that is fine too :). thank you for sharing mummies exercise routine! Loved it :) and esp her reaction when she realised there is no privacy :)


Do the heating and I would suspect it would be cheaper, less destructive and less time consuming to get it done all in one go


Hey, just wondering, this is v minor, but was v excited to get it. I think I missed out on the Christmas cards sent? :(


Oh Mummy, I miss you soooooo much. Love from Oz. xx


Whoa! This is a tough one. I know the wood pallet systems are popular in Europe, but their environmental friendliness may be questionable. I would investigate that carefully. It seems a waste to abandon the geo-thermal, if it can be used effectively in at least some areas and / or still used to supplement the new system. I guess I would ask which will most positively effect the building, itself: the heating or the façade? (You don't have paying guests in Winter, that might be a consideration, also.) It was so nice to hear Dan & Amaury bantering, again! And Isabel in the car was priceless!!


Heating. everyone has already said most things for the pro-heating argument. But, since you also want outdoor visible progress, why not focus on the terrace? That is the part that seems the most structurally unsound and I would think that the stairs will definitely need to be addressed when you do th leveling out of that area. I would also think that the terrace flooring would need to be stable so that scaffolding could be safely used on the back anyway. So, I would focus on heat and IF any funds for the facade are available- work on the terrace and getting those stairs on the correct level based on Davie's measurements. Then things will be warm and safe for the next part of the job.


Isabelle's ability to embrace joy the way a child would surely helps keep her youthful! Maybe we should all take a page out of that book! Regarding the decision about the facade and the heating, I think it would be wise to talk with the people who know best about potential cost delays and the impact on the building. Some comments have suggested that heating would benefit the paneling. It will certainly impact it, and Amaury's input on that is important. Other comments have suggested that delaying with the facade will delay Davy's garden plans. You've mentioned that it might take some time before you receive approval on the exterior plans from the local planning authority. This might be a naive question, but is there an expiration date on the approval of those plans if it takes too long to get things done? It seems to me that you need to have a group chat with Davy and Amaury and the architect, possibly also the plumber, at a minimum to discuss the best way forward and give them the opportunity to all think holistically about the coordination of the various projects, but I'm no project manager, so my thoughts may be less than helpful.


I feel as though we all have opinions on what to do, but in the end, it’s your home. You do what’s right for you and your house guests. The people that live in the château every day, should decide if they feel comfortable with heating or going ahead with the facade. I trust you with your decisions. You know what’s best for your home and guests! Just my opinion! ☺️


Hands down. Heating needs to come first. Besides, it will extend your B&B season to make more money to pay for the facade. Hugs from across the pond!


Isabelle is adorable. Well, my vote is for the heating. It won't hurt for the facade to wait a little while longer.


Oh my goodness!! I will be smiling for a long time remembering Mummy doing her "exercises" to music. Soooo cute!


I can totally understand the desire to finally getting to work on the facade but I think heating is probably the more sensible first step, and it will be good to have it installed before you get started on any new areas of decorating. Mummy's dancing is truly a delight and always lifts the spirits! <3


Now I do need to respond to your request for feedback about the heating vs facade issue. Definitely the heating. No question. Who knows ... I may come sometime in the winter and I like to be cosy warm! hehehe


Heating seems like a winner. You have reliable plumber for the heating task and you have to wait on approval for the exterior so heating seems the way forward! I agree with the others though, you and the inhabitants of the Chateau should make the decision and not worry about the viewers.


Hello friends! I am definitely on team "heating". Not only will it keep you toasty, but might prevent mold from developing in the winter month . Love Life and Laughter


Ha ha I just loved Isabella’s impromptu dancing cheered me up after a bad day 😄 Well hearing or facade ….. having renovated myself I know how you feel about £ spent on things you can’t see so the facade would be lovely - but - heating probably more important 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ maybe do a voting session with those who live there ? The woods will be stunning once done and I think that’s money well spent - Armoury seems very busy …, oh I was so pleased to hear the wooden stakes in rhe courtyard will be coming down I thought it was a long term fixture and just wasn’t liking it sorry but can now see once down the longer term plan ! Thank you for sharing xx


Please go with the heating. The facade can wait for another tear if need be.


Heating is number one! The facade will come in due time!


GO, Isabelle!!! That was marvelous. I especially loved it because I do the same thing. :)


As someone who walks around her house with a blanket around her shoulders, I vote for heating. Loved Isabelle’s car dance! So happy!


As to the funds and how to use them, Stephanie, I completely understand your desire to see the exterior finished and glistening. But I did wonder about the practicality of having the new heating system installed. It seems to me it would be cost efficient to change the system and save the money you mentioned, thereby having a bit extra in the coffers for the facade. I also think it might be more comfortable for those who live there and those who visit to have heat in the chateau. But I, like you, am always lured by beauty, so if the facade wins, I get it.

Kimberly Dale

Plumbing & Heating🙋🏻‍♀️Go hand in hand…Loved Percy’s caring is sharing & Isabells aerobics … The world is a mess doing cozy homey things is lovely & needed to help feel grounded …Love&Blessings Always xoxo 💛🖼😊🙏🌷


I would look at that which is necessary...heating.


The temperature affects the integrity of all you’re doing inside. So unless the structure of the chateau is at risk due to the condition of the facade, I would start with the heating. Plus you’ve got a competent plumber who is available - a sign from Henri perhaps? 😉


Heating first….warm Lalanders = Happy Lalanders! 🥰😘🔥


Heating first, definitely my vote.




Hi Stephanie, I vote for heating! No more leaks and potential damage to your walls and floors!


I think the heating as well - you’ll want to keep the indoor environment as controlled as you can to not adversely affect all the beautiful things being done to the interior. And no more leaks!


I am a professional engineer whose job for the last umpteen years has been designing HVAC systems. My chateau located about 2 1/2 hours drive south of LaLande we have been working on for the last 5 years, and our primary task has been insulating and changing to all double glazed windows. I have also design several geo-exchange systems including one that serves about 500 houses. The sizing of heating system sounds a bit high to me but there are so many variables it is too soon to say how accurate it is. I would love to drop by and check your chateau out and even perhaps carry out a sizing of the heating system. Selma is going to visit us in April or May so we may be able to do something together. I believe it is better to insulate when you can and put in a smaller heating system than put in a large system and then find it is oversized later on.


I think the heating should be done. Loved Isabelle's car exercises. Can't wait to see the woods and gardens come alive.


Poor mummies privacy!!!! Lol Façade or heating???? Is the structure of the chateau compromised by not getting the facade done Or the heating system upgraded???? If the answer is yes to one or both of them, then do which ever one will have the biggest impact.


Sorry Stephanie, I think the heating should be first. You go Isabella!👏😃


Heating keeps everyone comfortable. Heating!

Leah Hamdaoui

heating keeps you warm and out of the way of nasty cold related illnesses!!! The facade has stood for hundreds of years, looks already good and surely can wait a little longer :-)


I’ve thought about it!!!! Your still planning the façade and waiting to hear what you can do, so I would say that can wait… Heating, you seem to have found a good plumber and who is available very soon, make the most of it and get it done….

