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Another big week! Happy news from some of our friends; sad news from others. In this episode I go through a ton of great questions and reflect on how important sleep really is. Brandon Plays Pokemon Part 5, our Community Comments video for May, and a massive E3 update are next in the queue. Thanks for your patience, everyone!

- Brandon


Cup of Jones - 06/05/16

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Wow.. 360p _only_?


Chrome gets the high res options faster than other broswers


What is Don's Design Club? Do you mean Don's Discount Gaming?


Jones, why are you so pumped for those EA Star Wars games? As much as I would love a quality Star Wars title, I don't expect EA to make anything but a couple of quick cash-ins. They certainly haven't set the world on fire with that Battlefront game. Why are you this excited about licensed games by a publisher that has made pretty poor licensed games in the past?


If you upload to soundcloud and the like you could just have a embedded player on the site later with audio for a whole bunch of stuff. Should be less work to setup and any smartphone could just go there and listen?


Don's Design Lab was a GT show so I think Brandon mixed those up


Yo Jones, With Don and Ian having other commitments, all the extra editing seems to fall on you, is there any appetite to train up any other allies to do some more basic editing? Could be a good skill for the resume too if they're interested! -Hasney EDIT: I asked this in the Q&A so feel free to disregard as it was answered :)


What's the story about Werehogs? I have no idea where they come from or how they became a desirable prize :)


Still a young man myself, but I feel very similarly about disliking the necessity of sleeping and eating. When I tell people I'd love to just take a pill in the morning and not have to eat, I've yet to encounter anyone that can relate. Anyway, I've had to pull a bunch of all-nighters in my university days, the most frequent period being when I had to write my 20,000-word Masters thesis in one month. I saw the sunrise for about three mornings out of seven, but was working on it every day, taking breaks by playing Persona 4 Golden and, coincidentally, watching GT streams. I'd generally call it quits at 08:00 and get four hours sleep. If I had to go somewhere and stay awake at something, I'd keep drinking water and massaging my face, which is a very temporary solution. In the end, all those needs to stay up late were temporary -- I got my project done, and then would take a day or so where I would not leave my bad until sometime in the afternoon. One day like that, and I could recover from several. Now, I'm working a job that has me in from 08:00-16:00, so I have to go to sleep early by necessity. I hate having to, though, even as I now take advantage of the non-existent morning that I always wrote off when at school. I hope you find a way to ease your schedule/make the production pipeline more efficient! Certainly finding a way to get more editors on hand would be good for your sleep schedule -- definitely give Hasney's post below some thought!


Hey Brandon, I feel for you when it comes to sleeping. I work at night, but still have commitments during the day, so I very much live a "sleep when you can" kind of lifestyle. Don't have a solution, just wanted to say I sympathize. Not needing sleep would be a godsend. Hope you're staying rested.


I thought of this when you were talking about if you should put all your money on Patreon or split it with Twitch. On Twitch it's just as important as subs, if not more so, to get Followers since that is the only number that is visible outwards. I think it's important that you guys start mentioning that new viewers should hit that follow button if they like what they see because, for example, potential sponsors will look at the follower numbers.


I'm in my 30s now but even in my teens and 20s, I've never been able to pull an all nighter. I always have to at least sleep especially if it hits midnight. I feel guilty for being up so late lol But recently I have been up past midnight when I want to catch some of the EZA streams (at least the first hour live). In terms of work, I space out my workload where I wouldn't need an all nighter to finish. I try at least. But please pace yourself <3


CONFIRMED EZA new stretch goal of 50 Trillion dollars for Brandon and EZA to purchase a Hyperbolic Space-Time chamber in order to create all the retrospectives in the world :-P lol (j/k)


Just a heads up for people that want Audio only downloads of shows. I've been using "TubeMate" to download YouTube videos on Android, and then "MX PLayer" to watch the videos, but importantly it has a feature to keep the audio running when you lock your screen. So I get the best of both. Watch it on the train, lock my screen and keep listening when I'm walking.


Thanks for helping out SIFTD Brandon! Shane setup a donation program to replace the stolen equipment and that has thankfully turned out to be a tremendous success: <a href="https://siftd.net/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://siftd.net/</a>#!/donate


Another great episode. Love these. Thank you Mr Jones, and sleep well. You're gonna need the energy :)


I know how you feel with regards to sleep. If I had the option, I would totally remove the human body's need for sleep so I can use that time for other things lol. Your current sleep "schedule" (and I put that in quotes because there's nothing scheduled about it) is indicative of your passion for creating content for all of us, so for that I say thanks! It takes a high level of dedication with a degree of obsession to constantly be thinking and working on the next ideas you have. Sometimes it can be overbearing, but what helps you persevere is what your work can bring to the world. I can't tell you how many documents I have filled with ideas that may or may not ever come to fruition, projects that you work on, whether as your primary job or something on the side, that you're excited to produce yet never truly feel like it's complete lol. It's what makes us who we are :] Can't wait for next week, and sweet owl cup btw.


Hi Brandon. Sleep is complete BS. I'm 28, and I have had chronic sleep deprivation all my life. It's 4am right now; I woke up at 3 and just finished watching, because yesterday I fell asleep around 7pm due to being up for 33 hours before that (since 10am the previous day). This happens at least 1-2 times per week. I do ALL the things they tell you to do: eat well, exercise, no caffeine after noon, and no alcohol. I even run a program on my computer that adjusts the color temperature after sunset; supposedly monitors produce light similar to sunlight, and that can trigger your body to remain awake. Sometimes doing all this stuff works, and sometimes it doesn't. If I could have a superpower it would be the opposite of yours; the ability to sleep from 12/1am-7/8am consistently every night. Maybe they can hook us both up to some supervillianesque machine and balance us out so we both get what we want. In all seriousness though, I think sleep has value beyond just alleviating fatigue, like memory processing, etc. Don't you think it would be weird to look back at your life and have it be just one long "day" with no discernible breaks anywhere? You might find you'll go crazy from other things besides just boredom, but I guess your superpower would account for all that. As for not wanting to eat... well that's just crazy. Did you know that eating at Fatburger is the number one way to fight the leading cause of death among American youth today; not eating enough Fatburger? I saw a video recently that really opened my eyes.


best mug yet

Casper Andersen

Great Cup of Jones once again Brandon. Regarding the burglary at SIFTD: The reason Shane Satterfield is fucked is because he did not have a proper insurance in place. Therefore, for the love of God MAKE SURE EZA HAS INSURANCE. I know it sucks to spend money on a thing like that when you could be investing in cool stuff to grow the company, but it is a BAD IDEA to cheap out on insurance. The right insurance has saved my ass before in the past - by not having insurance you are taking a big ass risk


As a patreon, please do not gate content! The best way to grow is not to exclude possible viewers but to show them your quality work.... please


What are the chances of "Just Played" coming back? I know you guys do not have the time to review every game that is coming out, but I would love to hear some of you discuss certain games that you have just played. The Blood and Wine DLC just came out, and I'm sure the Easy Allies crew has much to say about it.


