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PATREON Speaking about my love life for the first time!!!



We love you Steph❤️


Ahh ! I was confused watching Chateau DIY and the narrator calling Philip your bf!! Your love life is your business Stephanie. Much love xx

Christine VR

That in terrible; that Channel 4 would presume anything about your love life. I love both you and Philip and yes clearly you have a wonderful friendship but I never got anything more than friendship. You protected your privacy well and fir them to “out” you like that is … RUDE!


Love this! Thank you for sharing. I am glad you are happy.


So very happy for you both ❤️❤️ It’s beautiful! 😍


ah you go Stephanie, all the best, be happy and live your life, stay amazing ;)


Two wonderful people. What’s not to love?


You deserve to keep anything private that you wish, we love and respect you Stephanie & Phillip!


I think it absolutely wonderful! Be happy you deserve happiness and privacy!


No questions. Be happy! Protect your private life.




I think it’s wonderful, and I’m happy that you’re happy.


Philip is great. What a great catch for both of you. My boyfriend is quite a bit younger than me as well. Though not nearly as handsome as Philip. I’m so sorry it was made public on channel 4. You deserve your privacy.


I love this! Y’all are made for each other❤️

Caroline Kaiser

Wow I did not see that. Shame on channel 4 for not asking first


Absolutely wonderful news!! So happy for you and Phillip!!!


I don’t think this is a surprise to anyone. A couple of times on vlogs you’ve referred to places you’re staying as “our room” and a while ago stopped showing a second room as Phillip’s room. He also shows signs of couplehood as do you in his life transitioning itself permanently to Leland and the way he talks about your china possessively. 😆 You just enjoy your life!


I wish you much happiness, and I also wish you a happy private life. I'm sorry that you folks got outed that way, but as usual you're handling it with grace and joy. Thanks for all that you do to make life better for not just Lalande but for the world. ❤️


Well, if mummy approves, who is anyone else to argue? Because she wouldn’t put up with any crap. ❤️


Congratulations to you both. Who wouldn't wish two people happiness 💞


Private is always good. Something special just for you 😘 I once had a partner 13 years younger than me but made no difference to anything. Haha love this news 😊


Sorry that your precious privacy was outed by Channel 4 - thank you for choosing to be so open with your patrons in this situation AND i totally support you to continue to keep your privacy PRIVATE from now on You share so much with us so generously already - YOU get to choose what you share- Make it work for you. Sending much much love to you all THANK YOU XX


I never cared about your love life. But I am very happy that you have both found each other. All the power to you!


Happy for you guys Stephanie xx 💕😊👍


So pleased for you and Philip. Long may you be happy together 😘 x x x


When i watched it today I was shocked. I had no idea at all, but i wish you both the best. As long as your both happy who cares what others think. Sending much love and i hope to come to see you soon xxx


You make a lovely couple you share so many like interests, who cares about age! Be happy and it’s your business who you love, I totally support your decision to keep that aspect private.xx


Never has there been a classier woman, wishing you both nothing but happiness xx


I'm sorry you were somehow forced into confessing your personal life to all of us. I don't think it's really any of our business and you shouldn't ever have to share want you want to keep private for yourself. Happy for you both and cheers to all.


Congratulations!!❤️ I’m just happy you’re happy, you’re great together, just enjoy being private. You share so much.


And as usual, Mummy has the best response. 😆


No one’s business but yours I’m just happy for you both . Sending love x


You are so loved! I’m delighted for you both and I’m proud of you for being so vulnerable and sweet in the midst of losing so much privacy. I will always advocate for you to live and love as you chose without fear of reprisal from those who might be cruel and unjust. ❤️


I'm happy for you x


Ha Ha that book - I totally get that you want to keep your private life private since it's nobodys business - but since this is out let me just say that you two always seem so wonderful together on the vlogs and anyhow how were you not destined to end up with a boyfriend who's crazy about porcelain.


❤️❤️ No questions from me! Happy for you both. Xx


I knew you two were close but I did not pick up on the relationship. This is amazing!!!!! I’m so happy you two are together, you compliment each other well!!!


I'm so glad you two found each other. <3 Thank you for sharing; totally understand wanting to keep certain things in your life private. We are certainly not entitled to everything you do but I appreciate how open you are!


I am so happy for you Stephanie! ❤️❤️ I too have been with a younger man for several years and you are right, society doesn’t look at it the same as a man with a younger woman. I happy you are happy but sad that you were faced with sharing what you deserve to keep private.


Don’t do a live, keep it private. Love to you all ❤️


So sorry they put this information out. We love you both and respect your privacy. Go on not speaking about it. Glad you are happy. I am shocked though. Thank you for being frank. It's none of our business really. Much love to you both.


It is very unprofessional and self-profiteering of Ch4; unfortunately that's how realty tv rolls, any bit of sensationalism makes for good 'ratings' for them only.


I had no idea lol and it is really none of my business but I am very happy for you both


Sending you both so much love and support. Love is love no matter what and seeing you both happy is really all the matters.


Goosebumps of joy when hearing the news. Now I can stop speculating of who I thought the lucky person might be there at Lalande! Phillip is a joy- much love to you both from Washington State, USA!


Whilst I appreciate you sharing, and I am thrilled for you both, it is your life and you own no explainations. Amour <3 Amour.


Just keep doing what enriches both of your lives and makes you both happy. My partner and I have an 18 year age difference which we forget about most of the time because it’s about two souls connecting not your date of birth. It’s such a blessing to have love in your life and I wish you both many years of happiness together.


Also, l feel that you don't need to share any more than what you have already mentioned in this short video, no 'live' is required. All the best and l hope to see you in person next year..


Stephanie, the age gap between my husband and I is greater than that between you and Phillip and it’s not a problem for us. If it’s a problem for anyone else then that’s tough luck for them! It’s your business and nobody elses and we watch CD for life in the chateau, not for personal relationships, which should remain private. Much love and respect x ps. I don’t think there’s any need for you to do a live vlog on Friday. I certainly don’t think there are any questions to be asked of you x


As long as you’re happy that’s all that matters!


Stephanie, your personal life is yours and yours alone and as a vlogger you need to draw a line somewhere as to how much of life you share, I think your decision is a good one! bit rubbish of channel 4 but it’s happened now, and move on I suppose! No questions from me! X


Yayyyyyyyy!!! You deserve all the happiness in the world. You two make an amazing couple. Don't be afraid of what sexist people talk. You are a beautiful and independent wan. Be happy. Lots of love!!! Im so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!


Happy for you both , Phillip is lovely and obviously devoted X


Its really no one elses business and I dont think a live or any questions from us are necessary. Im just happy for you both.


Good for you and and good for Philip!! As someone who's also been in a relationship where the outside world only seems to see the age difference, hold on to that spark you both have for each other and the similar interests and passions you share. These things will help you through all that the world brings your way. You go girl! And Philip as well haha! Wish you the best of luck and know that you have every right to keep your personal life for yourself ❤ We completely respect that!


So pleased for you both. I think you are both suited so well. Philip is such a lovely man, and your interests are entwined ❤️ As for the age difference-who cares. I am older than my husband and it works just perfectly. thank you for sharing. I had my suspicions 😂 totally will respect your privacy ❤️ yeah!


I had a sneaking suspicion and so very happy for you and Philip. You both are so in sync it is wonderful! Don’t worry about the naysayers it’s no one’s business. Be happy!


What a shock that must have been - and how very indiscreet of the production team. I am, however, quietly unsurprised, and very happy indeed. Phillip appears to be a a caring, fabulously quirky, kind and darling man - and you seem to share so many interests. I am really pleased for you both. I also fully understand your desire to keep something precious and private and endorse you decision to say nothing to the wider audience.

Ana Maria Sierra

Much love to you both. FYI - Years ago a man 23 years my junior pursued me relentlessly. Then he did something so romantic I couldn’t reject him. It didn’t last long because he lived far away and it was just as well. It was fun while it lasted. Philip is a wonderful and kind human. I say enjoy one another! 💕💕💕 But it doesn’t matter what I say, right? I stand by your choices. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


Very happy for you both, ignore any naysayers. My husband is 16 years my senior and we've been happily together for 10 years and couldn't be happier. Love and smiles to you and all the house.


You suit each other, just be happy together xx


Aww. Sending lots of love Steph, miss you all xx


Much love to you both!! ❤


How lovely. Simply gorgeous news and you are obviously the very best of friends too. It’s very warming news. 😍


What lovely news, you make a great couple. Forgot the age difference and don’t let any negative remarks get to you. Wishing you both every happiness together xxx


So happy for you both, what a shame it all had to come out like this. You certainly had me hoodwinked! I do hope that this can be for the positive though and can bring a new chapter for you both in Lalande life. You certainly don't need to feel as though you must do a live as some sort of confessional, but they're always great fun if you do decide to go ahead. I truly wish all the best for you and hope that all of the recent catastrophes can be put to rest now! Lots and lots and love to you all <3


What narrow minded people may think is irrelevant. It is your private life and only yours. I think you make a fantastic couple. Do not take any notice of any negative feedback. You both deserve to be happy.


Great news!!! I am beaming! You both deserve the best and should be bold about your boundaries. Lots of love and laughter to you both :)


Am actually quite horrified that you’ve been forced to “explain” your love life .. MASSIVELY no one else’s business & handled with your usual class & dignity. While I personally think you make a lovely couple, & what even IS an age gap fgs? you definitely don’t owe anyone an explanation Stephanie. You’re just lovely. Don’t change & I wish you both oodles of happiness ❤️

Pam Mastin

Bottom line....so happy for you both!


Stephanie, you’re so sweet!! I was happy you had found someone to do things with on this journey and that is already hard to find, so to know that it is more than that is really wonderful!!! I’m so incredibly happy for both of you ❤️❤️❤️

Tina Winther

I’m glad it’s out of hiding for the patron group, love that it’s officially on and still respected within our community. I’m so happy for you two finding each other 💞


Do whatever you want that makes you happy, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, we respect your privacy. But we did have an idea.


What wonderful news and what a lovely couple!!! You share so much in common!!! Wishing you only the best and many blessings! 💕💕💕


I'm completely taken for a loop with this news. I didn't have any inkling. But that is how it should've been since you weren't wanting to share. I don't even think the live is necessary. This was a nice lil update, even though you didn't have to do it. I'm incredibly happy for you both. Love you both separately and now together. You have such class. Brava


So exciting!! While you have every right to keep this information private, we are so humbled with the trust you’ve shown in sharing it with us. ❤️ So happy that you and Philip have found happiness together!!

Andrew G. Hughes

Two consenting adults who both seem genuinely happier since meeting. It’s a beautiful thing and I’m happy for you both. Last year’s advent was spectacular because of the dynamic you both share. Congratulations 🥳 🎉 it’s not fair or right when someone tells your story for you. Thanks for being brave and discussing with us. Much love to you all!


Oh my goodness! I am so sorry that Channel 4 revealed your relationship status without your consent, but I’m OVERJOYED for you and Philip, Stephanie! I wish you both nothing but happiness and the best adventures and antique cutlery that life can bring. 🥳👏🏼✨


This is such a brave thing to do, sharing this with the world. I wish you were not forced to do it in these way though ❤️ Incredibly happy for both of you! No questions, you deserve your privacy and I hope you don’t feel obliged to share anything with us. Be happy both of you and stay amazing! ❤️❤️


Happy you found happiness ❤️ that is all that matters


So happy for you both! Can’t imagine living my life in front of thousands of people to pick apart, so I absolutely understand your decision to keep things private. I’m so very sorry that you were put in a position where you felt you had to share with us, even if it is such happy news. The most important thing is keeping your personal peace and happiness in tact. Hopefully this doesn’t disrupt it too much. Sending love and support!


You two are the sweetest. Wishing you all the best.


So happy for you both! You have so much in common! You have done such a great job concealing - You are both a great team and many blessings for a great future together.


As always handled with aplomb! And couldn’t be happier for you both….I like that you are keeping it private although think most of us had guessed I would imagine. The only hope I have is that chateau diaries remains as is ….as your vlog and not joint. You are such a shining star that you need to be centre stage as the conductor of the la lande orchestra with Philip, amaury, nati etc all being your creative muses! You are a fab couple and enjoy each moment ….ignore the trolls they are only jealous of happiness


I can't believe they announced it like that without your consent :/ keep everything to yourself! Wishing you happy cocktails tonight!


I was so hoping this was the case. So happy for both of you!


Absolutely delighted for both of you, and wish you all the love luck and laughter you both deserve! Two beautiful souls who have been guided together. Never let negativity dull the light your love will bring, and the best love begins with friendship which you two so obviously share xxx


So sorry that you felt forced to talk about your relationship, something that you wanted to keep private, but also very happy for you and Phillip . Lots of love to you both x


Girl, if you're happy, that is ALL THAT MATTERS. I'm so very sorry that Channel 4 outed your private business. They seriously owe you an apology. It would be nice if you felt safe enough to talk about it with us here from time to time. The easy lighthearted stuff that's not to personal. If you don't, that's totally okay to. Your happiness is really all I care about. Love you, Stephanie! <3 <3 <3


I’m super happy for both of you, the age difference is a number. Long live your happiness. The things you two are going to build together… can’t wait to see it. You won’t have to hide it anymore. I really wish you both joy! Je vous souhaite tout ce qu’il y a de plus beau. Rêvez, dansez et amusez-vous. Vous êtes destinés à faire de grandes choses ensembles. Good night from Canada ! ❤️❤️❤️


What lovely news 🥰 I feel you have found kindred spirits in each other and wish you both happiness xx


I just wanted the first of the month update!! 😆 Quite a different update! No questions. Could not care less. Live your lives 🥰


Stephanie! No need to ever explain yourself when it comes to your private life!! I’m so sorry that you were put in this position. I am very surprised to hear this news and I am so happy for you both! Delighted to know you found love. You make a wonderful team!! ❤️💜


I appreciate you front footing this issue in such an honest and humble way. I am sad for you that someone else chose to expose your most private relationship. It is nice to hear that you have a special someone that you can share your life with.


Darn you TV Channel staff for breaking a privacy thingie, but huzzah for love! You two are a wonderful pair and I'm filled with happiness knowing that (no matter how long or short or very long the chapters may be) you brought each other joy and support during any day, many days, and during a pandemic!! Now please ignore us! Don't do a Live for Patrons, don't talk about it, PLEASE!!!


Wishing you both all the best. No judgement from us. Glad you and Phillip are happy. Sorry channel 4 'outed' you - not very professional of them. Xxx


Totally agree, Liz. Stephanie, you have shared more than you wished to. Please do not feel obligated to indulge others anymore about something you wish to keep private.


So very happy for you both! Phillip is a treasure and a very special person and so are you, Stephanie, so it was almost inevitable that the two of you met and have a beautiful relationship. No need for further explanation or a live, we have all the information we’d ever need. Treasure each other and keep your happiness sheltered from prying eyes and ears as much as you can. Wishing you all the happiness in the world!


You dont have to explain anything to anybody it your life to what makes you happy thats all the matters lots of love


Bravo Stephanie! And your comments are so true about the double standards for women and age gaps. We as patrons support you but you should never feel obligated to share more than you are comfortable with. Cheers to you and Philip !🥂

Kelly Douglas

Ah, happiness to both of you. ❤️


Having worked my entire career in broadcast, that Channel 4 would announce something about your private life without consent is despicable. But I’m retired and glad to be as the standards of today’s journalists are shockingly low. And you’re absolutely right about the age inequity. It’s yet another double standard that needs to be knocked down. If you do a live, the only question I will ask is, “ what is your skin care regime?” You have the most beautiful skin! Stay true to yourself and tell any nay sayers to F off.


Firstly how frustrating that such info was released on television without your consent! Sorry about that. Secondly I’m so happy for you both. I think you’re a match made in antique-loving heaven and no doubt it was part of La Landes mystical plan. May I just say that when I was 24 I was in a relationship with a 40 year old and nobody batted an eyelid - simply because he was the older one. My Mum is older than my Dad and they’ve been happily married for over 30 years so sod anyone who’s rude about it. I have a question for the Q&A (which I doubt I’ll be able to attend as in Melbourne so a different time zone). I’m recently single and almost 30. Most of my friends are getting married at the moment. I am actually pretty thrilled with my newfound freedom but am feeling judged and pressured by certain people in my life, like I should be getting married and having babies soon because of my age, even though I’ve just left a long term relationship and I don’t think the nuclear family thing is what I even want. Do you have advice for navigating this kind of criticism and generally spending your 30s being single? Much love to you and Philip. Charlotte x


I’m sorry that the show exposed such a personal information. Just know that too, I, the women was older, in a large age gap relationship... 13 years. We married and had a child. His parent didn’t approve and tore us apart. We spilt when our son was 7 months and I feel into a deep postpartum depression and anxiety. I couldn’t even brush my teeth, that’s how bad it was. Your show helped me through that time, I looked forward to it every day it released. My son is almost two now and one day I hope to meet all of you. With all of that said Congratulations!!! 🌼🌼🌻🌻


Philip obviously cares very much for you, and we really like Philip. He’s a great guy.


I knew it! Or , at least I hoped! The moment that you both were at the church lighting candles for your loved ones I thought that there was much feeling between you two. IM so happy for you both! You are both sweethearts! Carry on now.


Omgoodness sweetheart! Another shocking day for you!! But what lovely news!!!!❤️❤️❤️ I love you both so much and am proud of you both (though not my place.) You’re such a wonderful team. Thanks for sharing this with us and I hope the community does a good job respecting your boundaries. You owe us nothing but what you want to offer as content❤️❤️❤️ Channel 4 owes you a case of something special😬😄🥂🍾


So happy for you both!!


No need to do a live. You’ve been very gracious and deserve your privacy.


♥️♥️ So happy for you both, lots of love xx


No questions from me!! I am just delighted for you and Philip and absolutely furious with Channel 4 doing this to you. You both deserve privacy and for them to 'out' you was unforgivable. So, deep breath, I will not send them any more negative energy and only send you two much love and happiness. Philip has always been one of my favorite people and I am so happy you are together. So please consider coming and visiting us in California USA !!


If I had a guess i thought it might of been Davy 🙈😄. how lovely you and Philip have found each other. Totally agree on it been private, asking questions is noones business but yours. X


Wow this is very brave!! How horrible of channel 4 to announce this without your consent. Very happy for the two of you! Phillip is certainly a charmer and you are just incredible in so many ways!! I don’t feel the need for any further explanation nor a live session. It’s none of my business! Honestly I think it’s a wise decision not to talk about your private love life. People can be nasty so the less they know the better. 😊 sending love!


Congratulations to you both ❤️ I’m so pleased that you are happy! Be with anyone or no one as long as you are happy ❤️❤️❤️ Love you both ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Wonderful news❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Like a few others, I picked up on this a few months ago just from the way you lovingly speak to one another and the ways in which Philip sometimes touches your back, or, such as in your recent Cadeaux live, when he sweetly touched your knee as he was reminding you of something. I was SO hoping it was true and it is! :) Kudos to you both for accepting the "outing" so graciously and I really hope it gives you some sort of relief that it's nothing you need cover up while also finding no need whatsoever to talk about it any further on camera. :) You two make a lovely, lovely couple, Stelip! (ha! Just a joke). May you both continue on in love, laughter and happiness!!! SO happy for you!


Congratulations! Not at all a surprise but I wish you both much happiness! 💓💕💓💕


I have been a long time fan and surprisingly never picked up on this. I had a different idea about Phillip that is/was none of my business. I guess I need to get my people reading skills reassessed. 😆 not that any of this is my business. I just didn't see that at all. I'm so happy for them though. It does just make sense, doesn't it?


I cannot tell you how supportive I am of you both and this relationship. You are both the sweetest people and I am so happy you have found happiness together. Stuff all the jealous haters. You both have wonderful taste is romantic partners. No one else gets a say. I feel somewhat sad that you even had to address this publicly. Love is love is love is love is love. Also hedgehogs. :) Best wishes to you both. Much love! Patti from Vancouver Canada.


So excited for yall you guys fit so well. I also have a bf 20 years my junior. We are madly in love been together for over a year. Who cares what the world thinks they do not live your life.


Live life to the fullest, Stephanie! All the best to you and yours, and the whole La Lande bunch! <3


So glad you are happy - you make a lovely couple!!! Very sorry that things got revealed in this way and that you aren't comfortable with it - it really is none of our business. Wishing you all the best and hope you know that your patrons are entirely supportive of you keeping your private life private! You share so much with us, you totally deserve something for yourself (and a gorgeous man to share your life with). Thank you Stephanie.


Awesome! I knew it...even though it's none of my business. We're all happy for you. And happiness is all that matters. You both have so much in common. I'm sure you feel relieved and it's nice having a bit of a friend chat about it. Maybe we should all spill the beans on our lives? I'll go first... my boyfriend is my cat, Gandalf... he's a bit grey and has a white beard. there - there you have it! I also have a boyfriend Josh. He comes in the form of cabernet or merlot. And that sums it up right now. But I have my family too of crazy siblings. It's all good. Much love xoxo Laura


Well, I for one was surprised but not because of the age difference & I’ll say no more. I thought you were going to say Channel 4 got it wrong like other articles got it wrong saying that Nick was your former partner. It is a shame it happened that way but it is what it is. Phillip is a very charming, handsome & kind man & you have so much in common. I am so happy for you both. I doubt you will hear negativity on the platform but who knows what will be said on the FB fan pages. Ignore negative comments. We love you both! I agree, you don’t need to do a live.


I’m so happy for the both of you


SO happy for both of you! It may mean more stuffed animals.... and as Groucho Marx said....” your only as young as the woman you’re feeling”.... so Phillip is just right! If fact his old soul is much older than your tinker bell one anyway! Xxxx


No questions Dear Steph and Philip. But l did tear up. Totally respect your decisions for privacy but so happy for 2 of the loveliest people on the planet 🕊💕


Good for you Stephanie, all good wishes to you and Philip. Do what makes you both happy. It is so frustrating that a TV channel spoke of this without your knowledge. Am sorry it made you feel compelled to bring us into your private life, but you know we're got your back! Keep the love and laughter going! 🌹




i don't care who you're dating, whatever makes you happy. maybe a bit surprised, i thought phillipp was more into hedgehogs. i always respected your decision not to talk about your love life and i thought it was the smart thing to do, i'm sorry that you've been put in this situation and that you have now been forced to talk about it. i also find it very brave that you want to do a Q&A about it, i wouldn't if i were you, you are perfectly entitled to keeping some parts of your life private. i hope people can be happy for you or at least accept it and then move on. i'm so curious to hear what's going on with the downstairs loo and the other 100 projects :)


Oh Stephanie! I am so happy for you both, it is obvious you are perfect for each other. I hope others are kind too as there really is no reason to not be! Wishing you both the best <3


Don’t let public life take everything from you


So happy for you both! You already share so much of yourself, save a little bit for you! 💕


Love is love, beautiful people.


Happy for you!


Happy for you both! I agree with several others… I don’t think you need to do a live to talk about your relationship with patrons, but it’s up to you! At that rate it’s only fair that we all open up about our relationships right 😆


Stephanie dearest, never ever feel obliged to share your private love life (or health issues, as some have asked!). We love you opening your Chateau life to all, and lord knows how many thousands of us have benefitted from that over the last few years! Thank-you! Take care and enjoy being in love, Phillip is a sweetie!


Well, I was clueless but totally delighted for both of you. As for Channel Four, they owe you both a huge apologize. As far as your future, it is your business and no one else’s. Enjoy your cocktails.


I’m so happy for you both. You are such lovely people, so creative and fun. and I have thought for so long, wouldn’t they be so good together. All the happiness to you both. Sending you so much love.