Debbie Jeffries

If it was up to me, I would do the heating first. I think you should have the LaLanders take a vote. Maybe send a pole to them all and go with the group consensus. I enjoyed this video so much. The bromance of Dan and Aumary lives strong. Isabelle’s car dance at the end made me smile. She seems very happy in South Africa. Sending my love to you all 😍🥰😘


As much as I always want to do the fun stuff, have to have a good foundation and heating is part of that. I think you'll regret it down the road if you don't just do it. And you have a great plumber so don't lose that opportunity. So many other beautiful things going outside, the facade can wait.


Mummy is SO ADORABLE!! And I love when Phillip flips shit to those around him, no more wall flower! As for the heat vs facade... heat seems like a need and the facade seems like it's more of a want or lower priority need.

Allie Murray

Hi Stephanie. Thanks for the update! So glad you’re enjoying crafting. I like watching the different craft projects you get up to. I say if you feel better doing less videos and feel more connected and able to enjoy life more, then that’s the way to go. I don’t mind less videos. For the heating vs. facade debate, I would personally vote for heat. I get cranky when I’m cold so I always want good heating. 😄 On the other hand if you are used to it and it doesn’t bother most people I say then put it towards the facade. Hope your week is going well!


1) heating, 2 double glazed windows(should be done before facade or you will have to tear it up later) and 3) facade. Planning commission may take a long time so facade might be pushed until next year already. Agree with the earlier comment about doing doors, windows and insulation first as it may change size of system you need. Can you utilize the cellar for the pellet boiler to regain space in laundry room? It will be progress no matter what you decide!


I agree, the heating should be done first. The facade can wait. Don't lose the opportunity while the plumber is available.


Tough choice to heat or secure the facade! Assuming your all locked in with contractors for the facade & if the heating is livable for another season then I would go Facade, the poor old girl needs a facelift to help secure her for the next century. If doing the heating in stages is an option then that's even better, but if not & you don't want to risk loosing that good plumber might need to swap for heating. So I say facade but alas I don't have to live in the winter chill so it's a hard call.

Leah Hamdaoui

Isabelle is the best !!! 💖✨ followed closely by Percy ⭐ then Gerry and Amery and Natty and Phillip... 🏰🥂🙏


Comfort and heating should be done in order to complete projects inside the chateau. Facade can wait.


Heating is very important.


I think you should get the heating sorted first. Then you can complete internal projects without worrying about leaks!


Amaury might need some immune boosting. Zinc, vitamin D3 and magnesium. It will help his body fight off germs. It really couldn’t hurt everyone that lives there. You’ve got to keep him healthy!! He’s vital!


I think you should focus on the heating first. I think the building will stay "healthy" and dry with proper heating


I would say heating. I agree with other comments, having it properly dry is needed


Lots of news and big decisions to be made. This calls for a Patron opinion fest. I'll toss mine into the ring. Which comes first, form, that is restoring the facade, or function, getting the heating system properly sorted out. I'd go right to the heating without question, then on to the facade, which needs work of course but is a visual thing, where as providing a comfortable interior living environment tops the list. A big plus is that the current piping can be used, saving a boat load of money. I'd think it more cost effective to do the heating project all at once but certainly the plumber can sort that question out for you. Hopefully it can be done in stages without a cost increase. In the long run, as they say, que sera, sera. Also thought I'd ask, just in case; if I double my monthly Patreon donation would you be able to do both the heating and facade projects this year?


I commented heating. However, I think it’s important to take into consideration that where you add new windows during the facade reno (I think that’s part of the facade Reno?) new radiators will need to be added (or shifted?) perhaps that can be considered in your potential plan to do it in stages. All the best!! :)


Heating first! #my2cents


As an Interior Designer, form always follows function….. BUT…. in this case, the function happens to BE the form so I think it’s ok to break those rules! I vote for the façade. You have a great momentum with it, the temperature will always be an issue for at least one person in the château whether it’s completed or not and frankly, the château deserves it. She’s been very patient and has waited long, long enough! Bisous 😘😘 🇨🇦🇨🇦 Breana


I would say heating as well. I think that it is important to get that done then to limp along for another winter. Now I know nothing about geothermal heating but I would hate for further damage to be done and you have to replace or fix more as a result of not taking care of it now. Also not to be a huge Debbie downer, but maybe also looking at it in the view of what would you do if you could only choose one. What would you choose if you knew that for some reason the money stopped coming in to do both. I sincerely hope that doesn't happen but feel in our day and age you just never know. Sorry to sound so negative.


I love Isabelle so much, she's the bee's knees! I think since the planning permission has yet to come in, it would be sensible to start on the heating. However, I remember the sense of urgency in Michael Potts's voice concerning the delay and safety of the facade. Stephanie, I would like to know if the chapel will be worked on before the lake is returned, lol? I love the thought of a senior gentleman working his magic on the chapel, but we've been waiting almost 3 years for some progress. You must be a very patient person.

Sabine Goetz

Thank you for the update Stephanie. I can't recall if you talked about how you connected with Nick the tree surgeon. You must have, and I've forgotten. So very fortunate! The work Nick has been doing is fabulous. I don't have an opinion to give about the heating or facade work. I trust your judgement. I am happy to see your new computer which will make such a difference and save time. Especially the accounting program to keep track of expenses. I love spreadsheets and numbers! Its all very exciting to know the accomplishments this year holds. Hello and love to all, from Parksville, British Columbia 💛


Without a doubt, the heating. The infrastructure is so important, maybe not aesthetically satisfying but definitely more important.


A couple more things to comment on: The work being done on the trees IS exciting. It's so badly needed and makes/will make a world of difference. Tie that in with a gleaming, first-class facade later on and the Chateau will be high-stylin'. Must add that aside from a video with lots of news that Chateau Diaries obsessed viewers like me can use, it was such a treat to end with Isabelle's adorably fun, fast-paced dance routine. She's definitely got the moves goin' on. I almost forgot to ask, I noticed the attractive gold earrings you were wearing but simply couldn't quite figure out the form. It's tempting but I won't post my impressions for fear of being way off the mark. So in future videos, could you keep your head perfectly still throughout the filming so any earring questions can be sorted out?


Stephanie, I’m guessing you’ll decide that the difficulties of getting a good contractor may override other considerations and you’ll proceed first with the heating. It’s hard to do the things no one can see when esthetics you’ve waited a LONG time to address are on the table. So my heart goes out to you, I’d ache to work on the facade. I hope you’re able to work on them both, simultaneously, in stages.

