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Wonderful, I am so happy you have maintained this level and I know your patronage will continue to grow. Congratulations!!


Congratulations! I loved the momentum the targets brought last year so I would enjoy continuing to have them. Maybe a 35K target could be getting a survey or plans to restore the old mill?


Great news as always. Was wondering what the estimates are to have the whole château façade redone? That would be a great and heafy goal.


Great news 👏 😃


The targets keep the momentum of new patrons going so setting some new ones is a good thing to do. It makes people feel like they want to help get to that goal to see another project on the go. Also when projects are happening they bring excitement to the chateau for viewers.


How wonderful....why not go for a 35K target ... there will always be something to do - that’s for sure💕xx


As I said below, great news! My suggestion is not to have another target until all the current work is completed ( or perhaps that can be the target ? :)) . Would like to see the 2 apartments done and the china pantry and that elusive downstairs loo. Then the outside re-rendering once all that is sorted.


Congratulations! Progress be yours! If I might be so bold concerning future video topics…. You mentioned you spent considerable time making draperies for the chateau, might I suggest a video demonstrating those skills. Including the creativity of understanding the window and its room, and the light. Then sew and hang. The resulting video would be most entertaining and informative. Then the video could be used as a promo video on YouTube to acquire new viewers. A lot of your videos could be re-edited into a diy series that would surely attract more viewers. My wife and I enjoy your vlogs. Thanks for your hard work. Monte


How about the goal of the cap stones on the moat wall


Stephanie, you should give yourself a pat on the shoulder and tell yourself: Very well done ! 🏆 It‘s all because of you ! We are simply the onlookers lending a helping hand. Keep up the good work and try not to lose yourself in too many extra projects. There is only so much even you can handle. 😉

Gena Gustin

I’d love a target for the gardens (?) that are the view from the terrace. Not sure if that’s possible yet. Or maybe the white garden for in front of the chapel? I love gardens soooo.... 🥰


I always come and look at the figures on first of the month and have my own list - i get such joy from seeing your list of supporters continue to grow Although as some have said there are many projects underway i do think have symbolic targets in good for the overall energy - there is excitement in seeing us get nearer. It also helps us all to mark those milestones and appreciate them. No idea what but sure you will get lots of suggestions. HUGE CONGRATUALATIONS/MAZELTOV. We are here - who would have thought it possible - YOU did - £30.000 Fantastic xxx


A 35,000 target for sure and the reward should be to have the two tower foundations repaired and bring the up to proper ground level. The full towers can wait, but we will have signs of where they will rise again


Let's go for 35k! certainly doable. 😊


Maybe the stable shop can be a target? More as a symbolic one because it is not directly part of renovating the chateau but stil a goal in the future?

Terrie Powell

Love the idea of the towers on the lake being brought back. That seems like a huge undertaking! Dream big!! We are right here with you! ❤️


The facade of the courtyard and windows missing in the old part


Love to you all at LaLande!

Julia Cobb

If we could do the base of the towers as the 35K goal, would that be doable? I loved seeing that Davy found them both. I realize the full towers might be over that figure. I also thought about the mill and oven. I definitely want to see that when I come. Even if it’s just cleaning around it and a picnic table🥰


Wonderful news! Thanks to all.


Yes...go for 35,000 level! I say you MUST somehow build/design a GRANDER FRONT ENTRANCE to LaLonde! Please, please consider doing this...."First Impression you know" and all that......


You could make the little garden terrace around the chapel as a symbol. Some stone seats and maybe a white flower garden around it. xo


This is not a target but it’s free. 😀Well not free because you’ve already bought it.😃Summer is fast approaching and the weeds are growing SOOOO, I want to see Dan throw some flames out of that flame thrower you guys bought at the garden center 🤣🤣😄😁😆 Loving all the progress!!


I Became a Patreon last month and I think you’re the best in deciding what to do next on your chateau, dear Stephanie. I love to hear your dreams and hopes and you have a lot of talented people to help you. Lots of love and can’t wait to see what projects will be finished in the future and new ones to begin.


Wonderful news!! 1) THE MILL 2) The Shop 3) Michael Potts Swimming Pond 4) The Amphitheater 5) The Pool, 6) The Servant Portion Of The Houe 7) The Pool. By the by, I recently read that mills were the center of a chateau & village community because people came daily to grind wheat and bake bread exchanging news and resources.


How about putting the towers back if we get to $50K or more?


