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Recently I did a live stream tentatively called "Inside Zelda" where I discussed how relevant the original Zelda's instruction manual was to enjoying and understanding the game. Due to the amount of requests I got to keep doing that type of content (and to turn that stream into a produced episode), I felt it made sense to take another stab at a Zelda video.

This time, I wanted to discuss the recently announced Expansion Pass DLC for Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I didn't get a chance to talk about it on the EZA podcast, and I really wanted to get into this topic. Rather than just having me talk to you all on camera, I was joined by Matt Simmons of YoVideoGames and we have a discussion about this new DLC for Zelda. It's kind of like a mini-podcast.

So let me know what your thoughts are on this video.  Did you like having the gameplay footage instead of us on camera? Was Simmons a good guest that you'd want to see in more of these types of videos? I plan to get other guests, too, so who would you like to see in future videos? Would you prefer a more traditional type video only, like the Zelda Manual idea turned into a produced piece? Or do you think it can be a mix of different type of videos as long as their frequent/routinely going up?

Hopefully you enjoy this, and I look forward to reading your comments.


- Damiani


Zelda: Breath of the Wild Expansion Pass Discussion

Damiani is joined by special guest Matt Simmons of YoVideoGames to chat about the recent reveal of Zelda: Breath of the Wild's Expansion Pass. Special thanks to YoVideoGames: http://www.youtube.com/yovideogames Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies Schedule: http://easyallies.com/ Merchandise: http://shop.spreadshirt.com/easyallies Live streams - https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies Stream archives - https://www.youtube.com/easyalliesplays https://twitter.com/easyallies https://www.facebook.com/easyallies https://easyallies.tumblr.com/



Hey Damiani, I'm a Zelda noob and like these videos for learning and catching up. I know you guys are pretty busy so I wouldn't necessarily mind it as a side project that doesn't necessarily have a strict formula; although the extra bit of production certainly helps.


Dr. Doom himself! Simmons is great here; I learned stuff. Feel free to bring him back.


Will Nintendo ContentID this video? Place your bets.


I love a good conversation, I also did mind that it was audio only.


I'm enjoying this video about 75% way through, good in depth conversation. Got nothing against YoVideoGames but would have preferred a round table with Bloodworth, Damiani and Kyle, looking forward to your coverage at Launch. Got a week booked off work for Breath of the Wild, can't wait!

Andreas Köther

Good video/discussion. You guys can do more of those on news you want to cover individually at any time. The guest was good, too.


Hi Damiani, since this one's audio only, any chance this can make it on to sound-cloud / google play store / itunes? Listening to some EZA while driving to work is always a good time =]

Andrew Chalmers

I like this kinda of mini podcast, but specifically this discussion is just far too negative and echoing basically what everyone else is saying. Kind of a bummer given that I seem to be one of the optimistic few. For example, the idea of more Zelda to play later this in year in what looks to be one of the greatest Zelda games of all time is extremely exciting to me. As far as not being able to "buy things individually", I just see it as DLC pack 2 is the real content, and the other packs are similar to pre-order bonuses. They're not worth selling individually, but have some value as a bonus.


Good podcast Damiani. Simmons seems a bit too negative, but you were there trying to balance him out so that helped. I think these quick, mini-podcasts could become quite a strong force in the content lineup. One-offs also help with getting traction. Good stuff. That being said, I would love to see a produced piece on the Zelda manual.


I am very pleased with this type of mini-podcast, don't mind there not being any face-cam etc. one bit. Even a series of static images would be fine if that further accelerates the editing!


Love the Format :) Would Love to see more of you. Face Cam Would be awesome :)! iTunes in the Future Would be great for the car :)


Enjoyed the vid and the discussion moved pretty quickly so it felt much shorter than it's length. Keep mixing up the format to whatever you think suits the subject. The variety helps!


Sure, they did before we even published. It's an army of YouTube robots based on parameters Nintendo sets when they publish a video. It really doesn't matter though. because of your support on Patreon we don't have to worry if a video can't be monetized. Now if copyright policies block a video from being viewed in certain countries that could be a hassle, but that's never the case with Nintendo. -Bloodworth


Really liked this video. I think Easy Allies as a whole has enough long videos to get into. So I think if you can clock these Zelda videos in at 40 minutes or lower they would be a lot easier to digest along with EasyAllies other lengthy content. I don't think there is any need for a camera either especially if it makes it easier to edit and if you're talking about bringing on other guests they might be more comfortable with just talking into a mic rather than being on camera, which makes for a more natural conversation. I'm sure any way you decide to do it will turn out great.


