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Extra Footage featuring Mummy and Percy!!!



Hi Steph! When can we expect the Patron goals update? Those are so exciting! ❤️❤️


I miss mummy and Percy on the vlogs!!


Thanks for continuing to share a view into your life. It certainly provides a much needed escape when all we want to do is take a vacation.


I love Davy's idea for the entrance 😍


It wasn’t for me


Wonderful to see Percy and Isabelle again. 💕


She usually does it in the first week of the month, so next week.


It was so lovely to see dear Percy and Mummy, thank you for that. I think , if you get a new frieze or relief for the outside of the chateau, you should have your family crest made (your mother's or your father's) and also the crest of Lalande family and somehow intertwined. It would be a lovely way to show the family before and currently :) I always choose my Father's crest as it has a bunny on :) Thank you and Selmar is so dapper in his flat cap!


It was lovely to see the snippets from Lalande life! One note on the starter - it is often a good idea to keep it in the fridge between feedings (to avoid either a dead or a mouldy starter - I've experienced both!). The fridge basically puts it into hibernation and then whenever you want to bake you can bring it out, feed it to wake it up, and then put it to work.


Nice to see Isabelle and Percy again. 🐝🙂


I am always so impressed with bees... and beekeepers!!


Yves Delorme bedding ..the best ! How I miss my shop !

Jason Dubey

Thank you so much for sharing! I look forward to the updates. This transports me out of my own life and away from the responsibilities my own 168 year old 16 bedroom, 11 bathroom home. Keep up the great work!


Wonderful vlog, so pleased to see Mummy and Percy again, those bees looked a bit wild to say the least. Davy’s drawing looked amazing Stephanie. And Selmar, what can I say A true romatic. Love to you all and love from the Dordogne xxx


Thank you! It is wonderful to see Mummy happy again and Percy looking happy and healthy. I’m fascinated by bees and I enjoyed the footage from beautiful South Africa.


A 168 year old home sounds amazing!! Ours is from 1901, but we’re babies compared to LaLande 😂


Love Davey's plan for the entrance. Fits the look of the building very well.


Thank you for the outtakes Stephanie! Was so lovely to see mummy and percy again :)


Loved it especially Selmar!

Daniel Hammond

Thank you for the video. Could we request a video update form Cat, if she is willing?


Isabelle and Percy are looking well as always. Thank you for the out takes. A Juliet balcony will look gorgeous. Would the previous owners be able to give you more information on the missing crest?


South African honey bees😄I love it and love catching up with Isabelle and Percy.


Oh wow that’s amazing footage for outtakes!! Isabelle and Percy❤️ Love Davy’s plan! Exciting times at Lalande!


I loved seeing Isabelle and Percy doing so well. They look so happy. :)


so mummy and percy are the cutest EVER!! and the chateau near Honfluer just looks amazing!! sidenote: the child has been to honfleur and I have not!🤔 and Davey- the ghost just REALLY struck gold with that one didnt he!! now - are the quotes back for the millwork? DYING to see it get put in place DYING!! And the man for the chapel? is he still alive?😳 where is he? I am beginning to panic😰


The portico has to be built!!!!! Absolutely beautiful.... Two standard bay trees either side and there would never be any doubt about which door to use ever again. We need a new lalande crest to go above, carved with a peacock on the left hand side and the right side halved with a rose in one and a iris in the other. Rose=England Iris=France Peacock=lalande Motto, gaudium et una beatitudo=joy & happiness together....


Good job filming Percy and Isabelle! Davey's front entrance idea is lovely. Hope everyone is keeping well.


The footage of the bee hive removal was fascinating! THANK YOU! And, as always, LOVE seeing Mummy and Percy!


Great footage. Thank you Stephanie for sharing it with us. Love all of you gals and guys at Lalande. Stay save and take care.


Have you thought about having the la land logo as the crest over the door?


love the portico idea, will change the whole feel of the front of the chateau


Mummy and Percy we miss you. 😍😍 My brother has beehives and he goes and collects swarms as well


I am praying that Davey can come back soon and stay for a while and help supervise the renovations. That would be amazing.


Brunsfelsia pauciflora is Latin name for yesterday, today and tomorrow.


so good to see Mummy and Percy...and their bees! Miss you both!


He brings with himself a level head kind of attitude, with knowledge of what needs to be done and at what stages.


