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PATREON More October Extra Footage!

A very special thank you to all of you who have become Patrons of the Chateau de Lalande. You have made The Chateau Diaries one of the top 400 Patreon accounts in the world, and have transformed not only our lives here, but the future of this beautiful chateau! I’m overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity. On behalf of this beautiful chateau that will continue to survive and flourish because of you, thank you!!!



What a treat to come home to! Looking forward to watching and hope all are well at the chateau!


I love watching Gerald, he’s so funny and I bet he’s a blast to hang around with. I’m 63 and I’d have gone to the pub with him, who could resist his humor?

Kirsty Wyatt

I too am from Southport! Living in Australia now though. It was a lovely town to grow up in

Julia Cobb

Can’t wait for Nati’s apartment now. Excited about the bathroom and the railing. Every 10 cm seems crowded since that’s 4”. I know where I’ve seen railings in France they’ve not been 4” more like 6”. Very strange. Jerry cracks me up! Saving the animals!


I love mummy even more since the story about the hunt!


I wish I was nearby. I used to manage a vegetarian deli and we made so many beautiful dishes. A lot are already vegan and others could be adapted. There are also excellent gluten free pastas made with chickpea or lentil flour that taste like any other pasta. I don’t know how easily you could access them in France. We can get them on Amazon. Including Veganaise which is an egg free Mayo. Or you could make it in your kitchen. I like it made with grape seed oil. Tofu is a magical food you can make into almost anything. I’m not sure if you can get Quorn there which is a micoprotein that tastes like chicken tho that has eggs in it. You have such lovely meals that are always so rich. I don’t know how you all stay so slim. It must be all the stairs. 😆


Facade…. I am on team no shutters when work is done on facade. Shutters can always be added, but long term it will be less maintenance and in keeping with how the Chateau was intended to look. I would put money into switching all the windows to double glazed as that will help bring the Chateau up to date , minimize energy costs and keep people warm for years to come😀. We lived in a 100 year old house that was picture book perfect, but froze every winter because the windows. If the draft did not kill us, the monthly energy bill did..lol! Love the delicate iron work and maybe that could be incorporated on a few other windows as well. Whatever you decide will be amazing and be what is right for you🌻


How is he single? 😆 You’d spend your days laughing.


I do not know if the echo of the Pheasants calling came before or after their adventure but if it came before do you think they wandered off to look the other flock?


Did she lose one of the peahens? She talked about the three of them on their adventure but when she talks in present tense she says two. The iron railing pieces are beautiful! ❤️🇨🇦


12 minutes in and I’ve paused to just say you earn every single penny/cent from Patreon ❤️😘


I cant wait to see Nati's apt when it is finished. I wish you would feature her more and her day to day running the chateau B & B.


I agree!! I loved it when Nati took over while Stephanie was on vacation!!


Loved the extra footage!


Does the 10cm spacing apply when it is such a low drop? Where I live in the US you only have to have a railing above a certain drop; below that you can do what you want. The 10 cm is so babies can't squeeze through (no provision for pea chicks or hedgehogs apparently.) If it looks too crowded you could alternate plain ones with the fancy ones you found. It might actually set off the detailed ones very nicely. Two plain to one fancy would look really nice and not overwhelm in a small place. But that would break the golden rule of More is More. 😉


How goes it in the china pantry?


I love all these wonderful updates. Jerry is so funny. Love the iron railings and the footed tub. Its going to look amazing!I so enjoy all the lovely people at LaLande. So glad your mom stopped the hunt. Miss seeing her. Thank you for sharing. You bring such joy!


I would suggest using a glass bowl on the marble wash stand. It would look elegant and not detract from the beauty of the marble.

Kelly Douglas

I love listening to Jenny tell stories! She's such a good storyteller. She should start her own channel.

Daniel Hammond

Thank you for the video! I love the railings!


What a lovely way to start my day - a Lalande update! When you and Ian were looking at the marble stand and small basin in the stable, I was wondering what the amazing bronze coloured "dome" with rivets is?


Stephanie, you never fail and I wish you and the whole La lander more and more success. GOD BLESS


We’ll be pressing on in there straight after the grand salon and Nati’s apartment. As you’ll see in tonight’s Chateau Diaries, I’ve made a lot of progress with the attic storage, so I’m getting quite addicted to the whole concept of proper storage, it’s life changing! So I can’t wait for the china pantry, it will make a huge difference.


Yes, you’re right. It’s very hard for Jenni to talk about because, as you can see, she dotes on the peacocks. But, a couple of months after their big adventure, Lillian became sick. They tried everything, but she died. It happened to one of our peahens a couple of years ago (and a peacock four or five years ago), they are quite fragile and it’s always so unexpected.


Oh how glad I am of your vlogs. What is the brand of your beautiful gas stove? Thank you for what you offer us Marianne


Excellent idea, and a frameless or semi frameless glass balustrade, chandelier and mirrored wardrobe will make the small space appear larger, and especially feminine for a very feminine Natti. Imagine the rods in your bedroom?


Loving those railings❣️🥰


LOVE the rods, and the glass sink bowl idea!!! Nati's Apt will be SO BEAUTIFUL!!! Can't wait to see the wallpaper samples, and what you choose. Thank you so much.