Brenda Mcgee

Thankyou Stephanie the heating is important to keep life comfortable toasty warm I hear it’s freezing at the Chateau in winter aww Mummy such a darling such a mover Nooo don’t I have any privacy just a sweety oh and a new computer about time a Chatalaine has to keep up with technology and the demands of blogging life 🥰It certainly shows Stephanie taking abit of pressure off you also need to enjoy life my love always a pleasure Amore keep an eye on Amaury and Dan😀😍😍👌


Really awesome update, Stephanie!! Also, congrats on the new computer. I'm REALLY glad you are making fewer videos, so you have more time to be your awesome self. You do seem more relaxed, and that's a wonderful thing to see. <3 I know the facade is long overdue, but I really think the heating should come first. There are other ways to raise money for projects. Maybe sell some art stuff like you did with the wrapping paper? If it's for the restoration, it's still tax free. Nick is really making progress in the woods!! So thankful he's come to help at Lalande. I was wondering when you were going to take down the tennis court fencing. Do you think you could set up a couple of super posh glamping tents on the court? You're ripping it out eventually anyway, so poking a few holes into the clay to prop up the tents isn't a big deal. You could set the small pool up in between the tents, as well as any lawn furniture and the grill. Don't forget the fairy lights. Create a nice little oasis. Definitely keep the tall tennis court chair. You can get a sunbrella for it and use it to spy on Dan in the garden. LOL! One last thing. I know Selmar won't be converting the wood store next to the garden into his workspace, but it still could be turned into one and have a living space added above it as well. The exterior could be done in a similar aesthetic to the chateau, so the structure blended in even better than it does now. The upstairs living space would have lovely views of the garden and the woods. I think it would be very cozy for anyone who stays there. Just an idea for you to consider.


If you get the heating done could you extend the B&B season? Or would you even want to? I also like Amanda Jeppeson’s comment about the facade/heating/windows part.


While you are doing all the other work in the house, it seems doing the heating at the same time would minimize potential wear and tear from later maintenance damage going in and out with heaters and pipes and equipment. Heating first would be my vote if I lived there. Plus, the heating could extend the bed and breakfast occupancy to help further fund the facade renovation. Best wishes.


I think heating should be first. Exterior is cosmetic. Heating makes you more comfortable


Heating is my opinion!!!


I am also chiming in on heating first and making sure all everything is fixed in the system so no more large leaks and ceiling worries.

Caroline Kaiser

One question to ask the plumber, does he foresee the cost of equipment going up? That would be my reason to buy heating first. Here in America building costs have gone up exponentially since Covid. Otherwise I’d love love love to see the façade first.


Superb hand dancing from Isabelle—I often beat out a tattoo of harmonies with the rhythm of my turn signal and have definitely done arm improv in my zoom square before. Sitting still gets tiring. As for Stephanie’s choice? I live in temperate Southern California but when heat is required, I wouldn’t be without it.


Absolutely the heating. The parts for that are going up by the day. Get it now and enjoy it. If you wait you may pay many times more.


I agree with Paula, the heating. I think people get more done when they are warm and cosy rather than huddled in a chair with a blanket and hot water bottle. However, I trust your judgement and like Paula says I give $$ so you can do whatever you think is best. Mummy is a gem with her exercise routine. Her and Percy look so happy.

Kim Magee

Definitely the heating! Imagine how much of an impact it will have on everyone’s comfort levels. The chateau facade can wait 👍🏻❤️


Ideally a balance between heating and exterior (better windows, etc) would be great. Understand being cold is not great and you want to protect against water damage. I do wonder even with new pellet boiler could you reasonably afford to run it. Isn’t that why Michael and family don’t live in theirs in winter? Seems like there would be a more affordable way to heat the spaces you want to use and do it in phases. Maybe everyone could pitch in electric blankets and 20 extra dollars to make a dent in the cost! We love you :)


Comfort is crucial so I vote for the heating.

Daniel Hammond

South Africa does seem to have reinvigorated Isabelle! Though she was by no means lacking in vigour before! I do think, for what it may be worth, that a balance approach to the Facade VS Heating dilemma is the ideal approach. Get the basic heating put in and get the facade done (which will make you happiest) and finish the heating later on. Thank you for the video. Have wonderful day!

Noreen Kelly

i would do the heating first. perhaps you could then extend the b and b season to increase revenue there?


Loved mummies exercise routine lol had a good laugh when you told her to say hi to the viewers 😄


Lovely video....... Yes, absolutely the heating...


I think heating is the top priority, mainly because it affects people. But I'm wondering if heating should be considered on it's own or whether heating, insulation and glazing have to be looked at as a package. Is it not the case that the amount of heating required is dependent not only on the size of the room but also on the degree of insulation and the presence of double or triple glazing.


Is it not poosible to do the heating in sections, so that you can only run the part where people are in a given moment. Bearing in mind that I live in South Africa and have no clue about heating systems. 🤪 That way you could do the communal spaces and then follow with the rest. But I would love to see the facade finished.


So if you are able to upgrade the windows and put in insulation would you be able to reduce the heating capacity and thus save money in the long run?🇨🇦




Heating makes a big difference to the overall fabric….afraid my head would go for that.


Heating, no brainer for me


I love your mother so much. You are so blessed to have her.


Why don't go for a woodchip fired heating system? It's almost the same as pallets but the big difference is that. you have a forest and can make the wood chips yourself by just maintaining the forest. It would be both more environmentally friendly and serve another great purpose: maintaining the forest. I have a friend here in Denmark who lives in a great manor house and they have done it that way and it is both cost-effective and heats a lot for houses around the main building - so quite a big place, with a smaller forest - and it so well works.


Stephanie thank you so much for responding!! Please check your inbox from me- there are 2 things I know you will love to learn about including porcelain and your fathers art!!


The Heating!! It's time to warm the old girl (the chateau) up!!


Feeling how you are more thrilled about the façade work getting done, my vote is for the heating first, believing as others do that having a steady, reasonable interior temperature may affect the paneling inside as well as the exterior in some way, so best to do that first to avoid surprises. Not to mention the comfort of LaLande's permanent residents who I also agree should be asked to vote as well as us.


A warm home is so comfortable, windows upgraded and heating maybe Geothermal heat? Woodchips and pallets are not environmentally good for a big chateau. ☃️


That was superbe watching Isabelle! Laughed so much 🤣🤣


Heating first! Much more important!


I know how much you must want do the facade Stephanie. I would be desperate to do that first too. Think it’s got to be the heating though. Xx


Mummy is so adorable. I thoroughly enjoyed the song etc


✅ Heating


Definitely heating first!


You need to do what needs to be done first! Obviously heating <3 even though it's less sexy that the facade ;)


Do the facade. You really need something on plan to come to completion. So many new things keep coming up that distract from the plan. The bathroom isn’t finished. The sink room isn’t done, nor the refrigerator replaced. The grande salon paneling popped up out of nowhere and instead of working on it you got Amoury doing a sitting room for t.v. Something will always pop up. You’ve already established priorities and should work on those issues first before venturing on new projects. Imho


Heating!! You all need to be warm x


This is very helpful advice, thank you! Yes, I would love to have your input. Maybe I could visit you at the same time as Selmar, or you could pop over here?


