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PATREON Hello from South Africa!

A very special thank you to all of you who have become Patrons of the Chateau de Lalande. You have made The Chateau Diaries one of the top 400 Patreon accounts in the world, and have transformed not only our lives here, but the future of this beautiful chateau! I’m overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity. On behalf of this beautiful chateau that will continue to survive and flourish because of you, thank you!!!



Just wonderful!


Reunited and it feels so good ❤️🇨🇦


So pleased to see you made it. Lovely to see everyone looking so well xx


Hello and Happy New Year! It’s wonderful to see you all together again. Enjoy! Hugs 🥰


Aww I'm so happy to see you all reunited again ❤🥰


Reunited at last! So happy for you! Have a wonderful time! ❤️

Jeanie Allison

How wonderful! So glad you are all there together safe and sound.🥰 You must all be so happy.

Tina Winther

Cheers! Thanks for the greeting in your naturally coordinating polka dots!! Isabelle and Percy look great!! And Gerry seems in fine form. enjoy your time away in the sunshine, Stephanie and Phillip!


Wow so great to see Mummy, Percy and Gerry, they look so well. I hope you are getting some rest time Stephanie and Philip, advent was pretty full on for you!


So lovely that you could finally be with your mum, Stephanie! Enjoy each and every moment. 💜


Lovely to see you all together. Its been too long! You bring joy to use all no matter where you are Stephanie. I've so missed Isobel and Percy. It will be great to see them in the upcoming videos. Thank God Gerald is well again too. Much love and hugs XX


Hello and thank you for this . Isabelle is looking 25 years younger today!! I think she must have a secret source of Youth Juice in SA?


Lovely seeing you all together! Enjoy South Africa ❤️


So good to see you Isabel!!


So happy to see you all together 💛🌈🌞


Lovely Isabel (and Percy)!!! How we have missed you! 😍


Seeing you together is simply joyful and wonderful , the family back together again xxx Mummy and Percy looking wonderful x Gerry looks so happy x you all do x ♥️♥️♥️


So lovely to see everyone happy and healthy! :)


This was such a treat! Thank you so much! 😊👍💜🇨🇦


Hurrah you made it! What a joy to see this in my inbox and so happy for you to be reunited. I love that Mummie and Stephanie are dressed alike, despite no planning, great minds, they say. My very best to all of you and enjoy what I can assume is lovely warm weather. Let us all hope that Mummie and Percy shall get to be at Lalande come Summer, what a joyous time for all. Again, so happy you are all reunited.


Back together, hurrah!


Have a great time! Thanks for the lovely video xxx


So happy to see you all together ❤


Lots of love to you all!!!!🥰❤️❤️🥰❤️❤️


Happy crying! So happy you are with your family!


So so happy you are all together enjoy every bit of your visit 💕💕


How wonderful that you are all together! Enjoy every minute.


YAY!! So happy for you all :)




Have a wonderful time x


So happy to see them!


Lovely to see the family reunion. I hope Gerry had no problems with his suitcase of high heels 😄. Looking forward to seeing Isabelle back at the helm of the good ship Lalande soon.


So good to see you all reunited at last! Relax and enjoy!! x


This literally turned my morning around!! I’m so happy to see you all TOGETHER!!


Thank God. I’m so glad to see everyone everyone safe and gathered together. What trials you have been through. So many struggles. But here you are. God bless you all in peace, health and safety. So happy for you. God bless. ❤️🌹


It's so heartwarming to see you all together. I've missed that so much! Hugs to you all from Washington State, USA


Praise the Lord that you made it.....we hadn't heard from you for a while and I was beginning to wonder if you three had made it. Yippie that you did and am so happy to see this video!!! Bless you all and miss you!!!!


Mummy and Percy look so beautiful and healthy.....just love those two xoxo


Mrs, Isabelle , I missed your presence !


I know you were missing her terribly. It's so good to see you together again! I'm glad to see that Isabelle is doing better and looking well. Enjoy your visit.


Hooray that you are all back together again! It’s wonderful to see Isabelle and Percy again. My goodness, it looks like Isabelle is pulling a Benjamin Button and aging backwards.


woo hooo so are all together again!! My mother is near you all on a trip right now on a birding expedition. love to all and have a wonderful recharging down time.


Really happy to see you are safe and sound with your dearest loved ones!! So fun!! Looking forward to the future vlogs!!❤️


I have to wait to get home to watch :(. Everyone looks good in that thumbnail




Welcome! Have a lovely visit. Love from Cape Winelands💜


I'm so very happy to see you and Mummy together again. Warms my heart!!! Have a great time!


Mummy looks absolutely stunning and you are both twinning ♥️💕 so happy to see you all reunited again it’s been wayyy too long !! Love from Canada xo


Yay happy for you Stephanie xx


A well deserved holiday. Have Fun, please bring them all back to Lalande with you!!! We miss them.

Melissa & Rich Bakewell

Awe! That filled my heart with joy!! So good to see them and thrilled to see the band is back together!!😀


Hooray! So glad you made it safe and sound and so lovely to see Jerry and Mummy and Percy!


