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CORRECTION: I incorrectly stated that the halfpipe special stage is in Sonic Mania. According to a developer, no special stages are in any press builds so far. -Ben

On today's lively Frame Trap, we express concerns about Mass Effect: Andromeda, marvel at Breath of the Wild's constant surprises, and eagerly anticipate Sonic Mania. We also find time to chat about Ghost Recon: Wildlands, Dawn of War III, and some general discussion about the Nintendo Switch.

SoundCloud link - https://soundcloud.com/frame_trap/001-0196-01a


Frame Trap - Episode 25 "A Troubled Frontier"

On today's lively Frame Trap, we express concerns about Mass Effect: Andromeda, marvel at Breath of the Wild's constant surprises, and eagerly anticipate Sonic Mania. We also find time to chat about Ghost Recon: Wildlands, Dawn of War III, and some general discussion about the Nintendo Switch.



Not one to nitpick, but if you're watching this on TV like I am the audio levels are really low. Just puttin that out there if that's a concern.


Are there any Breath Of The Wild spoilers?

Andrew Chalmers

That diaper discussion was freaking hilarious.

Andrew Chalmers

If you're on blackout, I'd avoid it, but if you've played a huge chunk of Zelda already, it's fine (I've played about 50 hours and I've still got heaps to go for reference).


Did they get a new sound board or something? For the past few videos the sound seems super low to me.


Huber the diaper man...I can't lol 😂


Huber, you need to stop with the diaper. You want to clean your stuff, glasses cleaner and a few coffee filters. No one wants to be pinned as the diaper man.

Brogan Trull

Great episode ha ha someone needs to make a captain underpants meme with Huber


Great episode

Larry DuPreez III

Huber! Ellis! Check out PWG! Super fun shows! Also, cheap alcohol!

Christoph Zürcher

I'm with you Huber, right in the middle of Yakuza 0 right now.


A 3-hour Frame Trap of pure bliss, keep up the good work allies! Also, the audio seemed pretty low so I hope this can be fixed.


Great episode. I hoped Ben would briefly talk about Persona 5 though, kinda bummed he didn't share some early impressions, especially since EZA didn't post a preview.


Huber has an actual Medieval Gauntlet that he carries around so he can challenge people to watch TV shows etc. Multiple gauntlets actually. A trunk full.


*overhears guy at store saying he's not interested in watching The Americans* "EXCUSE ME, SIR. Did you just say you haven't watched ANY of The Americans?!" "Uh. Yeah. I, um, don't really like the look of it." "Wait right here please." *runs to car to retrieve gauntlet & The Americans Boxset* *Throws gauntlet at strangers feet* "I, MICHAEL PATRICK HUBER, HEREBY CHALLENGE YOU TO WATCH THE FIRST 20 MINUTES OF THE AMERICANS!!" "Uh....ok...sure" *Hugs stranger and hands him DVD boxset* *Returns to grocery shopping*


I was legit crying at the diaper part! 😂 Picturing Huber dusting his house/tv/PS4 with pampers was killing me .😂😂😭


Can't watch this quite yet, but do we know which Ally is reviewing Andromeda yet?

Brogan Trull

I'm pretty sure they are going to talk about Persona 5 twice as much as all the Zelda discussions once they unleash we should be fine there haha


mhmm is it just me or is they a lot of black on screen now with the VO box, think the fact they wearing black as well


"My mom gave me a diaper." "Should I try the diaper?"


Huber, the way to have freedom in Horizon is doing what I do: de-select all quests and just wander around the map, picking fights, collecting materials and exploring the world by your own. And for the love of god just disable or set to dynamic everything in the HUD except maybe the compass at the top. That's it, you're on your own, fending for yourself in a beautiful and vast world with huge possibilities. I'm 37 and I've been gaming since the 80s and the only time I felt this freedom and sense of wonder playing a game was the first time I played an open world game (wich to me was GTA Vice City).


Just to echo some others, the audio on this was really low. My phones volume was all the way up and it was still hard to hear


Absolutely love the email about Eternal Sonata sparking an interest in Chopin! My sister started playing that game not too long after I was learning about Chopin in school, and it was really cool to see how they incorporated bits of his life into it, along with his music. Being a former music education student, it's so great to see games make people more interested in classical music. The music in Twilight Princess is what sparked my serious interest in music- games have this cool way of expanding your world


Where do we send emails to for FrameTrap? I don't believe I heard the email address in the episode or even some of the other ones.


So I met my friends for dinner the other night and he brought the switch with Bomberman and two joy con controllers. I know I wont buy one for another year or so, but there is something to be said for playing a console game with friends after dinner. It was pretty amazing and the joy cons felt pretty good, even only one half of it. You had my curiosity Nintendo, but now you have my attention. Edit: Brad, your use of the word 'maniac' was spot on in that regard


Was the philosopher mentioned in the email "Sartre"? You have to rush through the second syllable. SAR-truh. Had to read his Being and Nothingness in college. Do not recommend.


Pass Huber that "y'know" potato :P


Ben, is there any chance you could display text, onscreen, of what game you're talking about, especially if it came out in the last 6 months or so? I really want to listen to this episode, but have no idea when the BotW discussion is over.


Failing that, maybe some time codes in the video description? Thanks for reading!


With regard to this week's Hottake: Sometimes I feel like you guys are a bit disconnected with what gaming means to normal people who don't have channels and podcasts to run. It's actually very easy, even on the internet, to find communities and people who are happy to discuss games of any age. The sensation of games coming and going too fast is just something specific to this particular subculture and the communities you tend to engage with.


This was one of the funniest shows you ever made, bring in the diapers. I also enjoyed it being rated R, fucking A.


After finishing the game, something that I find lacking in Breath of the Wild - aside from the aesthetically bland dungeons and shrines - is things to actually find. I go explore an area and the only thing I am certain to find is a Shrine, which will have an alright puzzle or fight, then maybe a weapon and what is essentially a heart shard. Since weapons are so disposable, it squashes the desire to search for one. And, as tired as finding key items in a dungeon and using it on that said dungeon's boss is, it still gave you a certain excitement of wondering what item you'll find and how that will help you pass certain areas that isn't there in Breath of the Wild. I also find the lack of interiors to explore disappointing. The lack of caves or crumbling ruins (and again, dungeons) to enter and explore left me uninterested in climbing over the next mountain, as I'm sure it will only lead me to another shrine.


I bought Psychonauts blindly and LOVED IT. Best blind purchase ever.


You can send your questions to "askeasyallies@gmail.com" and just stick "Frame Trap question" in the description. :)