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Coming in right before the end of the week is this round of fancy cups and EZA updates. Huge week for the Allies, and lots of questions to cover after taking a week off. Thanks to everyone helping us get closer to our new milestones.

Fresh episode tomorrow as well!

- Brandon


Cup of Jones 05/22/16

Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies Merchandise: http://shop.spreadshirt.com/easyallies https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies https://twitter.com/easyallies https://www.facebook.com/easyallies https://easyallies.tumblr.com/


Nicholas Poer

What's this, Cup of Jones early on Monday? Huzzah!


First Fifteen was a fantastic show!!


"Ansal is so hot right now" really Jones? Really?!?!? LOL great stuff thanks for the update, really appreciate the amount of time you put into this stuff.


With E3 only a couple of weeks away, is there a cut-off date for the $40,000 goal?


Props for Talking Heads call-out. I didn't even realize there was another "Mr. Jones" song that you might have been referring to.


Brandon, I'm feeling a bit conflicted as to how much to pledge on Patreon. All in all, I can afford $10 a month. At the moment I split that money between Twitch and Patreon ($5 on Patreon and $5 on Twitch), as from what I can understand, doing it this way gives EZA more money. The problem though, is doing it that way doesn't get us any closer to the E3 of Dreams goal. Ideally I'd like to pledge the full $10 on Twitch to get us a step closer to the $40k goal but if that is going to make you guys less money over-all, I am put off slightly. So I guess my question is two-fold. 1) If Twitch subs make you more money than Patreon subs, does the amount of Twitch subscriptions change the Patreon goals at all? 2) I want to give EZA as much of my $10 a month as I can, but I also want the E3 of Dreams. Should I do $10 a month on Patreon, or $5 on Twitch + $5 on Patreon?


Brandon, thank you for working so hard and everyone else in EZA.


if you want E3 of dreams you can skip a month on twitch then go back to doing 5 a piece.


Just want to add that I really enjoyed the recent release videos at the start of each month and would love to see them back. The music selections were always awesome!


Is there a possibility of knowing in advance when any of the easy allies crew will be on any podcast,event, etc .. wouldn't want to miss out on seeing that :D!

Andrew Chalmers

It'd be awesome if IGN hands over some of the names of shows (e.g The Final Bosman - it's not like they' have a use for it).


I can't stress enough how good it is to see Damiani back! Also I just want the Final Bosman brand back... is it possible??


Team Cap from the first Cap film vs Iron Man films? = O Definitely would love First Fifteen and the Release Calendar videos to return!


Putting this in its own comment re: the discussion below - can you talk about whether getting partway to the E3 goal will have a real impact for this year's E3? Like, are you going to put some money towards some of the improvements (better camera or w/e) regardless of where we end up when the next monthly pledges come in? Or does anything under that 40K goal go towards existing content instead of the E3 stuff? I realize the goal is to push to get everything in to do it right, and honestly I think we'll love your coverage regardless, but I hope you won't wait to make the changes you want to make just because you can't do ALL of them at once. This stretch goal is a little weird because it's a lot of small/medium items instead of one big one, and I'm sure you guys have already figured all this out. Just wondering how you'll deal with it and what you'll prioritize if we can't close that last gap in time.


I'm curious about the funds. Specifically, I realize there are a ton of start up costs (lights, cameras, gaming PC), and the new milestones are helping with that as well, but once that all settles down, would the remainder of the monthly Patreon go towards paying salaries and more full timers or towards undisclosed special projects?

Joseph La Russa

Brandon, can you give us a rundown on the history of GT sometime? I was a fan of the site for years, and I know you had the idea for starting it as a place for game trailers, but I'm curious how you got it so big, how it ended up at Viacom, and the like. Might make a good editorial!


This sounds like a cool editorial. I support that idea!


Hey Brandon, thanks for another great episode. After you've finished the Brandon Plays Pokemon series, did you put any thought in what you're going to do with that time next? Are you thinking of doing another miniseries about a single game like you're doing with Brandon Plays Pokemon, or will you use the time for other things/some much needed relaxation after all these hectic months? Much love, Yuri.

Wicky "Pokkuti" Salsa

Which developer support EZA never bother me one bit. This "game journalist integrity" is a bit annoying. How hard can it be to cross reference a review from different site? People just didnt bother to do research themselves these days.

