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How's it going fellow Patrons? This will be the last update for Game Sleuth before the first episode finally arrives. You get your first sneak peak at the graphics/logo being used for the show, a confirmation on the status of where the show will live (tl;dr - on EZA YouTube), and a final window for the first episode - before E3 week. New episodes will then be roughly once a month after that. I'll be sure to Tweet out the day the episode will go up in advance to let everyone know when they can finally check it out. 

Thanks for all your patience!

- Damiani


Game Sleuth - Update #4 (Final Update)

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Great to see you back with the team again Damiani. Looking forward to your show.


Great logo! Pumped.


Beautiful, Damiani! This has been a good day for fans of EZA:)


You're killin me with that teaser


So hyped with the teaser (!) Next could the soul's timeline????


I really appreciate these update videos, Damiani. Thanks!


I would like the Zelda-Talkshow to be only biweekly…so it can last longer and the rate of episodes with new trailers/infos about new games will be higher so it can last even longer before it hits a dead end :)


funny enough, the mic quality was great this time.


Excited about your plans to deliver more content! Looking forward to it. Not sure on how to voice my opinion on the Zelda weekly show though since I prefer to let you guys surprise me with content, and so far has been good :) . Only thing I would have to add don't feel forced to make shows that can conceptually last an eternity. Sometimes it's good to have a show that goes on for a limited amount of episodes and then move on to something new!(But I'm probably only saying things you already know anyway). Also I have to try asking although I know that it's probably impossible to talk about it yet. What are your thoughts on doing an SMT retrospective? Something feasible to do? Or are the first retros going for more well known properties first to try to grow the audience (since SMT is niche but maybe the combination with a Persona 5 release would make it more attractive *hopeful*)? Anyways thanks for delivering good content :)!


Thanks for considering the EU, you're like the anti-atlus.


a taste of sneaky detective music there at the end?


As an non native English speaker, I didn't know about the word sleuth....but then Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth happened last year. I love the name and no matter what shows you decide to do, I will stay a patreon. I trust your judgement on this Damiani.


you gotta hook up with gamehistorian on YouTube. extremely professional and talented individual.


Great stuff Damiani, thanks for keeping us all in the loop. I love the idea of a talk show, Zelda themed (or Nintendo in general if you need to branch out over time or whatever) - something with the feel of Frame Trap but with the Zelda/Nintendo/nostalgic tint would be awesome and in smaller bites if that's what you're going for.


Hey Damiani - I think you could probably run a great show that's basically "Show & Tell", starting with a focus on your Zelda merchandise, and then moving through the community. I'm sure there's plenty of interesting stuff your colleagues and contacts have in store for us!


Do you remember a show called Thanks For Playing! on GT around early 2014. it ran for 12 episodes until Defy took over.. anyways there was segments on that show about show and tell like Hoffman's Mario statue signed by Miyamoto or Rob Slusser's Gizmodo... i always wished there was more segments like that........


Damiani please show Kyle and Brad the thordan battle in HW


What is Chie doing hanging out with Damiani?!!! Does Ben know?


Do you enjoy stealing the attention of Ben's waifu, Damiani? Just look at her gazing at you through the entire video!




Mikey D! So glad you are back with the old crew! Cant wait to see what you have in store for us


The logo looks fantastic


i Saw you on Maximillion DOOD LIVE STREAM. Keep up the good work Damiani. :)


Don't put yourself under too much stress to get them out fast, Damiani. I'd rather wait several months to get a great episodes than have you run yourself into the ground trying to hit that monthly target.


Get peanut butter gamer in there for the Zelda talk show!! Damiani making uneasy alliances exciting stuff.


Sleuth is a great name; all those people complaining that there english is sooo good but they don't know the word.... well guess what; your English is not that good apparently .... Good choice D !


