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Pattern: Interview with Cat!



Yes I am so excited!! I was about to start begging for this interview ❤️❤️❤️


yeah time with Cat - been looking forward to this for ages - Cat you give me sooooo much happiness and laughter - thank you xx - Just went and saw your very first moment on film -pizza and Gin- great first night - realise i had forgotten you only arrived end of August -somehow it feels like you have been coming to LaLande for years - wonderful to hear you have got a new job that you can do and stay too- virtual choirs are amazing- not like the in person joy of singing together but soo much better than not being able to sing with others at all - i sing with one where we sometimes experiment singing with our mics on together - real treat to hear other voices live singing with me


I can't wait to get home and watch this. It's going to be too much fun! :D

Kelly Douglas

Waiting for my pumpkin pies to bake. I'm about to watch this. Yay, it'll be will be fun!


How interesting! Cat you’re a joyous member of a very special group. Lots of laughter that gives so much pleasure to so many. Thank you!


Ah this is such a treat - I love those interview videos and it's brilliant that Cat has worked with a Choir since I've so often thought "I hope she's a singer" since the rich timbre of her voice is so beautiful.


Lovely interview with Cat - what happened to all the chairs Selma was renovating? Sorry if you’ve shown this already. Thanks.


Why was I not surprised that Cat didn't have definitive answers for the questions. Her joyous care free attitude along with fluidly and adaptability shines through in everything she does on screen. CAT YOU ARE A JOY. 🥰


Stephanie, if you had a little sister, I think it would be Cat, because of the way she teases you. Your relationship is just like siblings!


Lovely Interview. Cat is always delightfully self effacing.


We all love Cat and hope she never leaves. I think she was sent to earth to bring happiness and joy to the world, as Stephanie does. You two have that in common for sure. I loved this interview.


Q&A Question: When lockdown ends, what will be the first thing you do?


Please, I need to hear you both singing!


SO Libra ! So funny, a perfect fit within this mad environment ! The mad hatters tea party all year round, hugs galore xxxx


Cat! Out in the world! Searching for her Porpoise! 🐬🐬🐬 I think I laughed more at this interview than all the others combined! 😂🤣 Maybe that’s Cat’s purpose, “Bringing Joy in any way possible!”


Oh my god! I had a dream last night that Stephanie interviewed Cat. Dream came true!


I love me some Cat!


lovely interview! And yes, perhaps the 'being a brit' has something to do with it. During this pandemic I wanted to introduce my daughter to what has been keeping me sane - sent her the link and....waited. only had to nag her once! And what did she say? Mum, I can see why you like this so much, they're talking like you talk, laughing as you do, and TEASING! she hates being teased (even though she is already a tad older than you Stephanie). She was born in the UK, but has lived all but 3 months of her life abroad. The interesting thing is that now that she has been here in Canada for over 35 years, her friends often think of her as a Brit)


.Stephanie, how about having Cat and Philip join you in a Christmas concernt (one that you can share with us, of course)


As a Libra myself, I had Cat pegged as a fellow Libra early on. It’s hard for us to find definitive goals and purposes, because we see possibilities in so many areas. Cat is such a joyous person and while it may not be her specific purpose, she brings light and joy to everyone she meets. I hope she stays at La Lande for some time to come!


Thank you both for this interview. It seemed to me that for a brief moment I was back at La Lande. Indeed Cat you have the abillity that people find them selfs on ease in your company. Thank you for that feeling and trust in the periode I was there. And thank you for finding and labeling my shoes😜🥰


Cat you’re so much fun and always so happy! Hope you stay for quite a while! Great interview Stephanie! I received my card the other day and I was so excited I felt like I’d received my Little Orphan Annie decoder ring! It is just so special you do that and it really means so much! I guess a question I have is about your future business model plans. I know you’ve said you were just getting to having revenue balance to running expense before the pandemic. I was wondering if you have planned to increase revenue targets or set specific events or activities you’d like to undertake? I personally would love to purchase branded merchandise. I’ll bet you’d be so good at curating it! But I also understand there’s a lot that goes into that. Just wondering if there’s any plans you can share? Best to you and all of the LaLanders and you’re family of course!


I found this video very interesting. I'd always thought of Cat as a boisterous, outgoing confident person but in fact, she's quite sensitive. Found her profession surprising. I think I'd tagged her as a rich, trust fund baby (As I think Phillipe is) with a fancy car. Didn't realise she'd been working while at the chateau. I think she's hilarious and she comes across as a really genuine and lovely person x


A question: I have been wondering since I started watching your vlog how on earth you could live in the chateau alone all those years? I can't even be alone in our summerhouse even though we have neighbors within 50 m. Was it sheer determination or are you just not an afraid type of person (that is how you come across anyway)?


You are both so much fun to watch! Thank you for sharing, I loved it❤️


Thanks Cat! Great to hear more from you and I love your free spirit attitude. Sounds like you have been living large already. What about a duet with you and Stephanie?


