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Here is the link to today's LIVE from LALANDE on YouTube. It will be at 4:15pm CET. It's open to the public, but I'd like to prioritise questions from my patrons, so please leave your questions as comments on this post, and I'll try to answer as many as possible this afternoon. It's a beautiful day here at Lalande and I'm looking forward to chatting with you all over afternoon tea - hope to see you there!

Love, Stephanie x



Join us for a chat and afternoon tea at the chateau on a beautiful sunny day! 💛🏰💛



When will Mummy be coming back to Lalande? Oh how i miss her ❤️


Looking forward to it! My question: What is your proudest moment so far since starting The Chateau Diaries?


How do you make a decision on who to accept as a volunteer to the chateau? is there a criteria?

Anne Green

How exciting 😁 I would ask the same question as George Ellis - Will we see Mummy back @ Lalande 🤗 xx


I was wondering if it would be an option to restore the mill to make flour again as a tourist attraction. Maybe in combination with a generator on the waterwheel to provide power to the chateau.


And Laurence asks how the downstairs loo is progressing. It seems on hold, but why?


What is your best advice for someone who wants to do the same as you and buy (and save💕) a chateau in France?


Stephanie, I'm curious how you personally identify - are you British or British/French and/or do you feel French? Also, could we get an updated tour of some of your favorite objects and their history in the chateau?


Glad you posted this Stephanie ... I had forgotten we were having afternoon tea with you ... now excited! I was just wondering if Phillip will become a permanent member of your team ,as have Nati & Selmar? You just all work so well together Xx


How did you meet Phillip ?


Good Morning Stephanie, from sunny Scotland. From the side, the ground seems to drop away from the older part of the chateau. Have you ever found anything that suggests there may be cellars there? I have wondered about it since you went into the 'rooms' under the terrace. Might there be a blocked up entrance?

Gabrielle Baalke

Good afternoon Lalanders! Two questions. FIrst: What is our lovely Cat up to? Is she planning to return to Lalande? We love and miss Cat. Second: do Selmar and Phillip speak Dutch to one another off-camera? It is simply wonderful-awesome-inspiring how many languages there are at Lalande, and I am in awe of how many bilingual individuals there are in your midst. My highest respect!


Hi Stephanie, will there ever be a point when the chateau is “done” or is it a constantly evolving project?


Will you be building a dance/performance area in the garden thinking of Selmar king of Tango. Like the covered one in an old video he shared. You could use it for many outside functions including a patron garden party 😁


OK this is more of a request rather than a question but being a music nerd I would love a Vlog from you where you talk about "Music at LaLand" - all those wonderful pianos you have and that oh so intriguin Sheet Music cabinet (what's in there ??) and all the why, who, how of your musical workshops you have had and the operas you and your musical friend (who lives close by and I don't remember the name right now) are planning and perhaps a bit about your own musical background. - I know this might be niche but still . . . . pretty please with a cherry on the top !!! 😁


Are you planning on any lalande merchandise or products for future.


Does Gerry wish he’d had lockdown at Lalande rather than Framlingham as it really doesn’t feel that the restrictions have affected you lot too much?


Stephanie, will you try again this year to host some outdoor operatic concerts, or is it still too complicated by Covid restrictions? I have tickets for Glyndebourne, by the way 😀


Hi Stephanie! I would like to know if you have a favourite recipe or food that you’re loving at the moment, or if there’s currently a very popular dish in the house right now, perhaps something seasonal for Spring/Summer 😁 much love Suz x


Hi Stephanie💕 Thank you for doing a live Q & A! (If covid restrictions lessen) Are there tentative plans for any kinds of events in or near Lalande this summer? For instance Cyril Huvé 🥰


Would be a lovely Sunday episode she could put together a bit at a time.


😍😍Which french auction sites are your favorites?😍😍


Bonjour, le petit festival de musique prévu les années précédentes mais qui n'a jamais vu le jour, aura-t-il lieu cette année car c'est en plein air (donc à priori sans danger pour les participants) ? Ce serait formidable surtout que maintenant la terrasse a été renforcée et qu'il n'y a plus de risque d'écroulement (sous le poids des chanteurs). Au plaisir de vous entendre.


Hi Stephanie. Thank you for hosting your tea party. My question is. Could you continue with your interviews. It would be lovely to see one with Philip. Also possibly a few zoom ones with Oliver and Michael and the elusive Nick to hear how they all are. It must be so disappointing for them to not be able to visit Lalande. Especially for the Easter egg hunt. Thank you. X


Good more Stephanie ! Just hoping you can give us all an update on the Lake ? Thank you, lots of love from Canada !