Congratulations! Your happiness has been evident for a long time! I'm so happy for both of you 💓 On another note I completely support you keeping things private and have absolutely no questions. I'd rather just have a live on Friday about the chateau. I also feel that if anyone does have anything negative to say then they'll have a whole bunch of patrons to deal with!


So very happy for you and Phillip Stephanie. You make a lovely couple and the age difference doesn’t matter. As long as you’re happy never mind anyone else. I’m sure you have all the Lalande family to support you. You have met your soul mate, it’s plain to see. Sending massive best wishes to you both! X




In a way I wondered because the chemistry is there, two lovely people being lovely together....carpe diem!!! Love from BC Canada


I love this for you! You go


I am soooooo happy for you and Philip! You both compliment each other so well! Live your life, be happy and do not care about what anyone else thinks! You are both beautiful souls! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


You didn't ask, but I think it would be a good idea if Patrons didn't mention this in the Chateau Dairies or Cadeau vlogs. You personal life should stay as private as possible. I am very happy you are no longer lonely I think the two of you make a formidable team.


So sorry to hear about the way this information was revealed BUT incredibly happy for you both! You are both such kind souls it is no wonder you ended up together. No need to share more than you feel comfortable!


Very happy for you both, two of my favourite people together, how wonderful! Much love xo


I rejoice in the news because I am a firm believer that everyone deserves to love and be loved. Good for you both!!


Me too. Let's just stick to some fun updates and what is happening with that water through the ceiling situation?


Awe so happy for you.


Hi Stephanie You don’t have to justify your self to anyone , if I’m honest I guessed you were a couple ages ago I’m very happy for you both me looking in from the out side . The day Phillip arrived at lalande I had a feeling you both had a connection the more vlogs you were in together you could see your friendship was getting closer by the day and turning in to love. I wish you both the happiest life together age is just a number . May be this could be a good book for Ruth to write , I no I certainly would buy it to read if anything like her last book it would fly of the shelf , all the best love and light to you both xx


It made me really sad that this was released without your knowledge or consent. You give us so much in your vlogs, you deserve your love life to be just that...yours. In saying that, as we now know - I am also so happy for you both. You really are a perfect match... from the moment Philip put that tiara on!!! Sending love from Down Under..xxxxxx


congratulations and Im so happy for you both. I often hoped you would meet someone and Im SO SO So pleased its Phillip. I luv him. Thank you for sharing this with us. x x


How horrible that you were forced to share something that was so private. But I'm glad you both found happiness in each other!


On another topic ie the wandering Pheasants of Jenne's but about chicks* of another type, I spoke to my brother who informed me that a flock of guinea hens he knows will not stay on their own farm but set off over a mile of to join another flock and will not stay put when brought home. * chicks: attractive people either gender who love life.


How wonderful! Congratulations you two. Love is always good, enjoy it.


Perfect! Life is to bloody short not to enjoy it, be happy both of you 💞


Now that you confirmed the news, I am absolutely thrilled! You both shine so bright together. <3 I am so sorry your relationship was outed on television! As someone who eloped and told no one about my marriage for months, I completely understand the value of privacy.


What happens between two consenting adults behind closed doors is nobodies business. However, as you make your living through inviting people into your world I really do respect you addressing this in an open way, now.


Great point Linda! We should all make a pact to not comment outside of Patreon and be honored that as part of this community we can celebrate them and support their relationship.


The heart wants what it wants and never asks about age. I think it's lovely you both have found one another and are happy. That's what really matters, isn't it? And if Philip is anything like he appears to be, how could you not. He seems to be a very warm and caring man. Good for you both!


No questions from me and I’m really happy for you both. Share whatever you’re comfortable with and don’t worry about us. Enjoy each other. Love is wonderful! 💕


WOW. I really didn’t see it. 🤣 I saw something COMPLETELY different. 🤣 So happy for you both, really! That’s exciting!


Congratulations, I’m so happy for you both, and I wish you all the best. Do not care what other people say or think, its all about yourself and wath you want, you don’t need other People’s blessing


Bet you have had a day! And hope you brewed up one of those cocktails! So sorry that your relationship news was told on TV and you didn't know. Who you choose to have a relationship is totally your business. No questions here. Sending lots of love and happiness for you & Phillip.


"His presence makes Lalande complete!" ;) Big hugs and love to you both!!


Might I suggest that you have extra hands on deck for any upcoming premiers and lives to monitor the chats and politely respond/shut down any pushy questions or rude speculations? I know that usually at least one person handles that, but it might be nice to have extra support on hand. Hopefully this proactive approach would more quickly quiet the inevitable noise after a few episodes. Also, good luck to the person at Channel 4 when Mummy has their ear. I think a contract adjustment is needed. While this may not be a libel case, it is rotten behavior and breaks down the trust needed to allow film crews into your personal home. Again, I vote for no Live for Patrons on this topic.


Thank you for sharing with us! Happy for you both. :)


Glad you have that happiness in your life. Sorry you weren't able to continue to keep it private...sodding Ch4!!


OMG!! I had no clue!!!! You two hid it well!! Best wishes I do sense a Nati and Amury connection though.


Charlotte -as someone who spent most of my 30's single i wanted to send you all my love and support for you to do what is right for you- enjoy you life as much as you possibly can as it is right now - maybe choose to be more around those people who encourage and support you in how your life is now and turn the volume down on those who infer it should be a certain way- we all have different timing to our lives - some of us have children and actually lots of us don't for lots of reasons both from active choice or not. Spend your days growing into becoming more of who you really are - then if it is the time for you to be in relationship you are sure to have a much more enjoyable one whenever that might be - love your life now xx


So happy you have found each other, but so sorry that you’ve had to divulge your private life publicly💕


I agree. This is terrible what the TV show did. I'm in the US so don't get channel 4 but it sounds like it's widely watched.


Ohh… That was not necessary at all ! We do not need to know that. I always thought it wise not to have this specific aspect in the vlog. However, BEST OF LUCK !!!!!!


So happy for you both. Xxxxx


Not surprised but v happy for you both xo


Anyone else getting weepy seeing all this support for them?! I agree with some of the other comments about the Live Q&A. If you want to share any more about your relationship you can do it in the way you want but not because we are curiously asking questions. We are thrilled for you and if anything, we should gather for a Live to celebrate your happiness!


Congrats to you and Phillip. I'm sorry channel 4 did that unexpectedly. You have a right to privacy and I don't expect you to share that side of things with us. Sending hugs and love to you all


Happy for the both of you. No need for a live stream. It’s non of our business what is going on in your private life, you’re giving us so much already. I understand you Stephanie, Phillip is a wonderful man. Sending love to both of you❤️❤️


Wishing you both happiness together xx kindred spirits xx enjoy what you both have and ignore the trolls xx you have the support of your patrons and Lalanders who will look out for you both xx sending love and hugs to you both xx🥰😘💘💝


I'm really sorry you've been "outed" in this way. I've always admired that you chose to keep your private life private. But since it is out, I wish both of you all the best.


Lots of love and support from here for the two of you ❤

Allie Murray

You definitely deserve to keep your private life private. You share so much of your life with us already. I also had no clue but I’m so glad you’ve found happiness! I’m just happy to be a new part of this lovely community you’ve created.


Stephanie I am so happy for you. Had guessed all along. You shouldn’t feel it necessary sadly to do a live explanation about this. So happy for you and Phillip and I look forward to meeting you both next year in Beaujolais 😉. A selection box is on its way soon. Lots of love to you both. In the meantime I am on my way to yours and my favorite city Venice. 😘😘 please stay positive together. We all love and support you xx


Very Very happy for you!!!! I think most of us dont have a lot of questions because we think we know you both so well! Its trully like when two of your friends get together you just are happy for them!


Wishing you serenity, privacy, and relaxing joy at what might be an overwhelming time. So sorry to hear that information about your private life was shared without your consent, it must be a shock...though glad to know that you and Philip are happy <3 Please don't feel obliged to share anything more than you want to, even with your patrons, we will understand. You truly have a right to as much privacy as you wish and deserve so much joy, love and happiness. Sending all the best wishes to you from Seattle!


I’m so happy for you both. I completely agree that relationships within the chateau should remain private if those involved wish them to remain so. I wish you all the very best and if you are both happy then that’s all that matters. Thank you for sharing and I respect the way you have handled the situation (although shame on channel 4!).


So happy for you both. No questions from me. Does anyone want to know about my love life? No?


I hope it was just a misunderstanding by Channel 4, else that's pretty *rude* of them


That was wrong of the media but LOL, I kinda figured you two were a thing. You just get along so great and seem very happy in each others presence. Thanks for letting us in and we promise to pry no more! You deserve your privacy.


It's wonderful Stephanie! I love you and Philip together! Take care!


Thank you for sharing something so personal. Sorry you felt you had to , but all the same It is very wonderful. I am very happy for both of you and you both seem happy together.💕


Oh my goodness! You are so amazing! Thank you Stephanie for sharing with us. I have been thinking that you two seem so cozy together. It's an inspiration for us all to see how sweet two people can be. Greatest Love and Gratitude!!!


I have always felt people should be able to share what they want to and choose when - i cant imagine how you are feeling with this shock as i am feeling i know something it is not my business to know - like others i am delighted to hear you are so happy and nurtured and Philip has long shown that for you in many ways, that i understood to be a good friendship which it is in many forms. I like many others feel NO NEED at all for a Live Q&A on your relationship - it is still yours to keep private. And as always huge kudos to you for the incredible grace in which you are handling this - you continue to be a light and an inspiration Stephanie - thank you xx


This is fantastic! I am thrilled to know that you are both so happy, no matter if it's privately. I'm so delighted. You are both such lovely people. I'm sorry you were forced to share. <3


Actually welling up watching this. In a way hopefully it'll seem a blessing that the news was broken in this way, as it's taken some pressure off you to wonder when to say something. I had thought for a while how much time the two of you spend together indicated how happy you are in each other's company and that's wonderful. I'm also happy for Phillip as it must be something of a relief for him too that he can be more open around you. It must have been a worry for you both to not give too much away and perhaps now you can relax more. No questions from me. Really happy that you're both happy though.


Best Wishes from the whole group at Keep FitzStephens. We hope that you and Phillip can retain some privacy. Love from Lady Roana, Sir Maxwell and Dame Lolita.


I thought you two had a wonderful relationship; but, I must admit I have been clueless to this. Happy for you both! I have always felt with all people that as you say one thing is private so I will respect that as I have all along. I love watching everything Chateau; however, I hate gossip and speculations about people's very private lives! I removed myself from several other groups for that reason. I'm happy for you and I watch the Chateau Dairies and Unwrapped for the pure chateau experience. Stephanie, I see so much of my young self in you, I'm now in my seventies. I understand from experience the age difference, life is short enjoy every minute. Your secret would have been scared and safe with me. Love to you from a kindred spirit, Karola


Best wishes to you both.


So.... what you're saying is........🤔 No Hot Goat Cheese guy? 😳 lol just kidding... We love you and Philip both! Did I say that was a joke? No hate please! I'm just sarcastic that's all!!! I love hedgehogs and squirrels!!! I swear just not in taxidermy form 😳..... so technically Hot Goat Cheese guy is still on the table? Hmmmm.... deep thoughts... lol just wanted to crack some jokes. Where's cat when you need backup? She is a female version of James Bond, right? 😎


Not great for you both how it was announced but I think many of us guessed a while ago as you are always together on trips, have a great relationship and are just so darn cute together! Good for you both 😁 Be happy and live life to the full xxx


Happy for you both. No questions here.


I wish you and Philip all the best! It is difficult to find someone to connect with in a special way, so it is absolutely wonderful that you have found someone.


Everybody is entitled to their private life. As for you and Philip being together, well that is personal and private to the both of you. Like a lot of others have said I don't believe that you have to explain yourself to any one, let alone your patrons. I think it is fair to say that the vast majority of people are incredibly happy for the both of you. For those that feel that they have some sort of right to know or want to question either of you, well I don't think that


Well that’s a relief because here I was thinking it was a shame that you weren’t together as Phillip is far too good a catch to let go. Good people don’t come by that often so it’s lovely that you’ve both found each other.


Couldn’t be happier, congratulations! 🥂


Steph,I can't tell you how many times I thought you would make an amazing couple and how he really cared for you.I did not want to over speculate as I respect you too much but it would cross my mind several times these last months.I wish everyone in this unpredictable crazy world could fine a connection that makes it sparkle.


they should be patrons.


So sorry you were publicly outed in such a way! On the flip side yay for love and happiness!


Here’s an idea. Let’s make this Q&A the least successful one by not having any questions. Wish them well and log off


Oh Stephanie what a week you've had! I'm so happy you and Philip have each other, now and through everything. But you both deserve privacy for you personal lives. Chanel 4 was really so wrong to do this! So it also makes me quite angry on both of your behalves. I hope there aren't too many negative repercussions and you can go on happily together because the two of you certainly bring joy and happiness to all of us. I also agree with many others that you shouldn't do a live for patrons on your love life. You and Philip are both dear people but this is a private matter. The way you have handled it here is perfect.

Leah Hamdaoui

THANK YOU and PHILIP for sharing this most wonderful aspect of your private life with us all. My husband is 19 years younger than me ( I am 58 and he is 39 ) and I have to say he is the lovliest sweetest most kind husband I could want. Yes there are people who make snide uninformed remarks but we are happy. together and have achieved quite a lot in our 8 years of marriage. I totally embrace your romance and your sense of freedom to live and love who you choose. You seem so well suited ... all your shared joys and it is heartening to hear that you have found the sort of company that each of us, especially you Stephanie who give so much, so rightly deserves. CONGRATULATIONS to you both. Very happy to hear your news. XX


Congratulations! People talk a lot about “people’s business”, that just seems so old school. I understand why you didn’t share but really, who cares. All I’ll say is it must have been hard work hiding it, I expect your vlogging will be easier now.


I hope everyone stays kind. It really is no ones business not even ours really but thank you for trusting us with this news. I am very happy for you both! When we find someone that makes us happy it really isn’t about the age!


I have 2 questions, neither of which deserve an answer at all. First, are you happy? Second, is Philip happy? Love to you all!! XO


I always thought what a perfect match you would make, so I’m very happy for you both. I’m sorry, though, that this has happened as you have a right to keep your private and professional lives separate. This must have really thrown you, so I hope you can regain your usual equilibrium soon.


I’m so happy for you both, just saddened it was revealed. No need to do a live chat for us/anyone. Respectful of both your privacy and wish you both much happiness as you are both so lovely.


I never guessed for a moment, but I am very very happy for you both Stephanie! I believe there is nothing else after this life, and if we have an opportunity to find love, then we should grab it. I’m sure you will both find difficult times ahead as some people can be very mean, but the only thing that matters is that you are both ok. Congratulations again to you both!


I'm so happy for you.No questions. You deserve the best😘


Mind blown! Mostly because my husband would always say, Philip and Steph were secretly dating, and I always said he was imagining things! Now I need to admit he was right ☹🤣


If you ever want to know about my love life, just ask. Spoiler alert, it may be more of a snooze fest than a bodice ripper. All I ever wish for my friends is that they are happy. Xoxoxo


So happy for you and Philip!! 💕🏰💕 Although not necessary for you to share your private life with us, I am happy that you did so we can celebrate this exciting news with you!! 😊 I will admit.....I did wonder. 😉 Best of luck to both of you and much happiness!!! 🦔💕🦔


Honestly I had no idea, you guys have a wonderful relationship and congratulations!


Thank you for sharing with us; this is just wonderful news! 💕❤️ I always loved the chemistry you two have together, and I admit I always hoped you were a couple - the hopeless romantic in me. 😍 (I love Mummy’s solution to it all, too. 🤣)


Life’s too short to worry about age differences. Enjoy every minute of every day. Luv to you both 💕and as many have said no need for any live or explanations xx


My husband said that too and I had to tell him he was right! lol


I am beyond horrified that you’ve been outted after making it very clear that your private life is private! I’m in Canada so haven’t seen the episode but certainly saw the chit-chat on Facebook (thank you Brenda Gibbons who shut that down). Regardless of how people feel it is NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS! Having said all that, since it’s out there and I am a patron and have the privilege of being able to directly make my “opinion” known, I just want to say I’m THRILLED for the both of you. I will always stand for love. And re the age gap…screw the haters. My aunt had a lover (hear that with a thick Finnish accent) who was 35+ years her junior and she lived her BEST life. Lots of love from a girl who’s got your back ❤️🇨🇦 PS If the Goal Digger bumper sticker for the digger ever shows up it’s from me 😘


Wow! I’m just so happy for you both! He seems like the sweetest guy and probably older than his years. Ive often thought how good you would be together! When I heard this on Chateau DIY today I laughed as I thought they had got you mixed up with another couple. I don’t usually watch it so wasn’t sure how likely this was but there are a few Philips !! Then I thought about it and hoped it was true.😘😘😘 So pleased for you, you deserve to be happy and just enjoy the now! 😘😘😘💕💕


So happy for you both! I think it’s absolutely wonderful! Privacy is more important than anything else… I’m just happy you’re happy. ❤️xx


I don't want to say I "suspected" because that sounds as though there was something suspicious about it or that you were being shady in keeping something from us, but I did figure the two of you were together and was just quietly happy for you both. It's evident that just being around each other makes you both happy, and that is absolutely wonderful. The age difference shouldn't matter at all. I agree with everyone who has said that a) you didn't need to out yourselves to us just because British television took it upon themselves to out you in England, and b) that there's no need for a Q&A about it if you want to just go back to living your life the way you have all along. You don't owe us anything! However, I will ALSO say that if you would like the opportunity to gush a little bit about your happiness before you return to keeping your love life private, of course we will all be happy to gush with you. But please only do it for that reason - don't feel obligated to do it. It's not about us, it's about you, and we are just all thrilled that you are happy and in love. You do you. We support you both. <3


It is obvious that you and Phillip care about each other. It’s been obvious for months. It’s no one’s business, including my own.


I have no questions! I'm just extremely happy for you and Phillip! And I'm so happy that you are happy!!!


I'm really happy for the two of you! I had no clue but I always saw the two of you together and thought that you would be perfect for each other. Congratulations!


Yep I guessed it. You two have a sparkle in your eyes when you look at each other. Sorry you got outed by C4 but I see you are handling it with your usual grace. Well done 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Age is just a number. You two are meant for each other. You have SO much in common!! And if mummy’s happy, we’re all happy 😂😂 YES please do a live, not about the relationship because that’s not our business but about chateau updates and such. Question: what happened to the chapel pews you bought from the monks? What are you cooking for (US) Thanksgiving? And more video of Amaury in the workshop please. I truly am interested in all his machines and what he makes with them. One last thing, somebody there has got to give Dan a man bag for Christmas!!🤣🤣🤣🤣


Such fun! Best to all! Everyone deserves happiness ❤️


I knew it all along, I could sense the electricity. Wonderful for both of you! And Mummy is hilarious!


Happy for you both!


Channel 4 is officially CANCELED 🚮


No questions here. I'm just glad to know you have someone extra special in your life! So happy for you both! Lots of Love 💜!!!!!!!!!!!


Bless you both - even though it really is none of our business! We are really happy as long as you guys are happy!


I doubt that there are too many of us who haven’t guessed this for a long time, and we are still around, always wishing you the best. While I understand your interest in keeping that part of your life private, and I know you will continue with that, it should be much easier to make and edit blogs without worrying continuously about “appearances”. Both of you deserve to be happy!


Finding love is a precious gift. I'm so happy for you both. ❤️


None of my business and am glad you are happy xxx


WE STAN PHILLIP!!!! A dream couple, I am so happy for you two <3 :P


❤️ this


I’m thrilled you are happy and Philip brings you happiness. You deserve all the love and happiness, Stephanie!! You bring so much joy to people all over the world ❤️❤️❤️


SO HAPPY FOR Y'ALL!! No Q and A needed. xoxoxox


Thank you for sharing, but honestly, there's no need beyond this unless you *want* to tell us more. Of course, we're all curious, but we can stay that way. Shame on the BBC! On the other hand, being able to share that you are happy with people who care about you is a positive for sure - honestly, who doesn't love a chateau romance? :-D And tell anyone who gives you a hard time about the age difference to just shut up.


This is lovely news! In all honesty I hadn't thought about it because out of respect I sort of didn't want to! I agree with many here that you're a wonderful couple and most importantly you're happy. I feel really angry that TV outed you. And somehow it isn't surprising... I was once on a BBC programme and the way they cut up my interviews made me literally say things I never did!


Unfortunately the price of fame is that one's private life is hard to keep private. Nonetheless, its noone else's business! Just be happy!

Leah Hamdaoui

p.s. my thoughts are that you should be totally yourselves on the vlog ... no need to hide who you love and who loves you :-) You two make a lovely couple and its lovely to see that :-) XX


Well well well, that came as a surprise I admit. I wish you both joy and happiness and hedgehogs and porcelain. Personally my ex was half my age and my daughter is now with someone half her age, life is short, enjoy ! NOT saying that you too have the same gap! xoxoxoxo By the way we are your patrons and 'friends' , you do not owe us blood or tears, you give us so much already in return, keep protecting yourself, social media can be a real bitch. xoxoxo This is from a Stephanie whose two ex's were both named Philippe !


Wishing you lots of love and happiness together. You deserve it. enjoy this precious time. Love you both ❤️


I’m delighted for you both. Match made in heaven! Xxx


I am glad you had time to bond in your relationship before it was made public. So happy to see kindness and caring in the forefront.


I am so sorry you have been outed like this, you both deserve to have your privacy I have often thought this might be the case, but quite frankly, it didn't effect how I thought about either of you or how much I enjoy the videos. You both deserve happiness and if you find it with each other, so much the better! You also both deserve to treat this how you want to... do what is right and natural for both of you. Any naysayers can can blow off!


Yay! Love wins! Enjoy :)


Bless you You are amazing I’m so happy for you that you are happy and no longer lonely. Such a lovely person as you should not be lonely Onwards my dear Love from Campden Ontario Canada 🇨🇦 Dazzling Dianne xo


Congratulations to both of you! I am very happy for you both. I do not think you have to explain anything beyond what you have said. It is what it is and it is none of our business. I am very happy with the content you share. ❤️❤️❤️


Wishing you love and happiness together. I had occasionally wondered if there was something between you both as the chemistry is wonderful but really hadn’t speculated as it’s simply no one’s business but yours! No need to answer questions but you’ll both handle any with grace and elegance as always xxx


it was really amazing seeing you so when you said this! and the fact that you feel we have a special bond just because i send 10 $ each month makes me feel so priviliged and glad <3 thank ou for sharing this with us!


I’ve been wondering for awhile if Phillip was going to live at La Lande forever ...based on how he talked about your porcelain and all the many times he purchased items for the chateau. You seem to be such good friends and create/work so beautifully together. I’m so happy for you both! I totally respect your privacy, you already share so much of your life for our enjoyment. You get to keep something for you. I must admit my husband looked at me like I was crazy when I burst out laughing and continued to do so with Mummy’s response “tell everyone it’s me he’s dating” 🤣🤣🤣


Hello Tannis, I was at Guelph way back when and my husband Martin was in Larry Peterson's lab with Lewis. Hearing your beautiful song was serendipitous for me. Thank you for sharing your talent with us all.


Stephanie thank you for always thinking so highly of us and being so kind even when you absolutely do not need to. I agree with everyone above who understands how very not our business this is. I hope you are both happy of course, but honestly all this made me think was “Oooh! THATS why Dan always seemed so weirded out by people calling the tripod ‘his Philip’!”


