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Our one-year anniversary event is a month away! It will be called “Easy Allies In Concert” and it will take place at the Prospect Theatre on Tuesday, March 21st at 8:00 PM PT. The show will run from 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Doors will open at 7:00 PM. There will be food and alcoholic beverages served at the bar, but anyone under 21 can get in. The upstairs venue is nice and spacious, so there’s lots of room to chat before, after, and even during the show. The address is 6356 Hollywood Blvd. There will be valet parking available at the corner of Hollywood Blvd. and Cosmo St. I originally thought the venue was called "The Attic." It is not. My bad.

$10 tickets will go on sale this week. Stay tuned to Patreon for the exact time. We have a lot of allies that already made plans to not only attend the show, but travel to California to do so. We’re only doing tickets to be reimbursed for the event expenses, not to keep anyone out, so we’re prepared to work with everyone should there be issues getting tickets. We’re not expecting the event to sell out, but we’re prepared to handle the demand if necessary.

We will be recording the event, but not live-streaming it. There may be live-streams going on at the venue that evening, but not of the show itself. Attendees are free to take pictures and shoot videos at the event, but we’ll be looking out for, and hopefully stopping, people setting up a permanent spot during the show to record the whole thing.

We’ll be focusing on the show, but there will be time after to meet and greet. The venue closes at 11 PM, but we’re currently looking into local options for an after-show cool-down. We’re also searching for places to have a hangout the following morning with no cover charge and a lot more space. If you have any questions, leave a comment, or email me directly (brandon@easyallies.com). I’ll have a video on YouTube ASAP for our non-Patron viewers, repeating all these details.

We’ve made shows before, but not many live shows, so thanks for your patience as we line everything up for an Easy Allies event like no other. Apologies to those that can’t make it. There will be more exciting announcements soon about fun events in 2017 that everyone will be able to participate in. Thank you for supporting a Patreon that lets us do a show like this. Just like you, I’m curious how it’s all going to turn out.

- Brandon




I just booked my hotel and plane ticket I'm so excited! I've never seen California and this was my excuse to finally go :)


I won't be able to attend but this sounds great


Sounds like fun! Parking is my one and only concern, being familiar with that area nowhere parks ya for free lol. But I'll try to work something out. Thanks for the update! Would also love to know what other plans come up for after the event or the following morning as those things might be easier to attend. Will wait patiently as things get worked out! =)


This post is for anyone to see, there's no $1 patrons only symbol


"We’re not expecting the event to sell out" buddy do you know us?


LOL. Yeah, just like they didn't expect to get to retros in the first year... let alone the first day.


man i really need to try make it down there for this. Never been to the states though


Man, this sounds sooooooo awesome. I'm so jealous of anyone who lives in the Los Angeles area now.


Sounds amazing! Sadly I'll have to wait for the world tour to come to Sydney, but you guys are going to be incendiary! Can't wait to see the recording.


I really REALLY want to go to this. I'm looking into seeing if it is possible for me to come out that week. If not, will there ever be plans on coming to the east? Maybe, the DC/Metro area tickles your fancy....? Also, for those that know the area, where would a good place to stay be, Nice but not quite Ritz Carlton nice. I would do 3-5days.


Looking forward to this!!! Key phrase is "in concert". Whatever could that mean??? They are musically inclined but I feel there is a way to stretch that word and do some creative and amazing things in concert. So hyped!


Not going to be able to make it. You said you are recording the show, are you planning on putting parts of it on YouTube for those of us that can not make it?


Sweet! Assuming we're able to get tickets, my brother and I will be there. We'll be driving in from Tucson, Arizona. Thanks Brandon!


Wish I could be there! Hope you guys make your way down to Australia! *cough*paxaus*cough* Have a fun night and looking forward to watching it when it's online. I will make popcorn!


Man. I wish I had the finances to travel there from the Midwest. Sounds like such a great time!

Brandon K Gann (edited)

Comment edits

2022-11-18 17:15:47 発想が我々くすぐりフェチにハマりまくりな大変良き良きな商品ですなァッ!( ˘ω˘ ) つまりこのお姉さんはお届けするたびにくすぐられるかも?と内心ドキドキしながらお届けしてるドスケベお姉さん...ってコト!?( ˘ω˘ )チイカワァ
2017-02-21 00:07:19 Thanks for the heads up Mr. Jones. As someone who can't attend for various reasons, the one thing I was hoping for was it being recorded. Don't sweat about a quick turnaround on the video; get to it when you can. Also, I want to thank all of you for doing this. Despite the fact I, and many other Allies, can't make it, it does the soul good to see everyone come together! Have a great day/evening (dependent on when/if you read this) and I'll say this closer to the show, but have a wonderful time! I'm happy for everyone who can make it! Love and Respect.