Bonjour Stephanie! Are you planning to hire more people/staff vor Lalande? What are your goals in terms of employment?

Katie Roberts Art

Hello Beautiful Stephanie and lovely LaLanders, I am an artist and I would love to ask about possible Artist Residencies there in the future (post covid etc). Also I have some ides for what to do with the attics and outhouses I'd love to share with you. Have you considered turning the second courtyard buildings into a creative hub/arts centre/artist colony? I have been dreaming of this for weeks! (Plus I have drawn plans if you're interested I'd LOVE to share!) Sending you all love much love and thank you for fun and the inspiration. Katie Roberts Xxoo


Stephanie, so are you still using your Dyson air wrap? Your hair looks great. I have been using mine for two years!


Hi Stephanie love this channel. My question is this - everything I have is in England - family, career even belongings etc, and my dream has always been to live in France. How do you balance these two sides of a difficult decision - head vs heart almost. Ps I'm quite young if that has any impact! (22). Thanks!


Hi Steph! Has Davey given any ideas as to a new lake/boat house? Are there parameters as to how big it can be? Will you use/restore the existing structure? What a magical place that will be again! Bisou from Ontario Canada 😘


Have you all had your covid 19 vaccinations?


Could you do, sort of an updated tour of the Chateau? I know we've seen alot of it, but I would really like a complete walkthrough, to see, whats happend. Also because it seems there has added alot of artwork and furniture 😁


Hi Stephanie - I know you and your dad would dream about all the renovation possibilities at Lalande and now so many of these dreams are on the horizon. I am wondering at what point in the restoration of Lalande will you feel like all your dad’s hopes for the chateau have been realised? What will have been completed?

Gabrielle Baalke

Oh, yes, please! Also, with the new planting around the fountain and the chapel area opened up, maybe it is time for a new panorama opening to the vlog, as the current one shows the little box hedge and not the fancy garden-beds. :)


Hi! Are there more stables than the one I have seen turning in to something else, and do you save/rebuild any of them as actual stables?


Could we maybe see stone carved peacocks on the pillars of the moat entrance one day?????


What do you look for in volunteers?


My cheeky second question. would you still like to put an island in the lake and if so, do you think Davey could be won over and have a statue on it???? P.s an island would reduce the lake size and could help hide any possible water channel that the water police might insist on..


The restauration of the chapel, is the restaurer will repaint by hand all the walls, it’s a humongous job, is he doing it all by himself! Big hugs!


Hi Stephanie, in a normal year (one without lots of movement restrictions), how much time would you spend away from the chateau? For example, how often would you have gone to England or other parts of France or Europe (or the world)? Which country would you first like to visit once international travel is once again allowed? With love from Australia xo


Are there any plans for an interview with the Comte de Nadaillac on the history of his family and LaLande? I think it should be in French with sub-titles but would be very interesting and a good historical record.


Can you tell us again what is the hold up on the downstairs bathroom?


Hi Stephanie. In april last year you had a VLOG about what the Rooms looked like, i know a lot has hoppend since then, so it would be interesting to compare then and now, in a new episode.🤗


The plans for the tiles that your father drew. I was a bit confused are you hoping to fill in his gaps with something similar once all digitalised I think it will be amazing and I can't wait to see it come to life


Hi Stephanie! This might be a difficult question to answer. I'm CAD designer and I'm used to seeing things from an aerial view for designing electric utilities for cities and counties. I've got a decent idea of the area of the actual Chateau, but I don't have a good idea for the surrounding property. I know you said there's a mill that's more or less a ruin now and some paths going here and there... Could you give us a sort of aerial tour of the property of LaLande and the general idea of what you envision it becoming? If this would take too long to answer, don't worry about it. ;)


I’ve always wondered what is behind the white curtain in the Grand Salon.

Julia Bowman

How many brocantes are near you


Hi Stephanie, looking forward to the q&a. Could you give a tour of the gardeners cottage sometime please, I don’t recall seeing it before, though I am still working through the old vlogs from before I found you. Would also love a proper tour of the whole Chateau. Thank you and much love 💕


Another question..... worktops in the kitchen. Don’t you find working on the kitchen table hurts your back especially when catering for large groups. I can’t imagine all that time hunched over is good for the posture.


Hi Stephanie, Are you still planning on planting out the garden beds at the foot of the chateau walls, or is this on hold for the moment?


Hi I just wondered when we might be able to see the entrance hall project, does escape to Château diy name change mean there is a problem with putting those recordings out on British tv?


