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PATREON: Trying not to break THE mirror!



Can’t wait!


Have a well deserved rest both of you and have fun with mum and Percy, we will be here when you come back ! xxxxx


I sent Nati the adress of a company in Russia that can reproduce carved mouldings in oak or beech if that helps, their prices seem good, maybe they could work from a photo, maybe propose some publicity ? xxxx


Quick question. Gerry mentioned that he was looking forward to going to South Africa with you to visit “Mummy” and Percy. Has Covid stopped him from leaving the UK?


Amazing, have a great time in South Africa! Try and convince Isabelle and Percy to come back with you!! Also I visited London last week and tried sushi samba it’s incredible if you haven’t been- give it a go!


Have safe travels to South Africa. Loved this vlog, especially the end with Micah's mother.


Safe travels to South Africa. Enjoyed this vlog very much, can't wait to see mummy and Percy.


Looking forward to seeing Mummy and Percy in South Africa and the interview with Marie! Is Gerry able to join you in South Africa?


Bon voyage to you both, keeping everything crossed for you that you will soon be in SA . Looking forward to seeing some filming from there soon ❤


Way back during Stonehenge's various phases, there is clear evidence of large social gatherings involving pig hunts and feasts at Midwinter. The site is Durrington Walls, and there is a Time Team UK episode on the information. Very nice walks in the area. This tradition goes waaaaaay back. :)


And SO glad that you are having a rest and lovely takeout food in London!


Whole Patreon vlog is fascinating. The Patagonian (?) pig, the Dali Cookbook, lovely Michael Potts and his pizza, the mirror and Maaike’s Mum. What a delightful lady she is. I can’t wait for the next instalment. Also I am very much looking forward to lots of South African footage. It’s a stunning and fabulous country, but of course I m mindful you need a rest also. ❤️

Kelly S Larson

I loved this vlog. I'm excited to see Mummy and Percy in S. Africa and safe travels


Fun pizza night ! The mirror is splendid and your team is incredible! Have a safe trip to S Africa and see you soon!


So happy to hear you had a nice break in London. Other than the long flight to SA, you will be refreshed when you spend time with mummy & Percy. Enjoy SA!


All fingers crossed for your travel plans to South Africa!


Travel safely and revel in your time away with Mummy and Percy and Philip.


That was fun. Thank you!


That was lovely! That house is so inclusive and so emotionally warm and so full of love. A bad day can become good with a healthy dose of LaLande. I hope you can get to SA and you both finally get a rest. Xx


Any update on the Angkor Wat episode of the Chateau Diaries? I hope you and Philip have a fantastic time in South Africa! Safe travels!


The guys at LaLande are simply amazing.


Fingers crossed for a safe, stress-free trip to South Africa. Have a wonderful time! I bet Isabelle is beside herself with excitement to be seeing you so soon now.


So glad you're relaxing, you deserve it! Fingers crossed for South Africa!


Marie is such an interesting and knowledgeable person.


Looking forward to Marie’s interview! Is there also an interview with Maria? I spent high school in Cyprus so I’m curious to here how she got there 😍 Love all the fascinating Lalanders!


Hope all goes well with your travel plans. Stay safe


Safe travels!!!


Hi Steph! I don’t know how to spell Mica’s name so apologies if I’m incorrect, but she & her mother are so lovely! They look & sound so similar! The dress will be fun to see & you looked like Audrey Hepburn’s beatnik character from Funny Face in your black leotard & tights! What a great video & again I feel lucky to be a patron! Safe travels & have a fantastic time!!


I haven’t interviewed Maria yet, but I agree that it would be fascinating. I’ll hopefully interview her later this year


Hoping you get to see Mummy and Percie, and have a great time. May you have a safe travel and not get stranded on your way back to France. 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞


I felt such a THRILL when I heard Nick’s voice I rewound and listened again to make sure I heard him. I felt incredibly silly afterwards, although not silly enough to stop me confessing to you all here. Would I find it nearly so thrilling outside a second pandemic winter? Who knows! But really we are all just grabbing joy wherever we can find it and for me apparently joy is someone you may never meet commenting on a beautiful mirror in the middle of rural France. Thank you Stephanie for a truly thrilling video!


