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Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VmEwFlEkuE

I’ve sensed a bit of confusion and frustration regarding when Easy Allies is officially “back” from our winter break. While we’re still prioritizing GOTY research over anything we can, this week is it, baby. A Spoiler Mode (finally) for Spider-Man (no thanks to me) is coming ASAP, Showcase is 3 PM today with Damiani. Stream Team (hosted by me!) is tomorrow, and I’ll finally be on an episode of Trash Babies that we’re recording after the podcast on Thursday. It’s the kind of stacked week it feels like we haven’t had for an entire year (ba-dum-ching).

- Brandon

DISCLAIMER: I take questions from the post comments on the previous week’s episode here on Patreon. You can ask a business-related question which I may answer live, or a personal question which I may answer below. If your business question was not answered live, I either replied to it in the comments, or referenced the answer in a recent episode. Feel free to inquire why your question wasn't included, or ask the same question a second time if you think I may have missed it. I will edit your comment/question before reading it live to ensure the show moves as quickly as possible. I typically grab all the questions by midnight (PT) the night before each episode.


Cup of Jones - January 10, 2021

Your weekly batch of business updates and community questions. Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies Schedule: http://easyallies.com/ Merchandise: https://www.fangamer.com/easyallies http://shop.spreadshirt.com/easyallies Live streams - https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies Stream archives - https://www.youtube.com/easyalliesplays https://twitter.com/easyallies https://www.facebook.com/easyallies #EasyAllies



(This is not for a CoJ Question, I just want to reiterate that when I said that, I meant romantic love.... Love in general has been bad for me, but Romantic love is my bane. I do thank you Jones, and what you said meant a lot, as well as the kind words of everyone in chat. You all mean a lot to me)

Brandon K Gann

EDIT: Mr. Bloodworth gave a great answer (and it's one I thought would be the case), so please feel free to skip my submission this week. Have a great day! Hey Mr. Jones! I just saw the day on the website highlighting when to expect GOTYs and I’m so STOKED! Now, for the first time because of the new job I have, I can’t consume all of it in a single day like I’ve since EZA has adopted this format. So, while I’m going to start/stop/start both the deliberations and the personal picks over the course of a week, the thought struck me: I know timestamps are available to jump around to specific categories and discussions in the massive deliberations video, but would it be also possible to spin individual categories off into separate videos? It’s probably much too much work, yet with the fade ins and outs plus the introduction you give at the top of whichever category, I can’t help but feel that perhaps a day or two after the massive multi-hour deliberations goes live there could be a video on Best Shotgun, Best Game to Play in One Night, Best Shooter, etc. I know the Awards wrap-up video itself is a great recap of what made the cut without having to go through the discussions, but videos dedicated SOLELY to a category could do well. Just a thought, and to reiterate, cutting them out and uploading as separate videos probably is way too much, so please disregard this unless you believe it’s a good idea. Thanks again for reading and have a wonderful day! Cheers! P.S.: Your words really hit home regarding loving others before your editorial, and to be included in your list is such an honor. Thank you so much for making my evening better. And a (belated) Happy New Year to you as well! P.P.S.: I legitimately had this question written up and pasted into the Comment bank ready to hit Post when you gave your, "Ask your GOTY coverage questions," and name-dropping me.... I've been doing this awhile... QUESTION: Would it be possible to spin individual GOTY categories off into separate videos after a day or two when the multi-hour deliberations be a good idea? Or would this be way too much work for potentially too little return?


While doing separate category videos worked for us at GT, I don't think it would be good for YouTube. There are just too many individual categories, and a lot of them would get buried and YouTube would stop sending out notifications for our channel for a bit. They also have a tendency to favor "watch time" as one of their most valued metrics. That's why we've stuck with just the two videos - the full debate video plus the more condensed awards-only wrap up. -Bloodworth


