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PATREON: Support for Dan & Annalise

A very special thank you to all of you who have become Patrons of the Chateau de Lalande. You have made The Chateau Diaries one of the top 400 Patreon accounts in the world, and have transformed not only our lives here, but the future of this beautiful chateau! I’m overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity. On behalf of this beautiful chateau that will continue to survive and flourish because of you, thank you!!!



Thank you for the update and for being so supportive to them both and the children.


Shocked ! Goodness ! I wish them both the best, their reasons are 'their' reasons. xo


Thank you Stephanie. That’s so thoughtful of you to record a message for us. We will of course support Dan & Annalise and wish them all the best x


They're doing an incredible job. <


Such heartbreaking news. Praying for better days for their family. Thank you for giving them your loving support as they adjust to this season of their lives.


Take good care of Dan and his family. We are all pulling for them to succeed. They are so fortunate to have your love and support. LaLande’s magic will keep them safe and happy.


That is sad to hear, but being divorced myself, I understand. I wish both the best as well and that they find a way to still be good to each other. Sending them lots of ❤️


I am so so sad to read this but I actually suspected that something was wrong between Dan and his wife. I won’t comment on my suspicions, but the most obvious tell was that we never saw her in any of Dan’s videos. I am truly sorry for this family. I hope Dan will work very hard to finish the renovations and make a comfortable home for his wife and children.


I didn't know. That sucks, but I'm glad to hear that they are putting the babies first.


I'm so glad they have you guys as a chosen family around to support both of them. My sister is going through something very similar and I'm grateful she lives close enough to my parents for support. I love Dan and Annalise both even though I don't know them personally and I'm so glad things remain friendly for the boys. That says a lot about their characters and I wish them both the best.

Tina Winther

Nice to hear from you as well as Dan. Although I had suspected this, Dan’s video was saddening. Praying for best possible outcomes for them individually and as a family. Thanks for this message.


Love the support their community and family is giving them to co-parent they are lovely people.


As a divorced but remarried man, I can certainly empathize. Thanks for sharing. Of course they have my support and prayers. At the risk of changing the subject a bit, I saw where the Perhericks are doing something to deliver support to Ukrainaian refugees. Any plans to offer for a Ukrainanian family to stay a short time at LaLande while they decide what to do next? Just curious. This situation there is threatening all of Europe.


Love to them both and the children. ❤ x


You’re so kind to open your heart and home to them and give them the space they need to work out their situation. ❤️🇨🇦


Yes, of course. As well as donating the February revenue from Chateau Unwrapped! to a charity working in Ukraine, we have arranged for someone fleeing Ukraine to come to Lalande shortly. Hopefully we will be able to help more people in this way.


I’m sad to hear the news but of course support them both through this change in their lives and know that the boys will be their priority at all times.


Our lives are not always smooth and straight-forward, but for Dan, Annalise and the boys I wish them the best possible resolution for all.


Your supportive & generous nature is once again inspiring to me. The love of LaLande will hopefully help their family move forward to a new normal. Families come in all shapes & sizes & I hope their family adjusts quickly to their new normal. Lots of love to all!! ❤️


So sorry to hear that but space is definitely the kindest gift you can give them. To have the option to live apart but not too far may do wonders. Life is a changing thing and so we never know where it can go. Much love and peace from Ireland to their beautiful family xxx


Dearest Stephanie that is what we have all come to expect from you ! Kindness and total support to both Dan and Annalise from yourself and all at Lalande. The boys will both benefit from kindness and parents who are both involved in their well being and being totally loved ! as they shall be. Thankyou to the Lalande family.


Sometimes even the loveliest of people don't work together any longer. I wish them all the best.


I love them both but I am also heartbroken that this has happened. I am sending love and best wishes to the family. ❤️❤️❤️🙏🇫🇷

Leah Hamdaoui

Thank you for feeling you needed to let us all know, it's such a sign of respect and care for Dan and Annalise. I do hope they continue to be best of friends and wish them both and the children every success !!!!