Such exciting news! Happy to see you all together again xo


Such a nice surprise to see your family reunited, Stephanie! All looking well and happy!


Oh sweethearts, have a jol!


A lovely sight to behold! 💕🥰😘🎉


Glad you made it eventually and safely Stephanie. So lovely to see Mummy, Percy and Gerry all looking so well. Enjoy your well-deserved break and bask in that Southern Hemisphere warmth and sunshine. Heaven only knows, you might even break with tradition and have a 🏊‍♂️ swim. 😉😳




So happy to see you all together again!!!!Enjoy your visit!!!


Oh! So very happy to see all of you re united at long last. Have the most wonderful time all of you and look forward to seeing all the wonderful things you do in South Africa. Fondest love to you all from the Dordogne xxx


Yay!!!!!!! So happy you’re with your family!!! So excited to hear that Isabelle and Percy will be back this summer!!! We’ve been missing them❤️


I'm so happy to see this!! Congrats on making it there and getting back together. Have a lovely time, Steph and all!!


So happy to see all of you together. Everyone looks wonderful, but Isabelle looks marvelous.


How well everyone looks 😊


So lovely to see you all reunited, we have been missing you all. Much love xo


Your mom looks so relaxed.


I’m weeping! Such joy to be reunited!!!


This makes my heart so happy!

Julia Cobb

It was wonderful seeing Isabelle & Percy! Everyone looked happy and rested. Such a joy. Sorry about Gerald’s unmistakable suitcase! How in the WORLD did they not get it on the right flight😂 Hugs all around, this made me so happy! Made my day!


Reunited and it feels go good. What a treat to see all of your lovely people together again. Safe travels.


Gerry, along with Stephanie, Percy and Mummy look quite relaxed and very much enjoying the casual vibes of the South African beach house, though I'm wondering if Gerry forgot to pack any tartans for the trip.


Hurrah! Mummy and Percy we have missed you so much! Can’t wait for next week! 😁

Janese Carstens

This put a big smile on my face today, even though it’s snowing. 🥰

Kim A Crosbie

Polka dot dresses are the theme- love them

Brenda Mcgee

Such a treat Stephanie bonjour Percy and Isabelle hello my dear Gerald it felt like I was sitting there with you all Do have the best time with each other and Phillip I do hope your stay in SA is the best ever my loves😘😘😍😍❤️❤️🍸🍸


That was lovely. Have been missing mummy and Percy a lot


Welcome to South Africa!! I was so happy to see years ago that your mother owns property here. It makes me feel a little bit proud of my home country. Up until last year I lived really close to Percy😁Wish we could’ve met! Enjoy your stay!


It always feels like we are sitting in the room with you. How wonderful for you to all - finally- be together again. Enjoy your time in SA & know the chateau is in good hands with Dan the Man! See you in France soon! Hugs to mummy & Percy!



Leah Hamdaoui

So lovely to see Isabelle and Percy and looking so well !! In terms of outfits, lacking only is Gerry dressed in full tartan !! Love you all XXXX


You are all looking so well. It is nice to see everyone relaxed and enjoying each others’ company.. Cheers and thank you for sharing 😀👍🏻


SO DARN GOOD to see you all !!! I am glad you are warm and safe, see you soon again at La Lande!


Mummy is looking ravishing in her dress and as always, Percy is ever so dashing! It's so good to see them and HEAR their voices! Gosh we miss them! So happy you're all finally together! Cheers!


Isabelle looks beautiful and happy!


Yippee! Love to see Isabelle's smile. Thanks S.


Wow...so happy to see you all together.


Oh, that is so lovely to see 😊❤️ Enjoy your time together!


OMG this made me cry. So happy you're all together again. ❤️


Welcome back to our beautiful South Africa! I Hope you, Philip, and Scotman have a wonderful restful adventure. Love to Mummy and Percy


That’s wonderful to see you all reunited 💕 Thanks for popping by - enjoy and wishing you all the best time 🌟


Hooray! What joy to see you all together and able to spend special time with one another. Have a wonderful, wonderful time!!! xxx




So great to see Mommy and Percy again


Reunited and it feels so good! (song lyrics)

Allie Murray

Yay! So glad you made it safely and are all reunited! 🥰


You all look so happy!


I wept when Stephanie said goodbye to her mother at the airport and to see them reunited is just wonderful!

Olivia Bakke

Awe, Stephanie, you know that we are all extremely supportive of your January vacation and also extremely curious and deprived of updates. Thank you for this short video! I love to see the smiling faces of you with your family! Lots of Love from Arbor Lodge in Portland Oregon.


So good to see you all reunited, hello to everyone there 👋


Awesome to see "Tough" Mummy. We all miss her. Sooo funny that Mummy's and Stephanie's dresses match. lol Sorry Steph.....you definitely are like your mother in some ways. lol :-)


So thrilled that you are all back together!!! Enjoy that precious time!


Stephanie, I was so tearful seeing you all reunited at last! Family and especially mothers are so precious and those of us that were/are lucky enough to have them count our blessings. Isabella, you look so lovely and I’m so thankful to see you are well again with Percy’s loving care helping you. Looking forward to seeing you both and our beloved Scotman Gerry back at la Lande in the northern summer. Hi to Philip behind the camera lens! 🤗🥰🥰


Stephanie, that’s not the real Gerry, he’s not wearing any tartan.