The advantage is they are close so it's easy to just pop back. I've been an expat since 1975!


Hi Stephanie, have you thought of updating your intro for The Chateau Diaries now that so much has been done to the courtyard and the look of the Chateau is quite different? Looking forward to the live chat, love all that you are doing at LaLande.


I’d love to know when you’re filming a new updated arial view of the chateau with your new courtyard for the opening of the vlog on YouTube?! 😊


For the moment in France it's for the 55+, or if a person has serious health conditions, it's been very slow here.


Hey guys hope the weather is as nice for the afternoon tea as it is here in sunny Glasgow...where do you guys plan to search using the metal detector? I'm really excited to see if there is treasure at La Lande! I'm a mental detectorist myself so I will be bringing my detector when I come to visit eventually, let me know if you need any help! Much love Scott x


Hi Stephanie and sending love to you all !! I am wondering if I have miss what the down stairs loo wall paper will be like have you already had it on one of your vlogs . I would really like to see it if you have . Xx


How well protected is the paneling while it’s in storage? Are there any tarps covering the pieces just in case the Lalande birds enter that area?


Warning there is a typo. It should read electricity and it should say why does he live in his camper rather than in the chateau 😂Hello Stephanie this is my first time asking a question and I have so many do I’m going to ask a rather simple one. Why does Selmar love I his camper and where does he get his ridcttuciri and water. What will be possible if he moves to the woodshed area ?

Kirsty Wyatt

I love watching all of the Lalanders, you are all absolutely wonderful. However, I particularly enjoy seeing Phillip - he is an absolute joy and I can see his enthusiasm for the restoration of Lalande and his loyalty and friendship to you. Phillip is a great asset to your growing team. So my question is: (Well, there are two really...) How did you meet Phillip (?) and will he become a permanent member of Lalande? Thanks again to all of you, you bring light to a lot of peoples’ lives!


Good morning Stephanie! I have a couple of questions that others have already mentioned: 1. How do you make a decision on who to accept as a volunteer to the chateau? is there a criteria? And 2. When will Mummy and Percy be returning? I miss them terribly. Sending hugs and love from Nova Scotia, Canada 🇨🇦 🌹🌟💜


Hi Stephanie, ever since the video where "the crew" was gathering mistletoe down by the apiary I've wondered about the bees. Will you do a video about them? A visit to the apiary and a chat with the beekeeper? As a beekeeper here in the US it's been my experience that there are very few people that aren't interested in honey bees these days. The more I learn about them the more amazed I am of these little creatures and I've kept bees since the 70's!


Will your Patreons be receiving an invite to an open day this Summer if allowed ? Do you have a date in mind ? Thanks


Best Wishes for a successful Live Q & A session! :)


Good morning Stephanie! This is Alison here, what project overall has been the most challenging and what project has been or will be your favorite? I love watching your videos! Hi to Phillip Selma and Nattie!!!


Hi Stephanie, What are your dreams for chateau lalande in 2025? And please tell us why you can't have the lake back as it was before? What does it take to make it the prober way? Love watching your videos. Do take care..


Stephanie showed the wallpaper in a vlog a couple of months ago.


I love seeing the wonderful progress bring the Chateau back to the beauty and glory it deserves. Given the the funds needed for current updates are you able to budget funds for future update and maintenance?


Now that Davey has the entire Chateau and its grounds in his CAD program, would you be able to post a plan of the chateau grounds permanently? And additionally, it would be very nice if you could publish a plan of the chateau itself, ground floor and others indicating what is where. After more than a year following the vlogs, i am still confused what is where inside the chateau.


Do you have an update an the current covid situation in France and the expected evolution over the coming months (does the French government has a plan)?


Hi Stephanie- I would imagine you keep Michael and Nick informed as to progress on the chateau work. How much input do they have in decision making or have they given you carte blanche to proceed as you see fit? This has been such an exciting time to watch as so much is going on in so many areas!


Hi Stephanie. love the vlogs. i got 3 questions - 1. will we see the big garden designs that Davy has making? 2. where do you see the much promised swiming pool located? and 3. will you be painting or leaving the the panneling for Grand salon as they are?


Hello from rainy Ontario Canada. I know that you’ve kept in touch with the family that owned the chateau, and that they have returned to the chateau for family gatherings. Have they seen the recent changes since the youtube channel and patreon account took off and if so, what do they think? Much virtual love!