I'm 25 and I've never been able to pull all-nighters when things need doing. If I'm having to work late in to the night, it means I've messed something up and so the work is accompanied by a lot of anxiety. For some reason, anxiety has always completely drained my energy rather than fuel a last-minute burst. Conversely when I'm not working and feel moderately content, I find it really difficult to sleep. I guess the key is being excited by your work.


Ok of course I'm not an official source but I think it's reasonable to assume that things like "Just Played" become a lot more feasible when we achieve the studio goal, because when you think about it the problem right now is that a lot of the content is recorded on days where everyone is at Jones' place(most of the equipment is there, and it coincides with the group stream, not everyone lives near to Jones). That means things like "Just Played" would have to be done within that time frame(the problem is that TTE, Podcast do take priority). If we get an EZA studio that is located more favorably for all the allies to which everyone goes to everyday shooting "Just Played" kind of content just becomes a lot easier since you can kind of do it spontaneously.


E3 bets for Patreons/twitchers with some minimum of payment... btw. super power = not having to go to the toilet


No sound on any of my devices, I also tried the app, Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome but still no luck. Anyone else have this problem or know a solution?


I'm an active member on the forum of the biggest video games magazine in Finland, and I've made a thread there for Easy Allies, posting stuff regularly. I hope other people in other countries would do such as well on their own (game) forums and would try to spread the awareness that EZA overall exists, and that they're the GameTrailers guys.


Hi Jones I can empathize so much with your dislike on sleep! Days are just way too short! Being in my mid twenties I'm still able to do all nighters(and being an EU resident having lots of EZA content like streams on in the background helps to make it through those nights so thanks for that! ;D) but it certainly doesn't feel very healthy. So despite being someone that enjoys your content a lot and always wants more of it I hope you don't overdo it, more than content I wish that all the allies stay healthy :)! Secondly I just wanted to throw in my personal feelings on exlusive Patron content, given that it came up in the episode. While I appreciate that you want to do more special stuff for Patrons I personally don't care too much about that kind of stuff. To me the best thing is always if EZA grows since that will allow you guys to do more! So if it were me even Cup of Jones would be public or at least only have timed exclusivity since I think it's the type of show that could draw people into becoming Patrons. Of course I know this is only one view on the topic and certainly I totally also get the Patrons that want something exclusive. Meaning that I'm probably just making it more difficult for you with this, sorry xD.


Jones, watch Jessica Jones! But sleep first. And discover melatonin.


For what it's worth, you guys could take 2-3 months off without producing any content whatsoever and you wouldn't lose my pledge for a second. Take care of yourself, Jones! I'm in my mid-twenties and I try to get 6-7 hours of sleep every night, but stress too often keeps me up. On that note... I'm gonna go grab an extra large coffee.


I have quick naps, nothing more than an 60-90 minutes


Prepare for a lengthy response that you probably won't have time to read, but I just felt the need to chime in on sleep. I am 31. I'll be 32 in october. I have had insomnia all my life and my memory is insanely good. I remember being awake in my crib (an actual crib, not the slang term for house) as a child in diapers and not being able to fall asleep. When I was growing up, my parents assumed that I couldn't sleep because of videogames or TV, so they took them away. I wound up staying up for hours reading stuff like magic school bus, and counting drywall dots on the ceiling. Staying up for 20, 30, or even 40 hours at a time is pretty regular for me. I've come to realize that staying up for that long isn't the problem. Yeah, I'm tired during the tail end of the experience, but I get a lot of work done when I'm cogent. However, the problem comes when your schedule doesn't coincide with society's schedule, and you have to function when you are tired. I've tried to reset my schedule so I'd be active from 9am to 5pm and it just doesn't stick. I've lost jobs because of it. I even almost got arrested because I almost missed a court date for jury duty. As a kid, my morning classes were ALWAYS Fs.The result was a whopping 2.15 GPA. Then when I went to college and could set my own schedule, my GPA skyrocketed to 3.8. What's terrible is that I can feel my age catching up with me, even though I'm in my early 30s. I used to be able to pull all nighters without any problem, today not sleeping for 24 hours means a slew of physical ailments. Moreover, it affects my decision making and my ability to create. I'll get in to an online fight usually at around the tail end of a sleep deprivation bender, because the part of my brain that just says "let it go" isn't functioning. The things that I draw are just absolutely atrocious when I haven't slept for a while. I'm a struggling illustrator that no one cares about. I have to be at my best at all times or I'm screwed and when I'm at that threshold of needing sleep all of my hard fought skill just goes out the window. I've always tried to explain it to people as having an extra large gas tank. Yes, I can go for much longer, but when I'm running on fumes it's not pretty. Not being able to sleep affects me on every level; personal, professional, healthwise, etc. I'm actually envious of being able to take a 3 hour nap here, or a 3 hours nap there, because my brain just doesn't turn off unless it is absolutely exhausted. My wish would be similar to yours, because I'd wish for an end to my insomnia, but if a monkey's paw made it so that I just never got tired, I'd be ok with that too.

Calvin Delaney

After Brando plays Pokemon which is my favorite show on Easy Allies, Could you do Something else like Brandon plays Mario galaxy or Brandon plays Resident Evil with Huber and other Allies? Maybe Brandon Plays FF7


No E3 bets this year? The press conferences just won´t be the same without proper stakes. I hope Bosman &amp; Huber have enough time to make my E3 of Dreams to happen. L&amp;R


Thank you soooo much for helping out the SIFTD community! SIFTD means a lot to some of us and it's just awesome that so much support has come through like it has. If anyone is interested, please come check out SIFTD.net. Basic subscription is now free and would be really cool to get some more of you EZA dudes and dudettes in the forums and comment sections of the site.