Thanks for the update. Nick's achievements are amazing! For human comfort I would probably prioritise heating and get that sorted first. The facade seems more of a cosmetic issue and less essential. Love to all at Lalande xx


Heating, heating, heating!!!!! A warm home is a more relaxed and welcoming space that brings about comfort, love, creativity, etc,...


My vote is for heating first. Just think how great it will be to have a warm chateau in the middle of the winter and you can all focus on other projects! Hopefully you can do it in stages if that makes it easier 😊


I vote heating as well. You always say that it doesn‘t bother you and the people living in the chateau but I think the heating situation wouldn‘t pop up every winter so often as a topic if this were actually true. We can see you all freezing in winter and of course you can put on more clothes but it if you have the means to do it why not add that comfort to your lives? Just my opinion. I think it would add to the health of the building and the Lalanders and maybe Mummy and Percy could then also stay during winter? Lots of Love from Germany


Bite the bullet - heating may not be seen, but it certainly can be felt. Doing it in stages is also just putting off the inevitable. A warm home is a happy home!


Is there no more privacy left in this world 😂😂😂 Your mum cracks me up! Starting my day with a smile! Thanks for all the updates! As for the heating or facade: I’d say wait until you get the quotes to see if maybe partially fixing the heating system is doable and take it from there.

Susan Wallis

Heating above everything else for the future successful running of the B&B . No one wants to go on holiday and be cold. Patreon money may not continue for ever after the pandemic when people get their own lives back.


Stephanie! i think maybe the heating as its good to feel warm and its good for the soul. Great Patreon video and so pleased to see things coming along very quickly. Isabelle loved your hand dancing! I love the way Mick is doing the forestry, what a talented man he is. Maybe the facade next year as methinks the heating will take quite a time. Keep well all of you at La Lande and love from the Dordogne xxx


30 minutes ago i came back from a 20 hour roundtrip from austria, via hungary and slovakia to the ukrainian boarder and back to deliver medical supplies and to pick up 3 ukrainian girls from charkiw and kiew who have fled the country and we brought them to austria. my codriver and i each drove about 9 -10 hours, needless to say i am physically and emotionally exhausted, THIS is exactly what i need right now, thank you for the update!


Heating first simply because you need to keep yourselves and the chateau warm to stop any interior problems. The facade can be next years big project and although the exterior will not be as pretty as you would have liked it's full of character just like its residents. Plus sounds like you e found the perfect plumber and with fuel costs increasing the wood pellets burner will be a much better option. Mummy is adorable as always sending hugs and thanks for a wonderful YouTube channel it's been so interesting watching you grow in confidence as the chateau grows xx


Another for team heating provided that repairs to the facade are not needed to protect the fabric of the chateau.. You may be used to the cold, but it really isn't a nice way to live. A couple of thoughts... I cannot see it being cheaper to run as you will be generating a lot more heat and will need to pay up front for wood chippings (unless you can use your own wood). You will need to budget for more ongoing costs but I don't think this is a good reason not to do it. This may be very obvious to you, but make sure you can operate different areas of the heating independently as some areas will just want ticking over during the winter and others you will want to be toastie. If you delay the heating, you may end up disrupting newly done interior decor in order to install additional pipework and radiators. For instance it would be madness to do your boudoir without the proper heating. Finally... Can you get a second quote for the heating. As it's going to be a major expense it would make sense. Another thought on AGAs! I am sitting here in front of my 4 oven AGA lovely and warm, but even in a UK summer, I switch it off from May to October. The cost is one factor, but the house is just too warm with it on - even at Lalande I think this would be an issue. Also as you will, know, AGAs sometimes struggle if they are being heavily used - they need time to restore temperature. Would this work when you are cooking for large numbers? You will need a conventional cooker as a back up - most AGA owners do. Have you considered brands like Everhot? Similar to an AGA but becoming more popular. Worth a look. Anyway, glad you have found a plumber who seems to want the work!


I completely agree. I know replacing windows is part of the facade work but where windows are not being changed it makes sense to do them alongside the heating and insulation.


The heating would be better to be done now before everyting is put back. Mummy is so funny, I do not know how Percy can drive, I would be laughing so much. Is there any news about the chapel and wall restorer? Hope that amaury feels better soon, Everything is looking fantastic. xxx


I am on team heating 😄 but I do understand that the exteriors are more exiting ❤️❤️


I definitely think the heating, it will remove any angst over the threat of radiators failing again. Quite a bit of time and effort was put into the leaking radiators and pressure issues by so many last year. I think you need peace of mind as well as warm toes x


Hi Stephanie I’d do the heating. I know it’s not exciting in the way that other projects are but if you think about your beautiful antiques that you have started to acquire and your family, getting the heating done now and out of the way will be so much better. I’m presently renovating a barn with my family. I have beautiful things in storage and have bought fabulous fabrics for curtains but I know I have to be sensible and get all the infrastructure stuff done first. Easier to say than to do but that’s my suggestion. Oh and Mummy dancing just made my week lots of love Gillian


Heating first ,I would like to know if it is possible to produce your own pellet for those heating systems ? Which would be perfect if it were possible x Billy is very knowledgeable about pellet systems maybe ask him for some advice too x


I’ll go for heating and if funds allow the courtyard tower with peeling render at the base. The rest of the facade really isn’t that bad and certainly liveable with for a couple of years. Great work, Stephanie, wouldn’t expect anything less from a “Somerville gal” !!


Hi Stephanie, I think the heating first. The facade would be beautiful but heating is more practical and much needed.


Definitely worth having a chat with Billy about costs both installation and running costs.


Heating every time. The B&B is always going to be your Golden Goose, everything else is a bonus, make sure the place is as warm and inviting as the people inside it. Get rid of the leaks and issues, the facade looks beautiful, even in a state of slight dishevelment, as you mentioned, a lot of the cost cutting can be done by yourselves.


One more vote for the heating. The new facade would be (and will be) lovely but I think being comfortable would keep everyone happier and imagine if you could even open up your chateau for B&B or events for occasional Winter days as well. People would be definitely more willing to go if they won`t have to dress up as Joey in Friends :)


This seems a very sensible suggestion, better to get an holistic view and you may be able to combine things. Overall I would go for the heating if only to shut up those who go on and on about it especially on the hater site.


Heating vote for me too, especially since façade will be done some time in the future. Seeing your nice new laptop… dont you miss the days you had to render/upload from your car?


Hi Stephanie, I think it comes down to the health of the building. Is it more important that the render gets done soon because water is seeping into the walls of the building etc or is it more important that the building has heating for the health of the building. So to me it comes down to what the Chateau needs most right now and what can wait for a year.


Heating! Although you are used to it, I am pretty sure you will not regret it once you have had it done.


I vote heating - get it right and then it’s done and will make a huge difference to residents and guests and will also help to protect the interior from damp/condensation etc, you can then move into all of the exciting fun projects in the near future!


