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Greetings everyone! 

This weeks panel will feature my co-host Damiani, and Isla joining us as this episodes guest.

Topics this week include Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Sonic, Tactics Ogre: Reborn, Warhammer 40,000: Dark Tide, Vampire Survivors, and Save Room.  

-I'm always looking for interesting topics or news to talk about so if you have any suggestions send them in. Also taking Sort It Out! and Keep It Up! suggestions as always.

-Please keep your questions, thoughts, or ideas focused and brief. Be sure to include your preferred name if you don't like the one here on Patreon.

Thank You!




Hey Allies, As usual, a new pokemon game is out and people are complaining about it. There are many things that the franchise has been accused of in the past; poor visuals, poor performance, no voice acting, lack of innovation in design, ext... As far as I can tell, as a long time fan of the franchise, they're guilty on every charge. These games hardly change their aesthetic or core design from release to release. The visual quality and performance somehow don't seem to improve either. Should we expect better from one of the most profitable brands of all time? Or because we all keep buying release after release should we ever expect change?


Hey Allies, Recently the launch trailer for The Callisto Protocol came out and I felt that the song in the trailer didn't really match the vibe the game had been going for up until this point. All previous trailers had very industrial horror sounding themes, but this song was very melancholy and pop sounding, and it really took me out of it. I guess I was expecting something more along the lines of Dead Space one's creepy rendition of twinkle twinkle little star or Dead Space 2's "Bullets with Butterfly Wings". I just find it weird that they want me to feel emotions after every other showing of the game was so focused on horror. Maybe if they had shown it sooner, it wouldn't feel so weird, what are your thoughts? Happy Thanksgiving, L. E. L. (You pronounce my name by saying each letter individually.)