Brandon K Gann

Hey Mr. Jones. I already asked this in a separate post, but promised I would ask it here: When finances prevent us from giving more than we want (for example I wish I could double mine), what can we Allies do for support beyond our pledges? Anything that we could do to help grow EZA and reach the milestones (especially since $40k is so close) would be immensely gratifying. Happy to hear you had a great vacation and as far as scheduling goes, I can only speak for myself here, I understand the hectic and craziness that is involved so I'm not bummed when you can't hit certain deadlines. Have a great week and stay Easy fellow Ally.


You forgot Crackity Jones by the Pixies!


Brandon, when you were younger what was your favorite source for gaming news? Like a specific magazine etc, I'm thinking late 80's early 90's?


I really liked the release calendar mainly because it was an easy way to learn about a bunch of lesser known, cool looking games at the beginning of each month. If it really is such low effort I know I would definitely appreciate it returning.


Hey, thanks for addressing my comment. Quick note on name pronunciation though, since I know you like to get those right. My first name is pronounced "Keerawn". Emphasis on the "Keer".


Being a subscriber to SIFTD as well, Shane gave a very different story on his feelings of IGN and GT. Were they only his feelings or did anyone else at GT feel animosity towards other sites? Love EZA for always being optimistic and full of love.


With E3 coming up, is there anything that could be announced that you would freak out over Jones? (à la Mike Huber E3 2015)


Very important question: How do you feel about Aqua's Dr. Jones (<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1jPUB7gRyg)?" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1jPUB7gRyg)?</a> Would that crack the top 5 Jones themed songs?


Very important question: How do you feel about Aqua's Dr. Jones (<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1jPUB7gRyg)?" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1jPUB7gRyg)?</a> Would that crack the top 5 Jones themed songs?


I also miss the release calendar. Ya'll always picked good music for those. :)


Hey Brandon, as a young Drama student I was wondering what insight you or Amanda could give into the world of VO? Love and Respect, Michael


You are a very successful and busy guy. Your recap of your week on the Sunday episode made my head spin. Do you do use any productivity or time management techniques personally or is it all just unhinged passion?


I know the retrospectives take a long time to produce, but perhaps eventually you guys could do a different kind of retrospective targetted on consoles from a particular company like Nintendo, Sony, Sega, or Microsoft.


Thank you for answering my question, Brandon!


I think you shouldn't try to force your way into PC games coverage if it's not what you're into. Also, you should ask IGN if they have the lost episode of Don's Design Lab, I'd love to see that. I don't think disclosing individual donations from people who happen to work at gaming companies matters unless it's a really large amount (like 4+ digits), it's not like you guys are gonna be handing out 5 star reviews because a dev dropped $5 on your Patreon.


Hey Brandon, since PAX Prime tickets are going on sale soon, I was just wondering how much PAX is on your radar?


Blood jumping in here. The trouble with some of those "lost episodes" from the final days of the site is that they weren't finished, and I'm not sure that IGN was given any sort of raw footage. The deal could have very well been limited to what videos still lived on the GT site's servers.


Let's hope IGN is a Patron, else they'll never see this episode :-P Great show and props to the person who made that stein. Impressive!


You mentioned Ben, Damiani, and yourself being full time. Do you have any sort of concrete agreement with the other Allies on who becomes full-time and in what order? Who would be next?


Hi Brandon, will you buy the PS4 Neo? Thankies


small suggestion, you guys should add the PO box under your videos on youtube instead of randomly showing it on stream or videos for people to see it by chance.


If Release Calendar really only takes 2 hours to make, I think you guys should really do it. Not only is it an awesome video that reminds us what is coming out soon (and one of the few places we actually are reminded of that) but I think it could also be worth it. It might bring new subscribers to your channel, and even though you don't care much about views anymore, more subs mean more possible Patreon supporters in the future.


Here's another vote for release calendar! It was always well cut and featured great music and got me in the gaming mood. A prerequisite for it is that you list the music in the video though! I hated hearing an awesome song and not know what it was!