Wailing Banshee love your sens of humour 😂🤣😂🤣…hello cheese guy 😉😜

alicia baylina & gail estka

More power to both of you and frankly, it’s none of our business. Bon Courage

Deby Davis

Dearest Steph - you have given us all so much joy and happiness and you have been so very generous with your life at Chataue Le lande, how could we not want for you the same - a life of joy happiness and companionship. Your lives at Lalande have filled some very dark and uncertain days and actually shone some light on getting through. Your strength and calm confidence and down right soldering on in all seasons ... its funny I think some of us kinda new or sensed a maybe ...it was never in the big things but the cute little things or comments said ... Im a dreadful romantic so (for someone that finds myself now doing life on my own) I couldn't wish or want for you to have this more. The loves and passion interests that Phillip has are such a compliment to you too. I think you will find it a relief now that it's out. You can just carry on now and don't let ANY ' ney sayers' or trouble makers rob you of what rightfully belongs to you . Love !!


Oh that's a good idea. Of course if she wants to gush with us. How exciting.


I am a gay man and tried to live not telling everyone my truth for 30 years, it was imposible. I finally decided living ones truth is never wrong. It is no ones else's business to comment on, just live it and enjoy life its too short. We love you both!


Be happy, it’s such a beautiful gift!!


So like, don't get me wrong, I will take a live on friday, but homegirl you don't need to share anymore about your personal life if you don't want to. Happy for you! xoxo


I was in a 7 year relationship with a guy who was 15 years younger (I was 45 he was 30 when we met). After the first few weeks of me thinking “how did this happen” it felt totally normal and we had a wonderful 7 years. Agree with everybody else who says you owe us nothing especially about what you want to keep private BUT also thrilled that I now know because it makes me so so happy for you both.


Hi Stephanie (and Phillip), it's a sweet video and acknowledgement. Thank you for being brave to say and confirm what we see (and those in UK heard). Please realise that this is yet another area in your life we can celebrate with you and rejoice for you, not criticise or point the accusing finger! x


I am shocked, I did not see this coming at all but I love this news!!


P.P.S. I don’t want a live to talk about your relationship, it just feels invasive & gross. However if you want to do a live a/o just give us an update on the ceiling in the kitchen hall that would be awesome! Lots of love ❤️🇨🇦


So happy you are happy and so mad Channel 4 did this!!!! You deserve to have boundaries, and I am so sorry they were not respected.


So happy for both of you. I never guessed nor was I trying to. I have thought what a lovely person you are and hoped you had someone special. Glad it’s Phillip too. But there is no need for Q&A either. unless YOU want to have one. Keep this one thing for just you and Philip, seriously. Thank you for seeing us as your friends and know we support in in every way. ❤️


We are absolutely thrilled! Although not really terribly surprised, I have seen the chemistry between you two and it is indeed something special. It is so wonderful in this day and age when people are able to find their soul mate and are able to celebrate that! Our love and best wishes to you both as you move forward with this new chapter in both your lives. Hugs!


I would never have guessed. Haha, I was oblivious. But I think it's wonderful. I'm happy for you and Philip.


Oh my gosh the internet is going to melt! How very exciting!


Yes let's talk chateau and pea chick please. No need to discuss you're love life.


Bless you Stephanie! I’ve always respected your choice to keep your love life private! I’m sorry that you were kind of forced to having to open that door. It’s really nobody’s business about your love life! You share SO MUCH with us and you’re so transparent. All that matters to me is that your happy which clearly seems to be the case! Much love to both you and Phillip. I’ll join in on the live for Friday, I can’t wait, but I still want to respect your choice to keep the rest private so I won’t be asking any relationship questions. ❤️❤️❤️🏰


CONGRATS to you both on being HAPPY!! That said, it's #noone'sbusiness! People who really care about you will only want to support you. Unfortunately, I'm sure you'll get plenty of questions on your YT channel after BBC airs that episode....


Well, I am so happy to hear that you are so happy! I am a little shocked at Channel 4 and hope it was a misunderstanding and not a deliberate leak. Now in my house we have certain triumphant members who knew it! All along! And those of us who are still adjusting from “oh? OH! So I guess platonic fun vacations with a boss and assistant are much less a thing than I thought!!” Lol. Love to you both!


It's your happiness that matters, Stephanie. Thank you for sacrificing your privacy, just to make us happy. It was very wrong of Channel 4 to do such an invasion of your privacy!!!


Omg. I am so very happy for both you and Phillip. Please do not feel obligated to share any more if it makes either of you uncomfortable. I’m certain you’ll find that those of us who truly care are more than satisfied just knowing you are happy. You bless so many of us every week with joy and a few moments of bliss; the very least we can do is to let you maintain some happiness privately for yourselves. Sending huge hugs and lots of love from Indiana! 💜


Very happy for you both! The way he watches out for you is so special and you light up around him. You both deserve your privacy so I vote for no live q & a , we don’t need to know anything more than you said today . Your courtship is there on your vlogs and anything else is just information you don’t need to share. You deserve to keep a little part of your life private

Gena Gustin

Fantastic! This makes me happy for you both! Age difference? Bah! That’s so 1950 😁. Just be happy & treat each other kindly. I agree no need to discuss on a Q & A but would be thrilled to raise a glass to you both. 🥂


My BF and I are super happy for you and Philip! Wishing you much continued happiness and... privacy. It’s sweet of you to offer a Live, but not necessary. We hope you gave Channel 4 hell for leaking your personal life. Sending you both love from Miami, FL USA! Xoxo


I think this is incredibly kind of you, as it truly is nobody’s business but your’s and Philip’s. That said - this is AWESOME! I have wondered if he would stay, as volunteers come and go. Now I know. And it’s great because I enjoy you both very much!


Ah ok that makes sense now, I'm very happy for you both, and don't apologise for keeping certain things private, it's up to you what you share, we are only viewers and supporters, not judges :) x


I KNEW IT!! I love this , I love each of you, and I love you as a couple even more! You seem perfect for each other, like you complete each other. This is so very satisfying to finally know, thank you for indulging. No haters allowed, too much love here to let anything bring you down🥰🥰😍😘💞💞💞


So so pleased for you both. Love is love it knows no boundaries. Just be happy!


Absolutely no one’s business but your own.


Raising a glass to your continued happiness. Philip is a cutie-patootey!


So so happy to you both.


I'm so relieved. You can't co-mingle porcelain with someone who is just a friend.


This is the best news I’ve gotten in a long time!! I totally saw it coming and while you guys have done a fabulous job at keeping it to yourselves I’m sure on some level there is freedom in just being able to be yourselves and not having to constantly watch out for those little signs of affection. Go travel the world together and enjoy being free to love whoever you want. Bless you both! 😍


It so kind of you to share, but I agree that your personal life is personal. Shame on Channel 4 for leaking the information. I wish both you and Phillip much happiness. I enjoy both of you so much and especially his sense of humor.


Stupid ch4🤦🏻‍♀️ So happy for both of you ❤️


Dear Stephanie, firstly I am very happy for you that you are happy, and for Philip. Secondly, honestly and truly you do not need to have a question & answer session for your patreons re on this particular private subject. This is for you and Philip alone and no one else. We do not need to ask you about private matters (I certainly hope others feel they do not as well), this is not what a patreon is about. We contribute because we want to genuinely assist you in the restoration of your beautiful chateau to preserve its history. Yes, some of us (me) live vicariously through you at times, your life is really filled with love and laughter, and we have grown to care about you and your extended family. Please don't share anything you do not want the world to know, you give us more than enough every week.


Yeah I guessed that. The Barbados thumbnail really hit the nail on the head. ; > I was going to comment it gave me 'How Stella Got Her Grove Back' vibes, but did not want it to seem unkind and you were hiding it. I understand the worry and wanting to keep it private. Fair enough! I think there is only the worry and question about him being an employee and him being a fan before you met him. A lot of OG Youtubers won't date fans. But you guys are both adults and if you're both ok then great! But yes TBH, I totally want to know all the details. I want the gossip. I watched for any glimpse of the love mystery despite myself. I mean come on, it was soo obvious sometimes! I mean this with the kindest of jabs. It's none of my beewax. I've kinda gotten over it now. Ppl will move on now the cats out of the bag. What's a chateau without secrets and gossip? But Phillip, can you please stop with the age jokes? Omg there was one about you being young like every week at one stage. P.s. The more you try to hid it, the more you get trapped by it. xoxo


Oh and no need to do a live and answer questions. You're both happy and that's all we need to know.

Sophia Trigg

So so happy for you! Please don't feel that you need to answer questions about this though! ❤️


All I need to know is that you are both happy…which you seem to be. Thanks for being open to sharing more of your life with us. Also please don’t feel like you have to share everything with us! I can definitely understand that you need privacy in some aspects of your life! All the love and happiness to you both!


Sorry this happened but definitely not surprised. I noticed ages and ages ago your matching rings and figured something was a brewing. ;) Happy, happy, happy to you both.


Congratulations Stephanie.. I am happy for you and Plilip. You both are wonderful.


Boo on channel 4 for spilling the beans, but you're getting a resounding HELL YES from me. Such a well suited pair. ❤❤❤❤


I’m absolutely giddy with happiness for you both! I feel stupid I didn’t guess it. Looking back and how Phillip took care of you at times…that’s obviously love there.


I am horrified that Channel 4 violated your privacy in this way. Do you even need them anymore? I don't feel that any further explanations or questions are needed on your part - just carry on being your lovely selves. I wish you every happiness.


I am so happy for you both. You are both such lovely people. I’ve always thought Phillip was so kind that time he waited in the parking lot at the hospital for you when you were ill so kind and caring. I wish you both the best ❤️


Of course, I knew it all along !! Phillip is your perfect match and you both find joy in the same things! The group pick in Italy gave it away, you had your hand on his knee and he had his arm around you!! So happy for you as you are both beautiful souls!


You always seem so happy and comfortable with each other. I am glad there is more to the relationship than we originally knew. Best of luck for a wonderful future together!


So Wonderful ❤️ Congratulations to the both of You ❤️


PS you do not need a Q & A about this, It is none of our business, I mean you acknowledged the obvious, now we can just move on being happy for you both!!


I feel badly that this "outing" happened to you, that is not right. It is so lovely though that you two have found each other. Please don't feel obligated to answer questions about this, it belong's to you and Philip alone.


Happy for you both. Yes, I think the main blog should know. Then you two will be freer. Since TV knows anyway.


So so happy for you both I think you make a lovely couple and such shared interests - I did have a bit of an idea and hoped you might be together as you seem so suited ! However the rest is your private business please don’t do a Q&A nobody should ask you questions about your personal relationship as you said you have to have something to yourself …. The very best of wishes to you both with much love ❤️ xxx


It is absolutely no one else’s business who you love or are in a relationship with. A Q&A is not necessary…just be happy and only share the parts of your life that you would like. ❤️. And congrats!

Kelly S Larson

I have to say I am very surprised by this news. I had no idea but, I am so happy that you have someone who loves you and cares for you and you can lean on in stressful times. He is good for you and he's an old soul. You both have so much in common and you are very brave. Lots of love to you both. On another note, I have been wondering what's going on with the completion of the downstairs leu?


U are amazing as is Mr. Philip! Happy for both of you! Cheers!


So ‘RUDE’ of Ch 4 to share such an intimate piece of information. Stephanie, I’m really sorry you have been pushed into discussing your personal life by their actions. Like many of your long time viewers I had wondered however it should have been left to you to pick the time, or not, to share. Don’t feel you have to do a Q & A, you really are entitled to some personal space. I wish you both the very best wishes and I am very pleased that you have someone so sweet who takes such good care of you. 🥂🍾💐


MAZEL TOV!!! 💖💖💖


So so happy for you both 🧡 it was apparent that there was a love between you both but whether it was romantic or friendship was never any of our business. But thank you for opening up to us with this and trusting us with delicate information. Wishing you both so much love and happiness!!!


Well that was rather rude of channel 4! I share your thoughts Stephanie regarding how people can be prejudice if a woman is older than their partner compared to a man being considerably older. I am the same age as you and my husband (who passed away from cancer 3 years ago) was 10 years younger than me. But in the end I never saw the age gap and he treated me like a queen. He was the love of my life. From what I have seen Phillip and you look like soulmates, so enjoy enjoy enjoy!


This makes me so happy. I was just telling my friend that I want a relationship like you two.


I'm always the last person to know anything! I'm happy if you're happy. Have a great week!


Not very nice of Channel 4. I am not sure I would be able to handle this so 'matter of fact' and calmly as you do. Happy for both of you!


Stephanie you are such a beautiful woman, with a heart of gold!!! You don’t owe anybody an explanation or excuse about what happens privately between yourself and Philip, as long as you are both happy, that’s all that matters…. As for any questions for the video on Friday! I have no questions to ask at all and hopefully the rest of the Patreons also don’t, even though you have shared this information with us all, I don’t think there’s any questions we should be asking you about this matter….. Let’s just see you smile and maybe just have a normal everyday Q&A on Friday Much love to you both xxx


I couldn't be happier for both of you!! I agree with others, you don't need to do Q & A = you've told us and now just go on and be happy!! Thank you Stephanie, Love you both!


I am so happy for you Stephanie. You and Philip are such an amazing duo. You are right that this should be private but thank you for sharing with us. We love you Stephanie and Philip.


I sincerely hope that it was simply a faux pas by Channel 4 and not a bid for some buzz. I'm so happy for both of you - you seem to make each other so happy! The magic of LaLande at work again! No need for a Q&A - it's not really any of our business!


It is absolutely no one’s business, and I think channel 4, has crossed the line announcing it to the world. And I must say, I am a little surprised, because I did see how close you had gotten, but never imagined it was romantically. Anyways, it is your life, and I wish you all the happiness in the world. And age, it’s unimportant when you find love. So enjoy it!!


Stephanie, you share your life with us five days a week, you don't need to share anymore than that. I'm so sorry, your privacy was violated this way. Instead of a question and answer about your personal life, what if you did something else...like I would love to know how to do a French twist and I bet there are so many other things related to your fashion and design sense that other's would like to know how to do or have questions about.


Stephanie, you are wise. Phillip you are similar in nature to Stephanie; you both trust Life. Know that I am wrapping you in golden Light with blessings. Yes you are right: hold the beloved to your heart , not in the public arena. Look for a package from me to open at the beginning of Advent. Loving you across the pond. LB


Has anyone told the hedgehog?


Aww I’m so happy for you both. I think you’re both wonderful & you being together is perfect. Your private life is yours & Philips there’s no need to do a Q&A. It’s so bad of Channel 4 to reveal your private life without you knowing. Awww I’m so happy for you 🥰


Congratulations to you both. This is your private life which should be off limits to the public. You don't need to explain anything or answer questions. It's none of anyone's business. Enjoy the beautiful days at the chateau with all of the people whom you love.


Amor Vincit Omnia ... I'm delighted to know you are loved closer to home. xoxo


Your vlog life at the Chateau is our business but your private life is your own. I’m sorry that one of the last bits of your privacy was exposed so indelicately. Surprised were we? Maybe not really. You two are such kindred spirits. And the joy you share about many similar things is very apparent. So happy for you both. And at the same time, quiet on


WOW!!!! Talking about getting "Outed"! You must feel like a ton of bricks hit you today. NEVER compare yourselves to Dick and Angela. UGH lol


the set, everyone! And no need for Friday Q&A. You don’t vlog on Friday. Let’s keep it business as usual! Move along, nothing to see here…


PS......the Mummy question was my second question I wanted to ask. LOLOLOL


That was very brave of you, Stephanie and Philip! You’ve handled a very irritating incident with such grace - make that two cocktails!!

Terrie Powell

I’m so happy for both of you!❤️


So happy for you both!! What a lovely match!! ❤️ This must feel like a huge relief, like freedom, in a way. You won’t have to feel like you are hiding such an important part of your life, and your daily joy. You both deserve to be free in your happiness. What a wonderful update and addition to the Chateau’s ethos. Awesome. 💕💕💕

Anna Ibarra

Hello Stephanie! Well I didn’t even see it. I never caught on! Didn’t caught the details. But isn’t that your business or is that no longer your business. I always wandered about having someone special. In the past Philip has been there for you. He’s such a blessing from the start. Who knew that life would lead him this way! All my best for the both of you. Wish you didn’t have to come to us like this. Shameful of them to do this. I have no questions. This relationship is between you and Philip as 2 adults. You work together so well, decorate and have same train of thought. 🥰. All my best!


Stephanie, you are an amazing person and deserve all the happiness in the world. Thank you for sharing your life with us. you bring us so much entertainment! 😘


This news is not surprising to those that recognize 2 people in love. Its none of our business what the two of you do and I don't see the need to have a Q&A, its your business and nobody else. I thank you for announcing it to us although not necessary Congratulations to you both.


Wonderful , I'm very happy for both of you. 💗🍷😘


Stephanie, all good vibes here for you both. So happy and giddy. Love you all. Xoxo


Dearest Stephanie so sorry Channel 4 outed you in this way and I hope they will make amends somehow. I kind-of assumed this was the case, and am delighted you’ve confirmed. Congrats and much love to you and Philip xxx


So so happy for you both. Unfortunate that channel 4 let the cat ( or is it hedgehog ) out of the bag without your knowledge but you don’t owe us a Q and A or any updates on your personal life. We’re here for the chateau stories and renovations. Live, love, laughter. Love from down under x


I’m so sorry the news broke like it did. I am very happy for you both though. I totally am for keeping relationships more of a private affair. I think the first time my parents saw me kiss my now husband was when he proposed to me and then at our wedding, Haha. You continue to do what’s best for the both of you. Love the both of you!


Like an elegant table setting of gorgeous French porcelain and sterling silver flatware- you two pair beautifully!! I had no clue but, of course, it’s just delightful news! Terribly pleased and happy for you both. Since no one is asking questions, I’ll ask one really dumb one- have you ever had to re-shoot or edit out a term-of-endearment that either of you may have accidentally said on camera like ‘thanks, babe!” or something. Ok…that’s the extent of my nosiness! May your days continue to be filled with happiness!! That’s really the best any of us could wish for.


Well, I did not guess that, but mainly because I knew you’d rather I didn’t. That’s the difference between patrons and paparazzi, I guess. I didn’t NOT guess, but I like your idea that CD is not about couples, except when it is. When there are announcements and ceremonies, happy to celebrate, but new relationships? I agree, not relevant to me. You decide what to share, happy to follow what you offer. Which is a lot, many thanks. How rude of channel 4! But you dealt with it graciously. Of course. All best to you.


Be happy And choose whichever option will keep it so.x


Wishing you both every happiness :)


I'm so happy for you. Philip too.


I had guessed! I'm delighted for both of you, finding someone that makes you happy can be hard! Best wishes keep doing what you're doing. You are awesome xx


Lois Hampstead summed it up perfectly.


That's a good question. I want to know if she snores 😁 only because it would make her more human and not so "perfect " also I'm not very serious here, looking to lighten the mood on all this.


My question for about channel 4, did you talk to them about this?


Love you and support you no matter what Steph! Love comes in many shapes, ages and forms and life is wayy toooo short not to embrace all that comes your way !!! Happy for the both of you !! 💙💕😘♥️Xoxo


Stepanie & Philip, so happy for both of you!


I think you deserve an Oscar. I had no idea. None. But I don't really spend time thinking about that kind of thing with people. Especially since I knew you were choosing privacy. What a betrayal it must feel like. People are so disappointing. I see no reason to continue taking feedback on the issue, however. I'm happy you're happy. If I'm honest, I'm more worried about the new bathroom being damaged from the leak lol


hi stephanie! oh my, channel 4 made a bit of a booboo...well, the way I look at it is you're lovely, he's lovely, the vlogs are fantastic whether or not you choose to discuss anything private going on...8)....I think so many of us watch the vlogs for life at lalonde, the updates w renovations, community and just the general joyous spirit of the place, it truly is so special! I am happy for u both but sorry this happened to u as well since I always respected your choice to keep your private life, well, private....take care, sending positive vibes your way from Ontario, Canada


My husband and I have a 24 year age gap. Been together 23 years, All good:) Cheers.


I love just knowing your both Happy!! You both deserve the best and are lovely together no matter the age difference. I think it was very sweet of you to tell all of us... ( even though it should have stayed private, shame on Ch. 4)


Oh here's a question that just begs to be answered. Who has more shoes?!?!?! 😂 Really though, no need for a q and a. I mean I'll be there just to see ya buy we don't need any more info. So happy for you both and I do hope you're able to process this "outing", become even closer and move along to more chateau dreams.


It makes ME very happy to hear your news! You have so much in common and I think you make a beautiful, interesting couple. Wishing you both every happiness!


You are two very special people who deserve to be together. Being happy is the most important thing. Enjoy each other. 👩‍❤️‍👨


When I saw this in my inbox, my first thought was how disappointed I'd be if you told us you were dating anyone other than Philip. I'm so happy for you both! 🥰 Love is precious and to be treasured when you find it. But I am so sorry the decision to share this was taken away from you— you deserve to have something just for you-hugs to you both! 💕💕💕


Stephanie, even though we are patrons, don’t feel like you owe us pieces of your private life!!!! You can STILL be private. With that being said, congrats to both of you- how wonderful to find someone with such similar interests. So happy for you guys!!!!!!!


Couldn't be happier for you two wonderful people.

Julia Cobb

Oh Stephanie it’s been a weepy day for me. Watching the “song” video 20 times and weeping and now my favorite man at Lalande is yours too, I’m weeping again. I’m so very happy about your relationship and since I feel a very kindred spirit to Phillip I am ecstatic! I’ll be watching Friday and hugs to you both. 🤗🤗


Shame on channel 4. It's your life, whatever makes you happy is all that is important. I'm sure our opinions won't change anyway. We admire your strengths, courage and how you care about others so carry on😉😁


Congrats to you and Philip! 💕 Wonderful news!!!


Oh Stephanie, you're so incredibly generous with sharing your wonderful life and because we're your friends, we're happy for you and Phillip, but totally respect the need for you to have some privacy in your lives. There is such an obvious chemistry between you two and I think you're both lovely, kind, gentle people who truly care for each other. Congratulations and be confident in the knowledge that we're very happy for you!


I think you are very generous sharing this information with us even though the cat was let out of the bag by Channel 4. I agree with all you said about not sharing your love life and going back to not discussing or sharing it. It is your life and I respect your decision


Well... I figured it was either you and Phillip were together or Phillip was gay, so, lol. Anyways... Enjoy your happiness and don't let others take it from you. No one else is in your position and no one else knows how you feel, so don't let their judgments change anything. I'm sure that, speaking on behalf of all your patrons, we only wish you happiness and all the good things. :D Cheers!


Congratulations to you both, & no need for any Q & A

Sabine Goetz

Stephanie, you are an extraordinary woman. Your candor is refreshing and inspiring. I am sorry the decision to reveal this private part of your life was not your own. We are all deserving of love and happiness....blessings to you and Philip ♥️


Wow, they should not have done that to you. Your love life is your business and no one else's. But at least now you don't have to feign separate rooms when going places!

Evelyn McElroy

This makes me happier than I can possibly express. Bless you both.


Wishing you both the very best Stephanie. You have brought so much happiness to so many people during Covid. You deserve to be happy.

Evelyn McElroy

Oh, and I vote for no need for a Q&A...