Hi Stephanie, Thank you for all the interesting updates! We love watching your progress!!! We have 2 questions for you:


Ups, our 2 questions are: when does your mother and Percy come back to you and Lalande? We miss them! And how are you envisaging the cooperation between the French architecte and Davy on all the big projects? Thank you for the opportunity to learn more! Cheers, Chris


Question for all housemates; when lockdown ends and things go back to normal, what are you each most looking forward to doing?


Will Isabelle and Percy be making another video soon? I really enjoy seeing what they are doing


Any guesses as to when the lake will be returning?


Hi Stephanie and everyone at Lalande! How are the sheep doing? Do they go somewhere in the winter?


Hello Stephanie - I have been wondering about your search for a chateau. Had you looked a very many? Are there photos of LaLande before renovations? I’ve seen a few in past videos, but not many. (Nor have I seen every video) Thank you (Also thank you for sharing your trips to towns. I really enjoy those!)


Hello! Since you are almost at the $30k funding goal, do you plan on updating it for the next big project/goal to reach? Honestly, it’s exciting for me to watch it grow.


Hi Stephanie, my question is the cellars at la lande are quite small do you think there is more to find and discover and secondly what are your long term plans with the cellar?

alicia baylina & gail estka

Hi Stephanie, following you and all the LaLanders adventures with joy. Having watched all your Diaries videos now, it seems *volunteers/LanLanders seem to materialize suddenly and while you graciously introduce them by name, you rarely provide any background on how they came about to be there, nor when they leave. Early on David seemed to be everywhere but now we haven’t seen him in a while, same with Ian the Electrian, Steve & Sara, Hanni, Cat, Davey, Thomasz...etc. Not to mention Marie and Natalia who have come and gone a few times with zero explanation. It would be helpful to the viewers to understand who they are when they arrive and why they’re leaving without having to necessarily disclose anything private. It would provide a richer viewing experience I believe. Lastly, do you have a master landscape design you can share? Has Davey drawn out the complete plans yet?


Hello I’m so enjoying you vlogs thank you. I’m hoping you can get more apartments fixed up so you have an income all year round,perhaps selling the spare lumber would restore a small one ,once again thank you so much


Hi Stephanie , glad to see you looking so well and thank you for continuing to share all your lovely projects with us . I am just about to embark on a renovation project and wondered if you have any top tips in particular keeping on Top of tracking various different elements when more than one room etc is involved . ?


as there are now nearly 100 questions dont think she will manage to answer all of them sooo here is my understanding of an answer to your question - i have heard Steph refer to about 6 months at chateau and half of year travelling which would include lots of brief trips to London, city breaks, france travels and more major trips away with friends and at least one annual one with Gerry which is his Christmas present to her - yes i have been watching the vlogs for a while :) :) xx


Q: While the lake is empty, any thoughts to build the base for a folly or picnic island?

Simon Pollitt

Hi Stephanie and the rest of the mob! I have so enjoyed watching the Chateau bloom over the past year. So is there any news about the lake? Dan might need to fell some of the trees/bushes before the get to entrenched! I can just imagine the view know that he has done such a wonderful job on the trees on the bank. Simon x


Can you give us an update on all your La landers? We miss everyone.


Hi Stephanie and all La Landers I was wondering what the attraction is you have with the Netherlands / Dutch people and the Dutch with you? How did that happen?


I miss Cat. Have you spoken to her? Does she have plans to return soon?


....as I have wondered many times how you manage so many different projects so successfully. I am in Sydney so will miss the ‘ live’ but wish you all well and will look forward to it being the perfect start to my week tomorrow morning x


I hope you will do an update on recent volunteers who are no longer at the chateau such as Tomas, Hanni, Cat as well as your good friends the two Michaels, Oliver, Marie & Antoine! Glad Marie W is staying on. Thank you!


I have no particular question in mind at the moment, just want to send some love and I hope the Q&A will go really well 😊 I'll sadly be missing the live, but I'll be there to catch up on the replay of it later today 😁


As you are now achieving what u thought ere mpossible dreams.....have you be dream that you believe is impossible but you would like be to do?


I agree. Would eventually love to see your wood storage turned into a small event area, the staples more of a multi purpose , classroom and maybe the unused room across from the bread room a caterers kitchen? Have you thought maybe in the future bringing back the buildings along the garden wall as garages and wood storage areas look to be needed?


Scroll down these videos there is a tour here on Patreon.


Do you think the excavation of the lake will reveal enough of the stones to be able to rebuild the 2 towers?


Stephanie, I am very happy to be part of this community. What projects can you imagine completed this year?


I would love for your Beekeeper to sell his Lalande honey online. Perfect with tea and toast and live Q&As.