I'm 38 and I get your point about sleep and staying up late. I had to shift my workload from the evenings to the mornings to survive. By the evening my energy and willpower are gone and the stress of all the things I still need to finish messes with my sleep. Getting up early and getting to work was tough at first but after awhile it became routine and now I wouldn't do it any other way.


Wait a minute... Don's Design Club?


I believe it will be a show were Don is creating new playable levels for different games. He already did this on gametrailers. If you are not familiar with it check this out: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9HIRe-4az0&amp;list=PLaQokWZfgbykfIr6NKIcOMxsUC0cltOwE" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9HIRe-4az0&amp;list=PLaQokWZfgbykfIr6NKIcOMxsUC0cltOwE</a> ;) a ton of fun!


Hey Brandon, I really enjoy your show so far and if one or two of you guys want to go to gamescom this year, just let me know as I live a 1,5 hour drive from Cologne! : )

Robert I.

:O I LOVE "BLACK SAILS"! Who recognized you!? I know Zach McGowan was doing the Comic Con circuit... Was it him? That'd be insanely mindblowing...


If you're concerned about your sleeping schedule I have some not so good advice for you. Have some kids. I've got three boys (ages 7, 2, and 6 months) and they are in complete control of my sleeping, or lack thereof. I'm pretty positive at this point that they conspire with each other against me. The two year old and six month old seem to work in predetermined shifts and the seven year old is a regular sleep walker. If you ever want to be truly creeped out, try playing the PT demo at 1am with headphones on and then have your seven year old briskly walk up behind you mumbling gibberish. I couldn't sleep for two days after that. So, if not sleeping is your goal, have too many children. Or you could do what my deadbeat brother does and develop a terrible cocaine addiction. You may only live for a few more years, but you'll be awake the whole time. I hope this helps. Love and Respect, Hunter Pearson


Glad to see all my favorite gaming people sticking together to support each other. Love and respect all you guys. Can't wait for the Portillo/Sophie crossover. Jessica Jones was surprisingly super good. Definitely check it out when you get the chance. As for your work, I'll say what I said to Shane about SIFTD, and that is to take care of yourself as well and don't be afraid to pass on some duties to others. Can't have content if you guys aren't healthy and that's understandable. Gotta give yourself personal time if needed. As for sleep, I'm 25 and not really busy so I'll try to get like 5 hours in before work or so. Usually tried to get at least 7 when I went to College. The not sleeping superpower would be fantastic. Lastly, whatever your age Jones, I hope you always keep that positive energy and infectious charisma. Thanks for all you do.


Hey Jones, Great episode, but your sleep segment is slightly worrisome. I hope you aren't straining yourself too hard. Sure, i'd love for EZA to be a content machine, but make sure you look out after yourself and your family as well. Can't have you burning out Jones, or even worse EXPELLED... by Amanda for not spending enough time with the fam-jam! (Although, that garage is a very comfortable doghouse! Take good care of yourself, we'll be here!


OH MAN! Sleep is my thing, and I'm 25! Between training six days a week, working 5 and trying to bike or do some form of sporting activity on the seventh day I am burnt out! If I don't get at least a solid 8-9 hours of sleep a night I'm not operating at 100% the next day. I also don't drink any coffee or tea so there's nothing in my system keeping me up and going haha Get your rest Brandon! Great episode!


Hey Brandon, if you ever find yourself in boston and would like to use a gym, let me know! I would be more than glad to host you or ANY of the allies who finds themselves in the area!!!


Also, I am 32 and it's sleep or die! Especially if you have really long days! Back in college, work didn't start until midnight, but now I wake up really early and if I am not in bed at a good time, I feel it.


Hey brandon you should watch black sail's if and or when you have time to, it is a great show.


No one is allowed to frown... at Gamescom

Alejandro Medina

There is no better way to start my week that knowing that i share the same dream superpower with Jones, I also get the same response from people, it would be amazing to stay awake all the time.


I think with sleeping schedule it's very individual, I just like to take a nap when I feel I really need it. I get about 6 hours of sleep everyday and once every few weeks there comes a day when it's just not enough. I come home exhausted and just need that extra nap, even though I usually feel superbad about it, because basically I'm just wasting my time. So just try to figure out what works for you. And exactly as The Hashtagonist says - don't strain yourself too hard. You've all done such an unbelievable amount of work since EZA started, I've been a little worried that it might be too much. Get some rest Brandon, it is well deserved and much needed. I hope things will be better for you at least when you're done with Brandon plays Pokémon. Take care!


Jones, a couple of years ago I was out cleaning my floor fan after getting home from work. I hadn't gotten much sleep, and I hadn't eaten lunch yet. The next thing I knew, I was in a hospital with a stitched up ear, and told that I had had a seizure. Please take care of yourself. I don't want to see something happening to you that could easily be avoided by making sure you get at least a decent amount of food and sleep. I remember last year, you guys said, E3 is a dangerous mix of excitement and fatigue, but there is no HUD. -Minamik-


Cheers again for all your work Brandon and all other easy a's. Very enjoyable video that got me through my bike ride. James Brown


Funny you asked this question on the editorial Jones. I have so much games to play and I mess around with some gaming pages on social media and yea sleeping sucks when you just want to game and make content. At my job we have this system called "WILO" or week in the life of to help us get through things, its basically an agenda we make on Microsoft office breaking down our whole week into 15 minute blocks, so if something is going to take you an hour on Monday that's 4 blocks. I know you're thinking well that works for you but what we got going on here is crazy and things just happen outta no where, well I'm a manager at a call center, the only consistent thing there is change. I have applied the WILO to my gaming and just life in general and it really keeps me on track, and gives me lots of wiggle room for when "life happens"...try it out. Great episode as always, SO PUMPED FOR E3! #Allies


Oh, I love a good 5 hour nap.


Now that things are a bit more structured at EZ is there any chance we might see a return of the bonus bits at the end of shows? They were one of my favourite things about GT


Brandon! I too loved EGM, I was a big fan of the way they posted the Staff's game ratings, they would have one big written review but then they would also have individual staff member ratings. Would the Allies consider once the new website is up and running a staff ratings on games? For instance there would be the EZA Review score and then you could see Huber 4 stars, Ben 3 stars, Blood 3 1/2 etc. That would be amazing.


