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It's time to collect your submissions for Love & Respect and The Adventures of Dawn Romantica for this week's Easy Allies Podcast. Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, we're shooting on Tuesday after group stream this week, so these submissions will be collected by 1 PM PT Tuesday afternoon. To make it into this week's podcast, please post before then. We've also got one more special segment for you to submit to if you so desire.

Love & Respect

Type your question, topic, or game in the comments below. Be sure to include your preferred name if you don't like the one here on Patreon. If your entry is not selected, feel free to submit it again the following week.

The Adventures of Dawn Romantica

Last week Dawn got geared up, this week she needs to find a sidekick.

I need you to submit a companion that might be recruited from each of the following locations:

A Tavern
A Dojo
A Back Alley

Each character must be a video game character, and they can't be the main character of their primary series, so think Tails, Captain Toad, Zoltan Chivay, Otacon, Garrus, etc. Please also choose three stats that embody that character's strengths, but also fit the same categories as Dawn.

As a reminder, Dawn's current stats are:
+5 Strength (+3 from Masamune)
+10 Swordsmanship (+5 from Masamune)
+8 Flexibility (+4 from Shadow replica suit)
+6 Stealth (+2 from Shadow replica suit)
+1 Defense
-1 Speech
+1 Shapeshifting
+1 Navigation

Top Turkeys of 2022

It's Thanksgiving, so we're going to "celebrate" some of the top turkeys of the year. These are essentially some of the biggest gaffes / failures of the past 11 months. We'll be building our own list, but if you've got anything off the top of your head, some reminders would be helpful.

We appreciate your support and are grateful for each and every submission, if we're able to include them in the podcast or not.




[Love and respect] “oh man do I suck at this!” Hey allies, when’s the last time you thought to yourself, I’m really bad at this game”? I’ve been coming across this more frequently recently. I tried Golf with Your Friends, which I was useless at and then Back 4 Blood, I expected this game to be manageable on recruit difficulty but found myself dead on arrival in most matches. Don’t even get me started on Sifu and Rogue Legacy. So thankful for the mimic tear in Elden Ring for getting me through that game. Have you had any game where you’ve struggled to get to grips with and not had the time to learn? *cough* Outer Wild *cough* Love and respect Robert Lee


Adventures of Dawn Romantica: Tavern: Gabbro (Outer Wilds): Navigation, Speech, Flexibility Dojo: Jetstream Sam (Metal Gear Rising): Swordsmanship, Strength, Defense Back Alley: Shun Akiyama (Yakuza): Strength, Defense, Speech