Hello Brandon. On the last Community Showcase you’ve noted that you don’t like that I leave a long comment to a video submission. I see what you’re saying, and I would like to avoid abusing this patron reward in the future. Unfortunately, there’s no defined rules regarding comments for video submissions besides keeping them limited to a description of the work (which I believe I do). Therefore, I can’t really judge if my submission is acceptable or not. I mean, I suspect that it should be less than 500 words, but without any hard limit I feel allowed to not cut anything I want to keep. In contrast, no matter how much I regret cutting some material, I will never submit a video that will be even 1 frame longer than 3 minutes. Therefore, I have 2 questions: 1. If long comments for media submissions is a problem, can you include a defined word limit in Community Showcase rules? 2. In case I find this limit too restrictive, can I add $10 to my pledge (which will not get me into any new tier) and consider it as buying 500-word limit for my video submissions? I know that this is not how it’s supposed to work, but that would be more convenient than creating another account at $10 level and using both accounts to submit comment and video separately. P.S. I’m ending my videos with victory screen for multiple reasons. Firstly, I want to show the character I’m talking about as much as I can and there aren’t many opportunities to do so in a first-person game. Secondly, I try to tell a story with these videos rather than just showing a cool montage, so I start with character selection and end with match resolution. Of course, being killed is much, much more common ending, but I also want to convince those who liked what they saw, but doubt if this character is viable, that it is.


Hey Jones, are considering doing another easy allies reacts to easy allies? That stream was one of my all time favorites. L&R


Audio version?


Jones! I forgot it was episode 300. I forgot about the song. I didn’t know if you were actually going to do it (though I assumed you would with your background). Gotta say - YOU NAILED IT! Although I like the music/genres that bossman used more (pop punk garbage is still what I listen to most), the song you did for 300 is immediately my favorite. Excellent work. L&R, ~Matt


+1 to Matt's comment - that song was FIRE. I expected to skip it, not usually my thing. The man nailed it.


Uneasy alliance was mentioned in the latest Book of Boba Fett episode. Just thought this was funny


Did you or Amanda get approached to take part in this VoiceVerse NFT nonsense that some VAs are in on? Seems self defeating for VAs to fuel the machine to replace them, and also NFTs are a scam.


Okay, so quick question - Would Don be interested in doing a Don's Design Lab challenge for the Super Smash Bros. Custom Stage Builder? I think it has a lot more depth than first appears, especially when utilizing the "glitches" to do things that wouldn't otherwise be possible. Perhaps a nudge or 2 or 3? 😅


As a big fan of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons, what's it gonna take to get a cover for Or Wars?


Heya Jones, Oh, okay. I mean, if that's what you think is best. Let me know if you need anything. But is Easy Allies one of the movers, the shapers, or the people that fill the papers?


Hey Jones, Happy to hear bets are going to be returning in the following podcast, and hope Huber is feeling better. I just wanted to remind you to get new team names for the coming year. I wasn’t sure how you plan on divvying up the teams amongst yourselves, but having the new silly team names every year, and especially the crew deciding on the names is always something I look forward to! Going back through previous years’ podcasts recently, it was especially fun when there was an element of chance. For instance, where members would write down an adjective and an animal which are then chosen by chance, so they collaborate, but indirectly for a sillier outcome. And if you felt like switching it up, I’m sure you’ll do the right thing in giving it a Jones-host feel as well, just wanted to drop in my thoughts. Looking forward to how it goes, Brian from Happy Gaming


Hi Jones, After listening to this week’s podcast, I think the opening bit needs a little bit of tweaking to work better with the panel and audience. I think the panel would do a better job with this section if the number of possible characters were reduced to two or three at most per podcast. The reason is that I think limiting the number is better for memory and makes the decision of one versus another more meaningful. I also think the prompts for patrons should be more specific. As a patron it is not exciting to be asked to just submit a character’s name. I think that if you ask us to create a short but more detailed submission, maybe talking about the murder weapon, the location or something else, it will result in better submissions. I have found over time as a listener of the EZA podcast that the best bits are ones where patrons provide the heavy lifting and it’s just up to the panel to react to the creative submissions. The current bit, at least in this week’s episode, had the opposite balance. Thank you for taking the time to read this rambling comment. It is meant with the most respect and I hope it helps! L&R, Samuel Hall


Yeah, that opening bit didn't work. Not seeing the picture (was there even one or was it a bit?) didn't help either and even if we're able to see the picture next time: A lot of people consume the podcast with audio only. Jones said multiple times that he is struggling with the opening bit. I think it's time to just let it go? It's been his podcast for quite a while now. No reason to force any quirky Bosman traditions into the show.


I was curious about something. I know it's been said that everyone is like there own boss but to me youve always been the " brand manager " How do you guys motivate the team or each other. Is there like a bonus payment you guys give each other for certain things L&R