How would you describe your relationship with the other similar companies in the space like Kinda Funny. Do you you view them as a sort of mentor or maybe a template for what you would like to achieve in the future? Have you ever received advice from them that has helped you with shaping EZA? And do you find yourself wanting to be more involved in collaborations with KF and other similar groups as a result of those friendly relationships? Edit: Lmao Brandon inadvertently described the Hyperbolic Time Chamber while fantasizing about console retrospectives


Jones, I'm really feeling you on the sleep issue. I'm getting close to 30 and already I feel the fatigue of trying to pull all-nighters or the late night/early morning lifestyle I used to run by in my early 20's. Man, and I know it only gets worse. Too many games, not enough waking hours...


I know you guys are very busy but will the allies ever get back to bonus bits? I always enjoyed the little skits you guys used to put on after shows at GT.


Funny the subject of your editorial cuz I didn't sleep at all and I'm feeling it. I'm with you, Jones. I'm almost 34 and hate sleeping and eating. I can still pull an all nighter here and there but not all of the time. My wife can't sleep if I don't occupy the space in bed next to her so even if i didn't need sleep i would still need to go to bed. I guess when she starts sleeping soundly without me then I'll start to worry. Also, at approx 35:02, Brandon says doo doo. Hee, hee.


I'm turning 34 on Friday so I'm younger than you but in my adult life I've actually had trouble sleeping when I want to and I want to stay up like I used to but I know I'd feel terrible the next day and possibly days after that. I've learned I need to exercise daily to feel healthy and to be able to sleep well. I also sit in bed for an hour before trying to sleep and reading a book for the entire hour on my Kindle, I've found it helps slow my brain down (I have a problem that my brain never wants to stop thinking about everything and anything). Even with all that it takes me about an hour or more to actually fall asleep when I'm trying. I also find I wish I could use my sleep time to play all of the games I've been putting off :(.


Oh my god Jones!!! I say the exact same thing about not needing sleep ALL THE TIME! Not enough hours in the day and always being exhausted and passing out when my backlog is insanely huge,work, blah blah blah. So relatable! Also thanks for answering my ridiculous question lol. For real though I'd pay 10 bucks per episode of Huber sex tips just getting right hype about it LMAO


Ha ha! Huber sex tips we definitely need that!!


What is it with wives and this nonsense? I've had two wives and they both played the "I need you in bed to sleep" card. Neither appreciated me asking them what they did for sleep before we met. My schedule consists of waking up to kids who need suff, going to work and dealing with adults who act like kids who need stuff, coming home and dealing with kids who need stuff again, and then cleaning up after the kids after battling with them over bedtime. This puts me squarely at 10pm before I can even think about doing anything for myself. This is roughly the same time I get the question, "what time are you planning on coming to bed?" "Ugh...I don't know. If I go to sleep now I'm going to have to do all that stuff again. How's midnight?" Fast forward to 12:02am. Receive text message from wife "are you coming up soon?" sigh... I can only blame myself.

Dallon Taylor

Yeah sleep is a thing I can't do. I usually finally get myself to fall asleep around three am, and wake up before nine. And when I'm awake I try to use that time for art, which is why I watch a lot of YouTube and I don't play video games or read. I can draw and watch tv, but I can't draw and play games. At the same time, I feel like I'm wasting time if I'm drawing, but also like I'm wasting time if I'm not. Time management is hard.


Another great insight into EZA! Loved it. Sleep is an unfortunate necessity. I too would rather stay up late working on projects and whatnot as opposed to getting up early to do it. Also, if that freelance thing ever becomes a reality, let me know! That is my dream job right there!


Of all the things you could do in the future, please do not copy Kinda Funny's way of self-advertising. It is incredible annoying and obstrusive. Also even as a paying member who watches literally all the shows I'd have to sit through all this non-stop self-promotion. I love you guys, but this is literally the one thing that would me make cancel my patreon subscription.


Hey there Brandon. I have a question for EZA: A common thing in the Youtube community is cross promotion. What makes it feel like a big homey place for everyone to hang out and have a good time is the fact that a person's favorite Youtube creators sometimes collaborate. Now that you guys are a part of that, have you considered reaching out to other Youtubers and perhaps doing a collab? For example I would love it if you did some VO work for DidYouKnowGaming.


Hey Brandon, thanks for getting to my question about console retrospectives and I completely understand that it'd too long. But I did want to throw out another idea for a podcast episode or even a special, if time permits. I know my XOne, PS4, and WiiU sit side by side next to my TV, but especially when it comes to multi-plat titles, only one of those consoles is my go-to. With that said, I think it'd be fun to hear some of the Allies talk about which console of any or all generations is their console of choice for whatever reasons, legitimate or not.


Brandon add insurance and make sure is up to date every month!


Brandon i love the shows but i found it hard to show EZA stuff to some other friends because mostly are long gameplay, maybe some short fun edited versions of EZA streamings would do the trick to reach more new people and not only hardcore fans, wish you luck.


Don is indeed amazing


My opinion is that you shouldn't do promoting as much as Kinda Funny. It seems like it constantly pops up and it gets kinda annoying.


I love the idea of some Brandon Jones editorial going up on the patreon and youtube pages for everyone. It's hard to balance the exclusive content for patrons vs. what everyone else gets. From my perspective, and I think most early patrons agree with me, I would still be a 5 dollar patron even if there was no exclusive content. With that being said, there are surely some patrons who give money for early access to shows and exclusive content, and I can see this being particularly important to gain new subscribers/patrons. My proposal: make sure the shows/podcasts that come out during the week have a 1-2 day delay for non-patrons. All of them. I see many people here, including myself, who love to listen/watch the shows on the commute to work. If every show had a one or two day delay for non-patrons, I could see it being a great incentive for new patrons and something that would not impact those who do not pay too much. Listening to the allies discuss the latest news as soon as the shows are available, coupled with the ability to listen to shows during the week that they wouldn't have access to as a non-patron, would create a strong insentive to become a patron while not burdening the broad appeal (free users) too much. Plus it means you wouldn't have to come up with new content to keep the patrons happy! As always, love the show and your honesty and transparency. Keep up the good work and happy E3!!