Oh, Stephanie, thank you for trusting us with this very personal information. I'm a bit shocked that the TV station slipped that in. But you are loved by many, and so is Philipp, and I'm actually thrilled by this news. You are both very special people, with so much in common, and I am very happy for you both. In fact, I'm a bit giddy. I'll look forward to Friday. And will continue to look forward to each and every vlog. I'm so honored you consider us friends. <3


And by the way, sweet Stephanie, you touched me with your plead for all to be kind to you and Philip. No need to, the way we know you through your vlogs, is enough for those of us who follow you, to know you deserve not only kindness always, but also respect. You share your life with all of us, but still deserve absolute privacy. You’re lovely, don’t ever change!!


Stephanie - Your personal life is your personal business, and Channel 4 was definitely out of line. I am delighted to hear that you and Philip have become close and totally can relate to the ridiculous possibility that some people might find the age difference an issue. I have been there. All my best wishes for you both! There should really be no more questions from anyone. Just good wishes!


I too couldn’t be happier for you and Philip! You are matched souls with your love of Chateau life, crockery and tableware, furniture and decoration, shopping, table setting, hosting costumed events, entertainment, travel, music and animals and birds! And also your genuine care for other people too! And no I hadn’t guessed! However I have noticed Philip’s loving care of you, particularly around your workload and health. And yes I agree with the other comments, I don’t need to know your private business so no Q&A regarding personal relationships unless there is any public announcements by you NOT Channel 4! But I am thrilled to know that you both are happy together. You both deserve it!


Happy for you both. No need to answer any questions. I think you are well suited to each other.


Oh Stephanie this makes me so happy, to see you happy. Please do not listen to people you do what you want. You both are so wonderful, and truly what is age. Love you both and I truly wish I could give you a hug and tell you everything will be fine because it will… xx


Wonderful news, you are so well suited❤️ but I feel bad that you feel you have to do a Q and A. I prefer if you didnt, its none of our business. All the best to you both ❤️🙏


Blessings and much love to you and Philip and your lives together! Be well and be happy!


Wow. So blown away by your news and so incredibly happy for you both! You are truly 2 of my favorite people 💕 Stephanie I too feel that you need not do the Q and A. I think that’s just too much and too personal. You have a right to keep your personal life private.


So glad you are happy and you deserve your personal space so no need to do a Q and A


This! Is! Amazing! Happy for you both


You are made for each other, who cares what anyone else thinks or says. The only ones that can think and say anything about your relationship are you and Phillip. I'm extremely happy for you both.


What wonderful news! I am so pleased for you and Phillip! You truly light up when you talk about your passions! No more questions need be asked. Please know that you and Phillip are very highly thought of! I keep finding things to send to LaLande! Will do so soon! All the best my friends! Will be thinking kind thoughts and sending good wishes!


So happy that you both are happy! I do hate that Channel 4 took it upon themselves to share such personal information, so if you decide between now and Friday that you don’t feel comfortable doing a Q&A that is totally okay!!


Since the overwhelming majority of us don't think you need to do a Q & A ever about your relationship, maybe on Friday you could give us the vlog you were originally going to post today instead?


Weird, my post is gone 🤔. Just want to wish you all the happiness you can get. Live and love ❤️😘. All the best. And no questions from me (not my business).


Stephanie you are the sweetest! I feel so bad for you that you had to share your private life but I just want to say I am thrilled for you both, A match made in heaven. Blessings to you both💕


Match made in heaven. And Friday is your day off, Miss Stephanie! We don't need to know any more than that you are happy, so no need for a Q & A. You and Philip are adorable together - real soul mates. Enjoy this time, and each other. Best to you both.


I would like to see the original vlog instead of a question and answer. You and Phillip shouldn't have to answer questions about your relationship. It is your business only


Congratulations. But please don’t do a Q and A - it’s nobody’s business but yours!


Such exciting news! I always thought you two were a perfect match, but I never knew for sure in the vlogs. Be happy and the best to you both. Your vlogs always brighten my day!


No! No q&a! This is personal and its yours to keep close to your heart. Just happy that you are happy. And Phillip is as well. He is so dear. You have all of our support! Much love from Texas!


Stephanie I’m so happy for y’all!! I think it is a good idea to keep your private life “private”. We don’t need to know. I respect your decision to do that. We love you!! Donna


I noticed a deep affection between the two of you for quite a while 💖 I would have been surprised if it had been anything different. Please don't feel like you have to talk anymore about it. Even a one-time Q & A would just make people want more and it would be impossible to go back to private. I hope you decide to keep it private for your own sake. Love watching your vlogs.


Wishing you both every happiness.


Agree, no Q & A required .


Dear Stephanie I’m so happy for you both! Finding someone who shares so much in common is a gift. Please don’t do a Q&A. I agree with others that your private life is just that - yours. And Phillips’s. It’s none of our business. You are kind to offer to do that but I’m overjoyed to know that you are happy and not alone. Love and big Texas hugs to you both


The only question I have is who will come out on top with the walnut furniture vs. lighter painted look! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️😂🥰 All kidding aside, my daughter and I were totally surprised. She has watched since the beginning and brought me along with your Spode blue and white porcelain Sunday at the Château. We are huge fans. We adore you both and wish you both nothing but the best this world and beyond has to offer. God Bless and Keep you as you love and take care of each other. 💗💙🙏🏻🙏🏻


i remeber a while back,whenever philppe talked to you,his eyes ,the way he was locking at you,iknew something special happend.and i am so happy for you,i myself iam 75 noe,and my special other is 6o.we know eachoter for almost 4o y4ars,yes there was up and downs,but we are still togheter,so i wish you both only the BEST,you have so much compassion in a lot of things and i think this is wonderful!so that said i still will watch friday your vlog for patreons and i am sure all the people are happy for you and philippe,and the few other they dont like it just forget about them!!!!


Age is just a number, what really matters is the connection two people have. Truly it is no one's business. I too am very happy for you. You are both amazing people and deserve to be happy. There may be people who try and dictate how you live and who you see, but they are only trying to outrun their own unhappiness. So be happy and live life to the fullest.


Thank you for sharing but absolutely unnecessary. I completely respect your decision to keep your personal relationships private and think it’s quite smart to do so. It was very generous and vulnerable of you to share, hopeful you will not regret that decision. As a women who is married to a younger man, I also understand the double standards that we face as females. All that matters is how the two of you feel. Age is irrelevant if you are with the right person. Wishing you and Philip continued privacy!

Kathryn Grace

Darling Stephanie, my partner is 19 years my jr. I ignore all opinions which makes no difference to my life. Frankly, I firmly believe your love life is none of our business. Stay happy. xox


Thank you for trusting us in sharing this very private and wonderful facet of your lives. Those of us who love you do not need an explanation or a series of Q & A time. You use Fridays as a day for yourself.; we take too much of you selfishly at times. I am so very happy for you both!


Stephanie no Q & A! It is your business what you do in your private life. Just keep doing what you are doing. You have my support because of your wonderful blogs.


I would add that I agree with others that a Q and A is not needed!


Dear Stephanie, I’m absolutely delighted to hear the news. Phillip is an intelligent, sweet and incredibly witty man and therefore a perfect match for you xxx


What wonderful news, I’d be lying if I said hadn’t sensed a special connection. 😉 Whatever you decide to do we are here to support you. Sending love to you both! 💛


I KNEW IT! (said with a huge smile!) Congratulations! You are both such amazingly wonderful people and it's perfect that you found each other! Wishing you both all the best, always! No Q&A necessary! But would LOVE to see Phillip's interview!


I’m so happy for Phillipe to have you in his life! For you as well. My husband, who is 16 years older than I am, and I are sitting here cheering you both on! No Q&A would be our vote because it’s your joyous life to enjoy and protect and cherish. May your love only deepen with time. Wishing you every happiness!


I can say that this genuinely shocked me.....! And I very much like the fact that it did. Congratulations to you both! I agree with many of my fellow patreons - NO Q&A about this. It's just not necessary. There ARE people with nothing better to do than to tear others apart. Keep this within the walls of Lalande where it can keep both your hearts safe. Bisou!! xxxxxx


So sorry the people you worked with at Channel 4 violated your privacy and trust. Especially since you allowed them into your home. You handled it gracefully. No need to answer any questions! Wonderful you found each other. Wishing you both all the love in the world.


So sorry it had to come out that way, I respect you for keeping your love life private, I would want to do the same. You share so much already. Thank you for trusting us! We wish you both happiness!


This is awesome. I was not expecting such an announcement. You don't need to have a Q&A about it. Boundaries in relationships are important too. You might say it what makes them last. I'm so happy for you two!


I have always enjoyed your shared interests and banter. You make a charming couple. Cheers to you both!


I for one, am thrilled that Phillip is in your life! I speculated that he might be your “beau” but decided it’s none of our business. But now that we all know…well, it seems fitting that you keep that part of your life private! but I will admit that a little PDA between you now and then would do this old heart good! I wouldn’t mind seeing Amaury having his heart beating for someone too. He’s so good looking! Carry on…


Very happy for you both…no Q & A is needed, ‘friends’ don’t need to be in your personal business any more than you want…everyone should respect that … now put the book to good use and have a good stiff drink and go forward. 🥂🍾 Cheers!


I'm very sorry you've had to speak about something so personal and private. Wishing much happiness to you both.


The more I think about this the more uncomfortable I am. I don’t need to know your personal business. You share enough with us. You share your home, you share your finances, I don’t want you to feel pressure to share more than you want. I’m scared it will make you leave us. Please take some time for yourselves if you need it. Channel 4 is very very rude. XO


You don’t need to do Q&A. What’s to ask? It’s your life.


Love is love is love is love. Age is just a number that does not matter one whit when the connection is real and the sharing is part of a life that is honoring the heart. I am very happy for you both! Although I think it is not at all ok the way the news was broken, in some ways it might be nice now to be able to be more natural with each other as you film and share and document the progress at LaLand. It must have been a bit funny at times to have to edit and care take what was and was not picked up by filming. Now, just you be you. Sod any nay sayers. AND just like with the lovely Michael Potts, when love is real, IT NEVER ENDS, just the best way to express and share it. You and Philip will always have a wonderful love no matter what details the future holds. xx

Denise Behrends

Oh, sweet Stephanie, kindness is something you can always count on from us. Never doubt that. You express your thoughts so eloquently during a time in which you must feel quite vulnerable. I must admit, I have thought for a while that the sparkle in your eyes could only be love, so I am not at all surprised that you are a couple! Privacy is precious, and I completely concur that you should maintain the mystique in your personal relationship.


Congratulations to you both. I sort of knew from travelling together and the closeness/kindness you both share. Pleased now you both are open and also happy to you both concerning privacy.


Stephanie- it’s no one’s business who you are seeing and you don’t owe anyone an explanation- including us. Do not feel like you need to discuss this at all. I think you should cancel your question and answer session about this. Having said that, I’m very happy that you’ve found happiness. Congratulations.


Congratulations Stephanie and Philip! I too find no need for a Q&A about your personal relationship. I raise a glass in a toast to you both and wish you continued happiness!

Janese Carstens

Well that was unexpected but delightful too! I also vote no live Q&A on Friday. Instead, could we have the interview posted? Please enjoy your day off on Friday as well as every drop of whatever drink you have (I’m guessing champagne)…you definitely deserve it. Lots of Love! PS- I hope you gave Channel 4 a piece of your mind since they are there filming now! I also hope you and Phillip requested an apology.


Darling Stephanie, you are telling me what I already knew.. Your fellow Chateau owners gave it away a long time ago in their manner of speaking to you both. You are perfect for each other. We love you both very much and wish you the very best for every day of your lives together. Lots of love from Melbourne, Australia 🇦🇺 😘😘


2 consenting adults confirming what I know already, (love is hard to hide) just be happy and carry on. I’m just excited for you and really don’t need any other information as you’re both grown and entitled to your privacy. Love you both.


I also feel no need for a q&a; you are 2 lovely people that deserve your privacy.,you have so much in common,your love of fabric and porcelain to name a few.I think it was very rude of the TV program to put you in this position,they must of known your feelings concerning your private life after all you have worked with them for quite a while .Wishing you both all the best.


My parents were 24 years apart in age. They had a wonderful marriage and a very adventurous life together. I’m so glad to hear you say that it’s been for quite some time because when Philip had his friend come for a visit I was worried that they were a couple and he’d be leaving LaLande. Whew!! So very glad you are both happy. It will be nice to see you together on Friday.


Stopped the video half way through. Not our business. So sorry you felt pressured to talk about this. You are both wonderful. Please continue to be happy. 💕


I am over the moon happy for you both. What a lovely human being Philip is! Perfect for you because you are such a beautiful person. Your personal life is just that , yours. Please don't do the Q& A. I respect and honor your privacy and Philips too. I have been following you since your first vlog when you would take your phone out in the car to download. I feel like you have made all of us feel like family. So happy for you. Much love! P.S one year I would love to come to LaLande and help decorate for Christmas.


Stephanie and Phillip, so happy for you both! Age is nothing but love is eternal. As many others have stated, this is your private life and we do not need a q &a. I think it is wonderful that you have so much in common, your love of porcelain, textiles, lampshades, brocantes, costumes and music. You give us so much joy, we are glad you have some too. Now we just need to find someone for Amaury!


Oh come on channel 4!!! How awful that you were forced to come out with this. I agree with the general consensus that you should cancel Friday’s Q&A. I wholeheartedly agree that you must keep your private life private. You share so much with us already. You deserve to keep that for yourself. Much 💕 love to you and Philip 🥰 !


Congratulations to you and Philip. If you decide not to do the live Q & A, maybe just give us some guidance on what to respectively say when others ask questions about your relationship in the comments section? Say nothing? Confirm it? Confirm it but Stephanie is keeping it private. Other?

Sofi Hultin

You’re both two consenting adults in love. So, congratulations and I wish you all the best! I also like my men older (I’m a year older than Philip) so honestly, it’s whatever, haha. That said, I can’t believe C4 outed something like that without your consent though. It’s not like it was in a small sphere either. That is really not okay even if no harm was done (hopefully) to you or Philip but that’s not always the case with people. Someone could have been really hurt by it. I think you should contact them regardless and explain the situation, because they can’t do that to people. Someone on another show could get very hurt by blindsided announcements like that. They should be way more mindful of people than that. Honestly, pretty upset about the sheer carelessness they displayed.


You have handled this with refinement and sophistication. We are so pleased to hear of Phillip and your happiness.


I think they made a real ill-fated move. I wouldn't go on that show if I had a chateau in France now knowing that my personal life would be up for grabs. Very creepy of them, and even more than that, extremely poor manners as guests in ones' home. (Sure, we all suspected that there was "love in the air" but Stephanie had mentioned her personal life was just that - personal) .


This is exactly what I wanted to say - Thank you, Karen.


Just wanted to voice my agreement that no Q&A is necessary. As others have said it's none of our business. It's been obvious that you care deeply for one another for ages though I hadn't realised you were "together". But for what little it's worth I'm happy for you both. You compliment one another! Both in your musicality and your obsessions with porcelain, table decorations, etc etc. That C4 have outed you this way is terrible, I hope it wasn't intentional. In a small way in glad it's out. But only in that it means you won't need to edit around it (which means less work/stress) and that it means that Phillip will be coming back after his musical! Which has been a concern my Mum made when it was announced. With all my best wishes to you both!


I’m thrilled for both of you. Stay happy!


Shame on Channel 4! Absolutely agree that it's neither the viewers' business, nor your Patreon supporters. We support your work as chatelaine, bringing a part of the collective human patrimonie back to magnificence, no need for a Hello confidential. Glad to know that you're happy; however, agree that you cancel the Q & A on your relationship. Perhaps a more general chateau monthly update? I for one wondered what the situation on the terrace stonework is, given I believe you mentioned that the architect wasn't happy with the work (?)


I can’t believe Channel 4 outed you! What a nightmare! I’m so happy for you and Phillip though (I had suspected for a long time) as you make a delightful couple 😊. Please don’t feel the need to do a Q&A though as it is really none of our business, your private life should be your private life. Sending love and hugs from Abu Dhabi 🇦🇪 x


I know how you feel my second husband was 25 years old when I married him and I was 50, he is 51 now and I am 76 and we are still living together so tell Philip I am on your side


Someone asked on a chat once if you and Philip were dating and my reply was immediately - I hope so! you seem such a good match in so many ways...love & hugs


We all love you both and wish nothing but the best for you all. It is none of our business and no need for a Q and A.


Delighted for you both and I agree that your and Phillip’s privacy is what is important.


So absolutely thrilled for you both, Phillip is such a great guy and you are such a fabulous girl, it’s a match made in the stars. He really is an old soul , with maturity and refinement, in a young handsome kind body, what more could a woman ask for. I am honoured that you see me, your patron as a friend and will never forget that kindness. I don’t need to ask you anymore about it. Your personal life is yours, we already share so much with you I wish you both much happiness and love all your life together.


Wow. I did not see that coming. I had considered it at one point and then ruled it out. I thought it was the same sort of relationship that Steph had with Michael Pethrick, although Phillip does seem a much better match. I'm delighted for you both and I hope you have a long and happy life together. Congratulations!


I knew it!! This makes me so happy. I totally get why you would want to keep that just for yourself though, so I’m so sorry it was released without your permission.


Sorry, didn't mean to use the royal we - obviously can only speak for myself!


While I am found of you, I watch you for your content and am here to support that and helping to restore a historic building. Im not concerned with your choices in partners. I’m sorry you felt forced to speak on this and I wish you both all the happiness.


I'm so happy for you! Love you both!


Congratulations to you both! I am so happy for you!💗💗


Can I just say, you are an amazing human. I am SO happy for you BOTH


I am so happy for you both he is a wonderful person so sorry that you were unable to keep this private and I am honoured that I am classed as a friend wish you both all the happiness in the world


That’s WONDERFUL news Stephanie. All the best to you & Philip. Enjoy each other and TRY not to worry what others think. You’re SO right- if he was older no one would bat an eye! It’s SO difficult to find a loving, caring soul (I know-I’ve been single for 8 yrs!) I’m so happy for you. You and Philip DESERVE to be loved and appreciated🤗🥰


We are not surprised someone would love you! We love you too. Just go on as you were and don't have a care in the world. <3 <3 <3


That’s wonderful news Stephanie and Phillip😀 I noticed a connection between you both and wondered if you two were an item. Its awesome. Age shouldn’t matter. I have always dated younger men myself. Love is ageless. Its what’s inside that counts. But naughty channel 4… Love lives should be private. 🤫How’s the ceiling under the new bathroom coming along; hope the water leak hasn’t caused too much damage. I love your vlogs. I am really looking forward to Phillip’s interview and vlogmas.


I love you, l Iove Phillip - that is so poor of channel 4 to put you in this position. You don’t owe us a live. You are gracious enough to say what you have said. Sorry you have been forced into this. Much love Victoria x


I also wish congrats and vote no Q&A


very happy that you have found someone that makes you happy and is so supportive. And thank you for addressing it so openly with us. I am in Australia and heard the rumor and wondered, so nothing better than to hear it directly from you. May you both stay true to yourselves and bring love and joy to each other


Congratulations (backdated) on finding love, though I have been thinking you were a couple for a very long time. You seem like a perfect match and he looks at you with love in his eyes. Phillip is a gem, and a stayer. I am a couple of years older than you and I totally agree that this agism towards women only is ridiculous. Just rise above it, you two look perfect together. I love that he went to kiss you first. Regarding Q&A, well if you were sitting here in my living room and telling me this, I would (after squeeling and giving you a hug and topping up your glass) ask you all about when you knew you felt something for Phillip, etc... yes, I would not run out of questions for a while. But you prefer to keep this bit for yourself, so I think you must decide if you really want to do this. Well, we are your friends. And I have considered Phillip a friend too for a very long time as I took to him right away. So I look forward to friday. Love is after all a rather positive thing, it will make us all smile and set us up for the weekend! Love to you and Phillip from an early bird in Norway (I am not really, but had to drive my mum to the train station and checked my emails before returning to bed...then never returned thanks to you! )


I’m delighted for both of you that you have found each other and that’s all that matters. I’m 6 years older than my husband and we have never even entertained it as an issue. The only thing that matters is what you have as a couple. It is unique and therefore could never be shared on a level that others can ‘know’ even if you wanted to share it. The genuine love and support between everyone at La Lande is what makes your vlogs so special. You just keep doing what is right for you because it absolutely brings an enormous amount of pleasure to so many people. Love is love is love and you know how to live and share it. Love to you both 💋❤️❤️❤️


I want to add my voice to those saying there is no need to do a Q and A. Also, I'm glad you have had the wisdom to keep something back for yourself, so that your life still feels like it belongs to you in some way. Keep doing what feels right to you. You have always conducted yourself with a great deal of class and a healthy self-respect combined with humility and humanity, and I'm sure that the principles that have guided you so well prior to this revelation will continue to do so. Stephanie, you are so very generous to share your very lovely self and your delightful adventures with us as you have already been doing. You certainly owe no one more than you are willing to share. While I'm delighted for you and Philip, I hope very much that you are both able to continue to have as much privacy as you desire. I wish you both much joy!


I agree that your private life should remain just that private.


Dearest Stephanie, you are a very special and wonderful person and so is Phillip. You have brought so much joy into our lives and I’m thrilled for you both. Quite agree with you keeping this private and boo hiss to Channel 4, what a rotten thing to do. Take care and enjoy your lovely relationship. Pay no attention to any negative comments, those people are just jealous!! Lots of love from Australia.


I am so happy for you both!


That’s the best news ever so so happy for you Stephanie who cares about the age difference I always saw a spark between you both especially Phillip unless he’s just genuinely too sweet ❤️ And I agree with others no need for Q&A only if you want to I say❤️ You bring so much joy to our lives I love all the blogs and I watch them over and over ❤️ Much love to you and Phillip So nice that Mummy Isobel already knew


Oh, good for you both! I was one of the ones who thought this was just a deep and caring friendship. But knowing now that it's one big step more is just perfect. That's all I need to know, so it's a no-vote on the Q&A here, also; I can't believe there would be any question required above and beyond the simplicity of your love that you've so graciously and generously shared with us. I do look forward for the interview with Phillip, though. I've been looking forward to that one for a long time!


As a woman 25 years older than my amazing guy, and a lover of all things La Lande, I suspected and so hoped the two of you had found love together 💕 you are both have so much in common and are the kindest, sweetest people, who deserve to have found each other. Teared up with happiness for you both 💕


I will add, regarding a q&a….since you are in love now, and if you want to tell all about it because you are happy and excited, I’m here for it! I’m giddy about it! But if you simply feel obligated and you really don’t want to share, you really don’t have to. The ones who have no interest in this subject simply don’t have to watch. But as a hopeless romantic, I would love to hear some funny stories, your favorite things about each other, stuff like that❤️❤️


Phillip, i Believe I have a few pieces of HAviland LImoge tea plates which i would love to send to you. my emails kmhs64@gmail .com


Soooo happy for you both. You and Phillip are nice, kind, smart, artistic and so generous with the world close at hand and outside of LaLande. I am very happy that you found each other, and age truly is only a number. (Nice, kind people don't always find an equally kind person, which leads to much heartbreak for the kind partner.) I'm an older woman and for two seconds I said to myself "damn!" And then, I said..."this is about hope." My fishpond just got larger. It's not about age...it's about interests, respect for each other, kindness, equal intelligence and above all love. You've given me hope for a new adventure. Be good to each other and collaborate in every sense of the word. Love to you both. ❤️


So happy to hear your good news! Sending you both lots of love !


So happy for you both!! Phillip is adorable , I wouldn’t be able to resist those eyes and his hair! Not to mention he comes across as very sweet, and you are a beautiful talented and lovely woman so it’s perfect! Age doesn’t matter except when it comes to wine. Wishing you nothing but happiness!!❤️

Gabrielle Baalke

Just the kind of lovely news I needed today! Looking very much forward to the Q&A on Friday. Lots and lots of love to you and everyone at Lalande!