+1 for the new release calendar video! Maybe its easy to do, but it is also extremely useful for us to mark dates or remember new games coming out! :)


Hi Brandon great show as usual , i was thinking maybe you could a monthly cup of Jones for non patrons that maybe help bring in more people to support EZA or at least a teaser for CoJ and Game Sleuth , thank you and i hope you've enjoyed Battleborn it's very fun game that has some flaws that hold it back from greatness.


To Jones and the Patreon who asked the question about PC: I'm a PC gamer. I'm speaking for myself here, but I think EZA talking or not talking about PC Games is irrelevant. Most of the the new releases (which where EZA has it's focus) are available on PC aswell, so, for me, the important thing is to hear this guys opinion's on the matter, not if they are playing on pc. Yes, there's a ton of PC exclusives, mostly indies, but I don't think it's a big deal that EZA doesn't cover them as much.


Will you offer more shows as audio only podcast versions? Youtube isn't the most ideal for subway commuters.


Holy crap my question got answered! This made my way happier than it ought to have =p Wish you guys all the best, looking forward to your E3 coverage!


wow! Slow down, Brandon! hahah You were talking so fast during this episode that it was kinda hard to follow


Jones, does episode lenght is ever taken into consideration when you guys are planning each show or looking at the weekly schedule? The reason I'm asking this is because I sometimes feel a little overwhelmed by the amount of content that's released and how long each episode can be. I don't watch every single show, and I certainly have my favorites, but sometimes I can't help but wish some stuff would be a little shorter. Between work, gaming, social life, other types of digital content and TV shows (yes, you guy are indirectly competing against TV shows), sometimes it gets hard to follow everything. I'm certainly not complaining. I love you guys and I don't mean to imply that my opinion is, in any way, supported by other patreons. This is just something that I have been thinking about for a couple weeks now because of my personal experience.


Hey Jones, Any chance of a Sweeney shirt?


Brandon, why isn't the cup you have in Brandon Plays Pokemon Part 4 available in the store? I want to buy that now!

Eric Estrada

Hi Brandon, have you guys consider making some more of your content patron's exclusive, not saying that "cup of Jones" isn't enough for us, but to encourage other people to become patreons, or delaying the YouTube upload of some shows a week or two, we get the podcast early, but I think the wait for non patreon's could be longer so to incentise people to join, oh and great episode once again


Brandon, what is your second favorite game? I feel like people's favorite is often due to nostalgia and their attitude when first playing it but their second favorite gives a better view of what they like about games.


Brandon, would it ever be possible for some of the Allies to come to Europe to cover an event like GamesCom, EGX or Paris Games Week in the future?


Hi Brandon, if you're looking to not ignore multiple chats, Restream.io has a chat app that you can connect multiple stream chats and view them all in one. Not sure how efficient it can be, but it's worth a test. Love and respect!


Hey Brandon, have you considered adding a banner in your videos promoting the patreon and/or twitch like how Kinda Funny does?


Just wanted to add I'd still like a release calendar video, so add me as a supported to your log.


It was a cup made by a fan. You can watch Brandon unpacking it in last group stream. Not merchandise of EZA for what I know.


The best 'Jones' themed song is undoubtedly 'New York Mining Disaster 1941' by the Bee Gees. It's one of my favourite songs of all time: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ps-Qq7ucMA0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ps-Qq7ucMA0</a>


I'm a PC guy and support EZA, so there. :)


Hi, Brandon. Do you get a sense that the Allies feel a greater level of stability from the Defy days? We've heard how Ian would joke before going into any meeting that you were being shut down, for instance. Is any current sense of stability tempered by having the responsibility to meet the expectations of so many patrons? Is that aspect intimidating during occasions where you might fall behind schedule?


Hey Brandon, since Easy Allies sells all merchandise via spreadshirt.com I was wondering whether it was possible to open a „EZA-store-branch” in a different country? E.g., Spreadshirt has a German Store and according to the international page (<a href="https://www.spreadshirt.net/select-your-region-C8590)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.spreadshirt.net/select-your-region-C8590)</a> it also has “local” stores for some other countries (most of them in Europe). Being able to buy the merchandise from the local store would greatly reduce shipping cost (it would roughly half the shipping costs in Germany), which are the only reason why I haven’t bought merchandise, yet.


The release calendar was really good. I really enjoyed that segment.