Q&A Question: Have you given any consideration in regard to the swimming pool, to have a natural swimming pool? You could swim in it and if you plant the correct plants, it will always be clear and safe. I think a natural pool would be in keeping with the ethos of LaLande x


This is great. People call me Cat too 😄


What a wonderful way to enjoy my first cuppa of the day. Having breakfast with Stephanie and Cat. I like Cat because she doesnt pretend something inorder to fit in. She is who she is and she laughs alot. How can you not love someone so cheerful. When Cat is on the screen I am always eager to hear what she says next. And she never disappoints. But that maybe down to Stephanies editing.🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂


What a fun interview! I love Cat, she your a kindred spirit Stephanie The yin to your yang. Loved her 007 choice for her Birthday. I'm so happy she is there and has extended her stay! Cat you are so naturally funny, you speak your mind and I love it!

Kelly Douglas

Things you two have in common (just from watching videos) books, dancing, words, sarcasm, laughter, joy, music, friendliness, England, crumpets


What a lovely interview, thank you both.


Would you consider sending a work party over to help Dan and Annalyse?


Any plans to do an interview with Phillip ?


Q&A : Apologies if someone has already asked a version of this above, but other than Nati moving her office upstairs what other changes are being made as LeLande heads into the winter months and “off season”. I felt like I had a good idea of the daily life at LeLande this summer what does the daily routine in the house look like now? Thank you as always for this window into your world!


Yay! Cat interview!!! She is delightful and so funny!


Ah, Cat is lovely as always :D I have a question! Have you ever considered making accommodations that would work for disabled people? Like maybe in one of the outbuildings? I would love to come stay, but walking up and down stairs absolutely kills me due to chronic illness.


Thank you that was fab! We visited Lalande in August (we think in Cat's first week) - Emily was the uber host - and we wondered who this new person was. Since then we have come to love the hedonistic, fun loving and cool Cat BUT tonight we have seen another side - a thoughtful and well read scholar of the Lalande 'party' - fab-ulous - as they say!!! Thank you


Music! you have a shared love of music! ❤️


You have a love of medieval-style gowns in common also, please note! :-)

Jane Nunn

Great authentic interview.. Very funny! Kat your purpose is to discover your purpose LOL.. Who said you needed to know anyway?! Maybe to return your mums car for now haha Thanks for sharing.. thats a doozy that last question haha

Jane Nunn

Also this pandemic has changed alot about all of us and how we think xx love to you both

Jane Nunn

Cat what is this diagram you are talking about?


Are you interested in bird watching? No that’s not a rhetorical question. With your rural property, water and lots of habitat types I think you would have luck seeing a variety of birds throughout the year, especially if you put up feeders. That might be fun to film. Also in a recent vlog you said geese were flying overhead, indicating fall had arrived. Actually those were cranes, famous for their annual migration over France. https://www.connexionfrance.com/French-news/Iconic-winter-cranes-migrate-over-France-What-to-look-for-as-they-fy-south-for-winter


Fantastic interview! Cat you are a joy. My question for you Stephanie is how you choose your wallpapers and are there certain wallpaper companies you prefer? Thanks for the joy!

Jane Nunn

Cat you response the the camera sometimes is hilarious and has me in stitches! Stephs impersonation of you is perfect! LOL

Jane Nunn

QUESTIONS - How many hours do you spend on the vlogging a day or week? Do you miss the renovating and working on the chateau? Do you think you will be able to do those curtains soon? Miss you doing Chateau things.. xo love to all especially your mum and Percy

Jane Nunn

QUESTION- Do you know where you are up to in your cards? I became a patron many months ago and not seen the card yet and no response to messages..


great interview into kats world. my question.. you have beautiful plates and cups and glasses at the chateau.. and you use them all regularly.. how do you do that? I have some very lovely vintage cups and plates but i havent used them in case they are broken?? also please dont forget a history vlog of Marie Antoinette.. lots of love tina.. x


does Kat play the piano or other instrument ? if so would she play something for us..or sing? she could do it off camera with just the sound if she was too shy.. x


Crumpets, words.....and BOOKS. ❤️❤️❤️


I always enjoy the 20 questions interview and was so pleased to see that Cat was the interviewee this time! Thank you for this!


I think one of those just live feed cameras that just goes on during the day (if it didnt take up too much band width) for bird watchers would be great. So many people around the planet now dont get to see wildlife- the live feed ones from just beaches, underwater at docks and even in woods all get huge viewership😁

Susan Wallis

With all the musical ability in the house would be lovely to hear some singing or instrumental items . You can tell that Cat has a lovely singing voice from her speaking voice ! 💕😊


What a delight! Please thank Cat for us and show her we all appreciate her honest, off the cuff answers. She is a treasure!