If you are proud of your relationship with Philip why try to hide it?


Love you both! So happy for you that you have each other. ❤️❤️❤️ I was wondering if the plumber was able to install or get some of the heat going yet? Maybe giving a monthly update Friday would be great. Keep some of that mystery in your private life, Madam Mystery. 😘


YAY!! I'm so happy for you both! Thank you for sharing with us and I agree with the others, no need for a Q&A, it's so important to keep a little piece of yourself just for you. Sending love and kindness from Australia ❤️


So delighted for both of you. I had noticed the special care for each other. Or what I thought was special. So happy. Enjoy. Relish. Love can be short.


Life not love is what I meant to post. ❤


Stephanie, you always seem to navigate challenging situations with such elegance and grace. I'm sure you will come to the best decision, concerning the way forward, for the integrity of your channel. As a Patron, I'm more interested in project updates than relationship details, but do take delight in your announcement (as I had no idea!) Though I am curious if this misstep by Channel 4 will affect your relationship with them moving forward? What a betrayal of one's privacy. So sorry to hear of this violation.

Daniel Hammond

I am so happy for you Stephanie. I didn't 'guess' but forever I have been thinking 'what a pity Philip and Stephanie are not an item, they would be perfect for each other!' I shan't ask any questions because clearly, you did not really want to be talking about this. Love to you and Philip.


Hooray for love 💖💖💖 Congrats to both of you and wishing you all the happiness in the world xx


How wonderful for you both. We only have one life and if you find love then you are truly blessed. I am so happy for you


I am delighted that you have chosen to share your happiness and joy with your patrons, who I am sure will be supportive and kind. Real friends are meant to be the people who share in your joy and sorrows. How lovely that you have been lucky enough to find love, support and companionship during your continuing chateau adventure,


We are both absolutely thrilled that you have chosen to share your joy with us patrons. You and Philip make a wonderful pair and you are so lucky to have found each other. We wish you both all the happiness in the world. From Karen & Allan in New Zealand


I had no idea but am thrilled as your so well suited. 😃😍👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🐨


Someone with a family connection with the chateau told me a while ago, such happy news 🥂 You both deserve love and happiness and privacy.


Details about your personal life are certainly none of our business but I must confess it is wonderful to know you have someone special in your life. Much happiness to both of you! Fondly, Mary Ellen


Thank you Stephanie.💖I am so happy for you and Philip and honored that you shared that with us🥰

Kimberly Dale

Nope😁I had no idea...but yay💛 I am so happy for you both...kind hearted ,Lovely creative kindred spirits...love to you both ... I am a bit relieved ...I think most of your patrons truly just love you and want you healthy&happy...XOXOXOXO🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸😁💛


Your private life is your business. To hell with what anybody else thinks!


Totally blindsided. I saw the affection but you are so kind and loving to everyone. Please don’t do the q and a. We don’t need to intrude on your private life. Google Tina Turner and her younger husband and their long term successful relationship as an example of success.


Dear Stephanie, Thank you for sharing this aspect of your life with us. I thought some time ago that you had formed a particularly close relationship with Philip, but also decided that your most intimate personal matters should remain personal and private and not the subject of speculation. I wish you and Phillip every happiness, and feel privileged that you have shared this with us.


Dear Stephanie, I’m so sorry you had your private life outed like that. I can only imagine how much of a shock that was. You truly owe us nothing, but I’m glad to know that you are happy. You deserve the very best. Much love and support 💛


So happy for you both xx


I am so pleased for you both - yes I had guessed but that is your private life and should stay as such. Please don't feel you need to do and q and a. As you said the vlogs are about the chateau. I agree you have to keep a part of you out of the spotlight. Take care both of you x


Very happy for you both. It makes sense to want to keep a little part of your life private.


Such lovely news. Sorry your private life was publicized that way but I genuinely could not be happier for you both. Age does not matter it is the person that counts and you two are so suited. Love to you both xxx

Sandra Warmbreath

I am so thrilled for you & Philip, you are completely compatible, share tastes & complete each others sentences all though otherwise quite discreet. Actually I'm quite relieved as I sort have lived in fear that Philip would leave Lalande in the course of things and I have so much wanted him to stay, he is so integral I wish you both much happiness and privacy, couldnt happen to two finer people! BTW, I remember back when you said your love life was just "tickety-boo" with a bit of a blush! I am so thrilled! No need for much more conversation really...


She’s not hiding it, privacy is different. She shares so much, it’s her decision to keep her love life private. Can you imagine all the nonsense she would have to deal with? She doesn’t deserve that. Cheers!


Your private life is just that…private. I vote for no Q&A. You must accept love where you find it❤️


Your happiness shows Stephanie ! The way Philip looked at you when he left for musical reharsals....Yes of course I'm happy for you both ! Life is here and now and happiness is the only thing that matters !


Oh dear Stephanie, that must have taken you so much courage to talk about this. And I am so happy for you and Phillip! You really make a lovely couple and who cares about the age gap? You two fit so well together and deserve every happiness and privacy. <3


Dear Stephanie and Phillip You guys look so amazing together 😍 I’m so happy for you both 🍾🥂


We were completely surprised by your news today, but upon reflection, realized there had been signs that we ignored. It doesn’t matter; we are very happy for you both! You have so much in common and have obvious appreciation and respect for one another whether you are friends or something more. And I so agree on the Q & A; absolutely not necessary. Take Friday for yourself and post that interview with Phillip instead. We respect your privacy and appreciate you sharing the parts of life at Lalande that you feel led to share. Much affection and best wishes sent to you both!


The Q&A isn't necessary, it's unfortunate that C4 broke the news. Everyone, including vloggers are entitled to their privacy. Are we still getting a proper start of the month update? Would like to know more about the affects of the bathroom leak & ceiling collapse


Well Cheers to that 🥂 I personally would love to know the ins and outs because I love a good love story, but I absolutely agree, you don’t have to put yourself through a Q&A, lovely of you to include us in the good news, but your privacy is your privacy.


Hi! It is completely up to you with what you decide to reveal and what you keep private. I do have an idea if you decide to do a Q&A…and not related to your private life! Perhaps you could talk about what projects were shown on Channel 4 and who was on the show from LaLande? That is what I am most interested in hearing about! We can’t see any current episodes in the US. We are only able to see past episodes of ETTC DIY after they are broadcast in the UK. I know you have a lot of fans in the US and other countries, so here is how the shows are broadcast in the US (at least this is how we discovered them, so I could be wrong). The Peacock App launched in the US about a year ago (yes, this is an extremely random coincidence that it is called the Peacock App, and you own peacocks). My husband and I were desperately looking for new shows to watch while in lockdown, and all of a sudden the Peacock App had all FIVE Seasons of ETTC DIY available for us to watch. However, now that we are all caught up in the US through Season 5 we are unable to see anything currently being broadcast on UK Channel 4. Also, maybe you could find out when the new episodes of Chateau DIY will be released in the US? Thanks!


Lovely news 😀😊❤ I vote no Q&A, it's no one's business but yours ❤❤❤


thank you for sharing. I too feel this is your privacy, no need for an Q&A


I guessed from the way Philip looked at you. You might not have given anything away but it was written all over his face every time he looked at you. All the best to you both. You deserve all of the happiness in the world Stephanie. Xx


It must have been an awful shock to be outed like that. Not because there is anything wrong with the relationship but because no one should be forced to reveal their private life if they don’t want to. You don’t have to explain anything at all, but well done Phillip for making you so happy! I would hope that people are able to be kind, life has been very tough over the last couple of years. Love makes everything better!


I’ve always appreciated the focus being on friendships rather than romantic relationships.


I’m in agreement, I think you’ve shared what channel 4 gave away. I would hate to see any negative or jealous comments on the vlog….it’s going to get out so it’s best from you I think. I will say it hadn’t crossed my mind and when my husband called out a couple of times you both were together while I was watching, I said I didn’t think that was the case. He’s so happy right now! lol You have so much in common, I love that you both found love together! How lovely! I hope you see all the positive comments from us here, you are safe with us. Cheers & lots of love to you both!!🥂🍾✨🌼🦔👑🎩♥️🦚🖼 🎼🍽🍸🥃


Yes! Where was the ceiling that collapsed (which room)? I wasn’t able to figure out where it was since I don’t know the layout of your home. I know you posted a layout at some point but I am still trying to work my way through old past episodes.


So happy for both of you ! 😘😘🥰


I'm so happy for you and Philipp, Stephanie! I think you make a lovely couple and the age difference is just a stupid societal expectation we should all learn to ignore. I agree with the rest of the people in this comment section: you do not need to do a Q&A about this, I completely respect and understand your wish to keep this private. Of course if you feel like sharing, I will be more than happy to hear more about this, but I just don't want this Q&A to invite more speculation. You already share so much with us and I want you to be happy! :)


With very best wishes to you both, I also agree that there is no need for a Q and A. Wishing you both much happiness in the future together.


I couldn't reply to your reply to my comment about the ceiling. It looked like the collapse was immediately outside the china pantry and Nati's new apartment in the back corridor that exits out into the second courtyard.


Hi Steph as a new patron I am delighted to hear this as I also thought you two were great together and could totally tell at least on his end that he thought the world of you. Like others have said, as a single woman myself- I appreciate the focus on friendships in the vlog and not your love life (although it’s exciting!) please only share what’s best for you. A q and a is not necessary. Take care :)


Oh Stephanie, what dastardly rapscallions C4 are to have done that to you. I had no idea. Sharpen your tongue and give them a good tongue lashing. My name will still be on your Patreon list, no matter what xx


Even though you share most of your life on the internet you have the right to choose what you what to show! I think you are right to keep some parts of your private life private. It is not because you are a public figure that everything has to be public! I wish you all the happiness in the world!


Very courteous. Happy for you both. It very normal that you don’t share your private life. I noticed that when you went on holidays very often Philip was there with you and you had such a lot off fun together…..

Olivia Bakke

I’m so sorry you had your private life outed in a public and unexpected way. I respected you when you said that you wanted to keep your romantic life private and genuinely appreciate the window you make on the community life in your home. Please feel confident to keep the details private. Everyone deserves to have something for themselves and you are entitled to that privacy.


So happy for you both.


age doesn’t make any difference. A little word to Philip. Proficiat, jullie vormen een mooi koppel. Leuk dat jullie ons bij de neus genomen hebben lol. Niemand heeft iets te maken met jullie privé leven. Jij bent het acteren gewoon hè. Ik hoop oprecht dat je een mooie kamer mag blijven vullen met mahoniehouten meubels en opgezette dieren. Vind dat zelf ook super. Veel geluk aan jullie beiden. Sorry schrijven in Engels is niet mijn sterkste punt. ( vanwege dyslexie)


I'm happy for you, but I agree that you keep these things private. We love watching you and all the Lalanders, and the way the chateau is trsansforming, and I'm glad that you are not lonely because you deserve to be happy, but it is none of our business. No need for a Q&A, everybody is happy for the 2 of you and the way you handled this is very mature, but any details are not for the public, nor for your patreons. We love all of you anyway.


Wow didn't see that coming at all - i thought Phillip was gay, just goes to show we should never assume anything based on what we see or think we see on screen. I'm super glad everyone is happy, I don't need a Q & A on your love life though, I'd prefer it be kept private x


Ohhh had guessed a very very long time ago and I am so so so happy for you both may you have a wonderful life together xxxxxx but no one is expecting you guys to discuss yr life together u don't owe us anything you just do what you feel you want to do don't ever feel pushed by this career to do anything xx


Like so many Patreon’s have said before I’m so sorry that you have had your love life outed on national tv of all things. I’ve always respected you for keeping that part of your life to yourself and I would often say aloud when reading posts on Facebook about either you and Philip or Nati and Amoury (I hope I’ve spelt that right) “it’s private and no one’s business” (I don’t write this as I was taught that if you have nothing nice to say then don’t say anything). I’m really happy for you both as you Stephanie definitely deserve to be happy as you’ve made so many people happy with your vlogs. Take care sweetie xx


So happy for you both and don’t feel you need a Q&A it’s none of our business 😁 keep doing what your doing we all love that xxx


Dear Stephanie and Philip, so happy about that life has brought you together and that you take care one of each other! As some as well, I think you can keep it private and I personally do not need a video explaining it. Love is love and just enjoy it ❤️


No questions just love ! Wish you both a lot of happiness and a healthy private relationship ❤❤


So happy for you both, no questions just be happy, you are both beautiful people and deserve to be happy together, age is irrelevant it’s just two people who have found love together, no need to share your private life with us all, we are just so happy for you both and looking forward to meeting you next June when we can at last stay at Lalande lots and lots of love Denise and Peter Crowley xxxx


No questions Steph your private life is that private, You both deserve happiness and I’m glad you have both found it together. Your smiling and happy and in love that’s the best feeling in the world 🥰🥰


The only thing that matters is that you are both happy - nothing else. I actually think its great we don't see all about everyones love life - thats not what Chateau Diaries is about. Don't think you should have to go through a Q&A either - its private. Just carry on as normal I say - it's wonderful as it is! P.S. I had guessed :)


It was the blue garlic wasn’t it? hahahaha. I am so very happy for you both! That being said, like many here, I am also of the opinion that a Q&A is not needed on the matter. Naturally people want to share in your happiness but it should be on your terms. Protect your privacy and just know that we support you! Now that that’s done and dusted, we can go back to LaLande shenanigans!


Please don’t waste a second of your time worrying what anybody thinks stephany! All of you provide us so much happiness you are all perfectly entitled to yours in private, none of our business and no need for a live chat. Having said that it’s amazing to hear you say you are happy as you deserve all the happiness in the world! 🤍


Be happy, life is too short to live otherwise.


Just wanted to add, you keep the secret projects really secret 🤣 Last nights episode about the two projects was amazing! I’m looking forward to you telling us more about them. Have you seen the episode now? The part with you in Philip in the shop was lovely but I think that’s where you will get a lot of questions on the vlog. Much love to both of you and all at Lalande xx


As so many have said Stephanie we are so happy for you both but dont think we need a Q&A about it as its your private life, i'm just so happy that you have found someone and lets be honest Philip is a keeper lol :)


I am so happy for you and Phillip! No Q&A needed. Thank you for all the ways you already share your life with us.


Yaaaay 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 sure, figured it ages ago (anyone who ever got cystitis along with a new relationship recognised that drama 😥🥰🥰) but it’s WONDERFUL to hear you confirm it, Phillip is Glorious & Fantastic and the BEST match for you in every way -Particularly!!! his youth, energy and ability to be joyful about so many things (especially furniture, creatures, porcelain etc 😂). He’s Your perfect match & the happiness you radiate gives us all joy. Henri (think that is the ghost’s name?) did a GREAT job. ❤️joy to you both❤️


Super happy for you both x


So happy for you both xx

Lynne Sands

Wonderful news, so happy for you both. No explanations needed just delighted you are both so happy 😀😍👩‍❤️‍👨😘😘


Well done. There was no need for this video, we all knew anyway! I'm glad that you're both happy.


I admit I was surprised but I love Phillip and am so happy for you both!! I feel bad you had to share it in this way as you have a right to keep that for just yourselves. I feel honored you consider your patrons friends and hope you consider this always a safe place. As long as your happy that is all that matters! I also don’t feel a QA is needed. I am also older than my husband. Age does not matter at all.


So sorry you were forced to share your private life but I'm so happy for you both, no questions to ask ❤️


So very happy for you both. You are a lovely couple, there is no age difference that I can see. Fabulous!!!


Really pleased for both of you 😀 but sad that you’ve had to share something you’d understandably rather was kept private especially when you are so generous with everything else you share xx


Lovely news so pleased for you both x


Awwww. Well I think the pair of you have both struck gold.


OMG! We are so happy for you both. Thank you Stephanie for taking us into your confidence and sharing such a personal matter. You are both such lovely people and deserve all the happiness coming your way. Enjoy every moment……….I do so enjoy a love story! 💘


Thank you so much for this Stephanie. It’s so your style to address us personally and we’re very grateful. Saying that I don’t feel a live q & a is necessary. We will all respect your privacy. Very best wishes to the delightful Philip and yourself ☺️


It is very generous of you to offer a Q&A, but it is not at all necessary. Your private life is entirely your own. From all of the comments I have seen here so far, I think it is nearly unanimous that we are so very happy that you are happy, upset that you have been upset, and completely support your private life remaining private from here on. 💜


Kindling media and channel 4 have behaved atrociously. I'm outraged on your behalf. Your private lives are just that. You have let us into as much of your daily lives as you had wanted to, and we have so enjoyed that and feel some small "ownership" of all the things that have happened to improve Lalande. That does not mean the world has the right to know everything. Love and support to all of you from The Limousin.


Love stories at LaLande -how fitting. Age is just number Stephanie. I wish you and Phillip all the happiness in the world 🥂🥂🍾💖💖💖💖💖


And I agree with all the other no need for a Q&A on this 😀


What joy 😊 thank you for sharing but yes noticed straight away that Ch 4 described Philip as your boyfriend and I wondered if this was with your permission.


Oh that is beautiful. So so happy for you both. You don’t need to answer any questions. The mystery is so much more exciting than the nitty gritty details. This is your private life you don’t owe us anything. I for one prefer to wonder………


Cont'd ...Stephanie whilst I am very happy for you both ,it is your business. You are very well matched 😍😍


Oh what wonderful news, but like many have said, don’t feel like you owe us any explanation. Your private life should be yours to share and keep how you see fit. Age is just a number, it’s the love between you two that is important. Lots of love from Australia.


i'm just happy that you are happy. you bring so much joy in to my life you deserve some to. age diference smage diference. thanks for telling us


Ann (Lee's Mum) here. I'm so happy for you both! There's 11 years between me and my Charlie and we've been married 54 years this year. Age is just a number!


So happy for you both.xxx


I had absolutly no idea that you are a cuple and I don't live in England so would not have known, but I'm so happy that you found each other and thank you for telling us.


This post and the comments are the best thing that happened in the world today! So much shared joy, understanding and tolerance...❤️❤️❤️ It's filling my heart just witnessing your happiness 😊Stephanie, Phillip and patreons, you are the best!


I guessed it a while back and I am happy for you both, its a shame that C4 did that, they should be ashamed. To hell with the judgers out there. Misogyny is a horrific thing. My FIL had a girlfriend who was 20 years his junior and the reaction was 'good on him' but we rarely hear the same the other way round. So I will say "good on you!" as I am sure all your patreons and real friends will.😘


Just be happy 😊


Dear Stephanie and Philip, so happy for you both! And like many other patreons I don't feel we need a Q&A, you have given us so much already, take care :)


Phillip is such a star! I wish you both happiness!


I had no idea. As you have many friends and it’s quite the merry mix. There’s nothing wrong with an age difference. You both clearly have lots in common and we all want you to be happy. It’s no fun being lonely. Xo


I’m so sorry that it had to come out this way, but extremely happy for you both! ❤️


Stephanie I am thrilled for you and Philip and I wish you every happiness. I haven’t seen Chateau DIY yet and I had no idea from the vlogs. I just wanted to say I am so pleased, you are so kind and loving to everyone and I worried that you might be lonely. Enjoy every second of your happiness, who cares about age gap, if you are happy together that is all that matters. Other than saying that I feel that your private life is your own so if I don’t join the live it is not for lack of support it’s just I feel you should be able to have some secrets. With very best wishes Gillian


It’s awful that your hand was forced by Ch4, wittingly or unwittingly, but I hope you’re both reading these lovely comments together and maybe feeling a little ‘lighter’ now that you don’t have to work to hide any potential giveaway signs on film. No need for a Q&A you’re both entitled to a private life and I hope you both have a fantastic time enjoying yours together.


Stephanie congratulations honey. Why not just brush off the C4 thing, saying they make mistakes and no comment, they always get you and Gerrys relationship wrong. You need some privacy, imagine having to live your whole love life in the public eye. Though this is fab new🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


So happy for both of you!! You both deserve the best!


As has been said many times above no need for a Q&A everybody deserves a private life. Take a leaf out of Michaels being open on his vlog. Caused a lot of heartache and quite honestly the vast majority of us are not interested it is the escapism in this difficult time of everybody’s life that makes your vlogs so interesting, amusing and meeting so many skilled people. Channel 4 have a lot to answer to especially in their previous series. Hope you will be very happy.❤️❤️🍷🍷🍷

Merideth and Nicky

So happy for you both. No need for a Q and A. Just want to send you both a hug. Love that you consider us your friends. Thank you always for all the joy you share with us.


So.. I think to sum up there is a very clear consensus this morning!! No Q&A required. Simples! Any questions would be chateau based and if you wanted to do that My burning question is are you replacing the door to naties apartment and the back corridor to the right of it? As they look more agricultural with no windows and could probably do with an upgrade xx


I’m happy for you! You are both lovely people and deserve happiness. I wish you all the best. Don’t worry about us. Curiosity is part of the human being, but also is self preservation. Keep all the parts of your life you need private. We will survive ;)


Good morning and very glad to hear. You are both entirely deserving of each other. The joy and happiness is really good to see, most uplifting, and you both look really great together. Very happy for the two of you . Chelmsford England, standing -by.


You don't need to have a q and a.... it's a shame ch4 broke your silence re personal life. Thank you for this today but I prefer the mystery


Happy to hear that you and Philip are happy together. It’s all good ❤️👍


I’m just glad you are happy as Philip obviously adores you as we all do too. ❤️❤️


Happy for you both! I can totally understand your desire for privacy and respect that. Also no Q&A needed for me, at least not about this topic! Keep doing what you're doing and do not listen to anybody who has the need to talk demeaning about your relationship! All the Best!


Yes I agree with no Q and A unless you really feel it necessary. Your private life is just that, PRIVATE. You go on as before, we're here to share in the joyous moments of escapism (not that your relationship can't be joyous but I say keep that to yourself like a special secret jewel)


Cupid’s arrow falls where it falls. 💜❤️ Love and happiness to you both.


Congratulations to you both. You are a lovely couple and we couldn't be happier for you. Lots of love George & Donna x


Wow!!! I never saw that coming. I am so happy for you both! Your private life is your business, but I hope that your honesty only brings you peace and greater joy! Much love and happiness to you both. I am thrilled and delighted for each of you.


So happy for you both, Stephanie and Philip.! Don't do a Q&A; your relationship is yours and you don't owe us any information about it. Treasure the joy you bring to each other and keep bringing us inspiring videos about chateaux!

Penny Thompson

Bravo from the USA!!! Even through the lens of a camera I could see what was happening and at a 70 year old I can assure you of one thing - take love whenever and in whomever you find it. So, no Q&A needed in my opinion, just live the love and enjoy!


Who couldn’t be anything but kind to you Stephanie .. you are just a delightful beacon of love and light to everyone …the magic of Lalande brought Philip to you ., it was written in the stars .. bless you both 🌟✨🌟♥️


Thank you for sharing this but, I would continue to keep your love life private. I am so very happy for you both and glad you found someone who has so many of your same interests....except maybe all the woodland creatures. How about that...just talk about similar and dissimilar interests. Do you like his woodland creatures? Lol. Take care.