So interesting to see how Nati's apt is coming along :D I surfed the other day for a sink to our cottage and came across a company called Herbeau. They make such sweet and beautiful sinks, too ornate for our simple country cottage though but it would look fantastic in a chateau. https://www.herbeau.com/PRCVignettes.html Abt the facade I vote for the option with two balconies on each side of the entrance. You could make your own Lalande crest in a plain and simple medieval style to put over the entrance, in stone, (a serious suggestion). Perhaps with the two theater face-masks, a pidgeon and a rose - symbolizing arts and play, freedom and peace and the english rose for England and love :)


The chateau, Chapel and apartment projects, anything improvement oriented I just adore!


Natti’s appartment is going to be beautiful and I can’t wait to see it but I don’t remember seeing the downstairs lu finished can you show it to us again I would love to see it again?

Ana Maria Sierra

Fun and delicious! So exciting to see Nati’s suite coming together.


Loved the guided narration of each clip of footage! Thank you for sharing more of lovely La Lande life!! 💖


I almost cried when I saw those iron rails. So beautiful! And before I saw the plan of the chateau without the shutters I would have been pro-shutter but now, I have to say, it looks like a proper chateau without them. I am so happy to watch all the progress. The joy you share from bringing the chateau to life after so many years is infectious. Best to you and all the Lalanders!


Wish you could use the railings on the outside fire escape/balconies you are creating on the chateau. They are lovely


No shutters and the two balconies,looks best I think.Id always thought the Cheatux didn't look right but didn't know how until the plans showing without the shutters better.


Stephanie, if I recall correctly, you gifted the peahens to Jennie? After hearing Terry & Ash from Chateau De Lalaselle discuss acquiring more animals for their property and wanting a peacock, I wondered if you thought of gifting one to them? That is, if you were not planning to keep them. Just a thought since he gifted you that beautiful chair.

Kimberly Dale

Natti's. bathroom is going to be a jewel box...claw foot tub, Lovely vanity...& Very Pretty railing? It is very fun to be along the process of the things you're choosing 💛😊 You're probably getting ready for your Halloween 👻party...L 👀king forwards to seeing everyone 🎃💀👾🎶☕🍘


I hear you on the joy of storage! An attic full of lovely armoires with artfully arranged beautiful things sounds like bliss.

Colette Retif

Ian is the unsung hero of LaLande. His knowledge and goodwill/humor are such assets!!


If I remember correctly Natti's appartment was going to have support pillars. Is that not needed anymore?

Denise Behrends

It is touches such as the antique banister railings which illustrate your thoughtfulness toward historical architecture. In choosing this style, you evoke the sense that they could have been original to the chateau. Love the details in the cast iron!


My husband and I love watching your show. It has kept us entertained during Covid since he is high risk due to severe asthma, and we are pretty much stuck at home. I’d like to suggest that you place the railings at the current requirements (I think you said 10cm)? There just seem to be so many needless tragedies & accidents with babies and toddlers, and if you can prevent one from ever happening, then I think it’s worth it. I honestly don’t think you’ll even notice the difference!


I couldn't resist searching for the Nadaillac rose. I seems well known as an old tea ros. This book describes it at least :) https://books.google.se/books?id=cAivBAAAQBAJ&pg=PA129&lpg=PA129&dq=ros+comtesse+de+nadaillac&source=bl&ots=gMyJ9quWCR&sig=ACfU3U1K5B37q9eK0-KxZL5TCM4mad0RGQ&hl=sv&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiVpNvZkPLzAhVotIsKHfe6A7E4HhDoAXoECAgQAw#v=onepage&q=ros%20comtesse%20de%20nadaillac&f=false

Kaitlyn Metro

I agree, I think 14 looks much better. Natty's apartment is going to be so beautiful either way though!


I too love the idea of no shutters and the two Juliette Balconies. I wonder if you would consider using the logo Steve created and have a plaster artist or stone carver turn it into a crest? What was it you said about each owner creating something lasting from their time on a Christie’s video? I love how it is both modern, and how it speaks to the chateau now and in the past via the peacocks.


I’m so sorry that I don’t know this. What is your international address? Thank you. Xo


I must admit I have come to love the blue shutters, but the no shutters and twin balconies is the best solution. And I really like Jacqueline Hope Derbys idea about a crest of the logo design Steve made.


Please release Halloween party play list!!! Even just the name of the songs u play we can download them


If possible please publish the lyrics of the new LaLande song that so cheered everyone after the plumbing leak.


Hi Stephanie, I appreciate your videos so much! I do have one small piece of feedback, the new phone focus is not nice to watch. Thought you would want to know. Cheers, Nina


I do hope that the bathroom can be salvaged and t he damage is not to bad. Look forward to hearing about everything tonight, Lots of love to you all.xxxx


Just watching Chateau DIY as Steph and Philip are sorting porcelain for a new entrance hall. However... "Stephanie and boyfriend Philip"???? Once I stopped giggling, I did wonder... What do channel 4 know that I don't? 😂


My thoughts exactly Pam. Why hide it from the people who support you.


“Dutch boyfriend”?


I'd rather not conjecture, they share so much of their lives with us already, I'm sure every bit of privacy is treasured. I look forward to watching the episodes when they eventually make their way across the pond to Peacock. We get season 6 next month. Woo hoo!


I remember Tannis Slimmon from my days studying at the Univerof Guelph and often hear about her on CBC radio. Her song was a wonderful serendipity for this Ontarian patron!


@pamhaghighi. Which episode of chateau DIY ?


Great footage!


I’m trying to catch the name of the wallpaper company - it sounds like Anambeam but that’s not bringing anything on Google - does anyone happen to know? Thanks so much, I’m super inspired by the glorious wallpapers Stephanie chose!


United States