Ok. Here is the deal: You do a crowd-funding campaign for Gamescom this year (maybe including a community meeting) and I'll pay for the hotel (2 people). It's a nice hotel, 20 minutes away from the convention center. <a href="http://www.schlossbensberg.com/en" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.schlossbensberg.com/en</a>

Sean Barrett

Hey Brandon, Love CoJ and your comment recently with age and the whole balancing sleep topic was right on the money. I get so darn frustrated when it feels there are only so many hours in a day where i cannot do certain things between sleep and two jobs and simply wish i could power right through it like i used to.Anywho, I had a suggestion for Cup of Jones.Have you ever considered having a "One on One"with either one of the allies or a special guest? Perhaps it can be a casual chat over coffee where the guest can maybe throw out some that they have for future projects and can reference Patron feedback the days following.(they will be expected to supply their own unique mug )I would only realistically see this as a once per month taping since this is YOUR show of course. I would love to hear what you think. Get your deserved rest when you can and stay great Brandon!


Those two super powers are exactly what I want as well.


Regarding sleep: I'm a 35 year old game developer and it took some years but by now I'm pretty convinced, super-long work ours, crunsh-times and so on don't work. You make mistakes, you need far longer... so whenever possible we try to avoid these kind of things. They say when you are tired, you are a worst driver than when you are drunk. And you wouldn't work drunk, would you?


Battlefront is a lot of things, poor is not one of them. It may lack some content and be repetitive for those who don't enjoy multiplayer games. But it's beautiful to look, plays extremely well, and a lot of fun.


Please do not push yourself to the limit. Take your rest! I understand you would feel bad for not delivering the promised EZA content because of all the donations via Patreon and Twitch, but please understand that we would feel equally as bad if something happened to you because of the resulting pressure from these donations. Above all, this should be a jolly adventure for you, your fellow Allies, and us. I hope you will find a good balance in the future. If not, ask Huber, he claims to be a monk from China. PS: This applies to all Allies.


Regarding shows as podcasts, i think brandon plays pokemon and cup of jones would work fine (cup of jones would have to be soundcloud only obviously). Regarding extra patreon exclusive content. I think at the end of recording Frame Trap the guys should spend 10-15 mins answering a few more listener questions and make that a separate video for $5 patrons and it would go up on mondays on Frame Trap's off weeks.


If you guys need an editor, I can work remotely for free. I'm unemployed right now, but I have a ton of time on my hands and I'd love to help you all out during E3 with whatever I can do.


Dear Easy Allies, Thanks for answering my question about the floor mat, and sorry that it brought up bad memories. It's still a really great promotional item. What are some of your favorite animals? I love you guys, please take care of yourselves, perhaps get a guard animal as a security system (I recommend a hippopotamus), and thank you for always being here and on Twitch.


oh you mean EZA HIGHLIGHT moment video. that would be FUN AND INTERESTING. lol


Ya'll are doing great. Keep up the good work! Definitely work on time management if you're not getting enough sleep. You can schedule and prioritize your entire day.


I like the fact that Cup of Jones is Patreon only! It makes me feel special!


Jones i Love Sleeping! But i hate that i like sleeping for such long periods. If i am working a regular 9-5 job, i hate sleeping for 10 hours and there for only having enough time to work and sleep. I hate it. But the act of sleeping, is so nice!


Hi Brandon! I can definitely relate. I am 40 now and the legendary Sony E3 conference was at 3 a.m. here in Germany, and I had to work on the next day. I said screw it, I'll watch, and then I was so hyped afterwards that I couldn't even sleep at all. I was a zombie at work, but somehow I made it. - About productivity and sleep etc: There are great examples and advice what to do in your situation. I have become a productivity nut in the past year or so, and I want to give you (and all other patrons who seem to suffer the same fate, lol) some things to chew on, to read and to listen to. 1) Sleep: A good average is about 7 hours. You can do 6 if you are sleeping at the same time every day, 4 is the bare minimum without going zombie on the next day. 2) GTD (Getting Things Done) by David Allen may be known for some, it's pretty popular. It's basically about turning everything you do into a system that you can follow through without wasting brain resources on what to do next. 3) If you suffer from an overflowing eMail inbox, look at Merlin Mann's "Inbox Zero". There is a long lecture about it on Youtube if you search for those terms. 4) The folks over at asianefficiency.com give some fairly good advice on a "morning ritual" to get the day going. It's basically about having some steps you follow every morning to set yourself up to be ready for work. 5) They also have a podcast "The Productivity Show" that I can recommend. Look it up on iTunes. Download and listen to episode 68, "The 5am Miracle". It's crazy what you can do if you manage to get up early and use some very productive, focused hours between getting up and breakfast. 6) If you have trouble focusing, use the pomodoro technique. There are free phone apps that do that for you. You set a timer and focus on something for 25 minutes. Then you take a break of 5 min. Then the next 25 min, then a longer break. Rinse repeat. The promise of leaving your focus after the timer is done helps you keep doing what you want/need to do.... - well, that's it for now, and I hope to be helpful to anyone who made it through this wall of text :-P It's past 10 pm now, and I will sleep to have another 5 am miracle ;-) Love and respect, Chris.


Donated one Dollar to Siftd because you said it's a good thing to do ;)


Thanks Brandon for your shout-out for SIFTD.


I'm an EZA ally from Australia, and I've never been so emotionally invested to an online group/community as I am with you guys. So on the topic of sleep, I've changed my sleep schedule to include the streams eg. Toy Box Tuesday (which usually starts at 3-4AM here) and I always look forward to keeping up with all the Patreon posts each day as they come out. Luckily not every day has a 4AM stream; so that's when I get to go for a run or do some swimming in the early morning. I try to get all the productive stuff done as the sun rises and then utilize the rest of the day to enjoy my self. I also work in hospitality so my employer is more than happy to have me on in the mornings, so then I can keep up with the EZA team and also keep productive with my music and other hobbies; be it in the early mornings or after work. I truly believe that Brandon and the team have gone above and beyond what I expected EZA to be, so early on it's life, and I really appreciate everything the team has shared with us so far.. So i hope they don't run them selves so thin they collapse due to demand; because they have genuinely met and exceeded all of my excpectations. Thank you so much for everything and we'll be here to support you guys for as long you are around. Also a massive thanks to the community for being so awesome and welcoming to everyone in the EZA meta. Love &amp; Respect.