I would go for heating this year whether in part or for the entire chateau. As you stated the facade is subject to planning permission and that wouldn’t be considered till later this year. Just be careful that frozen yetis aren’t defrosted with all the newly heated buildings.


Hello Stephanie I am happy you are finding the work life balance, as we call it in Canada. It is so important to enjoy your life and not work all the time. It is important for your physical health, mental health and your relationship with others living with you 💕💕. I think the heating should be done first. This might even allow you to have winter guests. Plus all of you would be happier and warmer in this long winter months 💕🥶❄️💨. Blessings to all of you at Lalonde🌻🙏♥️


Hello Everyone, Hope you're all well. I am quite a new contributor but have been watching from the beginning so thought it was time to put my hand in my pocket. I am getting near to finishing a renovation project myself and like Stephanie I enjoy the titivation and the interior design far more than the nuts and bolts. Unfortunately though you have to get all that boring stuff done otherwise it costs so much more in the long run. I drew up a schedule of works everything that needed doing and got quotes and had a budget and I stuck to it. Heating is essential and gets my vote, it will allow you to rent out Apartments as Gites whilst you go away in winter and will add to your bottom line and elongate the season and enable the Chateau to work for itself not to mention make life a lot more comfortable and help dry out the Chateau. I would also put the lake on hold and do the facade before, if you're adding new windows etc it is going to take internal works so you are going to need to redecorate. I would do the courtyard side first. With your new cherry picker I would also do a health check on all the existing windows and repair and paint them too so they last longer. I feel your pain-heating old buildings and the plumbing is a bloody nightmare and good plumbers are like hens teeth so bite his arm off and get him working. I would set yourself realistic goals and do a job at a time, get it finished and move onto the next task-otherwise you may find you're having to peel off beautiful wallpapers that you have just put up. I would possibly also look at putting in a pool before dealing with the lake- if you are doing your travel vlog you can be away and rent out several apartments with shared use of a pool on self catering basis-we rent out my Mum's house in France for £3k a week so during peak season and off season you could be generating another revenue stream to help you fund renovations- and not effecting the Chambre d'hote side of things. Right I will shut up now this is why my siblings call me a know it all ha ha. Do the jobs that increase your comfort, that of your guests and that will increase revenue and preserve the building. Don't envy you 16 months into renovations heating and boiler still causing issues and it was one of the first things I did. Cxxxxx


Heating definitely.


I vote for the heating!! The facade will last a little longer yet. Love Isabelle's face when she realises that you caught her on video!


Your cousin Amaury is so talented and skilled. As well, Nic The tree surgeon is a wise woodsman. I agree with the others that the heating should be the first priority. I am wondering if the company providing the materials/supplies could offer you a “deal“ due to the fact that it is going to be such a huge project. It has been a delight to ‘visit’ with Mummy and Percy. I look forward to seeing them back at the Château when it is safe to do so. Interestingly, I felt a sense of relief when you shared that you are feeling more relaxed now that you are no longer doing the Tuesday vlogs. And I have really enjoyed seeing you and Philip doing “crafts/projects“ in the Château. your own overall health is the very most important thing. Best wishes to all!


I vote heating, as I love having it warm😊 Yay! Nice new Laptop🥳 If your looking for safe, light and tiny external hard drives: check out the SSD „Samsung t7“ 👍🏻


Hmmm, tricky. My 2 cents is, while the facade is definitely the more sexy, exciting project, the heating seems to me to be more important as its more likely to cause more issues the longer you wait. Not the fun answer but I hope it helps.


The heating will be a game changer. Being cold not only impacts you physically but mentally as well. Put me down for heating before anything else!


Heating, definitely.


I would say heating sorry. Is there not a boiler that can be run from wood from the forest to keep cost down? I thought I saw the Pethricks using something that took logs.


I would suggest heating and maybe you can ask about a heating pump. We are renovating a small house and we want to use an air-water heat pump, which they say its the future, at least here in Belgium. But, I don't know if something as powerful as you need for the chateau exists. I hope this helps!


Heating in stages. The facade is also part of the integrity of your chateau


Hi Stephanie, so many comments I do not know if you will see this one... LOL We are currently in the same spot! We have received our first Devis for a new heating system and just about put a for sale sign out front. It was for pellet boiler, two of them actually. We are about 1200 sq meters and currently have heating in 6 out of 48 rooms. Avensac was never fitted with heating in the remainder. Unlike you, and you are so lucky, we need new everything! New heating, water supply, hot water, electric, and evacuation. After the first Devis, we were convinced to hire a heating engineer. and I was thinking that it would be something you should consider. We were told that although the engineer is expensive, he will design a system, choose all of the equipment and the location of of said equipment, and go as far as estimating the operating costs. By him doing all of the callouts and locations, the installation companies are simply pricing based on known entities. The engineer we hired will also negotiate price and be present during installation for problem solving and questions, and in the long run save a ton of money... I am holding my breath! It turns out that our initial concept of 2 pellet fired boilers may not be the best solution. It looks at this point like he is going to introduce a heat pump system with individual units for each bedroom, and a heat pump boiler and radiator system for the public rooms. This will also give us the option of air conditioning in the individual bedrooms for the summer months. (those darn Americans and their air conditioning) LOL... Now we just have to figure out what to say to Batiment de France regarding the compressors! We have two more weeks to wait for the presentation of the new system and its cost... I am of course very afraid! but I am trying to keep a positive attitude. If we can be of any help with our experience please let me know. Mark and Phillip - Château Avensac - atthechateau.com


Would a contribution to facade help? Really wanted to see new facade but go along practical with heating. Agree with another commenter ask Billy P. He has a pellet heater.


The Pethericks main system is run on wood pellets as is the heating system at Chateau Life.


I understand the façade is important..but heating for your guests is paramount as well as those who live there.. comfort comes before beauty


I would say heating, it's all behind the fancy stuff, but we must remember it is a necessity. The facade can be next, and here's hoping patreonship goes up. Thanks for the update, mostly hearing you are more relaxed and less stressed, all GOOD!


Hi Stephanie, Great video. The last bit with Mummy made my day. My mom was so fun and silly and this video brought back her zest for life. As far as which project to under take first, i would say the heating is the most important. The facade is more fun and rewarding. Its like buying a beautiful dress but not purchasing the much needed under garments.Lol. Who wants to buy the stuff you don’t even see. But it will really make a difference.


Like many before me heating first facade second. It will help the interior of the old building and make life a bit easier for your hard working fellow occupants, especially Nati who always has layers of woolies Round her neck. Bless her. You also might be able to extend your bookings either end of the season. Thoroughly enjoyed the vlog. You might speak to Billie/Michael about wood chip boiler they seem to have an amazing set up which we saw a week ago. Guess you will have to watch your Euros with the big world down turn. Take care.🇬🇧🇬🇧🇺🇦🇺🇦


I'm sitting home with 4" of snow in March with more to come!!! All I can think of is HEAT! Plus, having the plumbing issues corrected will keep the ceilings from falling, walls ruined and all that beautiful interior work gone to waste. Sorry it's not the answer you want to hear.