Thanks for the heads up Mr. Jones. As someone who can't attend for various reasons, the one thing I was hoping for was it being recorded. Don't sweat about a quick turnaround on the video; get to it when you can. Also, I want to thank all of you for doing this. Despite the fact I, and many other Allies, can't make it, it does the soul good to see everyone come together! Have a great day/evening (dependent on when/if you read this) and I'll say this closer to the show, but have a wonderful time! I'm happy for everyone who can make it! Love and Respect.


Since you will be recording it, can we expect an online version in the days (weeks) to come after the event? I'd love to travel, but life and money cannot afford it right now ;)

Mylène Laperle Vanasse

I wish I could be there, but hey there's always next year. I wonder if Brandon Jones will do his rendition of "Go Tell Aunt Rhody"


I'll already be in California for this so I am in and I am so excited. I am a big golfer (not a good golfer) so if anyone want to play a round of golf outside of Hollywood in the morning before the show? Also the NASCAR race is on out in Fontana later in the week. If there are any Allies who are NASCAR fans as well.


booo living in australia :(

Heru Muharrar

The day Mass Effect comes out? You guys are slaying me. Doesn't matter I live in NY. Do something on the east coast one day please.


Any possibility of VIP ticket options? Exclusive shirt, early admittance, etc.


Aussie problems :(


No free tickets?


thanks for the excuse to have a cross-country Disneyland + Allies adventure. so looking forward to it!


Only a month from now.. Can't wait!! Me and 2 of my fellow Allies are flying in from Wisconsin for the week!


I wish I had the income to fly from Malta to LA. So exicted for everyone that will be visiting, it must be so surreal to meet an Ally in real life.




I'll try to go next year (there will surely be a bigger and better one!) but can't do it right now... Hope you guys have fun producing and performing!!


Sounds really awesome. Would love to be there. sadly its not possible. Hopefully next time ^^


Congratulations on an amazing first year. I'm sure the show will be great. That said I'm a bit disappointed at the logic of making it available only to attendees. A recent Cup of Jones shot down the idea of long term patrons getting any benefits because Brandon didn't want to exclude anyone, yet in this case they excludes all their fans that can't physically attend. Is being there in person and presumably getting to meet the allies not reward enough? Still excited for you guys though. L&R.


I'll def be there.


He says here that they'll record it though - isn't that enough?


Sad I can't go, but thank you so much for recording it so your allies around the world can still enjoy the festivities.


Will definitely be there! Pumped for this


This is amazing. I'm here in the other hemisphere, but I hope I can attend something like that someday. L&R


I'll be with you in spirit, from the other side of the country! (v^0^)/

Brogan Trull

Brandon- u could do with it like what kinda funny did where you had to wait a long long time to see kinda funny live video of event that way everyone eventually gets to see it and it is like a 6 month to 1 year timed exclusive for people that went. You could even have it released about 8-9 months from event on purpose to generate buzz for one the next year about the same time so people can have time to see how fun it is and plan accordingly for the next live show

Brogan Trull

I'm not sure I can make it this time but I came to that first meetup and it was a blast even with just hanging out with allies and the crew. I think turnout could be huge for this one so don't underestimate the community ;) haha


Will be sending those good vibes from the UK, but can't be there :P L&R!


I'll be watching the show post from Sweden, all best luck to you guys! I wish California wasn't so far away 😬l&r!


Take the show on the road! EZA Tour!!!


I'm so incredibly excited for this. Going to be my first time traveling out of the country, coming down from Toronto (alone as well, haha). Can't wait to meet all you Allies, Original 9 and otherwise!

Kc Wright

Please but up the video for patrons i would feel so left out if i couldnt see the one year event cause i cant be there


Trying to see how I can fit in the trip! I have to go to Anaheim for the Natural Products Expo West on the 10th, so getting in another LA trip in the same month could be tough. Any allies share the love on organic food?


I was at the first meet and greet and it was great. Wish I could have made it to this. I hope it all goes fantastic and it sells out! I am looking forward to watching it after. Break a leg!