When first showing us the now China pantry , you hold up a sink for the bathroom off the library. Was this a tv project because we have never seen it.


It seems you Really belong at LaLande have you ever traced your genealogy to see if any ancestors had been there or in that specific role as a chateau owner in your family? My genealogy connects me to your area and I feel I am connecting lifetimes by being a patron. Also you speak gently of your ghost, but do have ever a sense that there is an energy of Lalande that exists and connects the people that find you locally and online? I wonder sometimes if maybe we all weren't part of a castle village long ago together because this is so so captivating and feels like home, like we are closing a karmic cycle and creating a peoples castle system not an overlord situation, in one specific place just to mark in time that it can be done. Especially since the Corona virus translates to "crown" virus. It seems so impossible that this could be a coincidence. But mostly Thank You for extending your personal radiant energy to all of us during this time.


SCHOLARSHIP - Hello Stephanie, I am wondering if you could give us an update on how that lovely South African young woman who received your scholarship is doing? Thank you


METAL DETECTOR - Hello again Stephanie. Has anything been found with the metal detector, particularly in the area of the lake? Do the specs indicate how far below the surface it will detect metal?


Have you thought of using Steve’s beautiful logo more in the chateau itself? On the new entry maybe? Or over a fireplace?


Hay Stephanie , what are your plans for La Lande as soon as lockdown is over??


in the far future can you open up the staircase and use the stair parts from your parent’s home?


First, I’m not really sure what Phillip’s job is...assistant to the chatelaine ? Vlog helper? Nati is business & cook, Selmar handy man, Mari flowers and cook, Dan is Gardner. Is this accurate? It is wonderful that you have help! Second, it’s a bit frustrating that you did a project for DYI and you haven’t been allowed to discuss for a really long time. I think all the chateaus that participate on that show should have a demand a waiver in the contract that allows their own patrons to see the completed renovation prior to DYI airing the episode If DYI folk choose to push back said airing (as they done with Lalande). It is poor business on their end to prevent the “talent” (ie Chatelaine’s ) from sharing with their patrons. Basically chatelaines are held hostage! It is to DYI benefit, not yours.


Hello Stephanie, are you managing the restorations of the chateau? Do Nick or Michael have equal say in the direction of the restorations? How do you all agree? I wonder if you have to compromise at times?


INSTAGRAM- Hello Stephanie, I know you’re very busy filming for YouTube, but it would be wonderful if Nati or Philip could take over Lalande’s Instagram account to show us some details of the decor, landscape, garden, or even the restoration work that the video can’t capture. As a decor enthusiast I would really love to see some pictures posted more often at Instagram 😊


Any updates on the chapel and the lake? Are diagrams of the ChAteau available to download? Thanks


Hi Stephanie, this may have been asked already.. do you make all of the restoration and decorating decisions, or is it a collective with Nick and Michael as well? Also, when is there going to be a tour of the new entrance hall?


why people take part in Chateau DIY when they are not being paid?


Any plans to do some dedicated before/after videos of the various improvements at LaLande?


Dear Stephanie, hope you are well again. Where did you purchase the beautiful panelling from please? x


what are your plans for the oldest part of the chateau that are untouched? how many rooms on that side of the house are there?


Hello Stephanie, if you had to pick one style or historical period of interior design, which would it be? (Sorry difficult I know)


is there a graveyard at the chateau? if so where is it?

Jana Miranda

Are there any firm plans for the rooms above Bonne Maman? At one point, Oliver had suggested a suite for an artist in residence, which is an idea I love. Also, with turning the fishery into natural swimming pond, how will you be able to keep the water relatively clean or will it be similar to the moat? Only Michael Potts is brave enough to face the waters of the moat.


Hello Stephanie and all at Lalande! Just a really simple question- do you think the bed and breakfast and retreats will be happening this summer?


Once Steve is done with your fathers tile project it might be fun to create a fun updated map of LaLande and grounds using his artwork and in keeping with your fathers style. Could be a nice Patreon perk😁


i have been rewatching some old vlogs and i have three random questions, i'll try: 1. when kat was clearing out the future china pantry, she found some old plans of another chateau and you wanted to contact the owner of this chateau to give them the plans, did that happen? is there a story? 2. in your vlog about the dining room transformation you talked about wanting to use de gournay wallpaper but not being able to afford it back then, then you showed an old photo from during the restoration of you holding up a panel of what looks like de gournay wallpaper up to the wall. was that the same wallpaper you bought for the downstairs loo and/or what happened to it? 3. in the same vlog, about the dining room restauration you said you had been planning to make door (?) curtains for so long and that you would finally make them that winter, did you? thanks :)


when is mommy and Percy coming back


Hi Stephanie! What's your favourite perfume?


