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Note: Having weird YT connection issues again. I will work to resolve them for next week.

Darkness falls across the land. The midnight hour is close at hand! Halloween is this weekend. I’ll be attending a wedding out of town so I need to record the podcast one day early. But we’re sure to send out plenty of spookily cozy vibes at our annual Halloween stream tomorrow night. State of Play announced for Wednesday! More editorial madness recently as we pump out previews and reviews of everything we’re checking out when the cameras are off. I actually have a review script finished and off to Bloodworth for one project, and I’m going to be wrapping up a Riders Republic review once the servers go live this week. Stay tuned!

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bttx-Nb4w74

- Brandon

DISCLAIMER: I take questions from the post comments on the previous week’s episode here on Patreon. You can ask a business-related question which I may answer live, or a personal question which I may answer below. If your business question was not answered live, I either replied to it in the comments, or referenced the answer in a recent episode. Feel free to inquire why your question wasn't included, or ask the same question a second time if you think I may have missed it. I will edit your comment/question before reading it live to ensure the show moves as quickly as possible. I typically grab all the questions by midnight (PT) the night before each episode.






You made me beg TWICE, Jones. I am absolutely going to remember this.


02:25 - Correction: Michael Huber did the GOTG review :)


Since there was no live chat this time, I'll use the comments to throw in my takes on a couple of these. -Bloodworth Previews: From day one, I've always said that we don't need a set format for previews. There's so many variables on restrictions, footage, etc. that one format might work better in a particular situation than another. A lot more of our previews used to be scripted like this one with Jones reading, and I don't think this is the first time someone's read their own script in a preview either. And like Jones brought up, I don't think there's really any need to distinguish format in titles or anything except for things like "Hands-On" "Hands-Off" so people understand what kind of experience we got with the game. Impressions: Similarly there are plenty of "impressions" videos where only one of us has played the game or we are working on an upcoming review that's not ready yet, etc. The distinction there is just a matter of timing. If the game is out or the review embargo is up or it's a public beta, you just can't call those videos previews anymore. Review Pods: Ok, so Review Pods were definitely a weird thing. If I remember right, they were initially designed for the GT App and they also appeared in some episodes of GTTV. They weren't only for smaller games, though, the whole point was to have a much shorter bite-sized format, without the category breaks, etc. that were part of our main review format at the time. I think all Review Pods pretty much had to come in under 2 minutes or maybe 3 at most. When it started we actually cut down a ton of full reviews into "Pod" format which was a huge pain in the butt, and then a lot of them were fully produced, but never actually published. Eventually, we did end up covering some smaller games and DLC only with "Pods," which often met with some pushback in the comments asking why such and such game wasn't worth a full review. Anyways, there's your GT history lesson for this week, enjoy. -Bloodworth

Brandon K Gann

EDIT: Mr. Bloodworth gave a great answer here, so no need to read. I'll leave another question after the next episode. Have a great week! Hey Mr. Jones! A second reaction focused question in a row! As I write this with the, as you put it in the live chat, “tech gremlins” causing you to record and post later, one of the big stories developing (which will probably be covered on the podcast) is Halo: Infinite’s campaign overview has been released, and due to the early hour (for Pacific time at least), it’s understandable EZA doesn’t have a live reaction, but it has inspired me to ask you: Whenever there are these videos or presentations that are unannounced, just randomly shadow-dropped at a random time, do you think EZA should do an ‘after-the-fact’ reaction? The reason I ask is because, as you’ve said in the past, nothing is as valuable of content as reviews and reactions, and the more EZA could have on the channel (that makes sense and can be done without much effort of course), I feel is better. Granted, again, as I write this there COULD be a reaction later today and half this prompt becomes moot, but I still feel the broader question worth asking. Plus, again as of writing, State of Play is happening in a couple of days and that’s at least a pre-known thing. Thanks again for reading (hopefully the weird Xsplit/YouTube issue gets fixed), and have a wonderful rest of your day! Cheers! P.S. Happy (belated) Halloween!! QUESTION: Inspired by the Halo: Infinite campaign overview video being released without any heads-up, it leads me to ask: Whenever these kinds of presentations get published without any inclination it’s coming, does EZA consider doing a reaction after the fact when a reaction can’t be done live or is it a case-by-case basis?


A couple of the problems with something like this being dropped out of the blue. (We did have a 13-hour heads up on a Sunday night, to which I said, "No.") It's not just that it's early, but we already have a pretty stacked day planned. I was up early for two embargoes, then Cup of Jones and Mysterious Monsters aired, then multiple people are prepping for Frame Trap. The other thing is that in the midst of all that, if we don't have something planned or specifically tell people to wait, we're just going to check it out when we see it like anybody else, and so at that point there's no real reactions to be had. That said, having already seen it, I really don't think we missed much. For an overview it was pretty brief. It definitely looks better than the last time we saw it, but there wasn't some shocking reveal or anything that would have made live reactions really worthwhile. -Bloodworth


For the previous question about the Tiermaker archive, I just wanted to let people know there's already a Tiermaker article in the Easy Allies wiki that tracks previous stream topics. Anyone can go in and update it or add more information as well. https://easyallies.fandom.com/wiki/Tiermaker


Hello Brandon. Easy Allies forum community is currently voting for 2007 Game of the Year. The more votes we’ll get, the more accurate results will be, so if you can give us a quick shout out, we would appreciate it. All details about eligible games and voting process are in “Vote for the EZA Community GOTY 2007” forum’s thread by Shoulderguy. P.S. Also I just wanted to say that I like pre-recorded Cup of Jones a bit more, because they feel more focused. So, if you return to this format, at least one person will be happy.


Jones, why aren't you reviewing resident evil 4 VR or Lone Echo 2? I remember when you were the only easy ally I could count on to support the growing VR community, but it seems that has mostly gone to the wayside...


Hi Jones, Glad to hear that you’re enjoying RE4 in VR! If you could have one game recreated for VR in the same fashion Capcom did for this release, which would it be? (Personally, I’d take Red Dead Redemption 2. The immersion would be so good!)


No question Jones. Just want to say what an an excellent job you did on the podcast this week. I think you've hit your stride between humour and keeping on topic. I don't think I've ever heard Brad laugh so much. Plus, early podcast that appeared Friday morning UK time?! All in all perfect. Keep up the good work and thank you.


Hi Jones! Long time listener, first time commenter here with a quick question: Is there a possibilty of there ever being another restock for the Box Peek shirt, or has that ship already long since sailed considering Kyle left the group? That's all! Have a great week. :) P.S. Watching Mindful Games really helped me unwind as I was dealing with a lot of stress writing my Bachelor's thesis this past spring. Catching the new episodes just as they came out was a highlight every week, and it even managed to get me into the habit of meditating every day. Thanks a lot for the inspiration, and for the hard work producing the series! L&R


Heya Jones, Oh, wow, I can't believe it's actually you. Then that must mean... but no... would it? I'll have to check. But if Easy Allies were rich folk, would they buy a Florida home, so they won't get cold, a yacht so they won't get hot, an orchid or two so they won't feel blue, or maybe a jar of caviar?