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The Showcase returns to the studio! Applause, applause! On Tuesday, July 6th, at 2 PM PT, Michael Damiani and I will actually sit next to each other on the same couch and watch all of your lovely contributions to the ongoing insanity that is Easy Allies. Like everything else has been, I imagine the Showcase will feel strange at first, back in the brick room , but then we'll basically pick up right where we left off. For all of you that stayed at this tier during the entire pandemic, and those of you who recently bumped up to see what all the fuss was about, thanks for helping us get back on the streaming stage. See you Tuesday!

- Brandon


No submissions will be accepted past July 5 at 11:00 PM PT.

While you retain all rights to your content, by submitting here you’re giving Easy Allies the right to show the content in our monthly Community Showcase live stream.

You may submit a comment, an image, or an audio/video file. If you’re submitting anything other than a comment, please host the file elsewhere and link it on Patreon. You can make a tweet or Instagram post with your image, or link the audio/video from a YouTube account, etc.

If you’re posting a video, photograph, or drawing, keep your comment limited to a description of the work. Leaving a piece of art, or a video, in addition to a long comment is a bit disrespectful of people who just leave comments. If you’re posting a lot of images, we will only show a maximum of 9, of our choosing unless you specify otherwise.

Comments have been known to disappear from Patreon posts, unfortunately. Double check that your post remained active before the day of the Showcase. Leaving a reply to your original comment helps to keep it from vanishing. If you’re submitting text, save a copy locally in case you have to re-post. You can also message us on Patreon with your submission.

Any text to be read should be 500 words or less. Any video or piece of music should be 3 minutes or less. If the entry is longer, we will edit it down to a manageable length. We reserve the right to remove any content we find offensive.

If you're going to create a safety post, it would help me organize things if you let me know what kind of submission you plan to leave (comment, music, drawing, photograph, screenshot, voice over, or video). That way I can make sure you're all placed in the correct order if I make time to start collecting submissions ahead of the deadline.

Only one entry per month. Unless you specify what you’d like us to focus on, we’ll always use the last post from each Patron.

You may comment on any submissions, but keep original posts focused toward the Showcase so no submission is overlooked.



Hey there Damiani and Jones, This month flew by! We were finally able to return to theaters! In the Heights was extremely jolly (especially coming from someone who hates musicals). I had planned to produce a review of What Remains of Edith Finch this month. I already know roughly what I plan on saying, and just needed to play through and capture before writing the script, but things got busy because I started my classes for teaching English as a Foreign Language. Then, when I started playing the first half hour of the game, it hit me in really deeply emotional ways. It was hard to get the footage I wanted because I couldn’t stop crying. I absolutely love Edith Finch, but full disclosure; it also takes place extremely close to where I grew up, and where we’re moving back to soon. Over the course of the pandemic, whenever I felt especially homesick, I’d install the game and boot it up just to play the first few minutes of walking through the woods and house. Just not the best place to be in emotionally when trying to quickly produce a review. On the bright side, we’re going back for the first time in 2+ years for a family camping trip. I’m extremely excited to stay up late with my brothers drinking beer and playing retro games, to chat with the family around a campfire, and to just be back home again. It’s also the first time in a while that we’re leaving our cat, Riku home. He’s going to have good company taking care of him, but we’re really going to miss and worry about him while we’re away. Especially after the course of the pandemic where I hardly left the house. I feel like he’ll miss us, which is true. But he’s been such an emotional support for both of us through this rough period that honestly, it’s just going to be extremely difficult to be without him for a couple weeks. Here are some pictures of our little guy. Apologies about a lack of a review this month. Edith Finch was just a little too much to squeeze out. Hope everyone enjoys looking at our little dude, Riku. https://imgur.com/a/XvedimU 1: Riku and I taking a cat nap. He loves cuddling. 2: Boxes are the best game 3: Our little dude saying hi in the morning 4: Riku helping me edit a video. I think it may have been the review for Detention 5: Passive aggressively not allowing me to play Grandia because he wanted to snuggle 6: The coffee table is also a fun game 7: Riku Blep 8: Last Halloween, Riku helping me try out our Jack-o-Lanterns 9: Catnap again. We call him our little vampire.