Poor beekeeper. Looks like he had some bees up his trousers. Isabelle and Percy look so well. SA does agree with them. The trip to Anna's and Phillippe's chateau was amazing. There is a such a contrast in styles, lovely in their own way. And I love Davy's plan for the entrance as I always wondered where I am going to go when I get there eventually. Maybe a large bell hanging from the balcony would do the trick to let everyone know there is a visitor. And when do we get to see the redecorated entry?


Stephanie, unfortunately, someone who is a patron here is sharing ALL the vlogs from here to that website that has been harassing you and Michael. Just wanted to make you aware of it.


I recall a nice sign someone made & sent you - why not hang that outside the entrance until you can move forward with something more substantial


This was wonderful; thank you for sharing these extra moments with us. :)


🎶I fell into a burning kiss of fire...🎶


Thanks Stephanie such wonderful footage. Loved seeing Isabelle and Percy and the bees! Love Davy’s idea for the entrance. Maybe you could incorporate Steve’s logo he created for you into a sort of family crest drawing also from your dad and mum’s side of the family. Can’t wait to see what you decide.


Perhaps the family that had previously lived there had a family crest? If so I would use that and somehow add a little extra to represent the new three owners. Perhaps a peacock perched on the crest haha. Or the feathers at least. Just keep adding to the heraldry.


The bee portion of the video was great!


Thanks for all you do to brighten our lives


Always a lovely time, thank you so much!

Jana Miranda

Stephanie, thank you so much for making all of us feel like we are a real part of life at Lalande. I love Davey's drawing for an entrance portico and hope that becomes a reality in the next couple of years.


My friend who also lives in Pretoria had a bee hive removed from her garden. To still attract the bees but deter them from making a hive the bee keeper installed a ‘bee hotel’ when the box is full he replaces it with an empty one. It is numbered so that the bees stay in the correct environment. If Isobel and Percy would like the contact details let me know.

Denise Behrends

The elegant simplicity of the design for the portico columns, crest, and Juliet balcony is perfection. The brief glimpse of the kitchen at Le Fleur makes me yearn to see more of the room in its original state before the renovations are complete. The faded grandeur of a chateau kitchen is so inviting. What a lovely surprise to see Isabelle and Percy. Oh, how they are missed at Lalande! It is always heartwarming to see them thriving together at their home in South Africa. The best cocktail is indeed inspired by an intriguing story. Selmar shared the story of The Kiss of Fire cocktail so eloquently.

Kimberly Dale

💜🙏🕯Staying warm & Cozy by a fire, on this blustery night... grateful I’m able to tune in using my cell phone& watch this much needed Lalande nibble because our electricity is out 🥰


I must admit I absolutely adore Davey. I love his energy his smile and the joy inside of him just radiates out.


How wonderful this vlog is. Thank you once again for sharing. God bless all.


Delightful and interesting update. Thank you for sharing. Davey's suggestion for the main entrance area looks wonderful. Kiss of Fire, well I imagine most of us are ready for that!


Love the little snippets of life at lalande from the past month! Very excited to hear you’re thinking of making the entrance more ornate! Integrating the design elements from the original building would be perfect. Davey is so clever! You certainly surround yourself with a great team.


Stephanie, after Michael's last post I checked out this forum that he referred to. For others reading this, I would not recommend the forum...if you feel you watch Chateau Diaries for pure escapism, that forum is basically the opposite, as if it's for people who watch the Batchelorette or Kardashians where people rip each other apart hyper-critically and pointlessly. Not recommended. I don't know why people with such interests would even be attracted to watching something as pure-hearted and pure-day-ed as CD. They need to buy the tabloids during checkout and find out rudely who everyone is sleeping with and other made-up drivel. Stephanie, overall I hope you, your friends and future volunteers are not deterred from sharing all the lighthearted parts of the days. I think some of the people on the forum have generally bad boundaries at best, are emotionally abusive and ill at worse. Dunno. I'm genuinely shocked they watch this channel and seemingly continue to do so despite all the things they have found to hate...I specifically watch your vlogs BECAUSE they're not like the rumor-milled clickbait reality TV. Nothing about your lives seem "odd". I've traveled a ton and lived with tons of types of people, I feel like the people on the forum are largely sheltered in nuclear family neighborhoods and can't imagine someone could be friends with an ex. Haha. And some are even patrons on here...could be reading this right now...a bit of a downer, but the overall net value and lightheartedness of the chateau and it's fans I do believe will prevail :) Given a 100 people, there will always be that few percent who will just be bad eggs and see little angled stories from every corner in a negative, toxic light. Like they watched too much drama TV growing up and see the world through that lense. I'll be really glad if all the chatelaines can grow and create an exponential Napa-effect for everyone to escape to visit France.