Congratulations, Stephanie!!!!


I also think actual targets would be good, but since the amounts are now not so important, maybe the columns and balcony over the front door. Maybe the external stairs/appartment entrances for the second courtyard? A plan for the surroundings of the chapel? Actually, I have thought of something... might sound crazy... How about a sort of Patreon lottery, drawing for free stays at the Chateau during the year? I know, that we are able to rent etc. But it might not be possible for everyone, and even so, it could be connected to some special events, perhaps? And it would be really good fun to see some of us, actually there, reacting to everything. (Yes, I do think, one should participate in the vlogs 😉)


Stephanie. I know you have a large portion of land not attached to the chateau proper - have you ever considered developing it as a caravan park separate from your b&b business. It would be a nice form of passive income with a modest investment. Obviously not a Patreon item but a separate enterprise.


Hi Stephanie, congratulations to you!! I am so happy that things are still humming along at Lalande, and your Patreon family is continuing to grow. So amazing and inspiring! I was wondering if you agreed with me that we don't really need to attach projects to target amounts anymore? Since some of the projects you have on the list that needed to be addressed are finished or nearly finished, the money coming in every month can now be diverted to new projects. As long as we get to give you our input on what we would like to see done, or you pick stuff for us to vote on to be done, I feel like that should be engaging enough for us, so I personally don't think you need to keep adding target amounts. I have no doubt the amount of money coming in will continue to grow. Your story and your channel has inspired so many people, I wouldn't be surprised if you were at $40K this time next year. But, do we really need to keep attaching a dollar amount to all the things on our Lalande Wish List? If the majority here still thinks we do, then of course, I'll be okay with it. Anyway, I'm hoping to see a proper entrance to the forest installed. Something more fitting for Diana, Goddess of the Hunt to be featured in. I'm over the moon that Davie found the missing tower foundation. I would love to see those towers stand tall by the lake once again. The Mill is also very important. These are very big projects that will take time and lots of planning. You still have rooms in the old part of the chateau that haven't been restored. There are plenty of things to add to our Lalande Wish List, and lots of wonderful vlogs to look forward to. You decide what is best. Love you, Stephanie!! <3


I would love to see more in the parterre garden. Perhaps add to the boxwoods there to define the path.


I wouldn't set anymore targets until there is a complete masterplan with all the estimates. Some of these projects are huge and will need to be done in stages (garden, lake, etc). With all the excitement of the recent success one can easy get ahead of themselves. Also include a 20-30% buffer for cost overruns with the estimates.


I love the solar idea for the future, it matches well with the geothermal system. I would extend the geothermal to the new construction or have a separate system. Forget the wood burning, we all need to be more responsible with our CO2 footprint.


I have been wondering about the old servants quarters. Could one of those rooms be restored to the way a servants quarters would have looked say 18th/19th century. It would be nice for guests to see what it looked like to be a servant living in the chateau. Kind of like a little museum and a tribute to all those souls who worked in the chateau over the centuries.


Would you please ask Davy his thoughts on this since he has done so much research on La Lande from earlier times. What was there that would be seriously cool to reinstate ? Please can we see some of the shutter dogs that are already installed, I am so curious.


Hello, any work involving stone is a massive undertaking financially. Could you do a "nod" to the towers going up to vantage point with a terrace seating area?


You've already got that very grand staircase on the outside. That could lead down to a beautiful parterre. It's the perfect spot for wedding photos, so beefing it up would be a natural place for groups to gather for portraits and entertainments in the garden below, and the terrace above.


I am happy to see any type of targets you set, but I do think it adds joy for us all when we come together to meet your wildest dreams. I agree with earlier posts about completing the masterplan with estimates, but dream on, Stephanie! Do a 35,000, 40.000, 45,000 and 50,000 target! It is so interesting and fun to watch you meet them!


How much would it cost to do a grand staircase?


Ditto Leah D Moretz

Melissa M Thiessen

I know how much you (Stephanie) love the grand staircases when visiting other chateau's. I know that's HUGE. But as you have been experiencing.... dreams really do come true!! On an extremely practical point, what about double glazing the windows? Ya'll are always sooo cold. you are my people.


Looks like fun! Do what you got to do! If you want to create an apartment for me - I'm cool with that. I have no problems sharing with others! They'll just have to put up with all my wailing on a stormy night. But, I'm sure they'll be ok with that! :) I jest! I jest! :) I'll probably stay in a small cottage is the magical woods with the rest of the fairy doors.... Maybe hang out with the hedgehogs... that's what banshees do!