Hey Brandon and Damiani, It's wonderful that Easy Allies have returned to the studio after 15 months away, now it seems like all the creative potential can be maximized once again. For this month's showcase I want to dive deep into a couple of games that I have problems with-not that I don't enjoy these games, but I really like discussing and critically evaluating games because I feel to truly love something you have to air your grievances too. Watch Dogs: Legion is first up-now I know Jones gave it an 8.0 and I respect and appreciate that he enjoyed the game when I could not-but the tedium inherent in that cybernetic London dystopia should be a crime-it's more 5.0 to me. I found Legion to be so boring and it tries too hard to be cool and quirky but it's embarrassingly tame. Like when you're in a good ole British pub and you witness a woman playing darts, your associate over earpiece wonders how awesome it would be if she was drunk during participation-and I think to myself why isn't she getting drunk and acting stupid? I want games to show me a good time, I want some audacity, some balls-out fun, I don't want to be told about it and nothing ever happens. I don't like to rag on everything Ubisoft but I think the last truly excellent game they made was Rayman Legends-although Watch Dogs 2 and Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle were ace too. Another game I want to dress down a bit is Ghost of Tsushima. Now there are many ardent fans of Ghost of Tsushima which is all well and good but there are a handful of nuisances I've noticed and been reminded. Firstly I will preface by saying I do feel it is an exemplar of visual bliss on the PS4/PS5 and the combat is really slick, but those two things alone don't make a game great. The story's tone is way too serious, the characters are dull, getting to the checkpoint marker is made tedious because you have to follow wind direction and the marker may not show up until pause and unpause the game and there is little to no charismatic charm. After playing through Ghost of Tsushima I realised that an Assassins Creed game is way more entertaining-and that's really saying something-but by the same token it is very good in certain areas too and encourages finesse over mindless button bashing. Apparently Damiani likes Videogame Dunkey-got any favourite moments from his videos? I personally liked how he started his video on Assassins Creed by saying it sucks a ginormous gorilla something I won't say. And his Knack 2 video was a hoot as well. I'm currently running the EZA Community's Top 25 Games of 2008 and would really appreciate your top 8s because the voting is closing on Wednesday!


Hello Brandon and Michael. I had very little interest in Final Fantasy VII Remake. Partly because it seemed like an unremarkable 3rd-person action game, partly because I had almost no knowledge or interest in this series. I have nothing against Final Fantasy, it simply because I’ve sampled numerous entries via Game Pass and demos (including Remake’s demo), and none of them seemed like something I can possibly enjoy. But this March VII Remake was added to PS Plus, and I eventually try all games I get for free. So, in the end of May I’ve started this game, fully expecting to drop it after an hour or two. Well, things that I didn’t like in this game are numerous. Firstly, sound mixing and music implementation are terrible. Music doesn’t react to player’s activity and epic soundtrack plays even when you do nothing noteworthy, like circling room for loot. So instead of supporting and intensifying your actions, music becomes a noisy neighbor. And it’s so loud that I had problems hearing dialogs. Nearly muting music in options helped, but this made a couple of music-driven scenes look awkward. Another huge problem is that the game constantly contradict itself. On one hand, story tries to tackle some serious issues. On another, characters, especially villains, constantly have over-the-top reactions and feel more like caricatures than like real people. On one hand, heroes can jump 10 meters up during combat and some cutscenes. But in other cutscenes they can’t bypass small fences and have to take a detour. Your companion’s gun can annihilate concreate, but barely damages enemy’s flesh. The girl in red coat is presented like a serious and tragic character, but her design looks so ridiculous (her skin-colored bow looks like giant ears from most angles) that it hard to see her as anything but comic relief. Swords and fists are effectively used against guns and armored vehicles. Yes, those are common tropes, but when there are so many logic-breaking aspects, it becomes a problem. Speaking of combat, it’s pretty annoying. On normal difficulty even regular enemies take absurd amount of time to kill, and your companions do nothing to help you without manual control. Switching to easy speeds up the process and almost eliminate babysitting, but since enemies no longer pose a threat, combat still feels like a waste of time. At least you can run away from most encounters. Finally, I’m not a fan of how developers decided to spend their rendering budget. Characters look good, but environments they inhabit are significantly lacking in terms of geometry detail and texture resolution. This discrepancy creates a feeling that characters don’t belong to this world. Also, exploration of low-detailed environments just doesn’t feel that enticing. Yet despite not liking anything, this is the first Final Fantasy game I’ve finished. And I even never looked in guides to see how far the finish line is. And I even had a decent time playing this game. I still have no explanation for this phenomenon.


