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The Trash Babies take on a notorious Jurassic Park nightmare.



Trash Babies - Jurassic Park Trespasser

The Trash Babies take on a notorious Jurassic Park nightmare. Thanks to Endigo for the vocals in the intro and outro! https://www.youtube.com/user/Endigo Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies Merch: https://store.roosterteeth.com/search?view=spring&query=easy+allies One-time donations: https://streamlabs.com/easyallies/tip Schedule: http://easyallies.com/ Live streams - https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies Stream archives - https://www.youtube.com/easyalliesplays https://twitter.com/easyallies https://www.facebook.com/easyallies #EasyAllies



I love this. That game was one of the only Jurassic park games we had growing up. Such a turd, but I was grateful to have it lol.


Really great video, Isla


So I kinda feel like this game was given a bit of an unfair shake. Like, you have to remember that this came out in 1998, back when most devs were still figuring out 3D proper and controls were far from standardized yet (WASD for example was by no means a known quantity yet at that point). Also, for 1998 these graphics aren't bad at all, especially if you consider that this was a fully open 3D environment. Just compare it to the Turok games for example, which came out around this period of time too, which were more closed off in their level design (branching paths notwithstanding). What the devs wanted to achieve with this game (but failed at, obviously), is create maximum immersion with fully physicalized controls. They were trying to do actual physical aiming before we had proper VR or motion controls. They had working physics simulations that were way ahead of it's time. Like, this was about six years before HL2 came out! They were trying out a form of free roaming in 3D four years before GTA3. It's a perfect example of a game that was waaaay too ambitious in what it wanted to achieve compared to what the tech at the time was capable of delivering, which resulted in a bad game. You gotta respect that lofty ambition though and therefore it's a treasure to me.


This is becoming one of my favorite things you guys do really great. Also I feel like this is just perfect for Ben on both episodes he's in he kills it so funny.


Immmersive...Sim... ;)


this show is gold


Maybe in general an unfair shake? But they literally played a fifth turn of the game, it was for sure special to them


Game developers looking at Don playing games skipping all game elements and just commenting on the fences xDD Also, when Isla shoot dino and Don ask why, in my head i heard the same "Because I understand games!" x)