Great to see you all together for a family reunion most have been awful being apart for so long have fun xxx


Oh it was lovely to see Mummy, Percy, and Gerry!! I'm so happy that you were able to all be together again!! You and Mummy look beautiful!😍

Denise Behrends

You all look so relaxed whenever you are together in South Africa. Delighted to see Isabelle and Percy after so much time has passed!


Gerry too!! Wow yay!!


So good to see you all together again


So wonderful to see all of you. Enjoy


Hello and thank you. You made my day today. I received my patron card in the mail and I was so excited! I was running around showing everyone. Made me feel very special. Have a wonderful vacation in South Africa!


Wow! So great to see you all looking so relaxed and happy together in South Africa. Enjoy your time together!


thank you for thinking of us Stephanie and taking the time to make a post- Enjoy yourself and hi to everyone in South Africa and not forgetting Phillip who does an amazing job behind the camera. x x

Laura & Jack

Thanks for this short video. Was wondering how you were all doing this week and hoping you are having no only a living reunion but also a bit of a rest.


Stephanie, thank you so much for taking a few moments to let us know you arrived safely and allowing us to share in your joy at being reunited with your mother and Percy. I've been wondering all week if you were able to travel, and hoping that you and Philip and Gerry have been enjoying spending time with Isabelle and Percy and basking in the South African sunshine. I'm so very happy you all made it!


Glad to see you all together again!


Thanks Stephanie,the rest has been good for you.Your looking fabulous!


Lovely to see you all looking so well. Enjoy yourselves in the warmth. It’s freezing here in France xxx


Everyone looks radiant! Love to you all from New Zealand xx

Anne Green

Wonderful to see you all arrived in South Africa 🇿🇦 safely and wonderful to see Mummy, Percy & Gerry ❤️ 🥂 🫂 xx


How wonderful to see you all reunited! Have a lovely time catching up! xxx


How wonderful to see you and Philip with Mummy Isabelle, Gerry, and Percy! Have a lovely time together! Hugs from North Carolina


Thank you for this Stephanie- it was so lovely to see your Mom, Percy and Gerry doing so well. We have missed them🌸

Noreen Kelly

love the matching dresses! good to see everyone looking so well

Heidi Panella

I'm so glad you made it safely and Mummy and Percy look wonderful!! Enjoy your visit XOXO


Cheers! So nice to see your Mummy and Percy and of course, Gerry! Hope you all have a wonderful, carefree visit together!


Lovely to see you all and that you have arrived safely in South Africa. I hope you have a fantastic time!


Lovely to see you all save and well! Stephanie, I am wondering since you changed your description of the tiers if you are are aware of following: if you write patreons become member of the association you must invite us all for an annual meeting and show us all your finances. We then must release the board from their responsibilities. It is a technicality, I am not sure though if publishing your finances is what you had on your mind when making us members ☺️ You might want to check this...


Oh, what a wonderful sight! ❤️❤️❤️ I’m so happy that you all are together again! Hugs to all!


This makes my heart so happy seeing you all together again 💗


Relax and enjoy this time together with your wonderful family, Stephanie!

Daniel Hammond

Lovely to see you all together again!


so wonderful to see you all together :)


Love seeing you all reunited! It's so fun! Can't wait to see more. When you ask your Mom about coming back to France soon, I was thinking, she's probably thinking, "not without Percy!" Haha. She doesn't want to be separated again.


Hello Isabel and Percy. It’s so nice that Stephanie and Philip are there to visit. Have a great time.

Colette Retif

Women have a way of dressing alike even when they aren't related. It used to happen all the time when I taught.


You all look so well! Enjoy family time and safe travels.


So Happy to see you all, Isabelle and Percy look so well... Regads from México.


Did you leave Dan a to do list? He is doing a great job. The pantry looks fantastic with help from friends.

Jodi and Scott Barck

Hello everyone is lovely! Oh no Gerry has another mix up with his suit case. Carry on luggage Gerry carry one haha. Enjoy your visit❤️

Garrie and Cindy Garrison

Oh joy! Thanks for taking the time! So glad for you. I am trying to get used to not being able to even call my mom on the phone again. Somehow your reunion has made me feel a bit better. Enjoy. Love to all of you.😍😘


So lovely to see you all reunited


So lovely to see you all together after so long You all look happy and relaxed Happy days Thanks for sharing Love from Campden Ontario Canada 🇨🇦

Jane Nunn

Hello Isabelle and Percy and Gerry.. wonderful to see you all together again.. Safe travels..

Tina Winther

I just loved seeing everybody’s expression in the still you chose as the cover for this vlog!


So nice to see Isabel and Percy!!!


So lovely to see you all together make the most of your time but please don’t forget to rest, relax and recuperate.🥂🥂


so wonderful to see you all together.


So lovely to see Isabelle, Percy & Jerry! Isabelle looks beautiful & you all look very relaxed! ❤️


Awe its so nice to see you all together . Enjoy your reunion.


Love love love Scot Man 😉