Sup allies. I feel like I’ve never had anything of substance to share on Damiani months, but not this time! This time I’m just introducing three more shopkeepers and their wares. https://youtu.be/0zSQ1ad5gGM


[Repeat comment from May 2021 Community Showcase that I believe was missed] I just want to say a big thank you to Brandon Jones for creating Mindful Games. While mindfulness isn't something I'm personally passionate about, I truly enjoy this series and have shared it with friends and family because I believe it offers something lacking in videogames coverage. It's just so nice to get to experience relaxing visuals and sounds while absorbing some words of wisdom from Brandon or from the highlighted game itself, especially if it's a game I'm almost positive I'll never play, like Assassin's Creed Valhalla. I've come to realize some of my favorite moments from videogames are the relaxing parts. I'm still slowly playing through the second epilogue in Red Dead Redemption 2 and still the game feels like a slog and it's so repetitive, but after yet another seemingly pointless mission, the game will leave the player alone in the wilderness or in a quiet camp. It's the gorgeous graphics in a calm environment, or the simple conversations that I'm actually looking forward to when booting up the game. Jones, you have saved me countless hours of free-time by sharing what would probably be my favorite parts of games like Assassin's Creed Valhalla or Animal Crossing. I know it's a lot to ask, but I hope you do an episode of Mindful Games for Red Dead Redemption 2 someday, although I doubt you need anyone to twist your arm :-) The series has not yet convinced me to actively meditate, but I've been doing some back stretches on a daily basis and it's pretty meditative in that I'm not listening to anything other than the silence in my own home. Stay easy and mindful, fellow allies.


Hey Damiani and Jones! Hope you guys are doing well and hype for the first showcase back at the studio! Since last month’s showcase I got my first shot of the vaccine and I am eagerly awaiting for the second which will happen towards the end of the month. I’m really excited for it and hope that it doesn’t hit me like a truck like I’ve heard from other people. As for the webcomic, I’ve finished episode 8 which was even more spoiler heavy than episode 7 so that’s why it wasn’t featured as heavily as the others. And with the completion of episode 8, chapter 3 is now DONE! As I’m writing this, I’m storyboarding chapter 4 and it’s turning out to be a challenge in terms of where do I make the spit into parts. I’m sure I’ll figure it out. Anyways, as for this month’s submission, I’m just gonna continue what I’ve been doing from the last two showcases and just make character promo art featuring Todd this time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGMg2EMmodk Hope you guys continue to stay safe and be awesome to everyone around you. Much love and respect, Sara Knite


Hello Jones, Damiani and Chat! Greetings from the Midwest! With E3 over and the Allies back in the studio, it warms my heart to have you all together again. In-person salt is the best salt. Given the constraints placed on you all this past year and a half (give or take a couple months) its due only to your and Isla's hard work in getting the tech issues sorted and all the Allies working together to slowly improve your at-home working conditions. Achieve it Yourself S3 was super excellent even with the work from home constraints and it shows us all that if Damiani wants to do a thing, theres not much that can stop him =) I am using you and the other Allies as inspiration to continue work on my Youtube audiobook series. Thank you for everything! [HUGS!!] L&R JessieBlu (Jones please read the following for my submission:) When we last saw Alice she had found a tiny key and a tiny door but was too big to fit. She finds a bottle labeled "Drink me" so of course, she does... listen in to find out what happens next in Lewis Carroll's book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland performed by JessieBlu