I think we wait until after the paneling is installed. Then evaluate what still needs to be done and set new goals.


Goal keep you moving forward😁. I love the idea of you adding a grand staircase as you mention in a good portion of your vlogs that the only thing La Lande is missing is a grand staircase while you longingly look at ones you are visiting. Maybe one could be added to the area you mentioned might be an estate office next to Nattie and Jerry’s apartments(current woodshed). I also think double glazed windows is a very practical goal that would bring much joy and comfort to all who live or visit the Chateau for years to come. Soooooo happy for you!


Congratulations! Well earned indeed. As for targets, I feel similarly to others who have expressed a desire to see the existing projects, already underway, completed before setting new goals. I find it a tad overwhelming to follow all the balls that are currently in the air. It is so satisfying to tick off boxes as renovation and restoration elements are wrapped up and I, personally, would absolutely LOVE to celebrate those milestones.


$30,000 is just awesome. So lovely to see the progress. Happy to be a part of it all and I eagerly await the chapel, any and all gardens restoration and the China room the most.


The exciting find by Davy may mean the towers have to come back. ;)


New Patreon,


i am so excited to join the team


So fun to see all that’s happening and that you’re traveling and having fun!


**I’d like to see things get finished.** It seems that once your helpers (I.e. Dan, Selmar) and others gain media attention and decide to start their own YouTube channel they seem to be less engaged at LaLande. I think it’s fine if they have their own channel, but not to the detriment of Lalande. There is no justifiable reason the downstairs loo isn’t finished by now. Likewise, the shutter dogs should have been replaced or installed by now. What about the bigger fridge? Why aren’t the two chicken areas completed? I recommend that each project be assigned a “lead” responsible for seeing their project through completion. Anyone can be a lead... Nati, Philip, Marie etc. There are many projects stalled at various stages from concept to support issues, to supplies delays, to craftsman delays, to mayoral or administrative approval delays, to lack of funding etc. I recommend only one additional project be added to the project plan (and there should be a plan posted which everyone can refer to see the status of each project).... Anyway, the last project for now, until all existing projects are completed, is the repointing or repair of the lime mortar of the facade and the addition of an architectural feature to highlight the main entrance to the chateau. This and all previous projects should be completed before any other apartment or balcony is started. Respectfully, Joanne


Congratulations, For the $35,000 goal what about getting the fountain in the walled garden up and running, or at least making sure it's ready for when you find the right one. Another idea is to clear the tower areas and get them to a point where as a future goal you could get the foundations restored.


Maybe you can make a target for ‘clearing the mill’. Than you know what you’re working with 🙃


I think solar panels would make a great target. Also, is the platform for Selmar's camper a possible target, or as a fait accompli does it not qualify? You could also add Birdeaux (Chickenville) as a target.


I good target I think is to get outstanding jobs done? For example, the downstairs toilet?


Keeping a percentage of funding back for future maintenance issues is not a romantic notion, but it is a much-needed practical target. One never knows down the line when the heating or roof may have issues. Funding needs to be in place for such problems (other than the deep pockets of the other Chateau owners).

Maria Soberanis

I vote for retrofitting a different heating system (maybe like Basmaignee) into the chateau. It's not very symbolic but it would be warm! Haha


I think your target should be to restore and improve the chateau with the funds you receive from Patreon whatever the amount may be and do away with symbolic targets. I enjoy your videos and am happy to support you through a donation on here. How and when you use that donation on the chateau is up to you.


Yes i think further targets will be great. Why not aim for $100,000 and get the towers rebuild


I don’t think there should be anymore targets. To me this sends a message of “needing” which at $30,000 a month tax free is no longer the case. With careful money management and a sustained monthly donation of this amount you can more than do everything you want to at the chateau. For now I think look at anything exceeding 30 as a lovely bonus - it is as you’ve said a figure beyond your dreams so now just enjoy without pressure on figures and goals targets (money wise). You’ve never come across as greedy so I know you’ll take this in the spirit it was meant.


I agree!! Heat and, dare I say it, air in certain places would bring the practicality of the chateau into the 21st century.