I commented on another patron you talking. Not sure which is the real one.


I love them both and I was very sorry to hear of the split, but they seem to be having best thoughts and a good plan going forward. I wish them both and the boys much future happiness.


Lots of prayers for the whole family! 😢🙏🏻


Of course Stephanie, supporting them is a no brainer. Frankly, Dan’s fan base loves them both to bits and that’s a BIG understatement. So unless some Internet nutball crawls out from under a digital rock it won’t be a problem. You should tell Dan to moderate and block his vlog from any ugliness. Poof! Voilà troll, go sit in a virtual time out.


That could not have been an easy decision for them, I’m sure. As a parent of two young children myself, I hope they have been able to co-parent successfully through the transition and I wish them all of the best for the future.


Much love to Dan, Annalise, and their precious boys as they navigate this difficult time. It was a brave thing for Dan to make his announcement today and I pray that they both will be surrounded with the love and support they need.


It is heartbreaking and will pray all things get worked out for the sake of the boys, and them, too. Thank you for always being so supportive of all of your Lalande friends. Your kindness always shines. ❤ ♥


I'm very glad that both Dan and Annalise have such a good friend in you Stephanie. I saw Dan's video and I send love to the family . Lalande will soon be a protective arm around someone from Ukraine for a while. So much respect for you Stephanie 🙌


Such a shame for them but lives change & it happens ..their family values are still strong & if their friendship can remain strong their boys will still feel as loved as ever. It’s a brave decision & your support will help them through it. Much love, as ever, to everyone xx


So lovely for Dan and Annalise that they have such a strong group of friends to offer them support at this difficult time as they transition to a new life


Thank you for keeping us posted.


Sad news but , like so many others, I wish them all the best. So kind of you to offer them needed space. It is wonderful to see them working so hard to protect the boys and finding a way to redefine themselves as a different but still loving family.

Noreen Kelly

great to know they both have your support Stephanie. its a shame they have split but no one but the people involved know the reasons why relationships dont always work. they seem to be handling it exactly the way we would expect two such lovely people would


Stephanie, you are such a good friend.


Stephanie, Jane and I just increased our patron tier to the next level to provide additional funds for you as you help others


I’m sad to hear this. Now some things make sense. I wish them both the best. Dan is fortunate to be able to stay at Lalande. I hope we still see Annalise from time to time.


Praying for them🙏🏻


Love them both, wishing them and the children comfort through this difficult time.


Always sad when this happens, but always good to see friends trying to support couples when this happens!!! It’s those precious boys that count, now and in the future…

Daniel Hammond

I hope that they did not feel that they had an obligation to announce or disclose anything unless they actually wanted to themselves. When we are on Social Media, we can sometimes be treated like pro-celebrities. But we are not. Mostly we are just normal people with a hobby and our private lives should be respected as such. Love to everyone.


I wish both of them strength to navigate this difficult time.


Dan and Annalise are wonderful parents. They will navigate the next phase of their life with their boys best interests as a priority. It is sad but they will always be a family. With friends like you Stephanie, they will be fine. 😊💜👍


I watched Dan's video and told him they are doing the right thing. They are lovely and I know this is a difficult time but they have my full support. Having you there Stephanie has been so wonderful for this time of transition. Good friends are so important! Love to all!


I think I get more upset about YouTube breakups more than people I am close to, in a way. We see only a portion of a youtuber's life, and it's the good parts. We don't have the extra detail (and we shouldn't) that gives us that degree of resolution, the "ah, it's sad, but I can see why they made that choice". Hearing about Dan's breakup, I just think of the interview with Annalise where she said, "he's truly the love of my life." I wish all members of the family (Dan, Annalise, and the little ones) all the best as they navigate this huge change. Thank you, Stephanie, for helping them during this time. Change and growth can be so hard, but I know they'll get through it.