Brandon K Gann

June was quite eventful: Playing certain games for the first time, E3 returning, once again participating in an EZA Forums GOTY countdown, and getting an unimportant miracle. To start with the Forums vote, after delaying our top picks of 2020 for six months to see who could snag new consoles, we proceeded to put together a top 20 instead of the normal 25 due to not as many voters. Still, it’s a very strong list. I also got a kick out of my top three also being the forums’ top three (though my order differs slightly). But of course June is E3. While it’s always the one week I’ve looked forward to every year, as I said last month, I was tepid and sure enough, my caution proved true. Don’t get me wrong: Summer Game Fest started everything with a bang with Elden Ring, Xbox+Bethesda had the best overall showcase, while Nintendo was a satisfying close, bookending with Metroid Dread and an update on Breath of the Wild 2. But honestly, if it isn’t Sony, Xbox, Nintendo, or Geoff Keighley, I really don’t think anyone else can properly make an entertaining showcase. Ubisoft was average with little surprise. PC Games Show and Future Games Show weren’t terrible, but odd pacing and nothing standing out had both shows feel blended together, which exasperated my feelings on how long the day was. Square and Capcom, while not as awful as many claim (Both literally told people what to expect), they somehow were still a disappointment. I never remember any game Devolver shows because they focus on parody. And don’t get me started on Gearbox. While I’m stoked Kena: Bridge of Spirits and Back 4 Blood got some airtime, the new games announced from E3 I’m looking forward to are A Plague Tale: Requiem, Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, Redfall, Replaced, Somerville, and Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin. In the latter’s case, that’s a bad trailer, so a massive thanks to Mr. Damiani for streaming the demo and showing it off. While mechanically it LOOKS fun, difficulty curve, pointless A.I. companions, and irritating boss structure give me HEAVY pause on trying it. However, June will mark when I achieved the impossible. I caught the white whale known as a PS5. Funny context: The day prior, Sony emailed a random amount of people for the chance to buy directly, and one of my close friends received said email, despite already buying from them. It still allowed him to order, and we agreed I would PayPal him the moment it arrived at his door so he could ship it to me. Well, the next day, the FIRST DAY where I didn’t obsessively think about buying one since I started trying, Best Buy went live and after clicking the Add-to-cart button periodically for about 20 minutes, it went through. Now, a mutual friend of ours received a PS5 too. So next month, I’ll report back on SIX games I will have played for the first time.


Hi Jones and Damiani! It's recently occurred to me that I've tailored a showcase submission for each and every ally that co-hosts, but I've somehow not made one for ol' Jonesy himself. Thanks for all you do, Jones, and for convincing me over the years to finally get around to playing this game. Now I too can make jokes about suplexing trains! Here's my take on Decisive Battle from FFVI https://youtu.be/YJvo5waWyaI Love and Respect to all! Ciaran


Hello Damiani & Jones! June was loaded with news and things to talk about with games presented (Metroid Dread!) and glaring absences (Switch Pro); but since Damiani is here, there is only one subject I want to tackle. Thank you or picking my entries for “Achieve it Yourself”, Damiani. I’m not sure if you didn’t notice that you picked two entries from the same person or did it knowingly; even so I explained in the second entry that I never meant to sent two and you should discard the first one; but hey; I am truly thankful that you used them both. It was fun watching Don going the distance trying to figure out Picross while Isla couldn’t give less of a crap and just cheesed the hell out of the achievement. And about the Super Mario Bros. 35 one, did you know you could actually get 16 coins out of those coin blocks? I was surprised enough the first time I got 15 because I was sure as hell that was all the original game let you collect; but after taking a trip to the NES online thingy, adjusting the jump speed a several times and abusing the rewind feature I could get the 15 coins there too. After that an internet search pointed me to reddit where someone made a map of all the obtainable coins in each level (for leveling up purposes I can imagine) and there I found out the elusive 16th coin was also obtainable; but I could only do it like 4 times in my 4 months playing the game, so I decided 15 was hard enough for the achievement… and well.. it was. Also, I found it so funny that the proof video made it into the show. It was never meant for public viewing; just to convince you that my claim was possible. It’s evident it was very bare bones, all the tools I had were the Switch save video tool and windows photo editor; but still, Don & Ben’s reaction to it was priceless. This June I beat Wild Guns, Yoshi’s Island & A Link to the Past in the SNES Switch only thingy, and while playing them came across a few things that I think could fit the show nicely. Now I only have to wait and hope for a season 4 and narrow it down for the best entry. And to close, did you realized you two guys inaugurated the Showcase in the studio almost 2 and a half years ago? I don’t know if you planned it that way or it as just a happy coincidence; but I thought of bringing it up. Estamos en contact, César.