Wondering if you might consider investing in an 'Artisnal Retreat' for artistic and craft pursuits. Artists (not just painting and sketching) could pay to stay and use a work area and crafts people could pay or stay at a discount or free IF they made something and donated it to Le Lande. Le Lande might one day be seen as a centre of excellence in many disciplines and be finished sooner by the craft work provided ... Just a thought?


Congratulations thats wonderful and I love being a little part of it all. I think the money is yours to do with as you like on the Chateaux. I think you have enough going on for now and also eagerly await seeing a few more things finished.


First of all, Stephanie and crew and friends: you're doing a great job. I'd say no more targets. We're here to support you and more will come. Lalande is a worthy project. I can't wait to see it in real life! I'd concentrate on boring things like: the roof, the foundations, bathrooms, heating and even air in certain parts. Since, I believe, you have geothermal, that is a real possibility. It's been my experience when I traveled in France that the French are into creature comforts like heat and excellent bathtubs!! Bottom line, Stephanie, la reine du château, it's your ballgame!


I have the feeling you need mostly more time to complete the ongoing projects. Nonetheless, the Patreon Chanel will in my opinion only continue to grow with exiting and achievable Targets. Therefore I vote for a row of merely symbolic targets that people still would like to watch so that there is a real incentive to become patreon (i.e.: cleaning the costumes, packing the attic storage neatly, organizing all the X-Mas things, doing an exibition of all the framed and hanged pictures gifted to you, having a wild thank you-patreons party, putting more plants around the fountain, cooking an entire dinner only with fruits and veggies from the garden) , while in the background I recommend you to create a master plan with quotes on the really big things (i.e. staircase to the garden, balcony, facade renovation, heatings system, solar panels/Earthwarmth, garden architecture, lake restoration, Windmill, Towers....) so that you know exactly how high (and for how long) the patreon targets realistically need to be in consideration of the buffer you are building up right now. And I have no problem to see projects on the target-list in tiny steps like "lake-survey", "lake-negotiation-lawywer-fees".... and some day "lake gets water"


I love the excitement that the targets bring! Even if it is not such a huge project, having something symbolic is nice to feel that there is even more being accomplished. It has been amazing to see how you are getting all of it done!


Hi steph- l think the targets are not necessary. You and the team have an excellent handle and vision for what needs to be done and when. I’m thrilled to see all the activity and the direction you,re taking. You have great counsel in Davey, Ian’s, Michael, Isabel, Philip and yourself ♥️


You are doing everything just right. We are enjoying your enthusiasm. Love the excitement of the targets. Don't let others bog you down with opinions. Sleep well and enjoy the happiness of all your fans!


$35,000: Rebuild the walls and towers and fill in the dry moat. It seems a lot of people think that the targets need to be met for that particular target goal to be started... These are symbolic. Even if she was still at $10,000/mo, she'd still be trying to do everything in the higher tiers. The extra money just means that things happen faster because more people can be brought on to take over projects. I think if people want to donate to a good cause and bring back something from antiquity into modernity, they should be allowed to. Steph has big dreams and we're all contributing a little bit to make sure those dreams become reality. I, for one, have no complaints.


🥰Dear Stephanie, targets & goals are a good thing! Even if they have to be changed or eliminated. It creates momentum, excitement & gives everyone something to dream about💕💕 (or discuss 😜) In my humble opinion, restoring the Chateau facade & tower facades would be important targets for the near future. 🥰


I'd love to see a symbolic target to give each room a "refresh" - that target would symbolically cover whatever that specific room needs - new piece of furniture, freshen bathroom, new linens, repairs, lighting, something you've always wanted to do in that room -- and perhaps the project for that room captured for patrons or on the vlog).


$35K target, upload a business plan from Davy with deadlines and costs for restoring the lake ASAP.


Can we have another Q&A video or live video now that the lockdown has been lifted? Would love to find out what’s to come at LaLande and your new YouTube channels.


How about a target for the swimming pool? Maybe even with a bathhouse including shower facilities, changing rooms, and a little bar area. It would make a great extra for your guests. But mainly and foremost it would give you and everyone working so hard to restore Lalande a refreshing opportunity to relax. You all deserve breaks and treats more often and I would love to see this outdoor chillout place come true, where you of course also can swim for workout reasons. Maybe the soil from digging the pool comes in handy for Davy's garden projects ;-)


next target: double windows or the towers




Honored to be a new patron. Would be nice to see the facade redone. With all the work inside and improvements, it still makes me sad to see the chateau looking shabby on the outside. Like the improvements to the fountain and driveway, it would give a huge lift to your and everyone's spirits while continuing on the other issues. Just one person's point of view and I'm very new to this and excited for all the other wonderful comments. Glad "traveling Stephanie" is getting out and about. ❤️


PS: New tail feathers for Spud? 😀 Really, Stephanie, I don't know how you do it all. ❤️


I vote for a rebuild the towers goal. Maybe make one a sort of lounge like the boat house in the movie Rebecca and the other a sort of guest room that you could rent out.