Funny enough I'm pretty sleepy at this very moment. Even being only 26 years old, I can feel that pulling all nighters are way more difficult to handle than when I was 18. That's probably only going to get 'worse'. But I think getting those naps during the day, while you don't have anything to do anyway I very smart. Hopefully you all can get some good sleep before E3, because man, those are going to be some awesome amazing looong work days. HYPE!


Don't we all pull a all nighter JONES? Don't we all? I'm 29 years old and I'm still pull an all nighters. you can also argue that most Gamers are all nighters too because Gaming is their Pleasure whether they are Tired or not. yes I hate sleep because sleeping is like boredom with nothing else to do other than daydreaming. if you want to Reduce Sleeping hours, I highly suggest for you to be HEALTHY(physical exercising, ORGAINIC Foods, ORGANIC COFFEE(if you want to be called Organic Cup of jones :P) that sustain your body well, etc.) so that you can sleep at least 4 hours(3 hours if you dare) and then you will wake up REFRESHED like NOTHING HAPPENED. that is my best advice for you. :)


Hey Brandon! Question for next COJ:


Hey Brandon! Question for next COJ: Are you planning on giving your thoughts on Upcoming Indie Games? I spend a humongous chunk of my time looking for indie games to play.


It’s actually daytime when you recorded this! Fair play on promoting Shane and his efforts. Do you review everything you get sent? As a relatively new set up do you have to ask to be sent most things for review?


First of all - I loved the ‘Sleep’ editorial. I have never been able to agree more to anything. As this is a subject on which I could go on for ages, I think I’ll stick to “bullet points”, to avoid going into to much useless detail. But as an overall note, I have noticed over the years, that the type of work I do hugely impacts my need for sleep. Basically meaning that the more I have to come up with new ideas, the more sleep I need, and the more I am working on something with a more executional focus, the less sleep I can deal with, because my fingers are working from muscle memory more than my brain (part of what I do for a living is draw). And to my experience - doing animation is the absolute workflow drug - I have never with anything else experienced the same kind of total flow, where you forget time, space and everything around you for hours on end. Talking about sleep and how to do it. When I was 20 and still studied at the designschool, I brought a madres and a blanket to a hidden room at the school. This allowed me to keep a rhythm of starting work at 9 in the morning and finishing at 3 at nights effectively giving me around 5 hours of sleep before I had to get up because people started arriving. Not having to commute to school saved precious hours. I could and still can do all nighters, but they mess up my rhythm in the long run so I try to avoid them. Today I’m 26 working as a concept designer. I have 1 hour of commute in bus each way to work and a last bus home that leaves at midnight in which case I’m sleeping by 2 a clock at night. These parameter control my rhythm. Basically I have to modes. Passion mode and work mode. Both are work, but one is when I work on something I truly care about, the other is something where for whatever reason, I need to work long hours on stuff I am not 100% passionate about. From January until the end of february this year fx, I worked on a project with a tough deadline. Great project, but not in the passion category. I worked 14 -16 hour days for 2 months straight. There was a lot of conceptual designing and a ton of execution. Also a lot of responsibilities on my shoulders, which indirectly made me more tired in the long run because I knew had to deliver. Every day 1 hour after lunch when the food I had eaten would make me feel heavy and tired, I would take a 15 minute powernap in a secluded room. I would then get up and continue working feeling greatly refreshed. Then later at around 6, I would take another 15 minute power nap. This combined with 5-6 hours of sleep every night allowed me to keep going with no feeling of burnout or discomfort. Two months ago I started working on a new project which is very, very much in the passion category. (And I think this might be very similar to the way you are passionate about EZA at the moment.) This means I’ll work from 8 in the morning till midnight just because I want to. Including some weekends. Not because someone expects me too - just because this project is incredible and I want to make it every bit as great as I can. This thing is - this makes me worse at planning my sleep - because all I ever want to do is work on this project. And because my passion to do so I so immense - I very rarely feel tired because I am so pumped to start working. And to your point about actually being tired all of a sudden - I feel I can relate to that. Working on something you love, effectively clouds you judgement because in your attempt to make everything better and better, I feel that it is easy to forget yourself and you will feel in the long run. If this project keeps going for 1 year, 2 years, 3 years - can I maintain this lifestyle. Likely not. And so, I am currently fully aware, that I am working a rhythm that is not healthy in the long run - but I love what I do so much that I just can’t help it. There is just nothing I want to do but work on this project. But I should probably sit myself down and start making my long term sleep schedule. So all in all. TLDR; To me - Passion projects needs less sleep, but should probably be monitored as tightly as non-passion projects. Non-passion projects and expectations/responsibility driven projects usually requires a healthy dose of sleep or regular powernaps to not burn out. Studying needs less sleep, because the only expectations on your shoulders is your own hopes for the future. And doing animation is a drug which you won’t understand until you’ve tried it.


Hey Brandon I'm 22 and I hear you . I have found the perfect system for myself , it is not exciting . I sleep early and I force myself to stop working/studying at a certain time e.g at 11:00 p.m I stop and get ready for bed and prepare for tomorrow if there's anything to prepare , such as clothes ,what I should bring to college and sometimes breakfast.Also , sleeping at regular time especially at night (because you mentioned sleeping for 3 hours when the other EZA are shooting). As for my mornings , I always start with a workout sometimes I take a pre workout drink other times I don't.Take a shower and then I start to think about what I'm supposed to do today.


Jones, just wanted to say thanks for the very honest replies to people's questions every week. Some of these questions seem to touch very personal business stuff regarding how you're all running your company and it surprises me how open you are about them. I know it's a Patreon and that means people (almost) directly give you guys money to help keep the lights on - which in turn means people expect more feedback from you guys -, but I'd be surprised if any other group is as forthcoming as EZA. Again, thanks!