Accidentally had sushi with you but in Southern California. Love the repurposing of vintage wedding dresses—it’s the one thing that needs a fresh look once the ritual usage is out of the way. Safe travels.


The mirror with the panelling is pure elegance can’t wait to see the room transformed - adore the vintage wedding dress reminds me of my mums from 1960 that I too used to dress up in sadly we have no longer be great to see it transformed Well safe travels and happy holidays thank you for sharing xxx


How glorious it is when our favourite nerds Stephanie and Philip have the best time doing a jigsaw!


Philip’s friend and her mother are such warm and interesting people. They are the kind of people you want as your friends. Give all of our love to your Mother and Percy and enjoy every single minute of your visit.


TY for the vlog and greetings from Alabama. 💜


Have a wonderful trip!


Stephanie, this was lovely! Sending you all the best thoughts, wishes and prayers for safe arrival to see Mummy. I haven't seen my mother since her annual visit in 2019, because of the pandemic, so I completely understand your longing to be with your mother and spend precious time together. Here's hoping 2022 brings an end to the obstacles to seeing family and loved ones.


I wonder if Michael Petherick could be invited to do some of the intricate painting, as in the New York Met French grand salon section. The gratitude you must feel for that young man's persistence and how perfect was his timing! He beams when he is with you - London, Venice, La Lande.


OK I need a home full of strong men - good team! The wedding dress story made me cry - what an awesome idea! Hope you are all enjoying your break and I can't wait to see Percy and your Mommy. Thanks for sharing so much of your life for all of us to enjoy.


Would love to join you in South Africa, Stephanie, which is a country I've yet to visit, but it's more than a hop, skip and a jump for me from my Southern California home. In any event, safe journey and I know you will make the most of every minute, including plenty of R&R. (Rest and relaxation)


Any Video with Nic, Antoine, Marie and Michael Potts in it has to be great and it was. Love Nic's updated paper bag. lol The Pig Smashing was fun. Thank you. Rest up.


Can't wait to see the final result in the grand salon!!! Also, did I miss something in the previous videos? Nati and Amaury looks to be pretty close while smashing the peppermint pig in the bag? :)


Lovely video and I so look forward to next week's Patron video from South Africia and seeing Isabelle and Percy.


Hooray! I’m so happy you, Isabelle, Percy and Gerry will finally be reunited 👏👏.


I hope you two have a fabulous time reuniting with Percy and Mummy! I’m so happy you get to see her Steph. Better late than never ♥️ safe travels!


Such a glorious blessing to have the mirror in one piece AND I pray it will be an amazing blessing to arrive safely to your beautiful Mommy and dear Percy!!! Much love🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️

Julia Cobb

I’m so glad you and Philip are in London and able to do some everyday things. I’ll be so happy when y’all’s toes touch ground in South Africa! I know Percy and Mummy are overjoyed that you and Gerald & of course Philip are coming, too. Really enjoyed hearing Nick a little🥳 And how was sour dough pizza? My pizza always has so much meat, veggies & cheese on it the crust you don’t really taste it. Tell Philip I found a setting for 12 of Rose and have reached out for others to help me pay for it. I wish I could afford it all, but it would be my travel & clothing budget for the year😉 Hopefully some others will help.

Merideth and Nicky

Safe travels to you both. Glad you are having some rest. Thank you as always. So excited to see Mummy and Percy. Fingers and toes crossed. ❤️

Sabine Goetz

Lovely update. Safe travels!


Yes. They are an item. There is a special vlog about it. Look for one titled Christmas Day and a Special Announcement.


It is so exciting that 50 million views on YouTube is in your sights…. Wow, just wow! Again, thank you for bringing us along!!!!!


Yes safe travels to you and Philip! Give Isobel and Percy an extra hug from me! Looking forward to seeing them both.

Leah Hamdaoui

Everything and everyone in this vlog was great but the star is Amaury with his craftsman ways and ruggard good looks... you are all exceptional and Michael Pott's pizza making technique has my vote for best chef award 🍕🏰🥂⭐🦘

Daniel Hammond

Sushi! I know exactly what you mean! It is one of my fatal weaknesses! So glad that the mirror is okay and I am excited to see what will be made of the wedding dress! Thank you for the video! Have a fabulous week!