B-roll was understandably limited to what is available but was redundant. The length, and lack of face video mad it hard for me to really get into it (I'm not a die hard Zelda fan). I think that with higher production value and some editing I would love to see more of these discussions type videos on the official channel but as it stands right now in my opinion it best lives on the twitch archive / EasyAllies secondary youtube channel. I do love the initiative and bringing in outside people.


Damiani. I loved this. I hope more Allies will create their own videos like this when they have something they want to say and they're not on a podcast, etc.

Mylène Laperle Vanasse

I really liked it. Of course I would prefer seeing you guys having a conversation about the game. I don't really mind the gameplay footage, as long as it's not giving anything away. I could easily see you make a series of videos about Zelda and change the topic each episode. There's so much stuff to talk about! Keep switching it up, it makes everything more exciting. L&R, Mylène Laperle Vanasse


I like the discussion, and Matt Simmons was a great guest even though I've never heard of him before this. The only thing I noticed nobody brought up when you were comparing the Switch version of the game to the Wii U version is how the Switch version supposedly has much better audio. I've noticed lots of people seem to be either ignoring this or unaware of it, so it would've been cool to see someone bring it up. L&R Keep 'em coming Damiani.


I kind of don't like just game footage. I like having the actual footage of you guys talking.


I love the idea of continuing this Zelda project. If you intend to do long in depth discussions, then I say you should do 30min-1hr long podcasts style content with at least one other person with you to bounce off of. I think Matt was great! I never heard of him before this, but I thought he was very articulate and thoughtful. On the other hand, if you are going to do a produced video, I would cap it at 15min max. Audio is an easier medium to handle for long periods of time. However, I don't necessarily have a preference. EZA has a lot of audio driven content already so maybe a produced video would be a nice change of pace; on the other hand audio discussions is my go-to for news and commentary. But whatever you do, I want to see more of it. Zelda is my favorite franchise and you have proven time and time again that you are an authority on the series. I look forward to more Zelda centered content in the future.


Now, my two cents on the DLC is that it is mostly a good thing. Sure, the packs being unavailable for purchasing piecemeal is unfortunate; but anyone who is paying for the DLC is really only interested in the story and dungeon. That alone in my eyes "could" be worth the 20 dollars. (I say "could" because Nintendo has yet to reveal the details and scope of the story and dungeon). Big 3D Zelda's tend to have 5+ years of development time between releases. They are definitely worth waiting for, but it's also frustrating to wait that long. Honestly I am optimistic about the idea of getting more Zelda after the main game. Especially one that is based on a world and gameplay as exciting as Breath of the Wild.


What, you don't want to play through the game again wearing a Switch shirt?


great work Damiani, thanks for the coverage.


This video was a nice surprise. I hope you make a whole bunch of content out of Breath of the Wild, as I'll watch all of it after I complete the game. Simmons I thought was inoffensive, but he had trite comments and observations that I could have made myself (but would not have for fear of boring myself to death) so I'd rather you not have him on again. I can't name any gaming personalities I would like you to have on discussion shows of this ilk who are also knowledgable about Zelda. I would rather you just have Ben, Huber, Blood, or Kyle on than a bunch of randoms likely unknown to myself and your other audience members. I really appreciated the non-spoilery video you matched to the discussion as well. Please keep doing that until Breath of the Wild's release.


i would like to see gameplay footage and you and special guest on camera because it went a little bit repetitive on showing gameplay footage all the way to the end. simmons a good guest as he is cynical yet reasonable so i hope i like see him appear more in the future and other special guest. that said, i'm looking forward to a future HOT TOPIC discussion video. :)


another awesome video...


Nice vid; I dont mind the missing camera, since I only listened to it while playing. That being said; I guess, I won't watch future episodes because I'll probably get the Switch + BOTW some time next year, if it becomes clear that the Switch won't become another WiiU, and I won't spoil the game for me just yet. L&R