I LOVE MARIN ALSOP who did the Ode to Joy with Stay at home Choir...she used to conduct the Denver Symphony Orchestra - I live in Denver and never missed an event with her. So wish I had known about the event on Stay at home Choir with her, but I'll try to get in with the others! Thank you Cat for suggesting it!


Q&A: eta on pool, is there and eta on when escape to the chateau will air so we can see more than a peek of the pigeon staircase and the entrance hall, how is lockdown and who is staying and going In the near future???


I would love to see something accessible - like an accessible apartment built in one of the out buildings!! Last time I was in france I had just severed my Achilles and you REALLY notice how hard it is to get around with all of those steps!❤❤


#teamkat 💗💗💗


Great interview Cat♥️ Stephanie did you ever get to use the metal detector borrowed from Billy you were thinking of using it in the lake/wetlands . It would be wonderful to find lost treasure of Lalande 🙏😁.


The interview was wonderful! Cat is pretty fabulous! My question is... Have you ordered the new fridge yet? Love and hugs to all


Q & A. How is the lake restoration coming?


OMG I love your room Cat and your a delight and a joy :) x


Q&A: when the china pantry is complete, will all the blue Spode that is displayed in the kitchen go into it? Thanks for the Cat interview!! Love Cat! 😆


HELLO?! you and Cat both love music and opera and dancing in the kitchen. Time to widen that Ven diagram.

Janis Paterson

Love Cat, always so happy❤ Would love to see Dana next!


I really enjoy these “questions” vlogs. It’s so nice to learn about the various people who find their way to LaLande and the LaLande family. Regarding questions: I am interested in an update on the status of repairing the terrace. Actually, an update on the various projects again would be great...any before/after pictures would great on the completed projects. Thank you!


Aw, so charming. I love Cat and think you should keep her.


I forgot to add... Cat your purpose is to bring music to others and to facilitate a sense of shared happiness to those around you.


Great interview with Cat . Was wondering About the church and the terrace , are these projects on hold now because of the lock down? Thx


I had asked about the poor donkey hanging upside down on my toile de joie blanket but have since re-watched your toile video and learned it's an Aesop fable! Also, you know so much about the history of Lalande, it's wallpaper, ghosts, servants rooms etc. but are there any other unexpected, shocking, or amazing things discovered while renovating. I bought a 150 year old house and found a secret door where booze was hidden during prohibition, old newspapers lining the drawers (one with an ad for Jane Fonda in Barbarella in 1968), a Victorian child's shoe buried in the garden, and mysterious marbles would just show up on the floor when the house shifted with the seasons. Also, for us older patrons who would like to work-away, are there any non-physical jobs you or Natie need help with such as organizing, letter writing, archiving, etc?


What can I say? Simply brilliant and entertaining 😄 thanks Cat 💖


Pretty sure that a love of dancing in the kitchen is a requirement for Lalanders 🥰


Lovely interview made me giggle. When can we see the gorgeous wallpaper up on the downstairs loo 🙂


Google Venn diagram. I’m sure you’ve seen them but not heard the name 🥰


Maybe the moat could be restored a bit to make a lap pool. For people other than Mr Potts 🤣


I am very excited to witness this year's holiday celebrations. With your new internet, do you think you could do a zoom party with Gerry, your Mother & Percy? It has helped my family during lockdown so very much! My best to you all!


Great interview


Great interview! Cat is so down to earth and totally unpretentious. I can see why see is a joy to everyone and why she would fit in anywhere with her bubbly personality.


Love these personal Q&A's, Cat is so funny she's definitely a keeper.


I think you actually have quite alot in common 🙂 You both have a very positive nature, and both have a great infectuous laughter. I think you have also found a common love for princess dresses 😁 And you both seem to be very respecful, and sensitive to other peoples emotions. But, from an outside point of view, it seems like you, Stephanie, have succeeded massively in creating a very positive, creative and validating environment in the Chateau, that brings out good in everybody 🙂


A wonderful interview. Thank you both, an absolute joy. My question is what happened to the satellite? In the kitchen, have you ordered a new fridge and how’s the heating going?


Cat is the coolest! I love how genuine and down to earth she is. A great addition to the LaLande family.


Thank you Cat for sharing your life story with us. When you talked about not being decisive, I thought to myself “she must be a Libra”. Bingo! That is something that seems to be accurate in Sun Sign descriptions.


Q&A - Are you expecting the loo tiles any time soon? I can’t wait for the wallpaper to be hung!


P.S. I too am a Libra!


Question - with so many volunteers coming & going, I’m wondering if your beautiful porcelain gets broken with wash up etc. As a volunteer, I would feel horrible having a breakage accident!


What are your top 5 favorite books?


What book would you say changed your life?


Just wanted to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving eat drink and dance...love to mummy & percy xoxo




Another super interview - so much laughter! I started becoming obsessed with the lean to the headboard behind you both. Is that the tilt of the floor?