Mummy was precious. Makes me think of my mother…wish I had videos like that. 👏❤️🎼


Just wanted to say thank you so much for including the dancing from Mommy! I love her so much as she reminds me of my late grandmother. Always has a quick wit and loving attitude no matter how upset she may be with you. ❤️❤️❤️ My thoughts on the work at the château would be heating first unless the adding of windows/replacement of windows would change how much heating is needed in each room. It’s a tough decision to make.


Heat vs facade, I can see it either way, and there's something to be said for seeing what kind of timeline is reasonable for each -- if it's going to take a year to get through permissions and to get materials and contractors lined up for the facade, might as well get started with heating in the meantime, or vice versa. However, since heating is going to be more disruptive to the interior of the house, doing it before the season starts makes sense, and you'll be glad to have it next winter. The heat may also change the interior climate of the chateau enough that it could affect things like the paneling and shutters, so better to get started sooner than later. The new facade should have some impact on the airtightness of the building, reducing drafts, but probably not enough to materially change the size of the heating system needed. You might think of zoned heating also, given the size of the space and variability in use throughout the year.


My decorative arts/curatorial background tells me that the heating needs to come first. You have considerable effort in the decoration of several areas of the chateau, and more ongoing. Furniture/walls/wallpaper don't like extremes of temperature and humidity. By maintaining a temperature, you protect your investment. As much as I want to say "facade", I can't approve of it over the climate control. It's much better for everything and everyone, in the long run.


Stephanie - This would be a fun craft for you to do for Easter esp with all the ties available at the local brocantes. https://www.facebook.com/mybhg/videos/377608910506126 As far as heating or facade you'll be able to better decide once you get the price quotes.


Heating definitely. If you can only do one thing this year, get your heating straight. Before you know it, it will be winter again! You can get all the planning done this year for the facade and begin next year with the facade!


The burners use a LOT of pellets. Ask Billy Petheric what it costs him so this is just another one of my ideas. How difficult is it to make your own pellets? If it means a machine maybe you and BP could go on it splits


Heating or Façade? I'd do the façade as the Salon will be newly insulated and Nati's Apartment will also be toasty enough for her to work in. I would also wait a few months to see what happens to the price of wood pellets with the world situation - if everyone starts the same move away from fossil fuels the price of wood pellets could go thru the roof! Maybe an efficient traditional woodburner in the entrance hall would keep an even heat for the centre of the house? We have one connected to a small circuit of radiators which allows the core of our (much smaller ) house to keep a pleasant temperature. independent of the main gas central heating.


I definitely think on a sensible note that heating is more necessary sooner than the facade . Although my artistic side says facade!!


Heating definitely!


The Real House Husbands of la Lande is my very favorite show!!! My vote: as much as it sucks, do the heating first. So much better for it to be right and not harm any other part of the renovation. Lastly, Mummy is the best!


That is really a tough decision. I think hearting is important but if the facade is compromised in some areas, maybe it should be done first. If you do the heating, will it be disruptive to B& B guests & music workshops? Ideally it would be great if you could do some heating work area by area and as another patron indicated, some rooms will be better insulated & warmer. The facade is appreciated 24/7 for 12 months and the heating is 24/7 for how many months? Big decision!


Oh, how painful it must be to go through the list of necessary upgrades etc. you guys will be most helpful to Stephanie. Hope you are both doing well!


I must agree with Claudette Primeau, heating is very important but it needs to be weighed against the whole needs and function of the chateau. I’m sure you and the other owners will decide what works best.


Heating! :-)


Heating first :)


Seems like you found a treasure with this plumber, so I might jump on hiring him now and getting the heating done. But I get the dilemma! 😊


Hi Stephanie I think your heating more important to do first love all your vlogs 😘


Heating so that then you don’t disrupt your beautiful decorating projects in the future! X


Definitly go for the heating! There are more and more people living with you and this way you could extend the b&b season if you like and gain more money ;)


Heating Definitely! You would be devastated if a leak from a radiator leaked into the salon on the new interior. Plus it will help keep the moisture down in the inside walls.


I think there is a rustic charm in the facade as it is. But I can’t stand the cold so if it was me the heating comes first but that’s just me. Lol x


For my part, I’m more productive if I’m not cold, so there could be many positive knock-on effects on everyone from getting the heating done, as many have already mentioned ❤️


Go for the fun part! The facade:-)

Denise Behrends

Although I am passionate about architectural restoration—as with the façade—I must concur with those who recommend beginning with the heating repairs first. The heating repairs make sense, not only for the comfort and wellness of residents and guests of the chateau, but also for the integrity of the structure. I imagine that many of the issues with damp walls will be resolved with an adequate heating system. I also envision that inspiration will flourish for winter interior projects once it is more comfortable throughout the chateau. Imagine all those endeavors to look forward to—from carpentry and repairs to design and décor—in those rooms you have been unable to work or spend time in due to the bitter cold of winter.


Definitely heating. Your future guests will thank you.


Heating! Early on last year or the year before you mentioned wanting to do things that made well-being wins. Setting up heating is going to be a win that benefits the well-being of all of you.


I vote beating because you poor souls seem freezing all winter.




Definitely do the heating. The facade can be the icing on the cake


Heating. I think it's important to protect the work you've done inside the chateau, and that means keeping the damp down and decreasing the risk of leaking radiators.


Doing the heating would be more sensible


Definitely the heating! Prioritize keeping the chateau safe and comfortable to live inside of before moving to external work. Hopefully the facade can hold out until you will be able to come back to it. But definitely make sure your home is comfortable and livable before cosmetic changes. It will also help keep everyone’s morale and anticipation higher toward the longer projects if you know you’ll be comfortable at night!


My vote is for the heating Stephanie, people will be happier who come to help restore in the winter if it is warm plus all the fabrics and wall coverings need to be kept dry to reduce the risk of damp mold.


My vote is 150% the heating. You will not ever go back, as soon as it is working properly.


Heating first gas or pellet.


My vote is for the heating…you live in the chateau as well as everyone else, you all need to be comfortable…the facade could hold off till you feel like you are comfortable with the funds to do so…but the plumbing and heating is important for you all! LOL


Heating before facade!




I agree with everyone else - you need to start with the heating. X


Heating no 1


Heating first😉🤗


You need heat!! Otherwise Nati will freeze 🥶and the where would we be!


Heating! But I have a question, how much will your heating bill increase with what seems like quadruple increase to meet appropriate heating requirements?


Definitely the Heating. Xxx

Christine VR

I vote heat but I think IF POSSIBLE, to do the heating in stages should be the goal. Also, if any money can be found, definitely do double glazed windows AND add any possible insulation for the sections where heating will be improved; it will save you money/energy in the long run and will have the added benefit of keeping things cooler in summer.


I would start with heating


Heating! we can all be patient with the exterior work, have a group conversation with the team. xoxo


Heating 🥰


Heat for sure... Cheers from Canada!