Stephanie can you please give us an update on your spend targets?


I love this still of Selmar! And thanks for the wonderful vlog, as always :) Best wishes to all.


Hi Stephanie, thank you. The portico sounds wonderful, would love to see it completed this year. Does La Lande have a crest you could put on the front, or how about making one. Lovely to see Isabelle and Percy too, thank you for allowing us to see the footage, would love a tour of their garden and isn’t the birdsong beautiful. Love and hugs xox ❣️


Thanks Stephanie as always and lovely to see your mum and Percy looking so relaxed and happy 🐝 Davey is such a lovely person and hopefully he will get to return soon to help in all the jobs. portico sounds and looks fab. I think it would be a fantastic addition to the chateau ❤️.....oh how I miss a bit of clothes shopping 😆 xx


The entrance hall can be revealed properly once the tv show has aired this Spring


Great vlog. Lovely to have news of Isabelle and Percy and see their improved blogging skills. Can’t wait for you to tease the bread recipe from Michael Potts................

Jodi and Scott Barck

What if you match the cress from the fireplace in the entrance? Might be nice


Mahalo Stephanie for your video. These little outtakes are fun to watch. Lovely Seeing mummy & Percy and their 🐝 ‘s. The portico looks beautiful 🤩 Loved Selmars story of his cocktail 🍸 & excited to try Michaels 🍞 🥖 recipe 🤗 Have a wonderful day🌸🌼Aloha from Jupiter


As it is their family crest and not Stephanie’s, that would be something she would have to discuss with them. Family crests are registered I believe.


Unfortunately, we do have at least one patron here that signed up for a minimal membership and is copying all the Patreon video content from here over to that site. They truly are the lowest form of humanity and have zero shame or ethics. They just egg each other on to new levels of low.

Janis Paterson

Another great video! Mummy and Percy look great and made the right decision to move that hive. Love Michael Potts💓 Thanks for sharing.


That will be my fave addition to the chateau, beautiful subtle design Davy <3


You already have the design for the front door in your hands. The design that was originally made for the castle. Just place it on that door instead of on the other side. The only difference is that no stairs are necessary, which reduces the cost of the project and would look appropriate for the chateau, since it is part of the original design.

Sandra Warmbreath

A wonderful vlog Stephanie; Mummy & Percy and Davey are just excellent vlog subjects & now like friends. It's wonderful that the people around you and therefore in your vlogs are so knowledgeable and creative in their fields and well rounded as well. To attract such people in your life is your finest talent along with your own creativity and boundless enthusiasm. I wonder if Isabell and Percy will grace us with video tours of their South African garden, it's beyond lovely esp. with the extra care you all have for all Earth's creatures, such fortunate bees! Have a wonderful day!


What a wonderful vlog! The portico drawing looks amazing. It was lovely to see Mummy and Percy! Glad they are doing well.


Selmar blushing was adorable. I’ve missed Isabelle and Percy so much. It was fascinating seeing the bee keeper. I knew Davey was tall but he is a giant!


Very nice patron video! I agree that a portico is an excellent idea. I never realized that symmetry is an issue - until you commented at La Fleur that their rooms are symmetrical and not one of yours is. Adding the entry portico would also be good if you make it just deep enough for a guest to be dropped off under the roof (porte cochere). Davy is a tremendous asset.


She mentions on the video she will update next week at the beginning of the month


cant wait to see the rest of those beautiful sheets!


Nice job on relocating the 15,000 bees Isabelle and Percy! Fun vlog to watch. Thanks:)

Saba Atabaki

Are Isabelle and Percy ok in South Africa? Are they keeping safe? The SA variant of covid is pretty dangerous!


Oh, I love Isabelle, and very nice to see her and Percy.


Perhaps a moot point by now, none the less, my two cents ... Can you not pinch one of the Juliette balconies from the other side of the chateau to match the one in front of your bedroom window to get symmetry on right side of the entrance door portico? Could save you hours of searching The eBay for two fresh ones.


What about one of the beautiful monograms that Steve had designed for you? I would think it could be cast in concrete or stone. Plus it would add something of you Stephanie & reflect that it is under new ownership. It would blend you into it's history.


Hello Stephanie, I wanted you to know how much we enjoyed your episode that aired here in the US tonight, January 28, based on your trip to Honnefleur. It was a joy to see someone traveling again, and the town was truly spectacular. We loved seeing the 14th and 15th century churches and half-timber buildings. You are a wonderful story teller, and your narration made the town come alive. Please take more trips as you are able and share with with patrons.!


