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I know I’ve been strumming the sad song of late hours working on editorial projects for a few weeks now, but our annual fall review-a-thon will yield some satisfying results this week. I have one script waiting for me to work on today and another that’ll be ready to read in a few hours. All of the preview events that we usually make time for have made way for extended sessions with that precious code. My PS5, Xbox SX, and Switch all have at least 1 game I’m actively playing each day. Good times. Today’s editorial is about how I love Rockstar Games but they completely blew it last week and that sucks when you’re a fan.

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxhsooGEprU

- Brandon

DISCLAIMER: I take questions from the post comments on the previous week’s episode here on Patreon. You can ask a business-related question which I may answer live, or a personal question which I may answer below. If your business question was not answered live, I either replied to it in the comments, or referenced the answer in a recent episode. Feel free to inquire why your question wasn't included, or ask the same question a second time if you think I may have missed it. I will edit your comment/question before reading it live to ensure the show moves as quickly as possible. I typically grab all the questions by midnight (PT) the night before each episode.


Cup of Jones - November 15, 2021

Your weekly batch of business updates and community questions. Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies Schedule: http://easyallies.com/ Merchandise: https://www.fangamer.com/easyallies http://shop.spreadshirt.com/easyallies Live streams - https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies Stream archives - https://www.youtube.com/easyalliesplays https://twitter.com/easyallies https://www.facebook.com/easyallies #EasyAllies



*Re-posting because I missed the cutoff this week* Ahoy Jonesy, I just finished The Last Campfire and it got me thinking about voice acting because the narrator fully had her hooks in me within the first few minutes of the game. (Her name is Rachel August and according to her Twitter bio she calls herself a Norwegian-British-Icelandic Actor but she reminded me a lot of the Childlike Empress from The Neverending Story). It had me wondering what kind of voice actor Jonesy would aim to be - would you want to try to disappear into an accent or character far removed from your normal speaking voice to stretch that theatrical muscle or would you want to stay closer to your "Review Copy Provided by Playstation" comfort zone? I know you tend to have a problem with HYPER recognizable actors popping up in things, as it draws you away from the character that they're playing - Would you be concerned with the EZA community not being able to fully immerse in a game if, all of a sudden, their favorite Brand Manager just sauntered into their game?

Brandon K Gann

Hey Mr. Jones! As we get close to the holidays, I believe you said recently those times would be defaulted to all L&R episodes of the podcast, it got me pondering about other types of “special” episodes of the podcasts. So I wanted to run it by you and see what you thought. To be clear: I’m not saying it’s a good idea, nor do I think it would be practical if Patrons don’t provide suggestions but because all L&R episodes are excellent but understandably held off in circumstances where EZA can’t produce a “regular” episode of the podcast, I thought these could supplemental these “specials.” What do you think about an episode that’s nothing but games provided by Patrons? With the special music and lights at the start and games saved up from past L&R post submissions? I also want to stress this idea as NOT a replacement, but in addition to (so, for example, the L&R episode during Thanksgiving and one of the two weeks off in December [if EZA will take two weeks] be an all “Games” episode with an L&R episode). Are there any other “special” podcasts EZA could make in place of a regular episode? Thanks a lot for reading and have a wonderful rest of your day! Cheers! QUESTION: What do you think about episodes of the Podcast that’s nothing but games provided by Patrons to supplement the all L&R episodes during holiday breaks? For example, an episode made up of Games saved up from L&R posts over the year, or a “A Look Back at 202X.” Are there any other “special” podcasts EZA could make in place of a regular episode?


re: today's editorial, here's the Digital Foundry analysis for GTA3 'Definitive' Edition, https://youtu.be/Y1JJt7xHTlE


re: today's editorial. I had the same experience with Cyberpunk 2077 last year. I’ve played it on PC and had the time of my life experience, but global discourse was “this game is trash, and you should hate it even if you had no intention to play it”. So, I fully support your decision to not follow the trend and keep enjoying the thing you’ve enjoyed.


Greetings Jones, First, let me just say you are awesome. Cup of Jones has been awesome since I finally discovered it. About 4-5 months in now. That being said I want to piggyback off of the individual that brought up something about having a discord. I think there's a disconnect with the allies (not you or Blood in particular) and your community. I didn't hear excuses. I heard mostly email, email, email and I think that's where the disconnect is coming from. I think most of the community just want to engage in open dialogue with the 8 of you from time to time. I get it. Reddit is toxic. Bless Ben's poor soul for going there to actually respond to some of those comments. Twitter is beyond toxic. I don't have an account on there for a reason and I try to participate with the FGC, but I get it. But when you hear Ben and Huber say things like "it feels good to not have twitter" or "am I gonna cut myself off from everyone" to avoid negative comments and spoilers alike, it kind of leaves you questioning some things. I get what they meant though so it's not a big deal. What about here on Patreon though? As someone that listens to the majority of your content at work there's no way I can catch you live. There are times when questions are asked on Frame Trap almost like you're (Ben in this case) trying to get a back and forth conversation going within the community only to find out that it was a rhetorical question afterwards. I'm not salty.... Anyway, I've seen Blooworth post on here often and he's awesome. Like I said, you having the back and forth with this show is awesome. Take this with a grain of salt. This is coming from someone within the FGC peeking into other places. But I do think people just want to have that back and forth with some of the other allies though. L&R from Detroit P.S. I notice on the Group Stream that everyone was in the office. That changes up what games I can suggest. Project Winter and Town of Salem are no go's since all of you in one spot defeats the purpose of being deceptive. I got a few more other wacky games to suggest though. I'll save it for next time.


Have you all considered the possibility of bringing back Patreon goals in any form to help drive support? Or is it something the group has moved passed and doesn't want to return to? I say "in any form" meaning it could be based on a monetary number, or the total number of Patrons, and it could be a one time reward to help keep any production time to a minimum. Just an extra note, doesn't need to be addressed, but I really enjoyed this editorial, and this is the type of topic I would love to see you bring to the podcast more often, especially as you have an interesting angle on it. I know this was only developing at the time of recording last week, but the difference in the level of passion when hearing you talk about this vs. hearing the group on the pod discuss a topic like Genshin Impact's merch rules is stark. I feel you have a tendency to lean a little too far into business topics vs. industry topics, if that makes sense, and generally I feel the group tends to shine more when talking about the latter, as that's where their interests lie. Edit: I was glad to see it brought both to Huber's show and the podcast, as both were great discussions.


Never asked anything of EZA or GT and followed you guys happily for as long as I can remember now :) But now I have something I really want to ask. Any chance of getting some of the tv-show watching/loving allies to watch the new Wheel of Time show on amazon prime and us getting a spoiler mode for it? It's my favorite book series of all time and my hype level (and my friends tiredness of listening to my hype level for it) knows no bounds.


Heya Jones, Well, here's the thing, it turns out it was never there in the first place. But which would upset Easy Allies the most: if we didn't speak for hours, if we had a drink or two, or if we never sent you flowers?


Hello Jones, might not make the cut off but I'll try anyway. I am a secondary school teacher of Religious Moral and Philosophical Studies and I teach about the importance of Mindfulness. I have been talking to my pupils about how Mindfulness can be seen any many tasks. Like cooking, playing music, gardening, and playing video games. How do you all feel about sharing your Mindful Games Companions in my classroom