Julia Cobb

Do the heating first. I think most of us love the façade now. But gosh how uncomfortable all of you are in winter! It drives Mummy to South Africa in winter😂 And health wise it’s just about the most important thing you can do. Plus you all won’t have to walk around like the Michelin Man🤣


I think that the heating is a priority. The facade can be addressed at a later date.

Julia Cobb

Oh I should have waited to comment! Isabelle was so adorable doing her “excercise”! I’m sorry but I got really tickled when Philip was doing it too😂😂😂


I agree with so many others, the heating upgrade takes top priority. The personal comfort levels and the safety of all your interior decorations will all benefit from this essential investment. Planning in phases and including interior shutters and double glazed windows are all parts of this. I know you and your team will do an outstanding job! And a warm chateau winter will be a wonderful reward!


I think you had talked it through during the video and had decided for yourself that you should start the heating work now while the planning process is taking place, if I understand French bureaucracy that could take awhile 🙄. Isabel’s dancing was a treat and I hope that she is now fully recovered from the operation on her eye. 🇦🇺💕💐


Heating first. It may take a very long time to get the planning permission for the facade. Thank you so much for sharing the funny moments with the Christmas lights and Isabelle dancing in the car :D


Your sweet Mother! Priceless!


Oh Isabelle, you are such a lovely person! Seeing her dance just absolutely made my day :D And I would say facade first! I think you would have more joy of it and you are all used to the cold winter anyways.


Hi Stephanie, my instinct says heating first. It is important for your comfort and wellbeing as well as for the house itself. You have definitely earned it after all the years of toughing it out. With that being said the facade is much more exciting and would make a tremendous visual impact. It's not just cosmetic but also important for the integrity of the building as well. So, I can see why your torn between the two. I think you will be able to make an easier decision once you have more information about cost and timeline and scope. Maybe you will be able to do small portions of both.


Since I'm very very sensitive to cold I suggest heating first...I'll vote for the facade only if it will hold the cold out very much better


The heating would be a priority for me. The facade of the building has lasted this long, it can wait another year or so.


Thank you for a nice vlog! The logical thing regarding the projects is to do the heating first. The heating system is apparently old and wouldn't last that long. The facade looks worse than it is and will last many years on, the stonework behind is massive and it will take a long time before it gets damaged. Also to have an even heating would benefit the interiors.

Christine VR

Love the Mummy Car Workout! So much joy! We should all be so expressive dancing along in a car to jaunty music. Way to go Isabelle; no wonder you are in such great shape! 🥰 Regarding the facade… I know visually it would be a great boost to tackle it soon BUT, is it actually problematic to leave it as is for the time being?? I guess I wondered if there were structural integrity issues with leaving the facade untouched another year. Also to clarify, when you say facade - are we including the new windows (and doors like for Nati’s apartment) going in or JUST the lyme rendering? Because I could see how you would want the windows reinstated sooner so that you place your radiators accordingly…


The heating is so needed for you all to be comfortable. The facade can wait. Whilst ever you are getting leaks it is damaging the building and will cost more in the long run.


Oh It is a dilemma! But I think the heating, not only for you all and your guests (could perhaps earn money from extended guests) but also for the building. If there are continued cold/frost/leaks this could affect all your renovations and interiors….I think heating, but the facade will still look lovely and rustic and with the flowers in abundance it will not loose its charm ♥️

Elizabeth Haddad

Well first of all mummy is precious. Second Dan is so cute when he is jealous of Natty 😂 Finally, in regards to the heating/facade, I remember us earlier vlogs you talking about making sure the bones are taken care of before anything else. From my far removed perspective many of your problems that come up which delay other projects are related to heating and radiators. I would suggest prioritizing that before the facade. The facade isn’t going anywhere and it will look just as beautiful next year with warm interior as it would this year with cold interior. As much as you think you might be “used” to it I think you might find yourself surprised at a large feeling of ‘relief’ when it is all done and taken care of. Thank you Stephanie again for all your hard work, another joy filled vlog to brighten our spirits.


Well for me heating should take precedence.


I would go for The heating Because all you already have done at making The chateau beautiful wil be better preserved I think And its better for everybody’s health at The end And There is so much going on Outside anyway That doing the façade can wait for a while


I agree with the comments, that it should be the heating.


Heating. The facade is important & exciting but the fact is it's simply more important & drains your energy day in and day out. Not to mention the effects on your health! The fact is you work the hardest during some of the coldest parts of the year (advent vlogs etc). Simply keeping yourself warm (despite extra jumpers etc etc) is burning energy and tiring you out!


I have just realised that I am assuming that the facade issues aren't _fixing_ anything structural (the chateau isn't going to be falling down without them) Which might change my thoughts a little. But I think most people here will agree that _you're_ a priority, ahead of the château even, (as without you the château renovations & vlogs simply wouldn't be happening). Not to mention your families obvious concerns for your health & overworking yourself. And for that consideration alone I think you should deal with the heating.

Katie Roberts Art

I love your mum!!! <3 <3 <3 :D


Heating ftw ❤️🏰❤️


Heating first. 😊❤️


I'm late to the party! I would say heating would be the priority. You have said in the past that heating is a priority because of the pannelling and other important rooms need to be protected future leaks.

Ashley Johann

The heating should probably be first. It will cut down on the amount of work fixing broken radiators and could hold up interior work since you will likely need to put in more radiators. You'll start saving money on heating earlier and you poor things are freezing when it gets cold.


I'm a day late, because Patreon won't send notifications. But FIW, I think heating should be first since it is basic to life and to the health of the building, as opposed to the facade which is chiefly cosmetic.


Stephanie, you and the lovely people you live with deserve proper warmth and heating. It is so important to live in a safe and warm home. Please put yourself and your family first.

Jason Dubey

Hi Stephanie, we must be living parallel lives as I also just spent 40K on my house project in the beginning of March! I prioritize my projects by first looking at how much it will cost (getting quotes), then looking at my cash flow and how much money I have to commit to the project and the timeline (seeing if it can be done in phases to spread out the pain). Then I consider the B&B season and what I can get done during the slow time. It is just harder to do major work like the roofing or facade when you have a house full of guests. Also, I prioritize any work I can do without permits. So far I have not had to pull one permit. You're not going to need the heating for much longer this year, so I am leaning toward the facade, or maybe just one phase of the facade, the worst part. The middle tower by the desk seems to need the most attention in that area where you have done so much work. I think it would really pop, and I think if you are changing color you should do it in pink, which would be beautiful. Thanks for the nice update.


Stephanie please let us know if your guest from Ukraine needs anything.

Alton Condra

Stephanie. What you decide is the correct a answer. Any details about the patreon party in September?


How is Nattie’s apartment coming along?

BJ Monte

The heating should definitely take priority over the facade. People adapt and live in a colder house well enough, but the gorgeous paneling you're installing in the Grand Salon should have constant temperature and humidity, as well as the furnishings and such. You would also be able to extend the B&B season. That the cold season is winding down may be an advantage as there will be less urgency and demand for heating contractors and engineers.