Hello I’m a new Patron and have very much enjoyed catching up on the YouTube vlogs these past few months! Soon I’ll be able to catch up on the Patreon vlogs as well. I certainly appreciate you letting the Patrons give suggestions of which projects to line up next so I thought I’d suggest working on a design for a more defined main entrance off the courtyard. Now that the courtyard gardens are coming along it seems a grander entrance would be lovely. Thanks and cheers!


Thank you, Stephanie, for the monthly start of the month update. I think we should still aim for symbolic targets even if they are not given a monetary number. Having a goal will help keep our momentum going and keep that positive energy flowing to La Lande. Have we already met the goal for fixing the facade of the chateau? The lime mortar on the front tower does need to be fixed. How about a symbolic target to convert the wood storage hanger into the concert reception room that you have dreamed about? I know that Michael Potts would like the top section of that hanger to be office space for the chateau? Or converting the servant's quarters into rentable apartments? Hugs from North Carolina - Mary


I’m going throw out a completely different idea. What about the next target brings a new intro to the vlogs? We need Nati, Selmar, Dan and Phillip in the intro! Not to mention the huge transformation outside that really should have some new (green) drone shots! I get that the grounds are not completely tidy, but that is representative of the changes happening!


Love it all.Can the sound be improved at all?It can be a bit unclear at times.x


The Towers!!!!


Hi Stephanie, thanks a million for the update, do you anticipate any progress on the lake this year ? Best wishes from Dublin. Suzanne

Heidi Panella

I'm behind whatever you want to put on your target list. I think you're all doing an outstanding job with it so if you feel something needs to be done in that order then most likely that's the right way to go. You live there and know every nook and cranny so it seems to me you know whats best. I'll continue to enjoy all the things about Lalande and it's wonderful staff of worker bees, and it's lovely Chatelaine 😊


When it comes to Selmar I remember it as he have to have at least three different employeers to be able to have his own business. And he wanted to start that because Stephanie wanted to give him an employment at Lalande with a proper salary. He probably did much more than expected as a volunteer. Anyway I think that is a reason for him not being at Lalande every day and also he has talked abt wanting to rest a bit from the attention. When it comes to Dan he is also employed but you don't see him as much because there are so many others at the chateau at the moment. I think it's not for us to have opinions abt the people being employed at Lalande. As long as the money goes to the chateau, which she has to account for tax reasons, then we can't demand this or that. Either one chooses to donate or not.

Tina Winther

An island in the lake with a pavilion and a willow tree


DeeDee, Do you mean a set of doors and a staircase inside?

Melissa LaFond

The resurfacing of the lake? I also think the restoration of the towers and the flour mill should be on there lol. I don’t even know what that would cost. But, it’s fun to look forward to that, even if it’s monumental!


I think this idea is great! It might have to wait for the facade but something like this would be impactful and momumentous


I am with you on this one!! The drawings of the towers that Davey was talking about was stunning. Maybe scaled down a bit though...lol


Target : As Davey earley has drawn : a proper main entrence in the courtyard !!!!!!!! 🍀❤️


A 50k goal should be a big one. I think that one should be going solar. Seeing La Lande with it's own water source coming soon is amazing. You are rapidly becoming independent with lots of your food. Now being able to access the dead trees for much of your heating. Putting in another septic tank for your dark water. The final piece would definitely be going solar. Truly off grid.


Hi Stephanie, Thank you for the update! Some suggested targets: - Completely renovate the terrace - doing the facade/Bringing the windows back - bringing the lake back
 Christian PS: a new drone flight for the intro with the new front yard, garden, etc. would be wonderful :-)

Gabrielle Baalke

Ah! Great minds think alike! I also think it's time for new drone footage for the intro, with the improvements in the courtyard, gardens, and grounds.


You need a grand room for a grand staircase. I don’t believe the entrance hall is very grand in size.