So happy for you both, I think we all had an inkling as Philips eyes can't lie when he looks at you!! No need to have a Q & A. Your private life is yours, sending love and best wishes. xx


Dear Stephanie - What wonderful news. I am so happy for both of you. I agree, no need for. Q & A! Private life should be Private! Much love to you both and wishing you much happiness! XX


Dear Stephanie and everyone else here, I must admit yesterday when watching Chateau DIY I became very uncomfortable and upset that they talked about your private life. I am so happy for you both, but please don’t feel as if you have to talk about your private life us. You have always said that your love life is private and all of us here honour that as you share so much of your life with the rest us around the world. Please don’t feel like you have to do a Q & A about this subject. How about making it a Q & A about updates around the chateau, as I for one was really looking forwarded the first of the month updates. Love to all here xx

Kathleen B Schmidt

If it had been American TV, your probably would have been outted long ago. Commercial TV is only interested in what sells. Sorry you got blind cited. I would think twice about letting that film crew back into your home. Happy for you both. It was bound to happen with him as your shadow, always with you. I was blind to the clues, which is a credit to you both in keeping it secret. No need for a Q&A. It is no one else's business. To address it as if it were a crime, would cast a negative pall. You have done nothing wrong. You are both adults.


I have a 25-year-old-son. I would not wish this on him for the world. The vice-versa situation isn't much better, but at least with a younger woman, a family is still possible. Would you have kept it quiet without the age difference? Also... the lengths you've both gone to in keeping the ruse up must have been exhausting. I will never look at you the same again. Deception is Deception. If a person wants the stardom of TV and YouTube (and all the financial benefits) it should not be obtained nefariously.


So happy you have someone special to share your life with and that he and you are happy. Hoping this bring reliefs that you don't need to hide it or edit it out. You are fun together! Enjoy each other and life. We're just thrilled for you both!!


Soo happy for you both ❤️


so happy for you both! please don't do a q&a about your private love life. you owe us nothing of that aspect of your life. just enjoy love!


Susanne Carmen… what a rude and nasty comment. Shame on you.


Chère Stéphanie, I have always thought that Philip was mature & wise beyond his years & such a kind & loyal soul so you deserve each other. You owe us nothing so don't feel obliged to answer questions. Just be sure that we are delighted that you have found love & wish you both much happiness. Love from the French Pyrenees xxxxxxx


So happy for both of you! Sorry it had to come out this way! No need for Q&A on your relationship it is your own. But if you did another Chateau Q&A that will be amazing!


Very happy for you both, congratulations and enjoy your love and happiness.


No Q&A needed on this subject!!!! Being a Patreon, means we want to support your efforts in making Lalande as beautiful as possible and to support the channel as a whole. It doesn’t give us the right to know personally details about your personal/private life. A very brief message on your channel may be in order and to clarify it’s a private matter, so you can both relax and go forward….


Dear Stephanie and Philip. I'm so happy for you and your happiness. Sad that it came out that way, I in Sweden can not watch the episode if no one posts it on Youtube. Read a thread on FB where I understood that it was said in the program. Very kind that you tell in your own words that it is true. Questions and answers are not needed, it is really your private matter. All the best to you Marianne Fröberg.


Your private life is your business and should be kept that way. We love hearing about the chateau and your life there but what goes on in your personal life belongs to you! I love being a patron and wish you all the happiness in the world! You have brought so much happiness to all of us and we care about you, so bless you and keep well!


Dearest Stephanie, please don't do a Q&A, we don't need one since its a private matter between you and Philip and thats how it should stay. We couldn't be happier for you as you really are made for each other, and it was obvious from the start. Channel 4 had no right in disclosing either of your private lives without permission, but over stepping the mark seems to be a thing today in order to make things more sensational than they are. Age is just a number and it does not matter one tiny that you the older person in the relationship. It doesn't matter to you and Philip and that is the most important thing. Take care of each other, hope the cocktails were successful and we look forward to Philip's interview about himself. Lots of love <3


Dear Stephanie and all at Lalande. I being an out man here in Australia, I know what the shock of something personal being 'Outed' with out consent. It's a terrible shock to have to go through and it not a thing I'd wish on anyone. You do not owe me or anyone details on your personal life, as much as we have to share ours. To anyone who says otherwise there is a saying about glass houses and stones I think... I'm really glad that you have found someone to share those moments, and laughter. Love is love is love in my books And I say enjoy the cocktail, and I can't wait to see your next Patreon update sans private life, as I support you and all who grace Lalande whom ever they maybe!


So happy for both of you! I didn’t guess but I love a good surprise 😀 Definitely not need for Q&A, we are respecting your privacy ! Lots of hugs for both of you 💕

Stephen Arnold

Two absolutely brilliant people. I know as vloggers you’re pretty much in the public sphere, but I kept thinking this is a personal thing for you two and Q&A is really not needed. Anyway, I absolutely adore, admire, and respect you two, and for that matter the entire family of LaLanders. As always, wishing for you all the very best!

Anne Green

Dear Stephanie I totally agree with all the comments that your love life is private. You don’t have to explain yourself to us your Patreon at all and you had already said you wouldn’t answer any questions about your love life so you own us nothing. However I think if you didn’t know the tv production company were going to tell the world about your private life, I think they have some questions to answer to you (& Phillip). All that said I’m truly delighted that you & Phillip have fallen in love & it truly couldn’t have happened to a nicer couple, as I too think Phillip is mature beyond his years and neither of you ever expecting Cupid 💘 to be flying about when he arrived as a volunteer - it’s wonderful news and now let’s carry on with the restoring of your beautiful Chateau 🤗 xx


A private life is just that, private. We are not entitled to know about it and you need it. You share so much of yourself with us, generous beyond belief. For your own mental well-being you must keep something important close. We love you and admire the work you are doing on the chateau. That is why we became patrons after all.


No Q&A needed on your private life!! Still, happy for your happiness, so happy in behalf of you both ,Stephanie and Philip! Wish you all the best!


So happy for you. What a pity though , you should have sold the rights to the press😂 And you are right, the world is not fair yet about women having younger boyfriends so good for you to be a pioneer here, too.


So happy for you both!!!! ❤️ ❤️ Sorry it had to be revealed in such a way. Please ignore negative comments from ignorant people. This community is full of people who adore you and are so happy for you!!!! Cannot emphasize this enough. Stephanie, seeing you handle the bathroom situation with your two exes/co-owners says so much about you as a person. Best wishes to you darling people!!!! 😘


Yes to LOVE, no to Q&A :-)


Im so happy for the both of you. You deserve to be happy and Im happy you found Phillip and he found you


Fabulous! Love you both to the moon.


You and Philip are soulmates. You have a wonderful man to care and protect you. Long live love ...I'm so happy for you both x


Age gap relationships represent!! (8 yrs here!)


Happy for both of you

Heidi Panella

We love who we love, period. I am actually glad to hear it because the kindheartedness between the two of you is palpable. I wish you both happiness and joy. You have so much in common and why should age have any bearing on what makes you happy. And I agree with no Q&A is needed. You have enough on your plate, you don't need to add to it with feeling like you have to answer personal questions (or not 😉). Holiday season is upon us and that's challenging in itself. You've told us, that's plenty. I'm really not even sure what questions there could possibly be... And lastly, shame on the the press that did that. They had no right and they have no respect for peoples feelings or their privacy. Hugs to you both!! Enjoy the journey 💖💖


I woke up this am and watched the vlog again. I was so happy for both of you and then I thought. Why the hell should you do a Q&A? It is none of our business. I would much rather hear and see what is going on at the Chateau. Enjoy your lives in privacy.


So very happy for you both. It’s wonderful you have found each other. Age makes no difference at all, enjoy your life together. ❤️xxxxx


So very happy for you both, you have given us so much happiness and laughter, during this not so good time, that you deserve some happiness too. Thank you for sharing. Don’t listen to the not so nice comments, you and Philip just be happy. You don’t need to explain anymore then you already have. Thank you so much for the wonderful glimpse into your beautiful life at the chateau.


Stephanie, I really feel that your private life IS no-one's business but your own, so my heart was breaking for you during this video. I, too, hope that people are kind and, as you say, it's been happening with older men and younger women for centuries. It's nearly 2022, so I would hope that the only emotion coming your way is happiness for you both. Much love 💕


Firstly I am happy you are both happy! Second, I fully support you keeping some of your life private, your videos are a little piece of joy in my life and whatever boundaries you need to set, so you can keep creating wonderful content is just fine by me. The only question I have is - do we have an update on the baby hedgehog?


You are incredible! You owe us nothing!


I never ever comment on the internet. Ever. But I’m making an exception here to say GOOD FOR YOU! Keep doing what you’re you’re doing and be happy. You are providing an uplifting service in, what is the moment, very negative world and you shouldn’t have to explain yourself to anybody.


What exciting news! You were simply beaming when speaking of your relationship with Philip. I wish you both much love and happiness. No need for a Q and A. It's really nice of our business. ❤️


Well color me happy. This is such a wonderful thing to hear. You glowed when you talked about Phillip. We all appreciate you sharing your life with us. Just knowing you have each is all we need. Many blessings to you both.


Stephanie, I am reading the comments and many people feel the q and a would go further into your private life and they want to respect it. Can I suggest doing a quick poll then you can act on that? Emma


Hi Steph, I have no questions about your private life - it is yours. What you choose to share ever is up to you, but I would never ask - just hope you're healthy and happy. I do have two questions: 1) Muddled as to where porcelain room is on yesterdays Chateau DIY - comments were turned off on my post! 2) Could you look at your Instagram DM's, as I sent you some interior/exterior/vlog content ideas! PS: Don't worry about the age gap - you're both adults, both happy with your choice - doesn't matter what others think. Just enjoy! :)


I am so happy you found each other! ❤️


Age is just a number. What a wonderful thing to find a best friend, a partner that shares your interests. It’s evident y’all enjoy each other company. How wonderful! I agree with others that say a Q & A is not necessary. You don’t need to answer questions about your love life! It’s none of our business.


I agree that no q&a is necessary! But I would love to know if that’s why you and Philip both have matching signet rings. 😉😘 You’ve made a beautiful life for yourself and am so happy for both you and Philip!!


FINALLY! ❤️ We've been saying for months that Philip was smitten...I'm so happy you feel the same way!!! Age gap? Who cares!! As my (gay) daughter says...love is love! So happy for you both!


OMG! Now I have to rewatch all the interactions between you two on the vlogs. I'll get nothing done today. And I can't help but imagine the frolicking going on behind the scenes in that chateau. Ohh I'm so excited. Best news I've heard in a long time and so fun. Thank you for sharing your lives with us.


It is so nice to follow what's happening in Lalande. Please keep protecting your privacy. You bring so much joy as it is. Anyways Happy for you two! <3

Katie Roberts Art

I had noticed such caring in his eyes and voice for you. It is lovely to know it is reciprocal. <3 Love is a wonderful thing. I am so sorry for your privacy though. I would be appalled if something like that what released without my consent, you have done well to manage your privacy so far. Now I know why Phillip doesn't answer the 'How long do you intend to be at LaLande?' question!! Sending huge love to both of you. So glad you have each other in all of this, always have been, whether as friends or more. <3 Xx


So happy for you and Philip <3


This was an absolutely lovely start to my Thursday, finding out that two people who spend so much of their time making others joyful have found that same happiness between themselves. Stephanie, you, nor Philip owe us a Q&A, we love and respect you both and I am annoyed that Channel 4 thought that sharing the information would be appropriate. Thank you, Philip, and everyone at the glorious Chateau de Lalande for enriching our lives.


What a wonderful surprise! I thought you were going to deny it as simply a mistake by channel 4! I'm sorry your personal life was revealed without you being the one to share, but hopefully all the love and support the two of you will receive will make it all better. So happy for the two of you! 🥰


Stephanie, we care about you and Philip and just want to be supportive in any way we can to you both, as well as all the other Lalanders. You’ve managed to create such a special place at the Château - it transcends the confines of YouTube and we genuinely feel a part of it. It was obvious from the first time Philip really appeared and reupholstered the sofa that you two were kindred spirits whether that relationship was romantic or not. Shame on Channel 4 for revealing information that should have been private and respected as such, it’s irrelevant to restoration of the Chateau. Honestly, all my questions for Philip have to do with how his taste evolved, and how he amassed such a comprehensive knowledge of such things as porcelain, furnishings, and cutlery. Did he have a mentor on these subjects in the Netherlands? Did he work in an antique store or was the information gathered through research and reading alone? What objects and periods interest him the most? Topics like that are what I’d like to know more about in the future, your romantic lives are your own. Sending ❤️ and support from Washington, DC.


How wonderful! So happy for you both….not so happy with channel 4 though. Much love xxx


Stephanie and Philip there is no need to do a Q & A about your private life. We are all very happy for you both. You both bring such joy with your vlog to so many people. Keep your private life private.

Georgette Jones

Ok Stephanie……….yes I kind of thought there was a relationship and my reaction is GOOD FOR YOU BOTH ❣️ No one’s business but yours and now this 74 year old lady will have something else to look for in the vlogs, those little twinkle in the eyes and knowing smiles…..be happy❤️ Question is channel 4 out or are you still going to do it❓SENDING LOVE FOPROM INDIANA🥰


I agree totally, there is no need to do a Q&A on the private elements of your life.


How lovely to hear your news and thank you for telling us the situation, although like many others I think that Channel Four should have respected your privacy, it seems a shame as we have watched you always treat the filming people with great friendliness. I guess the media is always the media and the story comes first! That said, you are quite right going forward to only share what is comfortable for you both and I wish you great happiness and joy.


You are very generous with us Stephanie with your offer of a Q&A (as I think that no one has a right to that kind of information). I just want to say that you two make a very lovely couple and I am happy for both of you :)


Château Lalande is always full of love and so very happy for you and Philip… No need for a Q&A… As it was already said continue to keep your personal life private… Sending you happy hugs🥰


As I feared, one of the group moderators has written a long post about this. Comments have been turned off but the post was still not necessary. The public is not owed an explanation. A private life is just that. I agree with no need to have a Q & A. I don't think Stephanie even needed to explain to her Patreon folks as we didn't need to know. That she shared this very private part of her life with us is a privilege we, in turn, should protect and respect.


Definitely, no q&a needed. We have no right to stick our noses in your personal business. You’re both adults and don’t have to answer to anyone. Being your patrons doesn’t give us the right to ask anything about your love life. But I’d love to know when the downstairs loo will be finally finished! Hahaha


I echo the comments above. There is no call for you to justify your personal life choices by doing a Q&A. Please also note from the above comments that we as Patreons are whole heartedly in your gang in the playground. So please, both of you, continue to live your life, with love and laughter. Sincere love and best wishes 💕


So happy that you are happy! Selfishly, I’m bummed the extra long Patreon monthly update didn’t happen. It is my favorite break in between helping with kid homework and cooking said children a meal they may or may not eat.


I also agree. Stephanie, we all are here because we love the people and the culture of Lalande and if the acknowledgment of your relationship changes anyone's opinion they can quietly go elsewhere. I hope you reconsider the Q&A. It is not necessary for those of us who truly care about you. But ultimately you must do what feels right to you.


Totally love and support you. You and Philip seem to have such a soul connection. Your interests seem to intertwine so well together. I would still be interested in having Philip interviewed and asked the questions you asked Selmar , Gerry , Cat etc.. I am always interested in what drew a person to come to La Lande. All the very best 💕💖


I agree with all above, no need for a Q&A about your private life. You have our support. We only want you to be happy :)

Evelyn McElroy

Stephanie and Phillip, I am not a math expert, but out of more than 700 responses, I saw only ONE negative response. ONE!!! Ignore that ONE and listen to the rest of us who love and support both of you.


You don't need a Q and A it's none of our business


Congrats to you both for finding love in the midst of these wild times. You both deserve happiness and as much privacy as you choose. Wishing you the best. 💜


Stephanie!! Congratulations!! I met my husband when he was 26 and I was 38. We have been married for 27 years!!! You deserve every moment of happiness with Philip. Don't pay any attention to the age difference. What is important is that you share many things in common and you love each other!!! My husband, our 5 cats and I have not missed your vlogs for the past 3 years!!! Give a big kiss to Philip for me!! Ana Escalona Bond


Congratulation to you both. It seems to be a match made in in heaven. You only need to share the same allergies. Lots of love to both of you


I KNEW IT! Cause I'm high sensetive and feel energies. So happy for you both 💞💖Btw, what's age and no Q & A needed 🤲🏻💋


Oh Stephanie, you’ve made my day! I’m so so happy for you both. You were meant for each other, proper soulmates. No need for a Q&A though, we all love and support you 100%. 😘😘


I didn't have a clue AT ALL!!! That's such wonderful news. Very happy for you both. xx


Hi Stephanie, thank you so much for this Patreon vlog. I am thrilled to hear that you and Phillip are very close. How wonderful is that? Its nobody’s business but yours and just carry on as normal. You and Phillip have such good taste in all the filming of the vlogs and also Phillip is just what you need. A companion and dear friend. It is nobody’s business but yours. Love to you both and Love from the Dordogne xxx


Sooooo happy for you two!! No Q&A!! 😘😘


Good morning all! I have just spent time reading all the comments and have decided to go from a Lady to a Countess of Lalande, I know it's not much, but hope this helps a little more. A couple of bottles of a nice wine or feed for the chickens and peachicks? I also agree with many comments that there is no need for a live Q&A. Your very honest Patreon video is enough, We love you both! 💕


I also had nooooooooo idea!! And Im shocked because I’m usually pretty in tune with these sorts of things!! 😁 I come from a state who’s slogan is “Virginia is for Lovers” , so a BIG congratulations to you two sweet people ❤️😍❤️


Congratulations! And praise God!


I had no idea! Wow. Congratulations. You both are lovely people. No more needs to be explained.


Your private life is your own, my dear Stephanie. Please don’t feel that you have an obligation to share with us anything you don’t want to. And screw the age difference..grab your happiness with both hands and don’t let go. If the last few years have taught us anything it’s that life is short and unexpected things happen. You and Phillip are adorable and I wish you both nothing but the best.


How absolutely wonderful & I had no idea either. You are so in tune with each other (no pun intended 😘). There is no need for a Q& A ….we share enough of your life as it is. So happy for you both💕xx


I am so happy for you both! No need to explain anything to anyone. As long as you are happy, nothing else matters.


Dear Stephanie and Philip that is such lovely news. Had kind of guessed. Having met you, you are both the kindest and most genuine people and age should not come into it. Thank you for sharing this gorgeous news but keep this joyous thing to yourselves and cherish it. Take care and see you Friday on the other side of my screen. Simone xxxx


You and Phillip fit so well - I am incredibly happy for you both XOXO


Stephanie don’t worry about the age difference! The love of my life was 14 years younger than me. We’d still be together but he wanted a family and I wasn’t able to have any more children. Enjoy the time you have and know that it’s your life and Phillip’s. No one else should have a say. Except of course Mummy! 🤣


That is absolutely wonderful! I suspected as much since you there is a good cemistry between you.


Since one of the admins on the Facebook group shared this information that you made very clear you only were sharing with the Patreon group I thinks is a must that you DON'T do a Q and A. You've already shared more than you really needed to. I'm feeling very protective of you both and I would bet I'm in the majority here.


I’m happy for you both!

Kathryn Grace

I'm with you, Denise. Steph does not need to do a Q & A. Her relationship is her business. I'd rather they protect themselves from further scrutiny. Channel 4 put it out there; they've addressed it where they believed they should. That's enough. None of the folx at LaLande owes us a thing.


I am so sorry your private life was violated by Channel 4. You do not owe us anything. Be happy, that is all that matters. Love to you both 🥰


How outrageous of Channel 4 though - will you continue doing that show? xx


Hi Stephanie & Philip. It's lovely that you've found each other and seem very happy together. It's very disappointing that Ch4 announced this personal information without you knowing. Very naughty. As some people have said on here already, please don't feel that you need to answer question from your Patreon supporters. We, my husband and I, support you because your vlogs have helped us through tough times, with your love for life and the togetherness you have with all the other La Landers.


I am not surprised ( suspected) and am so HAPPY🎉 for the both of you. I do not think you need to answer any questions. Congratulations on finding each other!!!😘🥂


Hello Stephanie and Phillip, thank you sharing this private part of your life. I think I can speak for probably all of your patrons that we all love you and wish you every happiness life has to offer. Of course, same is true for Phillip. He is a handsome, kind and caring person and who could blame anyone d


I didn't realize that you two were dating. I'm so happy for you!! You are both such sweet, fun wonderful, caring people!!! Love, from Boston!


( continued) for falling for him. Having said that, you don’t owe us a Q&A. This is enough and you both deserve to keep this treasured relationship private. This was unfair for program to divulge this info without first consulting you. Anyway, I don’t usually comment but I feel quite strongly about this invasion of one’s private life. Love to you all.


Wishing you both every happiness you have only one life to live and everyone especially you Stephanie should have someone to share it with. Ye are perfect for each other 💗💗💗💗


Dear Stephanie and Phillip, I hope you are feeling all the love coming your way from your patrons who watched your vlog yesterday. In this time when the world is facing so many challenges, to know that you have found such happiness in each other makes my heart sing! 🇨🇦


You have come straight out and told us Patreons the situation. We love everything about you and Lalande and there is absolutely no need to do a Q &A. Your private life is your private life and I am just so happy that you have found each other !! Lots of love to you both.


I never comment but this time, I wanted to wish you both joy and happiness. How wonderful that two beautiful people have found each other. You owe us no details. As for that age nonsense, forget it. The important bits are the love, friendship, fun. It's not about calendars.


Say everything or say nothing. It is entirely up to the pair of you but I wish you both much joy and happiness either way ❤️


Oh my goodness what a way to be "outed"! Thank you for telling us firsthand, and I'm sorry this happened when you preferred it didn't. So happy you two found each other and am perfectly fine with the information stopping here.

Julie Chittenden

Please don't feel like you owe us anything. I'm happy for you though. But I agree with the others, there is no need to share anything you are not comfortable with. If you would like to remain private about that, please do not think twice about it. All the best to you all!


My first thoughts are that this is such a betrayal on the part of channel 4 and that they let it out for the sole purpose to raise ratings/viewings. I don't think that I could ever trust them again but such is the industry. It is so thoughtful and kind of you to share this part of your life with us but it is still none of our business, or Channel 4's and most of England's either! Love and the very best wishes to you both!


In follow up to my previous comment, if there is a silver lining at all, perhaps filming and editing to avoid hints at a relationship won't be so stressful or fraught anymore. I can only imagine that many times you've had to consider if some film was good or if it hinted too much at something. Now that the cat is out of the bag, of course you don't need to address it, but if something slips into a vlog (a look, or something said) it's not really a big deal for speculation anymore. Keeping a secret, or something specifically out of the limelight is very difficult and I can imagine it is stressful. So I hope at the very least, any stress it may have cause can fade away


I am sorry it came out this way, what a shock. But I am so happy for you both!


Also... I agree, a Q&A isn't necessary. Feel free to keep you personal relationship private.


Not necessary to have Q&A!! We are so very privileged and grateful that you share as much as you do. Philip is precious and so are you. You do NOT have to answer to anyone but Yourself and Isabelle!!!💘💘💘💘


Congratiolations 😘😘😘😘


You seem content and happy, so sweet! :)) I’m so unobservant of such matters, my jaw dropped, heh.. Indeed, no need for a Q&A, though I’d still watch the hell out of it, I won’t lie 😉


Oh tears of joy! That’s soooo lovely 🥰


So very happy for you both. Hugs and loves


Super happy for you both!


Not the least surprised since I suspected something more than just friendship a long time ago. All I can say is…..You go girl! Nothing wrong with a woman dating a younger man. I have a friend who dated a man in his early 20’s when she was in her early 40’s. Despite the age difference, they were very compatible. They married after a few years and 23 yrs later are still very happy together. I am a romantic and love to hear how people fell in love, but it is up to you both what you want to share. Just be happy!