I am about to take my 45 year old wedding dress and attempt to make it into a christening gown for my grandchild that is due in the Spring. Ellen has really given me some inspiration.


Safe travels!

Inge Helene

It's looking amazing, 🙌😍 am looking forward to seeing it playst in the right order 👀 It is so good, that you're going to see, your mother and Percy. 🤗 You must have been so worried about them. I think it will help you, relax and not be so stress 🤗🤗


Glad your unwinding!Enjoy!


Though I live within a half hour’s drive of Saratoga Springs, I have only partook of a peppermint pig once…a smaller one as they do come in different sizes 🐖 🔨 the story of the wedding coat is so beautiful! I hope your journey to South Africa is without any glitches and that you spend beautiful hours with your mother and Percy 💕


Just caught up, hoping everything goes well for your trip the SA and being reunited with your Mum and Percy. I hope Anmaury and Nati are having a great time too. Love to all at La Lande x


Hi Stephanie, thank you for this Patreon vlog. Have a wonderful time with Mummy and Percy and Phillip is South Africa. Please pass on my best regards to them. Have a wonderful time all of you. I am so pleased you are having a break away, it will set you up for the Spring months ahead.


safe travels, sorry pressed to soon. Lots of love from the Dordogne xxx


Me too! Sushi and an Asahi beer is exactly what I go straight for on any return to Uk. Lovely video as always Stephanie. Hope your flight to South Africa goes well! Xx


Loved your Christmas family this year, you all seemed to enjoy everything you did and very interesting to share it with us. Enjoy South Africa and look forward to your return x


Oh my goodness, that is so kind and thoughtful of you, but please don’t worry! Such a thing would be far too expensive. You can’t imagine the joy you give to me (and everyone at Lalande) just from being a patron. Because of all of you we feel safe, creative and able to put our dreams for the future into action ❤️


What a stunning panelling ! Are you planning to paint it afterwards or is it going to stay in its current state ??


Hi Stephanie, I enjoyed your Christmas videos. I just want to mention that I have not received your Thank You card for being a patron. Enjoy your travels...


Fingers crossed for your journey to SA


Loved it and the mirror is beautiful 🥰🥰 cannot wait to see the reunion when you get to africa 🥰🥰💖💖


The panelling and the mirror is going to look absolutely stunning when all in place. Hmmm…Nati and Amaury breaking the Peppermint pig together made me think of cutting a wedding cake together!💜 I really enjoyed Ellen’s story about the wedding dress. It will be interesting to see what she creates. Do you have her Atelier website? Crossing fingers and toes that everything goes well for your trip to South Africa and that you and Philip will soon be with Mummy and Percy safe and sound. 🥰🌟


Enjoy your London break -you have well and truly earned it!! And have a wonderful reunion with Mummy Isabelle and Percy in South Africa.


I hope you made it to South Africa. Enjoy your break xx


That Mirror is stunning in place. Thank you for sharing this little bit of extra video with us :D. Now I want to try some peppermint pig next Christmas. The story about the wedding dress is fantastic, and I can't wait to see what she makes. Enjoy your trip. Make sure to rest and have fun!


The story about the wedding dress was so beautiful and struck a chord in me since my mother passed away during christmas. Her clothes are very important to me because she was always so stylish and perfectly dressed. That story has given me inspiration to what I could do to some of the items. I am twice her length and size so I can't wear them as they are. Thank you!



Kimberly Dale

💛🙏I love your London Apt...You look fantastic( loved what you were wearing(?l looked cozy& I love a mandarin collar, and what you were wearing while going over the plans for that beautiful wedding dress...I've also loving the goblets( are they the madonna, goblets?) And will we ever get to meet Philips family? Happy Trails & Safe steadfast travels...💛🙏 load up on your vit C &D3...


Dear Stephanie, thank you so much for this amazing Patreon vlog. I have just recently become a patreon, and to be honest I feel a little ashamed of my self as I have been binge watching both your channels (and now this) from the very beginning. I enjoy them so much:-) I am also exited that you have Sabine from Denmark as a volunteer. She seems to be a really good representative for my country. Gladly hard working, intelligent and with this understated but hilarious sense of humor :-) Love to watch when Maria, Sabine and Phillip are chatting, They are so funny together. For how long are Sabine and Maria staying as volunteers? Safe travels to South Africa dear Stephanie and Phillip. Hope you will come back home filled with love and new energy.