One more suggestion. Don’t forget a Chandelier for the entrance hall. Remember Tom and Gerry’s video suggestion.

Kaitlyn Metro

Hi Steph! As I am waiting for the pool to plan my visit (and totally happy to wait a few years) I would like to suggest the pool as a reach target! ;) Also, It has been such a joy to see this renovation speed up over the last few months, keep up the incredible work!

BJ Monte

A wooden pier on the lake with a Baroque/Chinoserie Pavillion would be spectacular for summer wedding ceremonies, al fresco dining and an evening retreat.


Bonjour Stéphanie. I think you should improve the heating system in the chateau. Apart from being more comfy for you all, should the Patreon fund ever dry up (let's hope this never happens) you may need to rent out rooms in winter too & this isn't poss at the mo. Perhaps look at wood burning range options to heat the radiators ?


Stephanie, Ian, Phillip, Nati and David: I am Susan’s significant other and I can’t even to begin to express my lack of understanding of your proposed levels plans. I believe I have a better idea to accomplish this with better results and a happy Nati—and we all want a happy Nati. I’m looking at a simpler plan of putting a walkway across the back wall at the level of the doors. I propose four doors in the middle of the walkway—two center doors will open inward for general entering and one on either side can move laterally folding back with the center doors so as to complete a four door opening. I then propose a semi circle addition at the same height as the walkway with built in seating to view whatever will be on the outside of the doors, e.g., lake, gardens, pool. A nice place to sit and enjoy tea, wine, etc., with friends on a nice day. Also good for catching a breeze. The two windows should have window seats for solitude during incremental weather. Stairs could be at either end of the walkway but definitely on the side leading to the door. This takes care of the different height problem. Underneath the walkway will be lots of storage for things like wine refrigerators, cabinets, dressers, clothes, etc., maximizing the area lower level and making the upperlevel more useful. I don’t know how to send you a drawing but I could if you tell me how. Todd Ekstrom


I’m sorry, I forgot the two ceiling fans, one over the bedroom area and another parallel to it on the opposite side. Need some circulation of air in that place. %)


Hello Stephanie - I am new to your channel and just joined as a patron. Very happy to play a small part in your dream and beautiful restoration work. I am particularly interested in your work on the chapel. It is quite beautiful even though it needs some care. You said in a previous video while visiting the Cathedral in Bourges that the chapel was dedicated to St. Joseph. Not sure if you are aware as Pope Francis has declared this the year of St. Joseph so the starting of the restoration of the chapel is perfectly timed. Hope all goes well with it. Happy restoring! Mark

Daniel Hammond

Great news about your cousin's imminent arrival. The paneling installation will be an epic adventure. Possibly it won't be peaceful. Renovating rarely ever is and I am dreading my new bathroom (mercifully put off until late 2022 at best, due to the plague. But the final result will be worth any amount of drama!

Denise Behrends

I concur with the idea of a grander front entrance and balcony, per Davy’s proposal and drawings. It’s so lovely of you to include us in formulating target goals. I must add the caveat that—as the chatelaine—you know best what the priority for restoration of the chateau is at any given time, and we want you to honor that. Thank you for bringing us along on this journey.


The servants quaters would be nice for guests. Also it would be a nice idea to have a vote for the next target.


Continue on with what you feel is needed to be done next. Like the facade, the lake, the terrace, the china, pantry, your office. Things you already have on the list. Those are big enough targets and you don't need anymore "big" things to work towards at the moment. Slowly slowly catch yee Chateau ( Lol ) Take care, lots of love xx


I would like to see a goal for a pool or fixing the tennis courts! I certainly don’t want to be too old to visit Chateau Lalande ❤️


Business plan! What a brilliant idea. You mean to say there is no business plan already? And we donate $35K per month for a business with no plan? Seriously have to rethink patronage. Sad to say.


1) I think it will be a good idea to do the facade, its one of the first things you notice and may increase the value of the property. 2) Solar Panels to generate heat and reduce your eye watering electric bill. 3) Restoration of the towers. 💛💛💛💛💛


...Or maybe some cheaper mini targets such as... 1) Pagoda and seating area in the vegetable garden with fairly lights 2) Hidden bar in the Grand Salon / Winter Salon walk through to access on both sides 💛💛💛💛💛


I think the best target is a swimming pool because every guest would appreciate it, and you Lalanders could too I suppose 😂


Yeah I think the pool because of how hot it can get in the summer.