Would it be appropriate to untangle your boyfriends — who and when?


Do you know when did the Chateau had the other two moats and when or why they were drained?


Will you continue to have volunteers coming to the Chateau when COVID permits?


Hello Stephanie I am interested in knowing what the plans you have with the dry moat. Will you be planting a variety of blue flowers there to reflect that there was once water there?


My question is, is selmar on 'peacock nest watch' again this year?!


Do you think you will eventually refill the dry moat? If not I think a it would be a lovely romantic grotto ( you have the stones) picnic area.. love that Dan salvaged starts off the roses. Hope he is successful.


I would love to visit La Lande as a paid guest but I’d love to volunteer in helping. I am not an artist, a carpenter but I can do gardening or anything else. I’ve been to France many times ‘cause I used to live in Geneva, Switzerland before so I don’t intend to be touring. Is that possible just be there at the Chateau as a helper though I will be a paid guest? Maybe a week or 2 only.


Hi Stephanie - how is Peterken getting on ? - he has written to his girlfriend Lotte , asking her to join him in August, she will have "little" surprise for him !


Good morning. Beautiful too in Florida. I love seeing the forest with all the wild flowers. Just wondering how one could send a photo to you. You have been looking rested even after cleaning titles. Take care stay happy.


Hi Stephanie from Norway. I really admire how you always stay so positive. Are there ever days where it becomes extra hard? I am truly amazed at what you have accomplished. And please stay positive. It is what makes your videos an escape for so many.


Just wanted to say your decorating of the chateau makes it a wonderful place and avoids that stale hotel atmosphere that you find in other chateaus. Keep up the great work


I'm sure there are plans of the Chateau here on the patron videos near the beginning.


Good morning Stephanie and crew! One quick question. In the grand salon there is a rather short doorway covered by white curtains. Where does this lead? Thank you!


What country have you not visited yet that you cannot wait to do so when you can?


Hello Stephanie and all at Lalande also fellow patrons. I've enjoyed reading the questions ,i won't add to the list ,really looking forward to watching. Lots of love ❤


Can we get an updated tour of the whole chateau?


Will Kat be returning?


What a wonderful thing to be able to do a live chat at the Chateau! I'm wondering if you find it challenging to draw a line between your private life and what you show on the vlogs and if you ever feel overwhelmed by having so much of your life "on camera" .


Hi Stéphanie and the Lalanders, happy sunny and beautiful Sunday to all from Luxembourg 🌞🤗😍My question is how come there's no grand entrance to the chateau. I don't know if that stone stairs (near the balcony with pergola) that is now being renovated is the great staircase leading to the entrance hall. I imagining with a beautiful two opening door. With the chateau emblem on the top. And when you open the hallway voilà!!! with a lovely chandelier. That must be grand. Thanks and kisses to all. Keep safe and stay healthy 👍🤗💛🥰


Hello Stephanie, love everything you and all the workers are doing at Lalande, so much hard work but so fulfilling. Do you have to have everything inspected after every stage of construction like we do here in Canada. ?I was just wondering if you still had the sheep? I haven’t seen any sign of them on the grounds for such a long time.


Will there be more food related videoes soon? I would love a vlog about most desired foods at Laland and how to make them 🙂


Hi Stephanie! This is a very random question, but I have often wondered about the climate differences between the U.S. and France. We are having an absolutely beautiful springtime here in Virginia this year! However, at this point in the season, the pollen count is very very high, and EVERYTHING outdoors is covered in ‘green’... Do you experience that where you are in France as things start to bloom??


Good morning from Washington state! All of the questions I had have already been asked, so I'm just looking forward to the live Q&A -- hope the improved internet works out! Thank you for the Chateau Diaries vlogs, and I've really been enjoying Philip's "creature corner" contributions. :)


I’m curious to know what those little mounds of dirt are, near the chapel, all over the open grass areas? (Although I think you may have explained them in a early vlog? And I’m simply forgetting the answer...oh well darn, guess I need to go back & rewatch them all yet again...🤣🤣)


Is the renovation in the "Elusive Nic cottage" finished ?


When do you think Mummy and Percy can rejoin you at Lalande? Have they been able to be vaccinated so they can travel?


Plans for the Jaguar? Competition cooking with Dan? Shutter dogs? Removing the tennis court?


good morning from San Francisco just woke up. looking forward to this!!!