Such a wonderful interview! I enjoy Cat so much! My question is, we know which bedroom Cat is in, I'm curious which rooms the others have chose, Nati, Marie, Philip? And when will you start work on your new bedroom and office area in your old bedroom?


Great interview Cat! I hope your existential crisis has passed 😜😂 You’re such a joy.


Oh and please have Cat sing some jazz!! I love jazz!!


Firstly, thank you cat for agreeing to the interview, it was very kind and generous of you! So far out of all the interviews, this one I feel I know nothing new and that maybe a lot of things were avoided... Which again is fine and how cat maybe wants it kept!!!

Denise Behrends

Cat, could it be perhaps that your purpose is to model for others the art of living in the present moment? You do it with such lovely authenticity. And what’s not to love about someone who adores crumpets, words, books!

Denise Behrends

QUESTION: Stephanie, will you be able to devote time to décor and restoration projects this Winter that you can share on Sundays at the Chateau? I am looking forward to your curtain/drapery tutorials, and am especially intrigued to discover what you ultimately create with that sumptuous Fortuny fabric in your suite of rooms. Any and all chateau projects are a joy to watch and provide so much inspiration!

Kimberly Dale

that interview was so fun...I think another thing you two have n common is dancing and twirling in a beautiful princess dress...🙏😊I love that Cat & Phillip are apart of Lalande

Kimberly Dale

I have 2 movie suggestions for movie night Miss Pedigrew loves fir a Day... and the New “ Witches” with Anne Hathaway & Octavia Spencer... they’re both great ... and visually beautiful.... Pay attention to the Lamp Shades...I Miss Pedigrew... both movies are really fun and fun scary not horror scary 😊🙏


Question: Is Ian certified for electrical work in France or do you need a local electrician to 'sign off on' his repairs and installations? Thanks!

Kimberly Dale

WillCat sing for us one day??? Some blusey jazz or rock roll be very fun.. I love, love, love the Interviews...🙏😁💃🕺🎶😘


Thank you for the interview. It’s so nice to get to know more about Cat and it’s particularly nice to see you interact alone in this setting - it’s really obvious that you have a great affection for each other.


This was so great! I love seeing the two of you together and just getting to laugh along with you! Such a fun time =)


I absolutely adore Kat. She always makes me laugh as well. I'm glad she found the chateau.


Love Cat she is so funny and love how she takes the "Mickey" I'm English and love that! And her Pure Delight when she put on that dress!!! So heart warming, oh and Gossip Love Gossip! Thanks cat for agreeing to do the interview!


I loved this interview, your both as hilarious as each other and more similar than you realise I think. I can see why some workawayers don’t ever leave, I wouldn’t either😂. Stephanie, have you ever considered coming to Australia 🐨 ? I know we have a reputation for all of our deadly creatures that want to kill tourists but that’s not true, only 2/3’s of them want to 😂🤣😅


Cat I think you do have a purpose and that’s to show people that we don’t always “have” to have a purpose in life. There are those of us who live a spontaneous life and change like a chameleon and we go through life. SO....Cat your purpose is to be a Chameleon ok 🤣


Q: What has been the ‘average’ length of stay for your volunteers over the years, and do you see that changing in the future? In other words... having to implement length of stay restrictions, etc.?


Hi Stephanie. I would like to know if there are any blossoming romances or crushes going on at La Lande. Thanks. D


The purpose of life, that´s a really difficult question! Thanks for the interview, you are wonderful.


She is lovely. Her purpose is spreading joy, which she does just by being.


This was so great, you’re a special young lady Kat, your purpose is bringing joy, laugher and cheer to all you meet. Don’t worry, you’re still young, enjoy it and my feeling is that you’ll do great things in life, write your own ticket....you’re a Superstar!


Hi Stephanie, now that you have a beautiful new court yard are you going to film a new opening to your vlog? Also in the opening of the current vlogs there is a square rather large patch of grass a lighter colour to the right of the chateau. My husband and I keep surmising what it could be, could it be a marquee had been there? Or the out line of an old building? An old flower bed? Do you know why it’s there?


well done, kat is awsome but would like to hear some of that jazz!


John Rutter, lovely music!


Great fun interview!Music all the way.


Music, books, words, crumpets, laughter, taking the mickey , there’s a huge amount to build a friendship on! Loved the interview xxx


Cat is such a joyful lovely person! :)


Gosh, such a small world we live in! I have joined few online projects with "Stay At Home Choir". :) Btw, Cat, you are truly a gem. xx


Great interview... made me remember this quote from an event I was at... Quote by Charlie "Tremendous" Jones ... "You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.". Stay safe and keep reading great books


At Christmastime, will all the present great group of people be at La Lande?