Greetings Jones and Damiani, So, this month’s Themis the Catgirl inspiration video is a bit different… It’s because July is an incredibly special month for me. 10 years ago, on July 16th, 2011, a creature was born. One who would give a sad human being who had yet to realize they were transgender a smile, and fill their heart with love. After climbing up door frames, climbing down oak trees, and trying to attack spiders on the ceiling with her amazing ninja skills, I started to write a book about her as if she magically turned into a person. That said, let’s talk about our birthday girl’s humanoid counterpart, and her beautiful girlfriend, who is also based on a real cat… Love, Respect, and Happy Birthday, Themis! R.F. Switch. P.S. For clarification from last month, ‘Anime Coastal’ is the name of an in-world anime convention and the central location for book 2, ‘Anime Coastal Chaos,’ which I might be writing now. It is based on, but not named after, a local anime convention in Maine. (Note to Jones: Only if you want to read the following out loud) P.P.S. I see you Jonesy. I am so damn proud of you for joining the book writing club. If you need help, advice, a proofreader, a hype-person, I’m your girl. (Link is below, as per usual)


Link for Jones: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5aNi0kCog4


Hey Jones and Damiani, hope you had a good 4th, just wanna start off saying that I really enjoyed the FF7 Yuffie spoiler mode Damiani. Well done. Always nice to see Max and the Allies collaborate especially when it's FF. I myself have just finished up playing FF7 with the PS5 upgrade and the Yuffie episode and I can say 2 things for certain. 1. The game already looked and ran great before the update but now it's just incredible on the PS5 and 2. Barrett is with out a doubt the best character in remake! He's just awesome. Can't wait for Remake part 2. If you had to guess Damiani when do you think will see it? 2023-2024? Rounding out my comment with my monthly reminder that Hitman 3 is an incredible game and should not be forgotten come GOTY time! L&R Allies and here's too the rest of July.


Hey Brandon and Damiani! Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been listening to a wonderful duet album featuring Joe Pass on guitar and Ella Fitzgerald on vocals. On this record is a rendition of a Duke Ellington ballad known as “All Too Soon” and after listening to their take on it, I tried my hand at recording it myself. Thanks as always for taking the time to hang with these videos and have a wonderful July! Adam https://youtu.be/2UhMJF8HuVc


Hey Jones and Damiani! Here are a few drawings I’ve been doing for my daughter. I haven’t drawn much in years, but my 6 year old daughter recently got a toy mailbox and expected mail, so I told her I would draw her a picture every day. It’s been nice to have an obligation to keep me at it. Hopefully keeping at this will help me put out some better stuff, but these are a start. I appreciate all the allies and everything you do! L&R -Jethrin https://m.imgur.com/gallery/ZAZHSXZ


Hello everyone. It was a busy month so I have but a small perler bead project for you. This scene is my wife's request from one of her favorite games, Loom (1990). This is the opening scene where Bobbin Threadbare awaits the fall of the last leaf of autumn. https://photos.app.goo.gl/bEmkpLHvvLdmPELm8


And here is a bonus non-gaming project, which you may like as well. I was particularly happy with this fall scene! https://photos.app.goo.gl/vN528Dgh1qwCcajX6