How is your health Stephanie 🙂


Hi Stephanie, I see you both


I’m wondering what the plans are for Nic’s old room? I think you’ve mentioned in the past potentially using it for a few different purposes. Also, is Michael Potts still giving up his apartment for rentals and moving to a different area? Any upcoming changes to your bedroom? I know you’ve mentioned not being pleased with the bright pink trim in your walls, but do you have a new vision in mind?

Maura Willey

Will you ever do a video on the bats and owls with perhaps a chat with the local experts that come to check in on the bats? Would be very interesting for animal lovers and maybe something philip could film and edit!

Maura Willey

Is there any old cemetery or burial area on the property that you have found?

Maura Willey

What are some things that you have to always take into consideration that non-chateau owners may not have to think about? For example, do you have to test antiques for mercury and lead before you buy? Anything like that!


Will you hire another florist if &when Marie leaves Lalande?


Philip is good but Stephanie isn’t


Stephanie still is muted


what is time line for filling lake with island in middle


sound is better!


philip sounds great now it's ok


Everything is fine if I used my iMac but if I used our TV it is blurry.


are you still going to make a channel with Michael?


Aurez-vous bientôt le Lac au Château?


Hello Stephanie! I would like a sheep update. Are they all well and thriving? I have not seen them for a long time! Cheers


What about the lake? will it be back soon?


Hi Stephanie, Thank you so much for sharing your chateau and taking us to some amazing places . Your father”s art is amazing!! I particularly love the Renaissance one in the winter salon. Any chance you will ever make lithographs of any of his Art? Take good care!!❤️


Stephanie, what is your immigration status in France? Also Natie and Selmar?


Yes, I can hear you!


Beautiful wallpaper!


I love you guys exactly as you are. Thank you for all the effort you put in to filming. I love Maura's idea about a vlog about the rare bats, even if you can't get them on film.


Did you at one point purchase a new bed at auction for yourself? How are your partners feeling with all of the updates!?


Est-ce que Phillip parle le Français? :)


Dans toute l'équipe de Lalande, lequels parlent le français? We love you all so very much by the way! Beautiful team!


What a lovely way to begin a Sunday morning 💕 Hello to all from Oregon USA


Sound issue resolved!


Have you thought about hosting other types of weekend workshops such as floral design etc.?


Will you install art studios somewhere on the property for visiting artists?


I also love cutlery, Philip!

Jeanie Allison

So glad you are staying, Philip!💕


Are you subject to lots of customs duties with the presents that arrive?


I know now is not the time but because my daughter just returned home from Biltmore and hasn’t stopped speaking of it. Anymore ideas about planning a trip to the states?


Horse stalls could be great art studios. I used to paint in a horse stall in Malibu, Ca

alicia baylina & gail estka

Is Ian the electrician a paid contractor a volunteer or both. He’s worth his weight in gold!!!


Please please please make this live Q&A a regular thing! is lovely to spend my sunday afternoon with you guys!


Do you keep in touch with Mason?


First, I am thrilled that Phillip is staying. Great chemistry between you two!! I am loving all of the restoration and renovation projects. Could you create an updating projects list and "bullet points" for each project during each vlog Even on days when the vlog doesn't touch on a given project, it would be fun to see progress or know what might be seen in future episodes!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to do this! It has brightened my Sunday morning! ❤️❤️❤️


Great to see you and well done Phillip - a man of many talents xx


This could be as simple as a dry erase or white board.

Anne Green

Great live session even though I thought it started 4:15 but it was already running when I logged on at 4 but it was great to see you & Phillip live 😁 thank you very much really enjoyed it xx


Thank you for the chat! It was a truly lovely way to start my Sunday in Minneapolis, USA.


We can see and hear you.

Kimberly Dale

Do you have a dungeon or a basement


Pleased there's a chance of the mill bring restored even if just has a holiday home.

Kimberly Dale

When there’s a window for travels will you jump through and if so


Loved the duet!Plus thanks for confirming Vivian Westwood dress. Collaboration required!!


Marie and Natalie are still at the chatue, Marie has a Instagram account and YouTube channel. Hanni went back to England fir a few days but couldn't return because of lockdown. Cat returned home to her family for Christmas and will be back again after lockdowns and same for Davy. Thomas was only at Lalande volunteering fir a short while and had other plans to go on to. I hope this helps in some small way 🙂


Thanks for a Wonderful Live from Lalande!