Hi Stephanie, thank you for all the weekly, almost daily video’s you put together. You have influenced my decor one video at a time😉. You mentioned you would put clips of your mom with Percy in South Africa, is this possible to do? I really enjoyed the videos. If it’s not too personal could you talk about how you and mummy came to the decision that it was ok being separated during this pandemic understanding that country boarders can be closed for a very long time which means it might be a while before you guys can see each other. It’s very brave of both you. I ask because some of us are having to deal with these circumstances. Much love


Two beautiful bright Ladies who always bring a smile to your face and have a lovely outlook on life. Thank you xx


Well, what a lovely interview. Cat, you are so lovely and outgoing. You answered all Stephanie’s questions with honesty and laughter. Well done because it must be hard to describe yourself. I think your goal should be laughter everyday and forever because it suits you so much. Thank you Dyephanie, this was a great inetrview.


Sorry for the above spelling Stephanie xx


Wonderful interview! I really enjoy Cat and all the lovely people you include in your videos. Thank you so much for the interesting, human, fun, enjoyable, loving, ... etc, etc.. videos you share with us along with your sunshine-y personality. Being a part of your world this year has helped me so much during this strange and often alone time. I've been watching since the beginning of lockdown and only recently and happily became a patron. At the moment, I don't have a question, yet I do have a request Stephanie. :-) As a fellow candle lover, could you at some point in the future do a special episode on the history of Cire Trudon please? It would be amazing to know some inside stories of a company who filled Versailles with candles back in the day. Much love to you all at Lalande!!!


I was so excited when I saw the subject of this weeks vlog. I thoroughly enjoyed this interview and it was wonderful to get to know Cat a bit better. She certainly is a gem and you are lucky to have her Stephanie. All the best to everyone at Lalande. Stay safe and well.


I would have loved to have seen Cat do something musical during her interview. I think I've only seen her singing once and only briefly. Maybe one of your videos could be a song or musical display from the chateaux residents! Being a music lover, it would be a complete delight.


Hello🙂 i am wondering what the plans are for the peakcook baby’s In the future? Also how is Scotsman doing?


Cat - whether you realise it or not you ARE fullfilling a fabulous purpose of bringing joy and laughter to 1000's of people all over the world - soo not just the few who are in Lalande right now AND you have soo fitted in it i was convinced you had visited often before xx


Christina - i cannot of course talk for Stephanie and Isabelle but i dont think it was an easy decision but one that was forced upon them by Isabelle being in France when Lockdown started and her husband Percy not being able to join her - which meant they were apart for many months during their first year of marriage. So i dont think they are ok with it - it is just how it is - i wish you all the best in navigating the best choices for your family in these very challenging times


One more question: whatever happened regarding the water issue in the walled garden?


I would be lobly to have some more singing from lalande i dont think we have had any since that wonderful impromptu concert when Thomas accompanied you for the wonderful song someone had composed and the song you sang in the ancient chirand Thomas san


Oh for gooness sake it got sent before i corrected it


In a nutshell more singing from the cast of Larlande would be great.


I understand that many chateaus have renovated old tennis courts into swimming pools as fewer people play tennis these days and pools are in higher demand. Will LaLande keep its tennis court or construct a pool in its place?


you should interview Philip next


You are both fun loving and make everyone laugh. You both have a great love of life!


Cat’s purpose is to make people feel included! It’s a wonderful talent! 💕💕💕


Stephanie, what are some of your fondest memories of your summers spent with your grandmother in France?


Stephanie, I was wondering about the wine in France, your and the others favorites. Possibly visit some local wineries?! Very interested in finding out about France and their wine! I’m from northern California, so very fortunate to have Napa near by!


I really missed the "Beginning of the Month" financial summary. What level we are up to, goals, things completed, things in the works. Has anything changed now that the Patreon fund is set up differently, so that the taxes are lower? That should make more funds available for the restoration projects under way. My pet project would be a lovely parterre garden. Every chateau needs one! Now that Dan has the potager under control and sustainable now, a decorative garden would be a good goal.


I smiled through the entire interview !! Love Cat


Cat is such a great character and although different I think both Cat and Stephanie really click and understand each other . A great friendship ❤️ the wall paper and bed is so beautiful. My questions-how is Gerry? Will Selmar and Phillip stay for a long while? ( here’s hoping) and does Ian ( electrician) live in France? He is brilliant. Thanks again xx


Absolutely loved this! For two people whose Venn diagrams (supposedly) don't intersect that much, you are great together. Cait...it's not just the people in the house who appreciate your wit!


Cat is such a fun and lovely girl. I am much older and still don't know my purpose in life.


Cat your ability to adapt into various life situations is a skill that not many people have - and to do so with joy is exceptional. I knew you were a Libra, weighting all the pros and cons, seeing a situation at all angles, indecisiveness springs in part from those characteristics, but a small word of caution (speaking from many years of personal experience) not making a decision is making a decision. But you are still so young. Much good fortune and best of everything to you.