So happy for you, Stephanie xxxx But please don’t worry about a Q&A- it’s still your private life. Hugs to you xxx


So happy for both of you and I agree that a Q&A about it is not necessary, but a Q & A about Chateau life is great if you have time.


If I’m reading into your videos correctly, it’s clear you two compliment each other and seem so happy together. Share what you want, and if that’s nothing at all, we will all still be here as your patrons/ friends. ☺️ I came for the historical house, and stayed for the people in it. Love you guys!

Colette Retif

Philip is so perfect for you!!! It is amazing how today so many people accept so many things and yet raise an eyebrow at this. It is a strange world but you, Philip and the rest make it so much better.


All the love in the world to you both age is but a number if mummy approves who cares what anyone else thinks


Wow, I am very surprised and I am sitting here with a big smile from ear to ear! I am very happy for the both of you, two wonderful, kind souls. You deserve this!


...and I definitly don`t have a question, because it is your private thing and I respect this from the bottom of my heart!


I'm sorry! It's a terrible feeling when your private life is forced out into the open without your consent. I've been there! I'm also sorry you feel like you owe this to "us." You've already opened such a huge window into your life, don't feel like you also have to open every cupboard! That said, I'm pretty sure the channel is 100% supportive of you. You are a real person with ups and downs just like the rest of us (this experience being a bit of both, dang you channel 4!!). So no need to explain.


Omg Am I the only one who did see this coming? So pleased for you Stephanie. I have so many questions, super excited for you but I don’t blame you for wanting to keep your private life private. ♥️


Congratulations to you both, very kind of you to share with us but whatever you want to keep private is entirely up to you guys. Your a great couple/team that have a lot in common x


Aww I'm so happy for you both! Age is only a number after all and it's what's in your heart that counts ☺ Love to you both! 😘😘


Hehehe! I really suspected and am so happy for you both and also sad you’ve been outed by someone else too xx I have lots questions of things I’d like to know but then I’m a very nosey person 😂 no need for me to ask any of them xx


Omg, I'm so thrilled for you both, and always thought he would be a great match for you Stephanie! Many good wishes for long, strong and happy relationship together!


I had my suspicions ! Stephanie, you deserve all the happiness in the world.


Assume referring to the age difference as Philip going on 65 and you still with the childlike wonder of a 5 year old…..??😂😂 I wouldn’t worry he’s not too old for you!


As so many said, I'm just happy you're happy. In fact - the term - compersion, is very much top of mind - finding happiness in someone else's relationship excitement, even though it has nothing to do with you. I have also dated much younger than my age, and have experienced tremendous loneliness. This little bit of vicarious joy is welcomed. Thank you for trusting us with this news, and the only reason we'd need a Q&A is if it would make you happy to share more info with us - we'd be happy to listen, but you don't owe anyone further details. I wish you both every happiness together. <3


I had my suspicions that this was the case but wasn’t going to ask. It would have been for it to come out when you wanted, not a surprise like this. Was it just a case of producers not knowing it wasn’t supposed to be public, or a case of them creating drama. Is it just a coincidence that C4 is also the name of an explosive used by the military? Since it was outed I don’t see how you don’t address it on the main channel videos, but it doesn’t have to be more than acknowledgement. Ignoring it won’t necessarily keep it anymore private. And haters gonna hate, don’t let either of them get you down. This video did raise some questions, but you, or the two of you get to decide what you are sharing.


Never normally comment but… As a Brit have to say that’s exceedingly rude of channel 4. I hope they’ve apologised! All that matters is you are happy!


The only other bit i'd add - I hope this...eases any stress you might have experienced working to keep the relationship out of the spotlight, and that having it out open (even though it's a shame it wasn't cleared with you first) ultimately enables you less worry as you edit and interact.

Hannah Kleiböhmer

Dear Stephanie, i´am so Sorry for the both of you. It was your Choice to tell. You don´t need to make a live Vlog about your Love Life!! It´s non of my buisness. I only hope you and Phillpi are happy together. Enjoy it. It is rare that you find someone. Your privat life is yours and you don´t have to answer any Questions. You said it yourself, if we were sitting together as friends it would be different. So please feel free, to answer only Questions regarding the Chateau. That is the reason why i became a Patreon and stay one. You make a great Job.


PS I vote for a chateau related q&a rather than one about your private life x


Really pleased for both of you, have hoped it would work out. If you receive any negative comments tell them to fuck off... one of sir George Bernard Shaw's, I believe. If you would like me to handle any PR matters in the future my rates are not unreasonable. Chelmsford England, standing -by. x.


I’m so sorry that your private life was made public in such a surprising and big way. I totally understand why you would want to keep it private. I’m very happy for you both, age does matter but not but only ones mental/emotional age. I’ve always believed that as we reach adulthood we find our mental age and that’s why our friend group often has to change. It’s most important to find that person who only wants the best for you and cheers you on no matter what and, of course, someone who adores you and makes you laugh. So happy that you’ve found each other!


Feel so bad that your private information was made public. Don’t let anyone bully you into revealing more than you want.


That's wonderful news so happy for you both xxx


I’m so excited for you both. Call me crazy but I would love to sit down and hear everything and anything you chose to share. Like a close girlfriend I have many questions. Mostly like how and when you knew. How he treats you. You know that kind of thing. Would love you to “spill the tea “ as this is good stuff! 😍 I did not see it snd I haven’t missed an episode. I just love that you have each other. Sooo I do want a Q & A. Nothing too personal. Just the beginning story.


I have always felt your private life should be yours and it should remain private. I don't think the age gap matters. much love to you and the whole team.


I Knew it !! And I am So Happy for both of you.... Philip is a very swett person. And you look so Happy too. Congrats. We love you.


Are we getting the regular Thursday vlog today??


So happy for you both don't worry about the age difference as long as you are both happy Your private life should remain private. X


You do you girl! You don’t need to do a live Q&A, you don’t owe anybody anything. Back to the first of the month update!


Really happy for both of you. You don’t have to answer any questions. It’s your life. Wondered for a while but the secret was fun.


No. Stephanie just posted. Filming for tv only just finished so will be out tomorrow instead


How infuriating is this policing of women’s sexual behavior. As immaterial as my own personal view is, age difference in couples is so damn hot, no matter the gender!👌🏻👌🏻🔥😘


Most of us guessed 😀 And you do not need to explain yourself - my husband is younger than me and age is just a number 😍❤️


Agreed...you don' t have to do a Q&A about your relationship...I'm sure we all love you and Philip and want you both to be happy and are glad that you are :) Thanks for sharing


You should now refer to your relationship in the same fashion as the elusive Nick! We all know he exists but we don’t know what he looks like. So we know the two of you are in a relationship but the rest is elusive! It adds to the intrigue of the vlog! 😀


My mother was 7 years older than my father, and back then (and still today in many circles and places), it was a scandal. My poor mom who always looked younger than her age, lied all her life about being the same age as dad, so people would not criticize her. They had children and were married until they both died, within nine month's of each other, despite my dad being younger. She left, and he followed. It is so ridiculous and unfortunate that in this 21st century, we still have the double standard for men and women.


"Honi soit qui mal y pense" no need for an explanation on the Q&A. Please tell us about the chateaus developments. All the 🥰🥰🥰🥰 to you both. Not interesting what the world thinks of you. Age is just a number and the both of you share so much interests together. My wife is more than 6 years older and we never had an issue over it. I was 25 when I first met her and a year later we were living together. And that's over 32 years ago now. Keep on enjoying life and each other. Hope to meet you in the future. Love MM

Brenda Mcgee

Oh Stephanie such a relief you no longer have to keep a secret when you’ve found love you should rejoice my love Love between two people should not discriminate you’re not hurting anyone maybe their ego But it’s your life personally I think it’s fabulous news and wish you and Phillip all the best for the future lonely no more you’ve found your love enchante my love 😘😘❤️❤️👌👌🍸🍸Questio-Do you feel relieved now it’s out I always knew you were in love I felt the same when I met my hubby who is younger than me also 😘😘❤️👌


As Joan Collins said when someone asked about her husband who as you know is much younger than her she exclaimed ‘ if he dies he dies’ hilarious . To all those teasing her about the age gap …..


So happy for you!!!


Stephanie, you are so kind and generous with everything you do and share. Congratulations to both you and Phillip, wonderful news. I do agree with everyone that a Q & A is totally unnecessary. We can see how happy you both are, it shines through every vlog. Keep your private life private sweet lady. xxx


No worries here. Congrats, however I think it was definitely out of order for channel 4 to do that to you. Definitely not okay. However, I'm happy that you're happy and Phillip is a wonderful guy. Age is a number and that is all. You're both adults. : D


All the best to you. No need for a chat. Update would be nice.


No Q&A needed. You're happy, Phillips happy and my wife and I are happy, The Vlog Is the best programme on TV (BPOTV) . Whats the big deal, just enjoy yourselves. We'll all still be here watching. Best wishes to the both of you.


I have a question. Was this also a surprise to the regulars in the Chateau (Nati, Kat, Marie, Selmar, Dan, etc.) as well? If not, they have all done an amazing job of respecting your privacy and keeping it quiet for so long.

Kim Magee

Congratulations Stephanie and Phillip! It’s so wonderful that you have found each other x x x ❤️❤️❤️


Hi Stephanie, dont worry, your private life is yours. Congratulations to you both. What is happening with the natural swimming pool? The little entrance room looks amazing.


Everyone deserves someone to adore them, and that someone doesn't even have to be a human (your dog, a cat ... )! I'm so glad you each "found your lobster", as Phoebe Buffay in Friends would say, and just treasure this special relationship. 💖

Jana Miranda

Best wishes to both of you, and while I appreciate your openness, I will continue to respect your privacy and refrain from asking any questions regarding your relationship. However, if you want to share a recipe from Cocktails and How to Mix Them, I'm here for you.


I think Philip is actually older than you in lots of ways , where in the world would you find another man got crockery for presents as a child ?? Just like you did ,I've known all along he was for you ,your twin flame ❤️ please reveal what mantra you're chanting as your manifesting is on point !!


Its so wonderful you are both happy. You both bring so much joy to others, its perfect you bring joy to each other. Im sorry you have been faced with feeling the need to tell people you feel you owe an explanation to, its not fair. Thank you for your honesty, im sure we were all quite happy with your decision about your privacy, and im sure we will all be quite happy for this to continue. You dont owe anyone any personal secrets or explanations. But the biggest congratulations, we are all so happy for you, and like your vlogs, i hope you both bring each other... Life, love and laughter....... ❤️💕


Alison here, I’m sorry that things came out as they did but I’m so happy that you’re happy!!! Cheers to you both!


Well I always thought he would be perfect for you. I am so happy for you both. I am still waiting 26 years for my man


Oh Steph, I woke up to this in Australia watching while making morning coffee. I'm so so sorry that this has happened to you. I was actually teary because you and Phillip absolutely deserve your privacy. Not that it matters but I never guessed you were a couple. I just thought you were the best of friends which I is the same thing really. Anyway I am trilled to bits for you both. Phillip is such an amazing soul just like you. Both stars together in the nights sky. Sending huge huge huge positive energy, love and hugs.


You are such an inspiration!Congratulation to you both ❤️ I also feels that a live Q&A on this topic is unnecessary, your private life is yours!


I had no idea! I hope ch4 apologise to you for putting you in this position. Perhaps it will be a weight off in the end as you won’t need to hide it. Please, no need for a Q&A on this - you deserve to keep whatever you choose to yourselves! X


This makes me so HAPPY!! You both deserve all the love in the world. There was a moment in one of your videos, not long after Philip had arrived, where you had walked into the kitchen, said something to him and he reacted to you with the loveliest, somewhat flirty way and it made my heart flutter. Every girl should have someone who looks at her that way! So so so happy for you both.


Stephanie, you deserve the best and so you shall have it. We love you both and are so happy for you. Phillip is so perfect for you and you for him. Life will go no matter what anyone else thinks. Have a cocktail for me. Looking forward to Friday. Salut fro Massachusetts.


I am a shy soul, so I never leave comments—I simply watch all your vlogs and enjoy the content because it's just lovely and because it provides a much-needed escape from the chaos of my daily life.... However, it upset me so much to learn how your only private tidbit became so public! How mortifying! What a major faux-pas on the part of Channel 4; I sincerely hope someone has reached out to you both to apologize. Other than that, your community of loyal viewers is here to continue to enjoy the Château Diaries. Please keep as much of your lives as private as you both wish. No further explanation is needed. I will continue to quietly enjoy the content and support your endeavors as a Lady of Lalande. 😌 Best wishes to you always. xx


So sorry your private life was exposed in that way Stephanie but I am SO happy for you and Philip! Cheers!


Awesome everyone deserves to be happy 😊 and I believe Philip makes you happy so you go girl!


Though it's terrible you were "outed" against your wishes, and you have every right to keep you private life private...I am very happy for you both, what a beautiful couple!


We know now….so sorry it was not your choice to let us know. Just carry on with the privacy, though it is a bit changed. We need know nothing more than what you let on. All who move about the chateau have private lives; I just assume it’s information not necessary to relate the story of your vlogs.


I feel the the same as @Chiara beautifully said. Congratulations Step and Phillip. 🎉❤️🎉 I just don’t comment either as I feel it an amazing privilege to a patron so grateful to be here. I actually through that you might have had a relationship together a while ago. You both started wearing similar rings. It was just the way you both looked at each other too. Your happiness and Phillips is the most important. Please don’t feel like you both need to share anything. It does warm my heart to know how happy you are. So thank you for letting us know you both are happy. That’s the most important. All our Love and may you and Phillip continue to have all the happiness together. ❤️🎉❤️


I did know long ago but not a big deal.


I 100% want it to be about the house. your Life is for you my dear.


Thank you for sharing such personal information with us all but please don't feel you have to carry out a Q&A about your life together that's very private and shoukd remain so.


Love it love you Both Thank you for what you stand for! As long as YOU are HAPPY you don’t owe no one an explanation for your relationship plans or goals but the ones who are living that moment. Your life your heart your rules be Blessed Happy for you and Phillip


I had a suspicion for a while :) So happy for you both <3 no need for a A&Q - your private lives are yours :)


I'm loving the comments of my fellow patrons. We all love you Stephanie.💜 You bring such joy and deserve love and joy in return. Phillip is a lucky man indeed. Wishing you both continued love and happiness. 😊💜🇨🇦


Stephanie, I am sorry that C4 shared this information which was not theirs to disclose. I think you have every right to keep your private life as well as your health status private. You share enough with the world. I guessed awhile ago about you two, hoping it was true because Phillip is a wonderful man and because you two share so many of the same interests. The age difference was not a problem for Diane de Poitiers and Henry II, and it is not an issue for the Macrons, so who is to judge? I wish you continuing happiness together! Love to you both!!


Congrats Stephanie. I had no idea at all. Well played. I thought Phillip may have a boyfriend of his own, so this this took me by surprise. But I am happy for you both and wish you well. There’s an age difference? Who cares. Please continue to keep precious aspects of your life just to yourself. You deserve privacy and a Q&A is unnecessary. 🤗


I agree with all that is said here. I also had an idea that you and Philip were very close. It didn't need to be spelled out but since it's out in the open, it's absolutely sweet. You seem to have so much in common. Long live love.


Well, you could have knocked me over with a feather, but I couldn't be happier for you both. I'm wishing you the greatest love and journey together. ❤️


So happy for you both. Im glad you are both together there and aren’t lonely anymore. I always thought you are like two peas in a pod…. Just live your life and enjoy your time together.

Melissa & Rich Bakewell

Love you, Stephanie!! And you, Philip!! It’s not a shock and you both deserve all the happiness in the world!❤️ The only comment I have on age, is that I have found the older I get, the less I care what others’ think. Be you, beautiful you, and you give us what you want to give and we will be content! Many blessings to you and all at La Lande!❤️


Gracious and generous as ever Stephanie! I hope you feel the outpouring of love and support for you both. You give so much to so many people, you deserve all the kindness, friendship and love in return. You and Phillip are sweet souls who have found one another, how wonderful! And definitely no need to endure any further questions. Love you both and everything you do xxxx


Stephanie, it's nobody's business any more than OUR love life is. We watch you because we enjoy your efforts to revamp the Chateau. Just ignore the nasty people


Dearest Stephanie and Phillip, I saw the Vlog last night and told you how very happy I am for both of you. Throughout today I've kept coming back and read the sweet caring Comments. I hope we have all convinced you not to do a live Q & A. The thought of you leaving yourselves open and possibly venerable really concerns me. I can not watch that. I will start to watch your Vlog in hopes you end up doing the Monthly Chateau update, which I, and others, are very interested in. Wishing you both much love and happiness.


Omg im soooooooooooo happy to hear that😍😍😍😍😍😍 You are the most amazing match ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I am so happy for you 🥰😍🥰


I understand your need and want for privacy and it is totally unacceptable to have this revealed on the telly but think of the vlog titles you can come up with now! "My boyfriend runs off with a prickly hog" or "My boyfriend wears other women's clothing" 🥰


You have done such an amazing job of keeping all the ch 4 projects secret, such a shame they could not extend you the same courtesy with your private life. Don't do a Q&A, you may regret it in the future and willingly put more pressure on you to keep sharing. Enjoy your relationship and let it bring you joy in all the stress and chaos of renovations and filming. You and Philip are lovely souls and a perfect match, keep that for yourselves you both deserve it. All the best to you both.


I think the most burning question on everyone’s mind is…what is the status of the downstairs loo???? 😂


Hi Stephanie, I’m very happy for you and Phillip. I’m 11 years older than my husband. People would ask is this your son or younger brother. When we went to restaurants they always gave me the check. I used to tease him and call him coco my pool boy (I didn’t even have a pool) lol. We have been married for 18 years and together a total of 26 years. I’m now 59 and he is 47. He gets me. I sure Philip gets you too. Enjoy and continue to have fun!!


I agree with others that no Q&A is necessary.


particularly as channel 4 insist on exclusivity for any projects that maybe your true supporters would love to be involved in in real time rather than after the event. And the inconvenience of hiding information regarding this filming and projects from your financial supports for months even a year until channel 4 decide to show on tv.


I'm not sure why but my comment wasn't posted. What it said was that I agree that you do not or ever have to share your personal life via Q&A.


Oh Diane I was thinking the same. A little cheeky part of me was thinking last night, well gosh Ch4 maybe Stephanie might just accidentally slip up and show one of your project without checking in first...


It was nice of you to so graciously share with your patrons. This isn't really a surprise but, it's nice to know for certain you're no longer lonely. Best wishes and all happiness to you and Phillip, I probably won't tune into your live chat because I agree, you deserve to keep a part of your life private. You share so much of yourself already and I'm happy to be able to peer into the life of the chateau which is really all any of us ever signed on for.


What an obnoxious thing to say!!! Eveyone is entitled to a partner! whether it be the postman, the milkman or the in-house maid! Good riddance to the likes of you... small minded bigots!


Among lots of roses there is always one thorn and it seems that’s the same in online posts. Thorns can always be I cut off and then you can enjoy the roses. Despite the comments of some...one...there’s a lot of love in these posts and I suspect a lot more out there who may not be patrons. Sometimes when these things happen it reveals the people in your life who really matter. The one who turn their back were not worth the energy in the first place. Keep doing things your way.


Well said. I was so tempted to reply to some... one. I'm glad now that I did not.


Awww to be honest it wasn’t a shock when they announced it,as u both have great chemistry. Wonderful news though ❤️


My jaw dropped! haha how did you hide it so well!! I am so happy for you both 💛 And agree to most comments you dont need to do live Q&A. But also fully hiding your relationship must be hard because youre filming almost every day. Wishing you all the love 💛


Well written Colette. I couldn't agree more.


Congratulation! So happy for you both!


So happy for you both, you don’t need to share via a live Q&A. Wishing you all the happiness!!


No to live Q & A

Katie Roberts Art

I say do whatever you feel Steph, and Phillip. I respect and trust your judgment on this. I would love to hear more about your love lives tbh, but in that way that you describe – as friends chatting excitedly and confidentially about such things. As I love talking about love, relationships and sexuality and all those fun things! I'm unconventional and curious by nature and find these things wonderfully interesting and not taboo at all. I know that that is not so common, but I wish it was. So just to voice another view, I'm up for a Q&A but ONLY if you actually want to do it... perhaps if not tonight, one day at the Chateau itself over a late night cocktail would feel like the right setting!! If I am ever lucky enough to visit there and share your company. I trust that you have discussed, thought through and considered it all. So whatever feels right and is comfortable for you. Stand by your decision, or change it to the Phillip interview and discuss some aspects you feel comfortable with maybe? Just an idea if you're looking for an alternative to the Q&A, which I would still love. Don't feel pressured either way. It's your Patreon, do what you want to. We will love you either way. Biggest love coming your way. Xx


Wow there are a lot of loyal fans here! Behive who? Ok everyone is being super nice, and yes we all don't care, you go gurl. Live your life. Private and all that. BUT. If you are offering Q&A, the only thing I would want to know is when you started dating... The only super nosey thing I want to know is if Phillip was smitten before or after he came to Chateau. OK OK OK Javis footsoldiers don't come for me! Stephanie said we could ask. It's up to her and Phillip if they choose to answer. xoxo Peace and love


I feel very protective about Stephanie and all the la landers and I cannot help but feel Channel 4 are taking advantage of Stephanie generosity of spirit and this was a huge invasion of privacy totally unrelated to the ‘project’ For which she does not enjoy any financial recompense.


Well, color me clueless!! Enjoy life, love your videos and adventures, and I don’t have a single question about your love life! Phooey on channel 4! Carpe diem, and I hope the chemistry we see in the videos between you and Phillip is quadrupled in your personal lives. Hugs and blessings!


Hahahaha. The only thing I want to know... Oh and another thing... Love it! So honest ❤️


Hooray! 🙌🙌🙌 My husband and I have a decade age gap, and my grandparents were 27 years apart- love is love, don't let the haters bring you down! ❤️


I feel like you just stole my boyfriend!!! Lol. I love that you’re a couple. And like everyone else truly hate that they did that to you. Just know that although we love the live Q&A don’t feel like we require it. Not at all. Much love and happiness to you both. Farewell my lovely Philip. I leave you in good hands. ❤️😃


Danmark: Lots of love to a great pair. <3 <3 <3 By the way I am 3 years older than my husband through 30 years


Handled with such class like everything else that life throws at you. You make a fabulous couple and I wish you all the very best xx


Good people coming together I am so happy for you both! No live QAnd A I am good with that!


I agree, someone or some people buggered up. But we should also remember that us being here right now and patreon and youtube and instagram and all the money that comes with it came from participation with the show. It 'still' does not give them the right to disclose that info.


So very happy for you both...wonderful news...even if a bit of a shock on DIY.!! I think I guessed really...hes so supportive, kind and knowledgeable about fabrics, china etc, and all the things you share at Brocantes.! Love and every happiness to you both...xx

Teagan Straw

No need for a live Q&A on this topic although if you want to do one we could turn it into a mini start of the month update as it seems as tho we would have been getting the Phillip interview instead. That you can answer the 1 or 2 questions you want to clear up and then go back to chatting about the chateau as planned.


As Joan Collins said when asked about the 30 year age gap with her husband Percy - well if he dies, he dies! Love is Love - be happy x


Congrats to you both. Two wonderful people found each other! The world needs more of that!