Thank you, It's so strange how quickly one can feel so close to others when you have never met. Dan and Annalise feel like family and I ache for their family. I also admire their generosity in sharing their private lives. I wish nothing but strength, love and the very best for their wonderful family


TY for the update . I wish both of them the happiness they deserve and hope they will work it out . The boys are precious and need to be shielded from negative energy . Be blessed .


It must be difficult to navigate such a major life change so publicly but they are doing it with grace and respect. Much love to the entire family. Stephanie, you are a kind friend to offer your home to your friends, I would do the same. 😘🇺🇸


A good support system is a great help to anyone who goes through a tough time.


thanks for your update Stephanie and totally understand why you would want to help and also shield this dear family. I must confess I shed a few tears at the news. No one wishes this to be the story and especially not with little ones. So glad Dan had Lalande to re group and that their intention is to bring stability to the boys and they are friends. still..Life certainly doesn't live out in a straight line- it throws twists turns and curve balls Much much love toDan and Annalise as they navigate this caverness road. (hugs)

Katie Roberts Art

Good on you darlingheart <3 I feel so proud of them to. May they grow well and still remain strong friends. Xx

Julia Cobb

Heartbreaking because I love both of them and the boys. Wish there was some way to mend this but obviously no. I’m the queen of divorce & know what a toll it takes on you. Hugs to them all.


It is so sad. My heart goes out to the two little boys. Their lives are forever changed.


Ok.I dithered slightly about writing this but decided to. It's just a comment about Dan's video. I am really sorry to hear of their split, though it's not a surprise to me at all, it was fairly obvious to anyone with a degree of intuition. Which actually comes to my comment which I chose to put here instead of under a video. It's just a sort of small comment which is, though I truly understand things not being said due to everything Dan explained in the video, and lets face it I think most of us have been through a sad break up though kids makes it much harder of course. Anyway my comment is, I am feeling a little bit like what else don't we know about, which is fine, but that does leave me start to feel a tiny bit like, what is real at the chateau and what isn't. I totally understand the reasons behind this and not telling us about Philip, but the fact is I also feel like I am being duped (even though there is fair reasoning behind it). And then not only am I being duped but it is for a long time 6 months with Dan, nearly a year!! With Philip. And actually lying about rooms with regards to Philip. I don't know, its difficult I know because you don't have to share everything of course, It's just these things do make me wonder if how much I am watching is actually real. I know Selmar and Marie have both said things too about things. Anyway, no hate or anything intended Stephanie. I am just pondering if perhaps there might be a better way of handling things instead of just lying to your viewers for 6 months or a year. As I said I am not hating, but i do feel a bit deflated. As a viewer and patron, one kind of invests themselves in the honesty of that channel. Food for thought maybe, and please don't pounce on me people, I have explained very nicely and explained that I understand there are genuine reasons for both occasions, I just don't like being lied too that's all even though I understand. I guess I just need to stop believing what I am seeing is real. Anyway peace to all at this difficult time in the world.


Well done to everyone at the chateau for respecting Dan and Annalise’s privacy until they were ready.


Well done for respecting there privacy.its a hard time for them. We might have a intuition that something wrong but why does that mean total disclosure .


I watched Dan’s video and reached out to offer support. This is a sad situation but life is an unsure journey. Please continue to protect the privacy of yourself and everyone at LaLande. Sending love ❤️ to everyone.


I have felt sad all day. Perhaps it was because I thought of my own parents separating when I was a kid. I wish all the best to Dan, Anneliese and the boys.


Hi Julie, as a retired registered Community psychiatric nurse I often said to my patients there are three levels of people you meet in life. The whole world, friends and close confidants. Tell anything you like to the whole world people. Selected things to friends and only confide only in people you know really well and can trust. You and I are in the Whole world group and as much as we like to think we are in the friends group we will and should only be given information about the life at Lalande as the people there feel appropriate. Having stayed at Lalande last year I only spoke to everyone there about myself on the whole world level.