I love so much that Isabelle thought to ask if the bees would be fed. All of the outtakes were so charming! :) Thanks so much for sharing with us.

Georgette Jones

Love the out takes.....the bees are amazing as are Percy and Isabelle, love the front door idea, Salmer is so darn cute, beautiful chateau visit and you know I never realized that our chateau is very plane and the entry is not noticeable....I always have and still do think it is lovely ❤️


I do like the idea of the Juliet balcony and keeping the same design features from the different generations. Seeing the bees get relocated was great. Ive had Isabelle and Percy on my mind with our news covering so much about the South African strain of covid. Thank you so much of sharing the outtakes with us!


I know everyone will suggest a peacock as the symbol over the door but I think it should somehow represent the love & friendship of the 3 owners or at least have that as part of the emblem


Stephanie...when does mommy come back? I miss her so much!


I'm a brand new patron, though I've been watching the vlog religiously since March. This is the first Patron video I've watched, and I love having the inside scoop on the upcoming entrance to Lalande. Also, I've just recently thought about acquiring a starter for sourdough bread, so enjoyed a little bit of Michael's tips. Good luck, Nati, the keeper of the starter.


Used to live in Les Yvelines so have been to Honfleur a few times & it was lovely seeing it again, even in the rain ! You definitely need to go back when the weather is better as there's so much to see (les galéries d'art sont sublimes) & it's much nicer having lunch or dinner outside on the port. Also, it's only about 120km from Honfleur to Monet's house in Giverny which is well worth a detour on the way back. Looking forward to more out takes with discussions on plans for the château as it's fascinating !!!!


I am so happy that Davey may be back soon . I really love hearing him talk about his ideas. Love his calming presence.


Hi just watched you and Philip singing in the car and then Philip playing to piano relly lovley. Without putting him on the spot are we going to have..'An interview with Philip'. Like the one with cat an Selma?


When you sang “let’s go 50/50” were you referring to this 😅 https://youtu.be/fIKQh4t8F8k


Simply delightful as always, thank you for all the time and effort you put into these, they really cheer me up. You have surrounded yourself with life affirming positive people, I hope that all this other stuff that Michael spoke about does not dim their lights. So many people love and appreciate them, they are wonderful for sharing their lifes and do not smdeserve to be picked apart and bullied for the enjoyment of maladapted people. Soap box over 😀 shine your lights la lande ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍


So glad Mummy and Percy got the bee's sorted, they were not happy but it had to be done, the bush was beautiful. The new bit to define the front door is going to look amazing, so pretty and in keeping with the rest,without going over the top. XX


Really wonderful footage, Stephanie! Your new sheets look pretty. Hope you are keeping warm. Looking forward to seeing the other sets you bought on the beds. Mummy and Percy look well. It was so great to see them again. Thank you for sharing their special day with the bees. The footage with Davie showing the plans for the front entrance was awesome. It's going to look fantastic when it's completed. So exciting!! Lets hope he can make it back to Lalande VERY soon. Will there be a walk out balcony over the new kitchen addition as well? So many wonderful possibilities. Lots of love to you Stephanie. <3 P.S. Have you ever heard of those indoor smart gardens that are self watering and have grow lights? There are a few brands to choose from. It might do the trick for having your favorite herbs for the kitchen, even in winter.

Brenda Mcgee

Thankyou Stephanie for lovely footage always love seeing Percy and dear Isabelle so pleased the bee problem was sorted the honeycomb fresh and waiting😍Davey so talented will be an asset at Lalande dear Selmar with his bewitching elixir and good luck Natie with the Michael’s starter 😄🥰so enjoyable to watch always a treat Stephanie❤️😍👏👏


Another beautiful and entertaining video👍😄😄😄😍😍😍😍You never fail us. Cheers to you All and God Bless.


I really must make Selmar’s cocktail ‘kiss of fire’, after all I do have all the ingredients. Mummy’s honey must be absolutely delicious. So happy that Davey will be back soon.


New Blog on Wednesdays? Am I to early?


I’d like one of those drinks Selmar is making


Stephanie, you and the people in the house should make your own crest. Make it a team effort and see what you come up with.


The yesterday, today and tomorrow plant's latin name is "Brunfelsia pauciflora". A beautiful but dangerous plant.

Leah Hamdaoui

Heart warming to see you and all the lovely people you share your life with at La Lande in this extra footage XXX