I support your goals and visions...it’s your dream...I want to watch them come true!


I think a good target would be to spiff up the tea room for Dan and the Ians. Just storing gas for the lawnmower near the electric ring is not good for their health. They work hardest on the chateau, are paid with Patreon monies, and deserve a warm, dry, comfortable and safe tea room.

alicia baylina & gail estka

Stephanie: Can you please make sure that when you post your YT vlogs, you click on the *closed caption* button so that it’s enabled? Of late, the last couple of months at least, it’s rarely been an option your viewers can enable. You usually have multiple LaLanders speaking during your taping s abs having close captions helps to catch what everyone is saying. Natalia: If you’re reading this stick a post it note on her laptop reminding her🤗

Sissi Duparc

Bordeaux is a so beautiful town but I know that Stephanie enjoys also Avignon... In july, there will be the "Festival d'Avignon", and I heard that the show "The Sheep Song" by FC Bergman is amazing, the artists are from Holland like Philip ! There is also a fantastic dance show : "INK", from the famous greek choreographer : Dimitris Papaioannou. 😉


Let's see... Hmmm... What Goals do I want? *tapping finger to lips* A-Hah! Let's see: How about a heated pool with a Jacuzzi along with a cabana boy who serves only the best cocktails from the outside cocktail bar!?! That sounds about right... Just a heated pool, jacuzzi and a cabana boy. I'm sure Nat, Cat, and Marie will be more than willing to push those requests high up on your "To-Do" list! ;P lol (whatever you want we all want! - but I have to admit a pool boy would be very nice!)


I know this doesn’t address the question but I would love a book club. The books you talk about and your knowledge it would be amazing. I just started reading The Young Visitors by Daisy Ashford. I saw it on your Vlog and I thought I would love to read the story. Thank you for sharing the book. Lisa


Yes have an ambitious target which aims to redo the facade, the mill and the towers.


I’d think something symbolic like planting a new woods for the future or wildlife meadow or restoring and filling the dry moat!


An upgrading of the lunch and tea area for the gardeners and contractors working at the Chateau would be very nice.


I think there should also be investment in a hefty maintenance fund as part of the business plan. At some point, for example, the 19 bathrooms will need repair, etc.


Thanks for the update, great news


I think a fountain should be commissioned for Mummy’s garden like the one at Norte Dame D’Orsan and a plaque added to say it was built to record the work of the Lalanders and the support of patrons in the refresh of the chateau


I Think bringing back the mill . Could be so much history there. It was a huge link with the village specialy on the 15th century.

Anna Ibarra

Texas Great news Stephanie.


Complete the pool project. with spa services


Hello lovely Stephanie first all I would love to thank you for all that you do.


Secondly I definitely think you should set new goals and targets after old ones have been met ,this allows those of us whom wish to continue to support your efforts to do so and allows us to play a small role in preserving history. I would love to see a pool and spa services implanted I believe this would be of great benefit to the Chateau. Having said that I entirely support any project you deem important. Love and great happiness from Sandra in Canada 🇨🇦

Sandra Warmbreath

I cant agree more, I have been entirely shocked to find how many rural properties everywhere are wood or fossil fuel heated, even a few miles outside my hometown here in Oregon, USA! That means more tree cutting for fuel just when we desperately need carbon sinks so desperately! LaLande could become a major demonstration of solar power in Europe & UK where do many fine old properties are being restored but heated with medieval methods. We need modern solutions to prove the worth of savings old buildings without harming Earth. This would make me so proud & possibly there are grants available especially for a place like LaLande that has become so famous!


Karen if you watch past Patreon posts you should be able to see Stephanie talking about the goals she is working towards. Ie restoring the lake, getting rid of dead trees, fixing the patio ect. I can't tell you what video to check but they should be there. If you watch the Sunday patreon videos she will disclose any future ideas.


Welcome to patreon I am relatively new as well.


Stephanie and the rest of the Lalanders are such kind and talented people


really like the monthly updates


love this fountain, nothing like a water festure

Christine VR

Future goals- the terrace steps; I don’t think they were part of the first round of terrace repairs. Also, Gerry’s apartment, triple glazed windows all around, pool!! So many future possibilities! Can’t wait


Create a fern /plant/flower/climbing vines grotto around the pool. Guests will love the pool as it is the perfect place to relax and meet the other guests and will be great for your employees. Give it a theme as you do and it will become one of your most stunning features.