Idea for a show: Phones of Jones. It's a live call-in show or maybe something with voice mail. Just a suggestion. Just an idea.


Aw man I loved the release calendar. I always watched it and filled out my calendar at the same time which was super helpful.


Does anyone from EZA like any superhero shoes? Arrow, flash, Gotham, Supergirl, etc.?

David Kenyon

Have you considered doing a Patreon drive? Kind of like a PBS donation drive but as a 24 hour or 48 hour Twitch stream? Give each ally a time slot and track how much pledges you have gotten for Patreon on screen? Should give a nudge to get EZA over the 40k and maybe 50k humps.


You and some of the allies are going to be in San Diego for SDCC? I'm not planning to go to the con, but I'd love to hang out with you guys! Let me know if you guys wanna grab a drink or something. Also +1 for the release calendar. It was the easiest way for me to know what was coming up that month.


I'm glad IGN got GT stuff, but I hope you don't affiliate / partner up with them too much, really don't care much for IGN.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-22 20:58:19 久々の壁尻! いいものですね!
2016-05-25 17:35:19 Question for Brandon and the Allies: Do you ever get recognized in public by non-industry people?

Question for Brandon and the Allies: Do you ever get recognized in public by non-industry people?


I second bringing back the game calendar. Especially if it's quick to do. I realize you don't care about the hits, but as a consumer it's nice to see what the upcoming game releases are. Plus I like to get all of my gaming information here from EZA.


Hi Brandon, how would you, and the rest of the Allies feel about some Patrons and fans contributing content in the future. A lot of your answers to questions have been along the lines of "we don't have enough time", which is okay, but I know you get a lot of questions about reviews for games that might not be on your radar, or there might not be enough time when the game release schedule gets busy to review every big game, so what are the chances of letting others contribute to some kind of review? For example, last year I was a bit upset at there not being a review of FIFA for the first time on GT, i knew that none of you were into football (soccer) or sports games in general, and at the same time I was dabbling in creating my own YouTube stuff (stopped because I got a new job and don't have time), and so I made my own FIFA review, which was heavily influenced by the way that you do your reviews (i've been listening to your reviews for about 10 years now). Any thoughts on this? Thanks


Hi Brandon, A possible quick fix for the release calendar till you decide whether yay or nay, could be to read a list of the games coming up for the month on the first episode of the month on EZA podcast. Amendments to dates etc can then be made on future episodes for the month.


I see your point but I think making them wait longer is not the best way to get them to be patreons. The vibe I feel about EZA is that people are patreons because they love EZA and want it to grow, not in order to watch shows earlier. I wouldn't disrupt this magical vibe. Maybe there is some better way.


I think it is a very nice idea to have teasers for non patreons. At least they would get to know what exactly they are missing out (text doesn't justify) and hopefully would want to become patrons.


Are you guys considering a Uncharted 4 Spoiler-cast?


Please tell me Huber and Kyle are doing final bets soon for E3.


I outlined AR use at theme parks &amp; conventions at a college class a couple of years ago and was laughed out of the room. Fools.


I've asked this question to many different allies in many different ways and have never got an answer (rightfully so). Hopefully Jones has epic enough balls (or insanity) to answer. Now that you guys are self owned, Is it feasible that you guys could talk about sex in times when it would make sense or at least whenever somebody is comfortable bringing it up? I mean, if I got to hear some Huber sex tips, I'd 100% up my pledge by A LOT and that's a promise lol.


Jones that Zoolander joke was on point.


Hey Jones, have you guys ever thought about doing, contest or sweepstakes for your fans, with prizes or even a grand prize to be on one of the shows, or even a tournament of fans, for certain games ??


hey JONES. it seems that you've been doing cup of jones less frequently. is it a bit too much for you to handle after all the things piling up on you such as Reviews, Podcast, Editing, etc? I was thinking you should do CUP OF JONES every 1-2 weeks instead, that way you get less stress and more balance on your work time and Break time.


Honestly as a PC person I have almost no discernible incentive to back the patreon and would love it if there were just one PC gamer representative among the allies. Of course I'm backing anyway, but its for very different reasons and do in fact occasionally feel frustrated whenever an obvious gap of information regarding a whole half of the gaming universe goes unchecked or worse, outright misrepresented.


but I'm very happy to hear that its being worked on.