After 13 years together, I do feel for them. They are both lovely people, and I did feel last year things weren't as they were, but not for me to say anything, as we all deserve our private lives, no matter how much we smile to the world. I wish them both well, as this is hard for them, and of course, hope Jack and Thomas will be as unaffected as much as they possibly can be. Wishing the entire family better days ahead.


What a lovely lady you are! You have opened your heart and your home to each of them. So proud of you. I wish all the best for Dan and his family. They are all exceptional…and the children are lovely, too. Obviously the product of good parenting from each of them. God bless and love to all. ❤️💕🌹


So sorry to hear this. I thought they were a lovely and well suited couple. Sounds like they are both dealing with it in a very mature way however, and after all those years together from kids I’m sure they’ll remain loving friends and great Parents to their beautiful kids.


You Stephanie must be the best one to be able to afford in the event of separation and still be best friends. You and Michael Potts are a good example of how you behaved. Wish all the best to Dan and Annelise and their cute boys. Hug Marianne


You’re a class act Stephanie!! 💛💛


They didn't feel pressure from outside, but I know Dan was feeling the strain of making his daily vlogs without mentioning it. I hope that he is able to return to them now, I'm sure he feels relieved that everyone knows. I had wanted to keep my relationship with Philip private, but when it was unexpectedly leaked by Channel 4 I was surprised at how much lighter I felt.


C'est la vie - and certainly none of our beeswax. Thanks for addressing it only from the POV of Dan being around more in your videos ;) Wishing them, and you well as always.


Truly feeling heartbroken for Dan and Annalise, wishing them both the best through this transition and hoping they find their way to friendship. If anyone can provide them the support and love they and the kids needs right now its definitely the La Lande family. Give them all a hug from us as I know breakups after so many years can really be a struggle to go through. Love to you all!


Wow. That is very sad news. They seem like a lovely couple, and such a sweet little family. I hate that it is being discussed on social media, makes me uncomfortable. But I guess there is little way around that being that he is also a vlogger. Wishing them all the best.❤️


I was a bit disturbed to read a comment above about ‘lying’ & a sense of perhaps entitlement to know more information about people’s private lives than they are willing to give. I don’t expect to know any information about even my very very close friends than they chose to tell me. Someone’s personal & private life is exactly that: *personal & private*, whether you are a very close friend or a patreon. I applaud good kind friends, discretion & respecting other people’s privacy. Love to Dan, Annalise & their gorgeous boys! ❤️😊


Dang. That really is sad news. I hope they each find the happiness and contentment the so deserve. Much love and support for the boys too. Man, life can be really tough sometimes. XXOO


Life is very challenging and tricky sometimes. Hopefully everything will turn out right. GOD BLESS


While we feel so terribly sad that Dan and Annalise have split, We we’re also struck by the honor Dan and Annalise were giving us by sharing such a personal thing with the viewers. Having been through divorces ourselves, we know what a lot of changes this can create within a family, whether together or apart, and we are struck by the respect and caring they are exhibiting for one another, and for the children. We love them and wish them the very best!

Brenda Mcgee

Thankyou for sharing Stephanie so sad for Dan and Annalise my youngest son is going through the same the little girls see daddy every day and Thomas and Jack will be showered with love and guidance as they grow always sad to hear of breakups wishing Dan and Annalise all the best for the future Stephanie you really are an angel just unconditional love flowing in your veins my hubby is younger than me we were given 3 months max together well it’s been 38 years ups and downs but we made it 😍👌Abiento my love😘😘❤️❤️


Mariann Froberg made a good comment about you Stephanie and Michael Potts still being very good friends. I truly hope Dan and Annalise can do the same. They are such lovely people.


I find things like this awkward because it is clearly none of our business and even though we feel like we know everyone from watching the videos, the truth is….we don’t. And yet we are drawn in and we celebrate the “happy” and are sad for the “not happy”. So, even though it’s none of my business….I very much appreciate the update/video from you and Dan. Having watched the video Annalise did with Marie, I could relate to her so much. I hope she gets her happy ending. Dan too. Thank you for the kindness you show, Stephanie.