What a fun interview! I absolutely love Cat. I would be interested to know what your 16 Personality Type is, if you're willing to share? (I'm an INFJ) My best guess is you're an INFP Mediator. They love love love music. I thought maybe that was also something you and Stephanie had in common was your appreciation for music? Would you girls (or anyone in the house) consider doing a vlog on the books you're enjoying, and maybe talk about what genres you like? A lot of us are spending time indoors, not just because of COVID, but also because it's cold. If either of you use BookBub or Goodreads, for example, you could share your reading lists, if that would be easier? Thank you for doing the interview, Cat. And, thank you, Stephanie, for talking her into it. I really enjoyed it! <3


I feel like Cat's answer to her purpose is the ultimate summary of people in our generation. 'What is my porpoise?' Hello existential crisis haha! Love it.


A wonderfully natural conversation. It was like viewing two girls catching up on their dreams and aspirations. Thank you xxx


I love the comedy you bring out in everyone. I feel like I am there in the room enjoying a time with great friends. Love Love Love all the friends in residence. Each one of you are fantastic! Don’t change ever, all of you are priceless! Cat be everything you can, no limits. It keeps life interesting. I started as a hairdresser and ended up the executive assistant to a VP of a major company in the US. No one would have ever seen that coming. Hahaha! Stephanie I too share your love of castles and being a princess, etc. I could never get enough of Cinderella! The closest I ever came to this was being part of a fashion show held at Marble House, Newport, RI. I was there helping and believe me I thought I was the owner. I was 15 years old wearing a gorgeous gown! Yes, I am instantly distracted by all pretty things in life. Love being a new Patreon and love the whole life of LaLonde! Have a wonderful holiday season! Will be watching eagerly for more fun clips! Thank you for being you!💖


How lovely is Cat she is such a natural person what you see is what you get. Great she can work plus also at Chateau de la Lande and seemingly doing things she loves.🍸 How many of the team will be going home for the holidays and do you think Gerry might make it over?🤞 Thank you for a fun 10 questions with Cat - who will be next!!!! Stay safe🥂💕🍾


Selmar has been hired "permanently" and hopes to stay for a good long while. This has been covered in previous vlogs.


It’s so surprising that Cat doesn’t think she’s funny when in fact she’s a comedy genius!😍


Loved the interview with Cat and all the LeLanders. A suggestion... Would like to see a monthly accounting update added back into the Patreon video format. It’s exciting to see how the Patreon funds are being well spent.


I LOVE her sense of humor-Cat is hilarious! Books and music should overlap on your Venn diagrams, as well as the sense of humor. Also a love of dancing and an ability to see into other people's needs and interests and to be helpful and encouraging. That is very important, especially living in a house of diverse people. A love of beauty also, and an appreciation of it.


Thank you for this wonderful interview to the both of you! Loved it!


Which part of the chateau or particular project would you love to do, if you could just let it magically happen? Do you have any recommandations for a first trip to france for non touristy destinations- but still combinable with some days at the beach? I hope I explained somehow clearly what i meant ;) We would love to come to France next year for the first time...

Theresa Romero

My goodness, I so enjoyed the two of you, hanging out together and the entire interview. I think that you both have in common a love of being alive and having loving attitudes, along with an easy-going enjoyment of the little trials that come along, instead of being rigid and serious about having your own way.

Laura & Jack

Funny, I just looked into Stay-At-Home Choir and now found that Cat works for them. It is truly a small world. What a delightful young woman. So enjoyed getting to know her better through this video!


Thank you so much! Both of your smiles and laughter are infectious and lovely!!!! Cat- thanks for mentioning Sliding Doors, I haven’t watched that in YEARS!!!! Much love from Nebraska, USA!


Loved the interview with Kat.


Not really a question but it would be good to have a repeat of the board you did with Ollie in June or July whereby you updated us and where each of the targets were.


Now that your able to upload the vloggs easier now. Would you consider doing some lives again.? Also will there be an update to the intro of the vlogg it looks so different now.❤


Enjoyed this interview so much!!! Cat - you are my spirit human other half!! Lots of love and stay open to anything and everything! ❤️


Cat your porpoise 😉 in life is to make people smile and laugh whole heartedly, which doesn't come naturally to everyone. There's no side to you,what you see is what you get and that is the best way to be in life. Never put stress on yourself to be anything than who you are at any time in life. Sometimes you'll find your direction when you least expect it, but it will always be the right time for it. Keep a diary to look back on and you'll see how much you've accomplished in a short time without realising it. Much love x


Cat!! I can’t possibly love you more than I do!!! Just keep being you and you will have a rich and wonderful life. Wishing you the best! Let us know if you find your porpoise!!!


Stephanie...also cannot love you anymore than I do!!❤️ For the Q&A, I’m interested in the stone dwelling things in Michael Petherick’s video on the Mill. Is it possible to have an archeologist take a look?