Hello Allies, The Weatherworn Demo debuted during Steam Next Fest on Steam and the prequel comic is now available on ITCH.IO. https://weatherworn.itch.io/weatherworn-game-prequel-comic Before game design, the entire comic was drawn to lock the story.   https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YpFpq6Ia9szCps1YsxxqXym3G5mO0zAH?usp=sharing 1.The cover features the main character's Pap & Pup. 2.Pap & Pup head home in a two page interior spread. 3.Pup in the snow. 4.Comic cover to gameplay comparison.  More to come... L&R,Jeremy


Hello Allies! It has been half a year, so I wanted to try my hand at talking about the games I have completed this year. Tearaway Unfolded: Cute! Fun use of the controller. A tad long, but overall I quite enjoyed it. The ending sequence was incredible! Celeste: Fun and FAIR. Challenging but I didn’t get too frustrated. Though I only played the normal mode. I might think less of it if I tried to test my luck. Unmechanical Extended: A puzzle/adventure game. This game, is SHORT. And that makes me love it so much more. I hate puzzles, but this game super did not overstay its welcome. So it has my thanks and appreciation. Also the player character is a very pleasant looking cute robot, so many points for that. Ratchet and Clank 2015: My first Ratchet and Clank game. Thank you Playstation+! I had a lot of fun with this. Though the hacking was annoying and like with most games I hate stealth sections. Still a lovely game though! Looking forward to the next one, whenever I can get my hands on a PS5. Ys IX: Monstrum Nox: Ys is just a cozy series to me at this point. Gameplay wise I know what I am going to get, and it does not disappoint. And that music is SO great. I had fun, and that is all that matters. Rabi-Ribi: A metroidvania where the enemies attack like in a bullet hell! This game is so hard. I was able to manage by dropping to the easiest difficulty. Even then the final boss was a massive hurdle. Don’t regret playing it though! River City Girls: Fun beat-em up! Really has personality! Love it! Doesn’t overstay its welcome. Kirby Star Allies: I love Kirby! But fuck his helpers! Give me more Kirby powers instead of variations using partners. Hopefully Kirbys next game will really mix it up, but in a good way. Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition + Future Connected: Cool game! Lame sidequests though and too long for what it is doing. Still liked it though! Not really interested in playing number 2 though. Tomba!: ONE OF THE GREATS. Anybody that plays this game will love it. If you hear these words and own a Playstation 3, please go buy it on PSN. You will not regret it. Tomba! 2: It is okay. My love of the first game really got me through this. I wouldn’t call it a bad game, just underwhelming compared to the first. Risk of Rain 2: Fun! Really loved the first one. So glad this one is just as fun! Much harder though. The House in Fata Morgana: Dreams of the Revenants Editions: This game deserves its crazy high spot on the Metacritic list. This game is DARK. Bad shit happens. SO MUCH bad shit. But I love the tragic tale ever so much! A must play for pure visual novel fans. Possibly my GOTY. And that’s all, folks!

Elliette Kee

Submitting this video again, because last month Jones only played the first minute for no apparent reason :) I edited these together to show the improvement in production quality from my first video to a more recent one! Thanks guys, L&R! On twitch/twitter/tik tok as hydroshutterbug Video Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1waX67JZowHJr9WuSxMDvj0Z08MtaTDov/view?usp=sharing


Hey, guys. Glad to see everyone back in the studio. Really enjoyed the E3 coverage and the great betting special. The Sonic series had its 30th anniversary last month, and I've been a big Sonic nerd ever since I was a kid. Jones mentioned the Sonic Symphony concert on the podcast, but I also wanted to shoutout the wonderful special 30th anniversary comic that IDW released. It's super jolly and a must-read for anyone who loved the Sega Genesis and Saturn era. I worked on my own fan project last month where I basically pitched my concept for a franchise refresh. I'll keep things simple for the showcase here and just share some of my character art. Some are pretty much unchanged, while I put my own twist on others and redesigned them a bit. If anyone is interested in the rest of the project with all of the backstory and other characters, feel free to look me up on twitter @fishflop_. Thanks again, allies. L&R. Art Link: https://imgur.com/a/1maAtou