Hello from Texas to my sweet Lalande friends! Safe travels Stephanie and Philip! How wonderful that you will be with your lovely Mummy and Percy soon. Love and Hugs! 💕💕💕


I was excited to see the pig from Saratoga Springs, NY as that’s where I live. I love Saratoga Candy Co. It’s a great old fashioned type candy shop ! I was also excited to realize there is another person from my area who loves The Chateau Diaries, too ❤️❤️❤️❤️ !!!!


Bon voyage & bonnes vacances xxxxx

Denise Behrends

Thank you for sharing. Safe travels!


Thank you so much! Take care :)


Looking forward to your South-African aventures and to seeing you both with Isabelle, Percy and Gerry. Bon voyage !


Oh, so excited and amazed with Micah's mom, she's an artist extraordinary...Could not wait to how she's going to build a new life and design on those dresses...TFS and take care kindest Stephanie!


The paneling is going to be spectacular! Amaury is such an Artisan and takes so much pride in his work. You are very lucky to have him Stephanie.

Erica Anne Meloe

I have recently become a patron, and have been binge watching all of these videos! I have really enjoyed them quite a bit! And have found myself making a list of toile, Spode, le chocolat and French inspired furniture for my wish list! Have a wonderful time in South Africa and make some great memories!


Any updates/Vlogs from the Canadian couple who stayed with you before taking possession of their own Chateau?


Have you thought of doing a LaLande hard cover book? With beautiful photos, stories, etc. It would sell!! You need a photographer to also document great photos you can use for the book. A wide angle quality camera in the downstairs leu would be great. Envisioning one of those large format hard cover books! Yellow themed cover. Start collecting photos, stories, etc...if you haven't already. 💛

Christine VR

Stay safe dear LaLanders as you travel far away to visit loved ones. Can’t wait to see some footage of both South American and South African trips but ESP, footage of Isabelle and Percy. We miss them so much! Love to all of you! See you in February for Valen-dine’s day, sitting at the chateau table dressed in it’s best aggressive pink rosette place setting!


I’d love to see a calendar made for purchase , think of the pictures that could be used , would be very nice , and I’m sure lots of people would buy them

Noreen Kelly

i had black granite benchtops but ended up replacing them for light ones. it depends on your ocd levels but they need to be polished as well as wiped because they show every water or wipe mark. they drove me nuts..


Stephanie, just seen that bbc news article that says you are 50 🧐👀😬 got to say the picture in it looks more 30. I blame Dan and his mowing 😂 hope this goes on the revenge list for him!!


Please let me know if it doesn’t arrive in the next couple of weeks - I signed everything up to date before leaving Lalande, and Sabina and Maria were posting them all for me. So it should be with you soon!


I can’t remember which goblets were shown in the video, but it was probably the Madonna Inn ones, we use them a lot!


I hope you have a good trip to South Africa. I would be beside myself and not sleep for days if I'd been away from my mother so long. I'm so happy you're able to go and see Mummy and Percy. I'm sure you will get a recharge in your spirit from being with them after so long.


Have a happy and travel safely


Oh I can’t wait for the Marie interview!!!


When are you hoping to arrive in South Africa? I have everything crossed you make it. Over Dec our son has probably become your youngest fan, watching the videos everyday. He LOVED the Catalan poo ornament one! X


Hello Everyone. I am Janet from Australia. I am a patreon and have been watching your programme along with my Mum and Sister since it started, So enjoy it. I wonder if anyone can help me know how to send the videos from my computer (which has no sound) to my tv or my phone so I can hear them. Thank you. Best Wishes


Dear Stephanie As you have the time and mush clever and very skiled Amauri/cuz…. Why not ask an arkitekt specialized on panneling francais how to ajoust ??? I think you are in a fantastic situation now not to do mistakes ! SVP and big hugs Anders


Love the story of the dress. My sister in law is one of five girls and when each got married they all wore their mothers dress having it tailored to their own desire. I always loved that idea.


Ellen is really cool, I like her fashion philosophy

Terrie Goodwin

It seemed the Phillip's comment of the "pigaxe" went over everyone's heads. I thought that was one of his best! But he's humble enough just to let it pass.