You're doing so well Brandon. I remember your first cup of jones and you looked SO tired! I've definitely done all nighters- I'm twenty seven- but even now I can feel something shift in me. But I will say that I LOVE sleep. Suh guuuud


I'm 22 and I've never been good at doing all-nighters. I've certainly had to do them especially for school but it's never been an easy thing. I've also started my own company after graduating so like you my schedule is for the most part what I make it. I prefer to get my work done at night so I wake up around 2 p.m. every day and go to bed at 6 a.m. It helps me focus to work at night and I picked up a side job at a bar so that works out too. My sleep schedule isn't for everyone but it works for me. You and the rest of the Allies are doing great Brandon. Sleep is important for good creative work so don't stress about taking some naps too much.


When I was younger early twenties to late twenties, I was probably the happiest I had ever been. I worked at the airport as a skycap and made fantastic money. I had to be at work at 4am, woke up at the 3, and usually worked 11 to 12 hours. I was making great money. I also was hanging with friends and having a wonderful social life. I usually got about 3 or 4 hours of sleep a night and that was fine for me. Until it wasn't. I had a heart attack when I was 29 years old. I ended up quitting the job. I now have a more 9-5 type job. Which is fine. But I am very cautious with how I spend my free time. I take things easy and always make sure I make time for sleep. That's just me and my story. But being healthy -- eating well, working out, and plenty of sleep is essential with my life.


I'm 28 years old and I'm with you regarding the sleep thing. I'm used to going to bed a little late, like 1am, because I don't have to wake up as early as most people. If I get around 6 and half hours of sleep I'm good. I always prefer to just do whatever it is I have to do at night and go as late as I need to than to force myself to wake up earlier to do anything. That is always a disaster and I also don't trust myself with that kind of commitment.

Brandon K Gann

Hey, Mr. Jones. I wrote a response hear earlier, but I noticed that it apparently did not save. If this is a re-read, my apologies. If not, I just wanted to say: Thank you very much for taking my quesiton, I will try to spread awareness about EZA (Not in an annoying way I promise ;-] ) and I'll save my next Cup of Jones question for post E3. Until then, keep up the great work and I'm looking forward to being present in chat during the shows. Stay Easy fellow Ally.


I'm 29 going on thirties. I'm very tired everyday. When I need to do stuff. I write myself a schedule with 30 minutes interval. If I don't do this, I will end with little done at the end of the day. I don't do this everyday though. I must say I mostly do this when I'm stressed, because it seems my brain interpret stressed as something bad and my body wants to stay away from bad stuff, so I evade doing those thing. Writing it within a schedule pushes me to do this.


An awesome before going to bed watch. :)


Hey Brandon! First of all, I would like to thank all of you for all the content, the passion and the transparency on this project, keep up the excellent work. Question for the next CoJ: For convenience I use Podbean (an app i already had) to listen to your podcasts, does this hurt the allies? Should I be using a specific app or webpage to listen to your podcasts? Android user by the way.


I am 24 and I have a lot I want to get done. The biggest problem is that I have things that are 9/10 on my desire level and others that are painful 3/10s. I have tried a lot of time management concepts and I haven't fit the mold for them. I don't think those techniques will fit every single life so I am working tweaking them. Thank you for answering my question Jones!


I am 35 and have always hated sleep, just like you, if i could i would never sleep! Since as far as i can remember, i always needed about 6hrs of sleep a day but since a few months i feel a bit more tired and i sometimes oversleep "sleeping 8hrs or so" when that happens it really bug me down because i feel like i am wasting precious time. Even now, i have been without a job for a few months now, and i always feel like i never have enough time. I dont get how some people can sleep 10 or more hours a day. Lol Cheers!


Finally caught up on all the past Cup of Jones videos after recently becoming a Patron. As someone who has slight Hypothyroidism, I need more sleep than average on a regular basis. If I get under 8 per night for an extended period, I turn into WALL-E before his morning charge, for the entire day. So I can definitely sympathize with the sleep vs. work/play fight we all deal with everyday. Since you plan to be sleeping more though, have you ever had a dream you later thought would have been a perfect video game setting or narrative? Have a great E3, Sam


Check out the 28 hour day if you want to maximize your awake time in a more productive way: <a href="http://www.dbeat.com/28/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.dbeat.com/28/</a>


DUDE, your stance on sleeping and eating is exactly like mine! The mortals don't understand and most of them don't even try to see it from our perspective. Now I got an "ally"!


It would be cool to see after finishing the very first pokemon that Brandon plays the newest pokemon. It would be like an all new experience.


I'm 35. I can deal with 5-6 hours of sleep per night, but, after 4 days of it, I need a nap after work. By the weekend, I need a day of 10 hours of sleep.


Hi Brandon, i guess sleep is different for everyone, but i find that i need it increasingly consistently. I know your schedule is different every day, but if you can keep a very consistent sleep schedule it feels awesome. And naps too. Also, I've heard that night owls like us tend to be very efficient in the mornings, provided we can get out of bed that early. You should try forcing yourself up early and see how it goes. L and R


Just want to add, ill gladly wait any amount of time for a EZA review, Id love to see what you think of Homefront.


Two things... So, I am a teacher. I am thirty two years old. I am so damn tired. The fatigue is real. I try to get eight hours every day, but it isn't always enough. I have had to put so many of my projects on the side. As I have gotten older I am just persistently more tired. So I feel you, man. Secondly, and I am sure someone else has probably said this, but Ghibli's stuff is all anime. When you speak about anime in a broad sense you are lumping Ghibli's stuff, and other anime in a similar vein, with all the silly shonen stuff (and shonen aren't all created equally either). Just saying... ;)


Sleep huh? Yeah I dont think I know the album you're talking about but I really like the one where this one's on... <a href="https://youtu.be/WdtATSsw4HQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/WdtATSsw4HQ</a>


I guess I'd have to say I hate the transition of sleep. I don't want to fall asleep when I'm awake, and also hate to wake up once I do. I agree with the super power though, would love to get rid of the need for sleep.


Regarding reviews, I suppose it's a website suggestion but a list of reviews to date would be nice. Just a list with: Title; Score; Author; Link, for review. Sometimes I wonder what score a game got.


Sleep is for humans.


HUGE Shoutout to SIFTD.net ! Thanks Brandon and the Allies for the support! You EZA bits are still some of the most popular articles on that website.