Mellow Felloh

Ello ello fellow allies! The moment I gazed eyes upon this marvelous costume for a game that just released, I knew I had to make this video. I had a ton of fun playing this one night and I hope you enjoy the edit. Without further ado.. this is.. Sonic at the Olympic Games 2020! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-2fvUoIi0M

Harrison Holt-McHale

Hello fellas! I made a little video! Enjoy! https://youtu.be/DDsFh1sKsAc Cheers, Harrison


I’m traveling right now. So it’ll either be a comment or a very last minute voice clip. Typical me.


The main game I played during June was Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart. It was fantastic. I had a lot of fun with it. Writing just positive remarks seems like kind of a dull post. So, I'll move on to the Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin demo. The best part of that demo was when it wouldn't load due to corruption. The characters are bland, the environment is rather dull, and I'm really having a hard time remembering much else about the demo. The gameplay didn't really do anything for me, but I didn't really experiment after the half-way mark because I just wanted to finish it. Once I beat the demo, I filled out the survey and promptly deleted it. If that survey goes by NPS, I don't think I had one Promoter answer, mainly Detractors and a couple of Passives. If you don't know what that means. Let's say you get a survey after dealing with customer service somewhere. If it is a rate from 1 to 5 survey with 1 being bad and 5 being great, a 4 is still not considered good on the NPS scale and usually has a negative impact despite being "Passive." Yes, an 8 out of 10 in NPS world is considered Neutral and can actually negative impact those you fill out the survey for. It's crazy. The opposite of crazy is boring. So lets talk E3. That was a thing that happened. I will now try to recall things from each event as my highlight for said event. Ubisoft - After the Mario+Rabbids sequel trailer, the panning shots of Paris to the music track "Trailblazer" reminded me of the show "Travel Man" which uses the exact same track in it's opening as it does panning shots of the cities to be visited that season which is something I would have rather watched. Microsoft - Lots of CG trailers without actual gameplay. The Horizon demo gave me ideas of places to actually visit in Mexico as I'd rather go to an actual place than explore it in a video game. Square Enix - Whole lot of Guardians of the Galaxy. Personally, didn't really do all that much for me. Nintendo - Actually felt like it had things to show, was well-rounded, and had something for various audiences. With the sequel to Breath of the Wild slated to next year, I was fine with a little tease. I think like the first game, I look forward to just exploring. So, yea, E3 was whatever. Anyhoo, the next game I am looking forward to is Kena: Bridge of Spirits. Excited to see how that turns out. I enjoyed the little animation projects that Ember Lab put together and I'm hoping their first video game matches that quality. If it does, I think it is going to be a studio to keep an eye on. That is August though. No idea what I may play next month. Maybe a game from the PS Plus collection. Maybe Persona 5?


Getting this early because hockey watch parties and traveling.


Hello Jones and Damiani, I finally did it! I managed to get a new Graphics card and thus, my new PC Build is up and running! Wohooo! Just as a fun celebration, I recorded some - you guessed it, Star Citizen content. Obviously this is not the most exciting of clips, but rather just to show what it’s like flying in my beautiful Aegis Sabre, from Port Olisar, which is one of the starter zones. To the pirate hideout of Grim Hex. I had to speed up some of the quantum travel (to meet that 3min deadline). But this is essentially how travel in the verse works. Also realised that it for some reason had added about a minute of black screen on the end, sorry! Also Shout out to Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart I started playing on the PS5, prolly best looking game I’ve ever seen. Love and Respect, Lotias Youtube vid: https://youtu.be/yPao3oOjF7Y


Hello Jones and Damiani, For the past several months, I've been sending in some Obscure Mario characters your way, and even though it would be perfect to send some more now that Damiani is the co-host, I ran out of obscure Mario characters! I will have some more soon, but for today's submission I will be showcasing some of the obscure games that I cover on my channel. This is actually the main purpose of the channel, to cover lesser known games, old and new, and I think many of my fellow allies would be interested in getting to know them. I made a 3 minute compilation of some of my favorite obscure games for you all to check out. Hope you like it and if you do check out the FromTheVoid Games channel on youtube for a lot more. Thanks, Love & Respect, Arthur https://youtu.be/WrT1h5wa_hs