Stephanie, Cat is a whole different generation of people trying to find her identity. She will get there and make her dent in society. What I am really making a comment about is, there was an article in this months “Smithsonian” magazine about the artist who used to live at Chateau de By, outside of Paris, in the late 19th Century. Looks to me like this would make a good vlog for Oliver and yourself. These lockdowns have got to end sometime soon.


My question for next week is, what is your relation to Scotman, if I may ask? How did you come to be pals?


Scotman is a dear family friend, like a brother to Stephanie, She explains their relationship in several different vlogs. Maybe, in Scotman returns, and others I cant recall ??


Lovely interview! Kat is a great addition to Le Lande!


What's really funny, is that at about minute 13, our ladies are having a magical conversation about ifs and possibilities. What they are discussing is actually some of the fundamental concepts in something like discrete math, which is the math that builds AI and that programmers use to help optimize and automate our lives. It's just, it looks way less 'magical' when it's a bunch of logic symbol notation written down in textbooks. But, it's essentially what it its: the notation for magic. :) Or, the notation for our thoughts, which happen to sometimes be 'magical'. I kind of wish more people knew math and went higher up in calculus on a regular basis, because then the general population would truly understand that all the math out there is just a notation for their thoughts and space around us. And that notation is what has led to billions of seconds of time saved in computers performing tasks for us that we no longer perform - it's the reason why half the population that used to cook, clean, launder, and rear children all day are freed up. That's meaning. And it's also how the world is changing exponentially. It's the reason we all have money to buy our kids so much crap. When I hear conversations like these where the speakers don't know concepts from math that are literally sometimes 500 years old, it makes me wish more people knew... :) But, it's amazing when people familiar with math have deep conversations about the future and "what ifs" because the logic structure and scaffolding is so enhanced that the magic climbs. Hopefully that makes sense or another mathophile or lover of life gets it.

Anna Ibarra

My Question is how do you Stephanie delegate decorating details, on anything, and you have a vision for that room, event etc., and a volunteer takes it upon the, to do something so different. Us have wonderful help, just wander if you struggle with letting go over a project. How is it supervised?


I just want to send you some love and let you know that I appreciate people like yourself who do understand higher levels of math. Even though I don't, I do know that math is literally everything, even if we haven't solved it all yet. I'm glad we haven't solved it all yet, because then we would be bored. Hope you're enjoying your holiday weekend. <3


Not sure if anyone has asked this yet, but is it possible for you to hire Cat as an event coordinator, you know, so she technically has a purpose, so we can keep her around for a LONG time, because she's amazing? I'm certain you will be very busy once COVID is in our rearview. Natie is managing the B&B, and could approve the dates when someone calls to arrange an event, then pass the details onto Cat so Natie can move on to other B&B daily business. Just a thought. <3


I just became a patreon but how nice to be taken into 'the depth' of the people as well as the stories. Of course also the renovations of La Chateau and its history. How beautiful the interaction of you both. Thnx 4 sharing... Me living in France and Holland also, regards.. Caroline


Loved this interview, this is what makes the fabric of Lalande so special. All the many different people that are together under one roof with so much to offer. Thank you Cat and Stephanie.


I have one more question to add to my previous one. On the boring side of infrastructure at the Chateau, are there plans to improve the cistern and the supply of water for the gardens?? I may have missed this solution but the last I think I saw with this challenge was a little water was trickling through. It didn't seem enough to support all the gardening dreams that continue to manifest and blossom. Thanks Cat for making me laugh. I'm living in Canada but still an American citizen. I look to you for relief from the tragic comedy that continues to play out in the USA and breaks a little of my heart every day (no pressure there}. Love to Lalande and all that take shelter there.


Will you please do another review of the projects ? It seemed as though we had ever so many 'in the pipeline' . There were a couple that had to wait until you no longer had guests, I do remember that. Are they scheduled? And the HEAT... please tell me they have finally fixed the heat !!


I was curious as to if you were still going to go forward with the plaster or woodwork above the cooking area in the kitchen? I think it would make a huge difference. Your father's work can be added to the inside / behind the area later. Also, I had seen where another Chateau owner had visited Dick's wife and she had the capability of transferring images onto tiles. As she did a few for her. Maybe that could be a quicker way for you to get your father's art transferred to tiles much quicker.


Also, I think I had left a comment somewhere suggesting that perhaps you could use a bit of the toile de jouy fabric you have on hand & creating a beautiful Christmas tree skit for the holiday. Think that would be lovely & so fitting for the Chateau. But just a thought.


Yes, it would be good to get an update on the following: Heat, Outside of the wall on the front of the building, Balacony, Shutter Hooks, Full Water to the garden, new Fridge, etc. Thank you. Moving forward can bring in more donations on the live streams also. :-)


Is the monthly total correct? I thought it had hit $20k earlier?


Thank you for this interview! I think Kat is wonderful and I hope she is able to find a home at LaLande!