It’s probably easier to just say what’s going on when you know people are speculating and that they have a group that spends all its time targeting everything about them wickedly. You can bear battle lies with openness. I’m sure they’re all starting rumors about it being Stephanie’s fault.


My answer to the rumors is do not acknowledge the rumor. I feal like they are seeking attention, by stating negative comments. They know nothing about the situation. This negative action show detriment to their character. Yet here I am responding.


Yeah breakups are sad, especially with two so very young precious kids, I hope they don’t suffer much since the parents are handling things lovingly and well. Off topic, what happened to the two volunteer girls that I think are Russian, I thought I saw one of them with you in Venice, are they gone from the chateau already? Sorry, but I can’t remember their names. The blonde one was the one in Venice right? Are they back in Russia?

Jane Nunn

Stephane, it is their business and theirs alone. I believe they have no need or requirement to make any statement or justification. It is private and has no affect on his channel. He is running an entertainment business with his channel and I hope people respect that and leave the matter of their relationship to them and them alone. I like both of them. Its not our business and not our place to comment.. Its a good friend that offers support to both,


Thank you, Stephanie, for sharing your support of Dan and Annalise with us. The details remain private, the support for both is public. I think Dan was quite relieved to finally share their decision for a time out in his earlier video.


Thats Sabrina and Maria. Sabrina is danish, she is the one that was in Venice. Maria is russian, but lives in Cyprus. So I would assume they are all good :-)


What a dear friend you are to both Dan and Annalise - 💛


SAd news for sure. I hope it all turns out for the best as you are right they both seem like really good people.


Lovely lovely couple I hope they can continue to work through this hugs to all xxx


I’m so glad they are working things out together and that Dan has your support and a place to stay.


You are a super friend! I am sure they both appreciate all your help and support. Love to them both in this difficult time xx


Yes i think heating might be the wise option but I'm behind you whatever you choose, as are the voices i read here ... Quotes and timelines ... I'm with you though as a wallpaper installer its hard to choose heating over beautiful


Aw this is sad news to hear but glad they are working it out for all of them the best they can. You are a good friend to have for them both. I think they are both a lovely couple and hope they still remain apart of the Lalande community. I wish them both the very best, but especially Annalise, who is a beautiful girl, and I wish her every happiness


Stephanie, I was saddened to hear about Dan's lovely family. I love watching your vlogs and I am sure my folks tire of my Chateau stories! They have been a saving grace during these times. That being said I have never felt I am entitled to your private lives. I do not like the word "lie" with it's negative connotation. To those who feel they should have received more information on others personal lives my response would be it was not your story to tell but their story to share when they were ready. Best wishes for the future and I will continue to watch as I love the French lifestyle, peacocks and laughter.

Sharon cole

On the other vlog i kept thinking all though stephine looked beautiful in her blue dress .I kept thinking I wonder why she didnt bring her new gold dress then i thought she must be saveing it for the opening of the new grand salon .then right at the end she had it on .I still hope she wears the gold dress for the opening of the grand salon. Ohooo thay all looked like thay had a wonderful time with memories that will last for always xxx


Lies? Seriously, donating to help with the Chateau does NOT make us entitled to know every aspect of their lives! I am donating because I love seeing the progress and I trust Stephanie to make the right decisions BUT I am not donating with the expectation that we have a right to know everything about their personal lives. No one has that right. There are some very veiled assumptions in your post and why you even felt the need to mention investigations has me baffled.

Melissa & Rich Bakewell

So sorry to hear this. We support them both and am glad to see The support you are giving to the family. ❤️


Much love and support to you both, Dan and Annalise! ❤️ I have so much respect for you putting your children first. May time heal whatever troubles you are going through. Hugs from Texas! ☺️


Praying that Dan and Annalise work things out. I applaud the way they are still sharing and caring for the boys. Best wishes to all❤️


I pray they can work it out. Sending all good vibes and support. 💕