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No longer willing to wait for a certain Ally, Huber and Brad take matters into their own hands.


Huber Syndrome - Episode 17: Uncharted 4

No longer willing to wait for a certain Ally, Huber and Brad take matters into their own hands. Schedule: http://easyallies.com/ Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies Merchandise: http://shop.spreadshirt.com/easyallies https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies https://twitter.com/easyallies https://www.facebook.com/easyallies https://easyallies.tumblr.com/



Hey Huber what do you think about Brad getting his own show? Great episode!


The highlight of Uncharted games for me is the characters and the natural and fun interactions they have with each other throughout the games. And U4 had that on overdrive. Plus I thought instead of trying to keep ampimg up the extreme set pieces COD style with each sequel to absurd levels and pulling back was a great idea. It made the ones that are in the game really stand out because you're not numb from sensory overload when they happen. The chase sequence is beyond amazing. Also the Batman AA style "predator" rooms were fun


Uncharted 4 was one of the best games I've ever played in my life. I'm so glad you guys finally got around to this and hope you continue to shame Brandon Jones for his failure to to take part. Seeing the clips from your video got me all emotional again.


I couldn't help but think that they was going to be Dragons with all the gold

Adam Mullany

PSN ID is Mullany. All about that Uncharted 4 MP!, most under-rated MP of this current gen


Uncharted 4 SPOILERS - You have been warned. I totally agree with both of you. This is easily my favourite Uncharted game. Just to go through a few things you guys said. Opening Credits - arguably the best opening credits in a video game. Oh man, that music and seeing all the drawings from U1-3. Loved it. Set pieces - I think both of you half nailed it on the head. With every Uncharted the set pieces got more and more interactive. When you actually think about it, there are a few in here, the bell tower which leads into the car chase, the exploding building with Sam, the elevator with Elena. All of these, you’re practically given full control. It’s incredible now that we barely even consider them set pieces. Acting - Again, you mentioned this but just wow. Just a look from Elena etc and it would hit hard. It’s insane how well animated they are now. The whole chapter in Nate’s house and the interactions they have blew me away. It just feels so natural. And a little shoot out to the soundtrack. I’ve seen a few say it’s nowhere near as good as the previous games but bar the iconic theme, I can’t remember any of the other soundtracks while this one felt so much more personal and was the perfect tone for the game I thought. Also apologise I won’t be able to join for any MP for the foreseeable future :) Great episode Huber and Brad, and fantastic shots at Jones!


A few seconds into the video - and the fact that Brad has to hold that mic so close to his mouth while Huber's (un)naturally hyped voice volume causes audio clipping from a metre away has me grinning like a Cheshire cat ... ;) Edit @Brad: To me, Uncharted 4's combat experience actually scaled with the difficulty setting. The harder it was to survive, the more I enjoyed the intricacies of the combat design. You can basically just "run and gun" the shooting sections on easy - but it gets really tactical, tense and skill-based on harder settings. Especially during some sections where avoiding to be noticed and going for silent kills is key to succeed - and you basically have to play it like a MGS game to survive, carefully planning every move, memorizing the paths of certain enemies and using the terrain/environment the best you can. I LOVED that.


Really nice to finally have this conversation, thanks guys! I loved the game as well, so good. I gotta say it is the best of the four. SPOILERS: That Chapter 16 was excellent, it got me very emotional. It was like seeing this one possible future of Nate himself, living alone with only his treasures, broken up with Elena, as the actual story had just taken that turn and all. Really, really good.


Hey Huber, Can i request a game for you to stream? Please play 'Heart of darkness' for the PS1. I know Ben is a sucker for difficult games so maybe bring him along for the stream. I would send you my personal copy but as I live in the UK its region locked.


Huber Syndrome - Episode 17: Throwing Brandon Under The Bus If Huber/Patrons want to play Uncharted 4 MP, my PSN ID is Heartsbane. I love it, but I find it hard to commit without a party, especially when there are so many others grouping up.


I really loved Uncharted 4, just as much as I loved Uncharted 2! Both were genuine 10/10's for me! I do like that they are a bit different, I feel U4 is more grounded for instance. Loved the epilogue! Thanks for the episode, guys!


Start watching, Huber is pretty close to Brad, look away for 5 minutes, look back, Huber is hugging Brad's shoulder XD


I use to be top tier at Uncharted 2 multiplayer and then dropped by 3 and dont play 4 mostly because I don't play as much as I use to. I would gladly practice to help out your team and "get good" again PSN: Texmin.


U4 was great but the lack of set pieces was a big bummer. Apparently, there was a scene cut that had young Nate play fence his bro in the mansion. Dunno why they cut it, but I think it would have made the final boss fight much better.


The Epilogue, and it's Crash-related trophy made me hate Crash and the potential HD remake. My favorite scene is Drake and Elena driving towards the hills after coming off the elevator. Haven't played MP in a while, so you're gonna have to forgive me as well. PSN: AKA_Neku


Brad and Huber work so well together on screen, hope to see him in more Syndrome episodes! Agree on chapter 16 as well, most memorable "set-piece" of the entire game.


Shoots fired! Brandon-Burn!


Why was Brad standing on a milk crate for this episode?


Pretty good show, they core of the show is good. However, In my opinion this would be dramatically better if it was shot in front of a green screen and a little TLC is done to the video before you release it. Some production work would help so much. Add some B-roll and effects. Take this to the next level Huber!


That's the sort of thing we'll probably be able to do once we get a studio. For now, I'm not sure it would be efficient for Don to try to set up and tear down a green screen in Huber's living room every time they shoot, especially since he's coming over after work to shoot. -Bloodworth


Huber and Brad, I wish you guys talked more about Elena. For me, I think she is one of the top 3 best female characters of all time. She is a strong character who is very friendly and caring. Her attitude is her best trait. My favorite chapter was when she came back to team up with Nate on the island. It made me very emotional because it showed how good they are together. Their bond ended up being stronger than ever. I don't think any game can beat Uncharted 4 for best story this year.


I wasn't really feeling the slower paced exploration Uncharted 4. I would put it second place under the perfectly paced Uncharted 2. Uncharted 2 just made a seemless adventure that is full of action with no stops, just like an Indiana Jones movie.


Huber and Brad. I loved most of the game but the combat wasn't as well balanced as the rest of the game. The encounters slowed down the pace of the game the wrong way. They had all these cool mechanics but you couldn't use them. The combat was at its best when you had great opportunities to take down everyone silently and get by or there were only a few enemies in open combat. Those moments gave me the space to be creative. But most of the time there were so many enemies that a cool idea just ended with 10 people aiming 10 different kinds of weapons at me insta-killing me and that really kills the mood for me. Uncharted is at its worst when it has the most enemies and a locked way forward. Let me be creative and sneak past or kill a few select guys and progress. Don't block the way with thousands of enemies, it just gets ridiculous and takes me out of it. This is the only thing (except low framerate) not making this one of the surest 10s ever but it bugs me because it ruins the perfection.

Gan Khef

Wonderful episode! I would love to see you do more blowouts like this. Great stuff!


I would love to get into uncharted multiplayer Huber. My psn username is vegetim.


Man, great show, great talk! Loved the discussion about slow pacing and taking time. It's what I really appreciate about many atmospheric games. That would be an idea for another Huber Syndrome show, right? Games that drown you in mood and atmosphere, and going back to games that started doing so. One of those must be, obviously, Silent Hill 2. The slow beginning with the eerie walk through the foggy forest is one of the most memorable tone-setting set pieces...


Haven't tried MP yet Huber but will definitely give it a go if you've got a group playing. PSN: JPrime604