Hi Stephanie, I don't post often but I wanted to say how happy I am for you. You found a wonderful someone to share this crazy life with, what has age to do with it? Be happy indeed, you both deserve to be! And its no one else's bid-ness anyway. But speaking as a friend, just find your happiness and don't worry about the rest. xo


Stephanie & Phillipe: Congratulations to you both! I think this is wonderful news and you are so generous in sharing. Like a lot of other people, I thought there was something special between you, but as many have said, friendship and caring shines through and is always the basis for love, or should be, and anything beyond that was none of my business. I am one of the original patrons (at least I have been since the beginning) but am a silent patron and do not post, even though you and your family, friends, chateau are one of my favorite things. I actually became a patron before seeing all of your vlogs because there was something about you, your story, and your life that struck a chord with me. I think that is why so many of us care about you and what goes on in your life – you seem like that best friend that we may be a little envious of, but love so much that we want the best for and will support in any way possible. I also do not send gifts, even though there are so many lovely people that do, but I would like to send you the letter that might have come with the gift by way of this post. Like I said, I watch your vlogs every day and as soon as they are available. I have a grandson who is 13. He comes every summer for a visit with his Mimi. Last year when he was here, I was watching Chateau Diaries and asked him to watch with me. He reluctantly did, once, because as he put it, it was ‘not his thing’. He did, however, say he loved the chateau and enjoyed the ‘tour’. Fast forward to this summer. His school has a ‘summer school’ which is sort of like a day camp and he goes to it every year. This year they had a project where the students chose a vacation and planned everything on a budget, including airline tickets, hotels, food, etc. He chose Paris and Chateau de la Lalande as his vacation destinations. He even researched your website for bookings on line and chose the room he wanted to stay in, Chambre de Roger. When I asked him why he did that, he said because you love is so much Mimi and I wanted to share that with you. Now, that is love. That is what I see you and Phillip have. A shared love of so many things, and that is a rarity. Your life is yours, not ours. Please do not feel you have to share any of your private details. I would enjoy a Q and A as always because they are fun, but not at your expense. Updates only please as per usual first of the month. Keep on making light, love and laughter the rest of your life! Congratulations again from me and Tyler, my wonderful grandson who is my light, love and laughter ❤ ps sorry this is so long, but just consider it 2 year's worth of comments rolled into one!🥰


Agreed, I found Chateau Diaries on you tube alone. I do not have access to channel 4. I find Stephanie’s channel entertaining, and enjoyable. I enjoy the people, and the chateau. It’s true reality tv in a French chateau. I love Stephanie’s personality, her success comes from her and her hard work to get her channel out there.


We adore both of you. Stephanie, we have come to love you, so your happiness is important to us . Your are in the prime of your life, as a modern woman, and life should be wonderful for you. Phillip is a strong, kind, intelligent , humorous ,capable man ...and perfect for you. Love is good.❤️❤️❤️ Namaste , Catherine and Ev


Hi Stephanie, it was obvious that Phillipe was more than just your camera man so your decision to clarify is appreciated. Please don't change the shows content to make it into a love story about you and Phillipe. The show is great just as it is . One more thing you said something about moving your extended intro to your youtube page. Are you and Dan working on a new intro cause there's been alot of changes to the exterior of lelande and the footage doesn't reflect the improvements. I look forward to watching your vlogs and the advent season coming soon.


Hi You Two. I’ve been reading the comments and we are all in agreement. This is the wonderful news and no a Q&A is not necessary. Your vulnerability was palpable and every Patreon has been moved. All our love, respect and gratitude is coming together to surround the chateau to protect and support you. Much happiness is coming your way. The power of the Patreons is in full force. 🥰


I’m incredibly sorry that you were outed on national television. (But, could you even have IMAGINED a few years ago that all of England might be obsessed with your dating life?!) Sending only love and support — and wishing you all the best. PS: Fellow patreons: I’ve been watching this latest season of Chateau DIY on YouTube. There, it’s “Season 6.” PPS: I must be the most oblivious person on the planet. I had absolutely no inkling. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Monty, I doubt anything like this can be kept a secret in that household, where they are interacting with one another day after day. Otherwise, Channel 4 would've not found out either. No?


Stephanie & Phillipe im so happy for the two of you❤️🍀 
Also I love how you see and wanna go about your YouTube Chanel - go for it 🥳🌻 Love 


OK, now that it's been established that we don't care who you're dating, and good for you if you're happy, can I get my Thursday fix please???? Please???


Philip and Stephanie you are a perfect complement to each other and I am so happy for you both. You have so much in common. It’s so wonderful to have each other to talk to and make plans with. With much love and admiration your Patreon Diane Keiran

Evelyn McElroy

Deborah, what a lovely note! And your grandson is terrific. Thank you for such an evocative description of love.


Yep, Q&A not necessary :) we are all very happy for you and your private life is your own! Life is for the living and it’s about connecting with like minded people and enjoying the moment. Big congratulations and thank you for all that you share. Helen Manchester Uk

Evelyn McElroy

I have to say that the hundreds of responses I have read speak to the love and generosity of spirit that Stephanie's patrons have for her and her chateau-mates. Our feelings are real, genuine, and heartfelt. Thank you, Lalanders and patrons all, for affirming my belief in the essential goodness of people.


YEEEIII!! 🥰👏👏👏 So happy for you both! ❤


Oh he’s not gay?


Hi Stephanie, will there be a November start of month update please?


Thanks for being so brave to share this with us, and I’m very sorry that you were blindsided by the tv channel outing your relationship! Please don’t feel that you owe us any access to your private life, but if you did want to share, we’d be more than happy to listen! You and Philip make a lovely and sweet couple, and you both seem like a great fit for each other, age gap be damned.


This strikes me as a little rude, so I hope you mean it lightly as a joke


I also want to say how sorry I am that his has happened to you and thank you for talking to us about it. You should never have been put in to this situation. I did have my suspicions but I looked at it as being none of my business but now that it’s out in the open I want to say that I’m so happy that you have both found someone special in your lives and I hope you continue to grow your relationship together. Xx


What exciting news, I did not expect that at all! Yay I love a love story! Awful that the channel betrayed your trust and privacy though. Hope you are feeling ok after all the shocks this week. Lots of love 🥰


Now more than ever it is important to do what fills you with joy. So I am happy for you both. And for us because as patrons/viewers who benefit from a happy, productive Stephanie. By extension we are all in relationship on one level or another. Here's to living the journey on our own terms together ❤


If ever there was a time for us all to understand that who someone else loves is none of our business, it's now. Happiness to you both.


Dear Stephanie and Phillip, many blessings to you both. That you have found each other is so wonderful! I am saddened at the reprehensible way Channel 4 outed you both. Totally, totally inexcusable on their part. Your private life should remain private. You have acted in such a lovely, graceful way about this shocking betrayal of your personal life. Please do not feel that you need a Q & A over this. You announced to us all with your usual grace and charm. And that truly is enough. Gently close that door, and allow yourselves a private part to your lives. All of the LaLanders deserve that, and you and Phillip most definitely do! May Love and Happiness be yours. 💖


I do not get channel 4 UK in Britain here in USA. I feel it is reprehensible that those idiots had such a lack of discretion, shame on them. It is a shame that you had to disclose such personal information. Please do not have any concern about what other people think about your relationship. Its your life, I wish you both all the deepest happiness and love - may you two enjoy all the blessings of life! Cheers to you both.


I feel so angry that something so personal was disclosed by the media and without your consent! I am sure you realize by now that there are haters out 'there' who will hate no matter what, and there are well intentioned people out 'there' who feel you need to behave and conduct your life as they see it. In the end.............."Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind." Love is so precious, take it, embrace it with a open heart.


Not really interested in your private life tbh. But I am disappointed to hear that you crossed the employer / volunteer barrier, which, for me is a business faux pas. I am however more concerned about the amount of unfinished projects and when they may near completion. Most notably the downstairs loo, pergola, grand salon, and apartments x2 not to mention the plan for the almost complete upstairs bathroom. Which is now hovering above? Nothing?


To love and be loved is a wonderful and joyous thing........and I’m of the belief it should be shouted from the roof tops when it happens......that’s just me. (I’ve been married now 44 years)...... BUT having said that I respect your wish to keep it private and on your own terms. Both of you have to do what you feel is best and I am extremely happy for you! I am assuming the LaLander “family” all already knew and have done a great job keeping it private as well.


I hit post too soon......I, too, don’t think there is a need for you to do a live UNLESS there is more you or Phillip want to share or say. Otherwise just know you have so many people who love, respect and care for you both....and want your happiness to continue privately or otherwise. ❤️


I’m so pleased for you and Phillip. Whilst your private life should be just that I’m thrilled that you two have found each other. I did suspect there was a chemistry between you and thrilled that love has blossomed. Age is just a number and you both share so much Bon Chance et Vivre l’amour Rebecca Burke-Sharples


After thinking about this announcement and really not caring....I started to wonder. Did he start to get paid before or after becoming her boyfriend? Either way seems odd. And no 1st of the month update. No new intro. No updates on goals, short term and long term, and now no Thursday video.


Anyone knows what's going on? Is she posting today, or still busy with Channel 4 filming...by the way, I'd be furious with them! And they don't even get paid, as far as I know. I wanted to add, that I hope it has nothing to do with this announcement. For what I've read here, none of us is bothered by it, as it should be, and it makes no difference with our patronage. I hope they're reading here, and see our reactions. Could she be getting negative feedback in private messages? Hope not. Anyways...waiting for something...


Wonderful news, but a Q&A is not necessary. You have every right to keep your love life private. We love watching your Vlogs. Lots and lots of love to you and the other lovely people at LaLand.


I adore both you and Phillip and it is wonderful that you have found each other. Much love to you both from Cathy in Victoria. xoxoxox


Dear Stéphanie if you are both happy together that's matters. It is your private life and hat nothing to do with our support for the chateau. Wish you happiness and love both.

Cagnae Fetchison

Loving this news! Love to You Both!

Georgette Jones

I see that Stephanie posted something but I can not find it……help


Your private life is nobody's business but your own. That being said... I knew it!! When you were in hospital and Philip waited outside all night in the car, who does that besides someone who cares for you deeply. So happy for you both!! Sending much love from Canada xo


Dearest Stephanie! Lovely news, and I'm so happy for you both. While watching your Vlogs, it was evident how much Philip cares for you... this is even better. I'm in my late 50's and had a boyfriend who was 22 years younger since I feel like I'm forever 35. ;-) Much love to you and all in the house. Laura


You two make the best couple! My best blessings to you!!!! We will continue supporting!!!!!


Looks like love is blooming at LaLande! First Selmar and Tatiana, and now You and Philip! It is wonderful news!! I have noticed a ring on your finger and was hoping that you had found love with someone special. I wish you all the best and much more love in the future!

Elizabeth Haddad

I am so sorry the channel violated your privacy in that way!! We are here for you and of course you do not have to say anything you do not want to. We love you both.


Oh my goodness, I hadn't guessed. Touched that you shared it with us - thank you Stephanie, appreciated.


Love is always a happy thing! Best wishes to you both from Kentucky, USA plus the room is beautiful, love the color


No questions!!! Just giving you the support to have a wonderful life and to continue the vlogs the way you.


Stephanie and Phillip, I'm so sad that this was leaked out without your control but I'm so unbelievably happy for you both. Very best wishes and love to all at LaLande 💖


I think Nati and Amaury next :-)




Stephanie and Phillip please don’t let this particular “uncalled for media reveal” put either of you or any relationship under pressure, I’m sure we all feel warmth towards you both and hope that this is a lasting relationship, however if for any reason, at some point in the future you find that it’s time to move on I would not want either of you to feel that again you would be under the spotlight, for that reason I understand why you have kept your private life private in the past. Enjoy your time together now, you share so many interest’s and appear very well suited. Ignore any unsupported comments and make the most of your time together and as much as possible protect your private life as your own business. I support what you are doing to restore the chateau I love the in-depth research that goes into your travel, history and education of specific topics. Of course I also enjoy watching all the characters and interactions that are working to achieve the running and achievement of various projects, but there are and quite rightly privacy limits.


I’m very happy for you both. I’m sorry your privacy was carelessly exposed. I agree- you do not owe us your private information- period. Are we curious sometimes about all the wonderfulLaLande family- of course. Please take care of yourselves first. Make the most of your life and we will continue to enjoy whatever you share.


Congratulations 🎉 on the Exciting and Wonderful news of your being a “Couple”! We couldn’t be happier for you both. It certainly is a Fairy Tale Romance 💘 living in a Chateau and dressing in period costumes. Enjoy every moment! Sending you our Love 💕 and Best Wishes 🥂 Frank and James


awww. well you are a lovely pair. well matched. almost as good as me and kevie. i did like being in on the secret. xocara


My wife and I have 24 years between us and we are happy as pigs in poo x


I HAD NO IDEA!!!! I always got annoyed with people when they assumed you two were dating, only because anytime you were on camera with any guy many people would make that assumption. Anyway, very happy for you two! Also, it really is annoying the double standard - many aren't bothered when the guy is a bit (or a lot!) older, but if its in reverse, people have such an issue :(


Just watched this video, tbh it never crossed my mind, and what goes on in your personal life is up to you to share or not and I honestly respect that. It should never be questioned in my opinion. Anyway, all the best to you both xx💕


I'm so happy for you both. Live, laugh, love together, and don't give a thought to those of a negative disposition. I think you are beautiful together xx


You're adorable ... And funny! :)


I had just assumed it were so, or I should say hoped it was for Philips sake because I could see that he truly adores you! I also felt surely it wasn’t any if my business or concern.


I had hoped. He’s amazing and so are you! Congrats.


Love this!


I'm so sorry your privacy was violated like that! I wonder why channel 4 thought that was ok? Relationships for me, should be as privet or as open as the people involved want them to be, and nothing more!! I wish you both the best and lots of love.


Wishing both of you much happiness. It's too bad your privacy has been violated. Unacceptable.


Sooo happy for you both. You both deserve happiness and privacy. Hugs n Love.


Now that this is official… (which I have secretly hoped for) can I hope that some day there will be a similar announcement for Amory and Nati? 💕 no need to respond. Just hoping that love and happiness blooms for two kind, smart and amazing people. I feel like all at la lande are friends who I hope find love and happiness ❤️❤️


Thank god. So happy for you both. I had been hoping you guys were. So were deserved.


Can someone please explain to me how the livestream works and how to join it? I've never done it before and am technically challenged. 🤯🤯🤯


Yeah, there were a few things that gave the game away. It’s nobody’s business. We just want you all to be happy.

Garrie and Cindy Garrison

Bless your sweet heart. When he took you to the hospital I thought I knew. He was so caring and dear. I'm thrilled for you both. Lonely is not a good thing. Everyone should have the opportunity to choose their life and to have their closest relationship be private. Sending happy hugs from America!😘


Sorry your privacy was violated. Very happy for you both though. Sending you both love and support. (still laughing about what Isobel said haha). x


Hallelujah it’s a true fairytale of Chateau love ❤️ *Jenvis* and *Tatimar* and I guess we’ve spotted *Natmourie* as well 🥰


I must say i do get why someone would react to the age gap. I mean i think People have been notecing that Phillip is at least 100 years older then Stephanie. And his young looks are nothing more than a effect of beeing a vampire. He Even turns garlic blue and his diet is very strange….😊😊


With my sensible hat on….I understand how you want it to be private and wholeheartedly agree …..because if god forbiid either of you decide in the future to move on then the blog/brand/chateau restoration is not effected. That’s why I’m a supporter of Phillip being a cast member not a lead…..not cos he isn’t lovely but because the is stephanies chateau diaries. Meant positively not in any way negatively…..sometimes you don’t just have to be protective of private life from public but public life from private matters! Sensible hat now removed 😂


So happy for the both of you!!! Love has no age limits and you both make a beautiful couple. Being together and happy is all that matters. We had so much fun last week visiting La Lande. You guys made are stay so memorable. Cannot wait to visit again in the future!!!


Share only what you wish to share. I believe the Patrons look at you all as family and would we would never want to intrude on a family members privacy. We appreciate the honesty, and wish you and Philip all the best ❤️❤️


In Regard to Niamh’s comment I believe if you have been here since the beginning of the pandemic (as I have) you would know Chateau projects are never ending, it’s constant, when one thing stops another begins. The courtyard looks absolutely stunning, the forests around the chateau are beautifully hemmed the walled garden is in a pretty beautiful state. Also starting many projects at once means that more things will be completed at once. It is a process. CHEERS


I’m so happy for you both!!!! Guttered that’s you’ve been outed without your wanting to be to as I think it makes 100% sense to keep your private life private. But still sooooo happy for you ❤️❤️❤️


If you picked a person for their laugh alone! Phillip would be at the very top of the list. Wishing you both the best!


Irrespective of whom you love and with whom you share your daily life with, we still love you Stephanie. You are a very special gal! Love from The Lake District. xx


Lots of love and blessings to you both, Stephanie & Phillip! Happy to know you are both happy together. Age is just a number...don't let other people or what you think other people think ruin a good thing. You two are beautiful together both inside and out. 🤗❤


Congratulations from Canada!


Excellent. Be happy Steph. Both of you. The rest is your business.


I think that good love has magic that is stronger than age or place or circumstance. I'm grateful for the magic, love, friendship, creativity, art and history that you share with us.


So sweet! I guessed this anyway because of the beautiful energy between you two 💕 The more love in this world, the better 💫


So happy for you both. Glad you have each other to lean on and support. The chemistry has always been good between you both. Enjoy and keep your love live private. We love you both. Enjoy


Dear Stephanie and Philip, we're so happy for you both!


Dear Stephanie and Philip, I'm so happy for you. I guessed it, when you were in hospital and I saw, how concerned Philip was. Always remember age is just a number.


I'm thrilled to hear you are happy! Congrats :)




Thank you for sharing this wonderful news with us. I'm sorry you were forced to but so so happy for you both. I didn't guess, I assumed you were just great friends, glad I was wrong. Love to you both, beautiful people x


I am really happy for you both and was sorry to think of you being lonely.


Oops…. I do wonder if boundaries for other bloggers in the house should be made as Selmar plainly filmed Ruth… Marie had already filmed you and Philip and now this…. I do feel you will then have control over any future relationships being shown as if not careful this is going to damage the brand and working situations and relationships working and private in the home? I have been here from the beginning and am passionate about their channel and it’s success remaining.

Theresa Romero

Darling Steph, I had guessed, way back, that you and Phillip were a couple, and a wonderful one, at that. I have been delighted for both of you, ever since. I support your keeping that part of your life private, of course. Though I do get sparkles of joy, when I catch tiny glimpses of your coupleness.

Ashley Johann

Wahoo!! You two are so perfect together!! I’m glad I wasn’t imaging the connection! I hope you both continue to be happy and enjoy life together!


I’m so happy for you and excited and mad that I missed this as I’m taking care of my 91 year old mother in law! I could kick myself for not keeping up on Patreon!


Ohmigod I can't believe I missed this too!!! I am so happy for you and Phillip Stephanie, I was so hopeful that this was true as you can see the connection that you and Phillip have and it's beautiful 2 little cherubs together you are perfect for each other. Much love and blessing to the both of you. PS: Although it must of been a big shock for you both what channel 4 did and I'm sorry about that but this news has made my day. With respect of course. xoxo


Truly sorry I was mean't to say. x


Thrilled for you both! ❤️❤️


Feel you! 21 years between me and mine... Admire and respect you totally!


I had no clue <3


I missed all of this!! LOL...I love it and wish you all the happiness in the world. I have always been a huge fan of Philip and I could not be happier for the two of you!!


New to this and I'm thrilled for both of you however, I hope you don't totally ignore this? You are together and pretending you're not would be a disappointment.




You’re and angel and Philip is an amazing human too 🎉🎉BEST of the BEST for you both xo


I have to admit that though your love life is none of my business, I have wondered about it. You’re so lovely and charming, it seems all the men in France must be blind to your obvious appeal. So, Phillip is the lucky one to have found you. Happy for the two of you and good luck!


I am SO happy for you both. You are wonderful people and I wish you so much happiness.


I am not on here very often but just saw your video on YouTube. The nerve of them telling the whole world your private business, I am disgusted! You are such a diplomat, Stephanie, and that is one of the many reasons we all love you. You and Phillip are the sweetest, kindest souls and you both deserve great happiness together. My whole family watches your vlog and we are all so happy for you both. But like you said, that is your private life and none of our business. Just keep being you and take care of yourself. We can't wait to see the Advent Calendar shows coming up. You make our days brighter.


Dear Stephanie, age is just a number! I have with my fiancée 10 years age gap and it's like nothing. I'm the older one, but with young and sometimes childish soul and my other half is the wise one. :)) So I understand, because from the start I was careful and was afraid about opinions from my friends and family. Wishing you both many happy years together. Of course we are curious, but no need to explain any details if you are not comfortable. We love you and Philip dearly. Just be happy and enjoy your life together. I'm really happy for you both and can't wait for more vlogs from you! <3


I'm actually thrilled to bits you've found each other, I love you both dearly. It also means that Philip's not going anywhere so that's reassuring :) , it's always so hard when you get really attached to everyone at the chateau and then they leave. Much love to you both x


Chanel 4 had no right to put out that information! I have suspected for quite a while now and I think it's wonderful and send you both well wishes, congratulations, blessings all of it!!


United States


hi steph I just wanted to wish you both with happiness 💛 I had a similar problem with my love life as I was married to a Pakistani and I went through hell and still are but we have learnt that you can't please everyone what ever you do. but we support you all the way sweet. much love always Gemma Ingham ❤


Omg i missed this!! Good luck to you guys. Love is the key! ❤️


You and Phillip deserve happiness. I am so happy you found it together.


So so happy for you both. I wish you both well. Gefeliciteerd 🥰🎉🥰🎉🥰🎉🥰


My mother remarried the love of her life 30 years ago and he was almost 10 years younger than she was. "When you truly love someone, age doesn't matter whether it is a difference of 2 years or 30 years, Love is Love."


My mother was 16 years older than my dad. It's not a big deal for me but I did see how some people treated them about the age difference. I hope people treat you and Phillip with respect to such a great relationship. I just thought you were best friends and had no idea. I think that shows a very healthy relationship though and you both seem really happy. I'm glad mummy approves.


I had no idea, but had thought you and Phillip are like peas in a pod so it's excellent news. Kindness, niceness, good humour and caring, you both have in spades and well deserve what you both put out into the world to be reciprocated. Really beaut news, thanks for sharing it with us, I'm happy to respect your privacy, I have no questions: I just wish you both well xxx ..... actually no... wait ...I do have a question.. does he have a brother?? ( cheeky grin)


I’m so happy for you both😍


Not that you need anyone’s approval! This is lovely news!! ❤️❤️❤️ to you both!


I think it is truly wonderful that you have both found love and I wish you nothing but the best!


HI from New Zealand ....happiness to you both life is too short to be lonely ....


This makes my heart so HAPPY!❤️


So over the moon for both of you! You a lovely couple!




Your lovely, Philip is lovely, and I wish you both the absolute best! 😘✨


Stephanie, I've just been able to catch up here and had to send love to both you and Phillip. It is incredibly honoring that you would share this with all of us here. I'm so sorry that you didn't get to do this on your own terms, that feels like such a violation, but you once again met that adversity with incredible openness and fortitude. I am endlessly happy that two such special people have found each other. Life is short. Enjoy one another! God bless you both. xoxo, Staci in Chicago


Dearest Stephanie and Philip, I think you are a beautiful couple and I’m so happy for you both. For a long time I thought you were so great together and I hoped that you’d get together . As the person above me said”life is short “. Hold on to each other and never let go . 🥰🥰


I'm so sorry your private life was outed and it caused you distress. I watch your vlogs for Chateau and grounds restorations and improvements and I enjoy them tremendously. If y'all are happy in your private life, I am happy for you. Now let's talk paneling and pergolas :)