I'm so hyped for the FFXIV content from you guys! Please make Bosman a healer


i believe HMK(youtuber) can help you Related to Zelda SERIES as he's a SEMI-expert on that field such as theories, lore history, etc. so I highly suggest you should talk to him about it. :) <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4WRMZHYCvNRlaFe50px5Iw" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4WRMZHYCvNRlaFe50px5Iw</a>


Logo and Motion graphic look sick !


Really glad it'll be on the EZA youtube channel, looking forward to it!


I have the feeling this info was shared before, but who is handling all the graphics and animations?


Same guys who did the Zelda retrospectives I believe. was mentioned last time.


Nice! Glad to see it coming on the EZA youtube channel. However I'm a more recent patron (long time follower) and haven't seen the previous Game Sleuth updates can somebody point me to them so I can get caught up?


I'm a non-native english speaker and I had to search for the meaning of "sleuth", but I have no problem with the name. It's a good name!

Alex Castellanos

25 minutes before he actually shows the logo / intro animation... long-winded much?


Is Zelda a rich enough topic for a weekly show??? There's a lot you can talk about going into it's history/development/story/influences, but I think it mihgt run int course in &lt;6 months. Doing it as a show that moves between franchises could be really interesting, viewing classic franchises from new perspectives similar to Brandon plays Pokemon(but more condensed)


Really like the logo and the name! Good work Damiani and Don (D&amp;D =O), really looking forward to the show.


I´m not that interested in a weekly Zelda show. As for streams I like the ones with a theme or full playthroughs, see Red Dead Revisited, Dumb Game Monday, Kyle v Wosniak and the Zelda playthroughs from Damiani and Blood.


So happy for everything happening! I hope e3 brings enough exposure to EZA to get more guys fulltime and more support for the non-fulltime allies. Long live EZA!


Logo look great!


Weekly show -&gt; Awsome! Zelda theme -&gt; pls no. FF10/14/15 -&gt; Hell yeah! =D


I like the idea of zelda theme but I would suggest leaving it open to cover other games for the sake of the future.


Is there any consideration for you and the rest of the guys making an anime discussion show in the future? I'm aware that a lot of the crew watch a lot of anime, and you have a some insider knowledge and insight now. Is that up for any consideration at all? Looking forward to Game Sleuth -- you're already introducing our non-native English-speaking friends to new concepts!

Robert I.

Not going to mention Metal Gear Timeline... But totally thinking Metal Gear Timeline. 😉


Maybe you and Kyle go through A Link to the Past. That would generate some interesting discussion and trolling!

Andrew Chalmers

I would love a Zelda podcast. My only issue with it is the longevity of it (how long can you actually cover it on a weekly basis without repeating stuff?)


I love that Damiani is starting to talk about potential video collabs. I really think that's the next step for EZA in terms of exposure. I know we're only entering month 3, but it's important to open up the conversation now and really make good on the word "allies." Great update! Looking forward to Game Sleuth!


Gaming Historian on YouTube is pretty dope. You should hit him up and see if you guys can collab. One thing I would love to see is a Ben VS Damiani video on RPG knowledge.


I'm from Germany and have no problem with the word Sleuth in the title, i actually really like it.

Neale Genereux

I feel like you read more than a few negative comments. I'm assuming you were just choosing the ones with questions or criticisms to address. I just want to say, I'm personally not worried about the timeline, or the particulars of the title, or whether or not patrons see it first. I don't think I'm alone in believing that the best part of the Easy Allies Patreon is that you guys get to do things how you really want to. Take your time, make the show exactly how you want it, and we'll be here excited to watch it when it comes out!


Thanks for addressing my comment Damiani! Love the logo and the intro graphic by the way. Very nice work!


I love the idea of a weekly show. I love Zelda, but I'm not sure how long that show could stay fresh.


The thing that I love about your streams is that you are not afraid to stream old titles and hearing your criticism while your stream.I know your FFX stream was not planned , but I never played the game and I was very excited to see you play it but I wished that you wouldn't talk that much during cutscenes, it takes me out of the moment. I hope you take your time in choosing the best living set up for you. P.S I'm not a native speaker and I like the word Sleuth ;)