Loved every minute. Xxx


Great live Stephanie and Phillip! I say take the second wall down and let the light flood in! X


There is a social media site where you can post in one place and it automatically goes to the other selected sites. Called Hootsuite.com Could make life a little easier. Cheers from Canada

Sissi Duparc

Hi dear Stéphanie and crew of Lalande. I'm lucky, I've had my first injection with the vaccin; Even if you are very young (18-50 years old), in order to not loose some doses, in France, sometimes, it's possible to get a vaccin as a volunteer. there is some "Pfizer" doses this week at Magnac-Laval Avenue George Sand, 87190 Magnac-Laval, please call the telephone 05 55 08 75 20 There is also some possibilities at Châteauroux this friday 30th of April Centre de Vaccination Covid-19 Avenue Daniel Bernardet, 36000 Châteauroux telephone 02 36 90 51 90 "Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna"

Sissi Duparc

I suggest you should check regularly this amazing website created by french doctors "vite ma dose": https://vitemadose.covidtracker.fr There are partners with "doctolib" a frenchwebsite dedicated to fast medical rendez-vous because of cancellations of other patients : https://www.doctolib.fr I hope this informations could be helpfull. Have a good week.


That would be a great seasonal structure centered in a formal garden. :)


I would like to see a goal/fund started for repointing the broken stones in the defensive attics.


I know this far out there, but maybe at sometime you can rebuild the Water Mill, use it as a rental property, make it look like the old water mill but actually be a cute cottage inside...are there any steps that can be made to stop any more erosion/deterioration of what’s left of the old building?


I think the new wood paneling that she bought is the 30k target, her cousin is suppose to come and install them and duplicate the extra pieces needed, once the travel restrictions are lifted/eased up


Susan Dole comment got me thinking ( always dangerous, i know) I remembered you want to leave the defense holes in the attic but have you thought of safety grills over the openings? It probably would make Mommy happy not to have those areas be so dangerous.


Really enjoyed that.....be great once a month.....Im Piscean and dreams to me are as important as water and air.....thank you all for creating a pipeline of dreams


This is so great! Our local community site has people reporting "extra" vaccines leftover at the ends of each day for people to try to get if they are available to go within an hour's notice.


Saw the live after the fact - it's great and appreciated! Curious if there was a reason others in the household weren't part of filming for British TV. I understand why there was a quarantine within the household because of it, but I think other people in the household like Marie were on the show before. Just curious why not this time. Covid restrictions for amount of people for the show?


Really looking forward to more of your "Interviews with [...]" . Starting with Phillip! Davy would be a very interesting person to hear from also.


I really enjoyed the live (after the fact) and look forward to more. During this pandemic I have developed two addictions: Online Scrabble (I teethed on Scrabble tiles as a baby. lol) and the other addiction is watching all forms of The Chateau Diaries! Thank you Stephanie and Lalanders for creating a magical world within the real world (of pandemic). It is such a joy to me to watch your vlogs each time. I find inspiration from them and feel connected to something incredibly special! Thank you from Kerry Lynn from Canada 🇨🇦 😊❤️.


There is a very small basement entered into from the entrance hall. It is very small for a chateau size so they are hoping to find a hidden door one day.


Yes, it truly is a magical view into a magical world. I think it's Henri ;) crafting his magic in his own way.


Love the Q&A and am a big fan of Phillip, love his humor and love for animals!

Anna Ibarra

I missed the live chat, but it's ok, as I loved the long live chat. Wish your vlogs were longer Stephanie. I long for them, like it was an actual TV show. But I'll take what you give. It was so wonderful to the answers to the questions. I feel that you attract such positive people and many with skills, talents and big hearts to help you restore your place. It's the peoples castle you are restoring and renovating and welcome anyone to visit. Your lovely heart and personality is so contagious, it's why your channel is such a hit. Blessings to continue to come your way. "Yah! Chateau LaLande!"


I think Marie,is running her own business there now.Early on she was a volunteer.


I missed the live chat as well due to time zone differences but it was great to see you both and the long chat was lovely to watch on my Sunday afternoon! Hope you do this again!


I missed the live chat but all of my questions were answered…..and then some!! Such incredible plans on the horizon!! ❤️


I am really late to the live show 😆 but I am throughly enjoying catching up. Unfortunately my poor wee mum broke her hip this week and has been very poorly with a number of things, stressing me to the hilt, but as always I have been able to escape to Lalande and I thank you so much for that ......well done Stephanie and lovely Philip xx

Sharon cole

Loved this live chat just brilliant 😊👏👏👏👏👏


Hi Louise, sorry to hear about your mum. I hope she’s feeling better. 🙏🏻