Cat... you are awesome!!! I enjoy you so much!!! I relate to you so well... you speak how you feel and you are not ashamed of who you are and how you do things and feel!!! I have been told a lot that I speak to honestly and bluntly but that is who I am!! Keep being you!!! P


Hi Stephanie, do you know where the main entrance to the original 15th century chateau originally was? Would love to learn more about the ancient architecture! And I know you have a friendly ghost, but is there anyone buried on the grounds of LaLande? Thank you for all the great entertainment this year!

Anne Green

A wonderful interview with Cat 🥰

Anne Green

& following on from Risa’s comment about your fathers tiles ..... I had exactly the same thought about Angel helping You get yoor fathers art work printed onto tiles 💫 & much cheaper I think too & a great episode to film too I’m sure !


Lovely interview with Cat! Q: What ever happened with the plans for the other chateau you and Cat found? And how is the internet transmitter working?


Hi Stephanie, great interview with Cat, thank you both :) Firstly, we think it would be lovely to see lilies and possibly even fish in the courtyard fountain, as long as they can be kept safe from herons! Also, someone suggested (Tricia I think), that the swimming pool be a natural looking one - think this would be a good idea, as have not been sure about the idea of a pool at Lalande, and a natural one would be more fitting with the landscape. On another note, do you know if there is any link to the episode of Bienvenue Chez Nous that you and Isabelle were on please? We would love to see it and couldn't find it when you mentioned it on the vlog before. We are looking forward to the advent episodes now, thank you! :) :)


Wonderful interview with Cat! I love that she can still participate with choir virtually. Group singing is one of the things I miss the most. My question for Q&A.... Where in the pipeline is the china pantry?


Question : Are the sheep fixed? I’ve never seen lambs.


That was a fantastic interview..Stephanie and Cat have a very comfortable relationship..


Victoria -where are you in world - I love singing and go to a weekly community choir on zoom (7pm Uk time) -it is of course not the same as all being together but HEAPS better than nothing at all- ours is very different from Cat’s one -tiny but still open to newcomers and no recording just focused on our time together We have had couple of people over from the States (very quick flight🤣🤣🤣) There are ways you can still sing


Your so neat Cat. Love that British humour. Its ok not to know your purpose. Your purpose is every moment because you are! So are you Stephanie and thank you so much for your hard work entertaining us. Studios work very hard to produce shows to seduce viewers and your vlogs top my list to watch. Question: could we hope for a Lalande cook book? 🤗


We all love Cat, such a wonderful addition to lovely LaLande :)


Brand new Patron here. (HELLO!) Stephanie— you've made 2020 so enjoyable; you have no idea. Missi (my lovely wife) just lost her 80 y.o. Mom last week to COVID. Your Mom reminds us of her so much (Imagine your Mom with a Texas accent) ... Anyways — just know— there's incredible healing in your show, and everything you do is magical. We're so happy to be along for the ride. — Alan & Missi Houser


I wouldove2c an interview with Philip?


So sorry for your loss. So hard. Welcome to the LaLande family!


Cat! Ditto everyone else. Keep shining!


I'm catching up on videos - love Cat! She's so much fun. :) Edit: I just went to YT and found the Stay at Home Choir channel. Oh my word!!!! wow!! The first video I watched was 'And So it Goes - Stay at Home Choir with the King's Singers.' I was holding my jaw closed in surprise and amazement, and awestruck wonder! Absolutely beautiful! I'm subscribed to the channel now. Thank you Cat for this new rabbit trail of music I'm on!! :D


I totally adore Cat, what a lovely person she is. It seems that Lalande attracts the right sort of people for the chateau, each one brings their own gift to this magical place. Cat is just so full of joy and you can see that she is fun to be around. Perfect company. We all need a Cat in our lives. Thank you for this joyous 35 minutes x


Such a lovely interview with Cat a beautiful witty down to earth soul.I never tire of Cats presence lights up the room the life and star of Lalande.Love love Cat❤️❤️🥰🥰


What did Cat say the name of the choir is please? Didn’t catch it. Thanks.

Daniel Hammond

I loved this interview! Can we ask Cat to organise an agitation for a pipe organ in the chapel?


This was so fun to watch. I am a month behind on watching these because I am working so many hours as a child care provider. Finally have a few minutes to sit and enjoy. Love this interview. Kat has such a spirit about her.


I don't know Cat's purpose, but she scatters joy when she enters a room, which I admire and makes me smile. Stephanie throws glitter on her world which inspires me to do the same. Love you both! Thanks for the great interview and the toile de joie eye candy.


Music! That is huge in both of your circles!


Cat is too much fun, love laughing with her. What is her real name.




These interviews continue to reinforce the idea that every person's story deserves to be told. Your authenticity and true joy make watching these interactions so much fun. Thank you.


Danmark. Love Cat