Hey Jones, early 20s here; I LOVE sleep. All I want to do is sleep. If I could sleep forever and lucid dream that whole time that would be excellent. I have goals and work for myself, but I'm pretty lazy about it, I just wanna sleep man. Q for the show: At what Patreon level would each ally have their own pro mic like yours for their streams &amp; shows? For instance, Damiani could really use a new mic.


Ben's Lore Corner was not patreon only, up to the last ones I've seen, Red Dragons and What I've Learned. Did they get a patreon-only access for higher money?


Hi Brandon, I'm 30 years old. I have a desk job, so I try to work out five times a week to stay in shape. On mondays, wednesdays and fridays I work out with weights. Tuesdays and thursdays are for aerobic workouts (sprinting/cycling/sports etc). I need at least 7 hours every night or I'm dead tired the entire next day. And when I'm tired, I really can't train properly. Barndon, if you want to build muscle, you have to give your body time to recover. Plus, lifting weights only stimulates your muscles. The actual muscle building happens when you sleep. L&amp;R


This episode was absolutely hilarious! However, I am genuinely taken back that you're 37 years old. You honestly don't look older than 30, but it obviously does make sense considering the time frame that GT started up. Anyway, have you ever just tried growing out your beard? I think you'd look damn epic with a beard! As it is, we can all see how tired you are nowadays, not just by the eyes, but also the lack of being clean shaven. So why not just LET IT GROW AND LET IT FLOW! New brand, new face. Why not? The Dollar Beard Club has an awesome beard brush and some great beard oils if you need help with maintenance.


Brandon, thank you for making the Q&amp;As available for public viewing. But wouldn't it make sense to put Q&amp;As also on iTunes? You have to do it only once a month and the format really works as a podcast. I can easily listen a 2 hour podcast when I'm exercising/shopping/on the go. But I rarely have the time to watch a 2 hour youtube video... Thank you guys for great content! L&amp;R.


Question for one of your next Cup of Jones. I think you are the best person to answer this. DisneyLand or Disney World? Which one is the best and why? I'm planning to go there with my 6 years old niece and my parents (60 years old).

Joseph La Russa

Answer to your question: As a 23 year old law student, I find that napping between classes is best, and during the school year I also tend to stay up late and have late classes. Since I've started working over summer, I find that I work 9-5, have dinner, the girlfriend is here the rest of the evening, and then go to bed. Barely have time for Cup of Jones!


Awesome episode. I was once told by one of my supervisors in residency that a human only needs 4hrs of sleep a night to be functional and while I have certainly pulled my share of 36hr shifts I can tell you that as a 33 yo old those suck way more now, and that while some mutants can get away with 4hrs I definitely need more. Though honestly with kids I find it quite challenging to even get that sometimes. I have definitely shared your fantasy of not needing sleep though in my version every time I sleep time stops and just waits for me so I can sleep as much as I want.


Hey Brandon, I'm not sure if this the proper location to ask questions, but this is just a quick one concerning the EZA podcast (NOT FRAME TRAP). I noticed on the second episode of the EZA podcast, the title included; Cunning Title, Name of Podcast, Episode # (with related thumbnail). However, every episode after that has just followed the minimalistic; Name of Podcast, Episode # (Easy Allies thumbnail). I was just curious why that decision was made. Being a patron, I am going to consume your content regardless, but for newcomers, it might easier to hop in if they have an idea of what the podcast will be about. I don't know, I could be totally off on this one, but I'm just curious! Thanks again for another great Cup of Jones!


Hey Brandon! If you're allowed to talk about it, what ever happened to Timelines from GameTrailers? And if you got the funding, would you continue doing them, or just stick to retrospectives? The ones you did on Legend of Zelda and Kingdom Hearts were fantastic and it sucked to see the series just end like it did.


Believe they are on YouTube now due to the ign deal. Damiani was the man really behind those so with enough time and funding I bet it could happen again but not anytime soon




Hey Brandon, can you give us your thoughts on Batman vs Superman and your hype levels for the rest of the DC universe.


Have you considered partnering up with someone to add subtitles in various languages to your videos in order to expand your potential audience?


Hey Brandon, I live in the UK so the Sony press conference (and your live reactions) will be aired during the night for me. How long do you think after the initial stream will it be re-watchable on Twitch or youtube? Thanks!


You should make Cup of Jones a podcast, would love to listen to it during my commute. Brandon Plays Pokemon would be a great podcast as well.


Awesome Cup of Jones as always, on the topic of sleep I agree with you sir. At night, I tend to look at the clock with more disdain now than I used to.


Brandon, what's your favorite part of working on EZA so far or what are you most proud of?

Michal Dudic

you can download the shows from Soundcloud - to whoever asked that question


Hey Brandon! Huge fan and I love the allies' work! My question is how much do you guys make off of youtube hits typically/ is it significant to impact how you guys will be doing shows in the future? And is your growth on Youtube on track for what you guys want (like is it growing to the rate you were hoping/ expecting?)


Jones, you warm my heart. Don't ever change! PS- I also tell people that I wish I had the power not to sleep. That would free up a huge chunk of my life. Here's to caffeine!


Hey again Jones. Regarding questions and comments about more reviews, have you and the Allies considered doing stripped down reviews for some games? I'm thinking something like the Needle Drop's monthly "Y U No Review" wherein you spend just a few minutes doing a really succinct, no frills video.


I thought it was funny that first you said new equipment coming and then that Sift got robbed. Hopefully Shane and his crew can get back on track asap they're good guys eventhough I don't agree with them on alot of things but I find that refreshing. Oh and get some sleep Jones! I recently started night shifts every third week and it is tough sometimes and I don't want burnout or crash.


A little strange question to ask, but do you find redeeming a code for a digital copy of a game kinda satisfying or exciting like it is when opening a box with a new game and putting the disc into a console for the first time?


Do your neighbours know about Easy Allies? If so what are their reactions seeing EZA members constantly coming over to your house ? :P


Brandon, Recently I began to watch group streams with the all of the Allies and find them very enjoyable to watch for the great ally conversations and craziness. I like seeing all the great gifts that are sent in and was curious if you would do a "gift showcase" video. I know it would be asking a lot to make another video at the end of the stream, but the gifts are just amazing and I don't know how many people get to see the more dedicated fans hard work otherwise. Another thought would be for quick promotions of gifts during regular segments like in Cup of Jones. Is there room for these suggestions? Respectfully, Morgan M.