Mummy was hilarious!! then Philip joining in....so funny :) You always make the best choices for the chateau.....and you will now.


Heating should come first


Heating, get the basics in place, the chateau must be a comfortable place to live and stay. Facade is the outward manifestation of a warm and comfortable home.


I don't have any strong opinion on which way you decide to go with "big projects" like heating vs facade. I think sticking true to yourself Stephanie and doing small bits of what can be done to keep all of these projects trickling along seems to have put you in good stead previously. Otherwise I just wanted to come on here to say thank you for all the footage you show of your wonderful woodland and walks with Nick the tree surgeon. What an amazing job they are doing to maintain and revive your surrounding land! I cannot wait to see it in the future! <3


Also Mummy's dancing is equally adorable and hilarious, I was in stiches. Her spirit reminds me so much of my Irish Granny who passed away in 2019. Bless her, lots of love to you all!


Imho, the quality of life for you & the Lalanders is a priority & heating & hot water shouldn't be considered a luxury. Also, this means that you can be open to b&b guests as well as workshops all year round. May I suggest that rather than adopting the pellet burner option you choose a woodburning one. During COVID some materials became difficult even impossible to source & we don't know what the future will bring. Whereas the wood from your forest is free & abundant & it's a sustainable option ! The facade will be the icing on the cake but can wait.


Amaury & Dan's banter with their double ententres has added a touch of naughtiness that has improved your channel Stéphanie et j'en suis ravie !


Heating and Isabelle’s dancing was joyous ❤️


I think heating is priority ☃️ 😀 you should be all working and living with comfort ❤️ thank you for this lovely vlog and specially your wonderful mummy choreography 🤩 you all always bringing a smile to my face ☀️


Stephanie, once again whatever you decide is great. You have always made decisions that are the best for the Chateau and are far more knowledgeable than anyone since you are living this life, not us. Donating money for me, means completely trusting you.


Seems to me some people leave during winter because it is so cold, I think the heating is the priority. Have you ever thought of letting Dan do the facade?


I live in Maine, USA where we have REAL WINTER for most of the year. HEAT is the priority and when I see that the chateau is cold in winter I feel like you need to rectify that first. Love to all.


Be Warm !!


Heating first! Then have all plans in place to complete the facade with minimal delays.


Heating and insulations, should be both or else the heat will escape without proper insulation.


Thank you so much for sharing your home and your life so generously with the world. Your sunny personality and unsinkable spirit are a joy to behold. Phillip is sweet and kind, like Selmar, and both bring joy to your vlogs. La Lande is a beautiful home and it is such a privilege to be able to watch all the amazing work you have been getting done. I would love to see a floor plan of the Chateau, it really is quite a maze for the uninitiated. Thanks again and all the very best to all of you LaLanders. : D


For the health of the château, it’s contents and it’s residents, heating and insulation is your number one priority 😊


I LOVED Isabelle's hand-jiving! 💕💕

Jodi and Scott Barck

I would choose heating but try to offset costs with events.. wedding ceremonies and pictures I'm opening a cut flower farm and will open my property by appointment for photographers.. I'm sure lots of people would like to.come local and not for photo opportunities. 30 half hour 50 and hour. Chateau picnics on back lawn or tours. I bet a lot of people would love a tour $10 a person. I want my flowers on my farm to.generate more money than just for picking and you should be able to use the chateau for more than sleeping in the rooms. Offset costs and do both facade and heat.


Definitely the heating


Definitely heating first. Keep yourselves warm.


I believe heating is important for all the reasons everyone else does. So happy you are taking care of yourself and slowing down a bit. We will all be here no matter. Blessing to you all 💜


I hate having to spend on things no one can see; there’s just no fun in that. BUT, I believe in building strength from within. Heat first. (We’re all holding our breath on the price along with you… eek! 😳 Sending low-quote vibes!) PS: I believe that you will be able to do both before too long.💫


Heating Steph! Wellbeing of yourself and the remainder of the team is paramount - and also for the guests - if you decide to open the BnB for the winter months.


Please please please do the heating first!


Honestly…. I would do the heating then the facade and then the lake…. I know thats not what you want to hear but I, personnaly don’t see the need gor the lake


Heating is boring because you can’t see it 🤣but probably more essential. Nick is doing a fabulous job in the woodland! such knowledge. Love hearing his Nottinghamshire accent as that’s where I live. Great updates on everything. Loved the ending with Isabelle just lovely 🥰


For those who are wondering, the song that Isabelle is rocking out to is Billy Bayou by Jim Reeves.


I wasn't familiar with the song beforehand but was able to identify it. Some of Reeves' better known hits are "He'll Have To Go," "Welcome to my World," and "Four Walls." I was not aware of his international popularity!


I'm bit late watching this video and I'm only half way through, but I've paused to say....HEATING!!! lol! Get the heating done first, the facade can wait. Yes, its lovely to have something look beautiful on the outside, but freezing inside is never beautiful..lol! I live in a 350 year old cottage and it's freezing! So I vote, heating first. x




Hi newby here, but I think you should do the heating first, I'm sure Mummy would be more comfortable with decent heating. Also a question, for your next Q & A, have you factored in all of the future insulation work/double glazing etc before making the thermal calculations. This would definitely bring the KWattage needed down.

Neil Chisholm

I’m a recent patron and I’m binging on the patreon videos. This request for what us patrons think is most important was asked in March and I’m responding June so very late. However what I’m suggesting is that as what I’ve seen so far the heating is what a lot are respond with as the most important project. I agree but for an additional reason than that the comfort of the residents during winter. With good heating you could extend the bed and breakfast season both starting earlier in the spring and later into autumn. This would increase your revenue and help with paying for the heating. I didn’t see anyone pose this side to you but I think it could be an important factor to be taken into consideration.


You possibly aren't reading comments on this thread anymore, but having just become a Patreon after watching you right from the very beginning, yes before COVID! I just thought I would add my thoughts. While I understand that the facade is very important to you, I see it as the final thing to be done. I think it's a lot more important to have your home warm and livable. While you can add more jumpers to keep warm, its not really an ideal way to live. The WHO (World Health Organisation) recently came out and said, that 18 degrees centigrade was the minimum inside temperature for comfortable, healthy living. Especially, as we age, it's very important to be comfortable, not freezing or laying on the bathroom tiling panting from the heat!! BTW I absolutely loved the last bit of "Mummy" boot scooting in the front seat! Classic!


As others have said, heating and comfort is so important for not only physical health but also mental health. I lived and worked during a very cold Vermont winter. Besides being physically miserable I developed muscle fatigue, fell, got sick, As a brand new Pateron I say heat.


Heat definitely


heat, make yourselves comfortable and preserve the amazing work you have already done. however, do what you want to do its your decision and your house to decide. x


oh my word, Dan and Amaury, crying with laughter