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Our return to this beautiful strategy game holds firm against the march of time and gives us renewed hope that this won't be the last we see of Gallia and its people.

Our ratings: 5 Stars - Masterful, 4 Stars - Excellent, 3 Stars - Decent, 2 Stars - Inferior, 1 Star - Terrible

Written by Ben Moore


Valkyria Chronicles Remastered - Easy Allies Review

Our return to this beautiful strategy game holds firm against the march of time and gives us renewed hope that this won't be the last we see of Gallia and its people.



Shouldn't you be sleeping?


Man, I loved Valkyria Chronicles. Happy to see this review.


Man, I loved Valkyria Chronicles. Solidly agree with your criticisms and final score - great review, Ben!


One of the best games last-gen hands down! I don't have the time to play it again now, but I was thrilled to learn just recently that there is a seemingly decent anime based on the game.


Oh jeez you guys. It's 6:45 a.m. in New York right now. I don't know much about posting things on Patreon, but I'm assuming at least one of you is up at 3:45 on a Saturday? You weren't kidding about not getting sleep were you? Not that I'm complaining, it's always nice getting more EZA content, but for the love of god get some sleep!


Hey Ben wasnt there some massive battleship in this game ? Sure would of loved to have seen some footage of that ....


You did it Ben!


Now I have do buy ;/


One of my favorite PS3 games, right up there with Uncharted 2 and Mass Effect 2.


this was my favorite game on the PS3, i'm very happy a new generation can play this game

Brogan Trull

For anyone on the fence let me ask you one question. Does advance wars, fire emblem, maybe final fantasy tactics advance bring up warm feelings and good vibes. Buy this game yesterday!!!! Amazing game one of my favorite on ps3 and really hard on hard mode. My hard mode advice keep a Sniper and engineer alive at all costs and utilize your Scouts!


I am going to buy this at some point, be 1st time player but heard great things over the years. Someone on my friend list already got the plat trophy for this he went mad :o


That Skies of Arcadia cameo at 2:26 though.


Something I noticed during a stream of this game: the locations are pretty much based on The Netherland! A lot of the cities or towns are familiar to me: I think I saw towns like Hindeloopen and Eindhoven in some of the maps. In hindsight, it's actually pretty clear that old Dutch scenery were a big inspiration to a lot of the game's visuals.


Gallia, the country the character's are coming from was based on The Netherlands and Denmark both actually. This has been said before by developers of the game, so you're quite right.


Great review Ben, I've Played this game but never played the DLC.I felt the game's ending was a little bit of a let down personally. I enjoyed the rest of the game though.


I played this back when it came out on the PS3 when I wasn't really thinking all that critical about games, so it was interesting when you brought up the problem with the rank system and agree a lot with it! Something that didn't occur to me at the time. It's very rare that a review in this shorter format (like this format to me is more entertainment than informative a lot of times)brings up something for me to mull over so whenever that happens I really appreciate it. Great job!


Odin Sphere any time soon?


I wonder if this is just a port of the recent PC version.


I wonder if anyone in the gang are fans of The Longest Journey. The latest game in the so far trilogy of games just released the final part of Dreamfall: Chapters and the creator is offering free codes for reviewers :


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