Greetings Jones and Damiani! Last month I think I was a casualty of the ol' Patreon comment monster, so here goes another try. Long time mostly silent fan, but have since March upped my pledge, so I thought I'd share something to this loving community. This year I started to just write some themes for a hypothetical video game soundtrack in the style of chiptunes, inspired by the many tunes of EZA and its community. So here comes the main "opening montage screen" title theme, based on the classic theme by FantomenK. I will try to continue this for at least one cycle of the accompanying allies! Cheers, L&R! https://soundcloud.com/user-968640429/eztheme


Michael Damiani in the house!! I hope both of you are having a great day. Sadly my Nvidia RTX 3090 died last month and the retailer refunded me instead of supplying a replacement, which doesn’t help considering the massive price hike in GPUs this year. Having lost access to hundreds of PC titles, I turned my attention to the PS5 version of Final Fantasy 7 Remake and like to submit a video of me fighting through a battle I loathe to get to the excellent final boss from chapter 18. I absolutely love this fight, even after over 134 hours of playtime it’s the only battle that clicked with me. I had multiple attempts at the final boss, even attempted to get no damage victory but never came close. Unfortunately it’s not possible to save before this fight so you have to go through the preceding battle, which feels like a difficult chore. Dying here, which happened a lot, is an absolute pain because it’s long winded and has multiple cut scenes you can’t skip. This gives me anxiety, like waiting for an important test to begin and I just want to get started. - Recorded using PS Remote play. - Spoiler warning to anyone who hasn’t beaten the game. - A massive warning to any purest out there, as I used the powerful accessory to cheese the fight, I earned it so I’m putting to use. A massive shout out to the incredibly talented Ciaran Lyttle who’s allowed me to use his music from last month’s Community Showcase for this video. Damiani, you are in for a treat! His work is awesome, I recommend everyone to check out his youtube channel, MrConeman link below. Link to Final Fantasy VII - Jenova Medley | J-E-N-O-V-A / Absolute | METAL | MrConeman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBunQZz0_Oo Link to Mrcoleman Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLECxIUHmspJxoMr9-CQ2dw My Video Submission https://youtu.be/jfnRV1ebiZ4 Love and Respect Robert Lee


Hello Jones and Damiani! I absolutely love Skyward Sword. I precisely love that it’s the polar opposite of Breath of the Wild (which I love to death as well). Two sides of the same coin. By the way, I know it would be another sword character, but I wouldn’t be mad if Ghirahim was the last Smash character! The music in Skyward Sword is particularly great, and notable for being the first in the series to heavily include live orchestrated music. To celebrate the Switch release, I am submitting another one of my N64 renditions of Zelda music, and the second I have done for Skyward Sword in particular: “Exploring the Skies ~ Overworld”. Interestingly, hearing it in that sound quality makes Hajime Wakai’s style come out more clearly, as it sounds kinda like Star Fox 64 or Pikmin at times. I’ll probably celebrate Zelda’s 35th by doing more N64 versions of other titles’ main themes, we’ll see how many end up being showcase submissions. For those interested, I also recently did the first Hyrule Theme from A Link Between Worlds, which is already on my channel. Anyway, hope you enjoy this experiment! L&R, Kévin Gillet Link to the music: https://youtu.be/pHvUUibBDH0


Hey guys, with this showcase entry I wanted to highlight a bunch of cool full conversion mods for crusader kings three. It is really incredible what these people are doing out there for this game. All of these are works in progress. -Tales of Ireland (1st picture) This mod turns the whole game map into the isle of Ireland, with many new ancient religions/cultures and a few new mechanics. The mod is inspired by the Lebor Gabala Erenn, the book of invasions. -Prince of darkness (2nd picture) Based on world of darkness (vampire the masquerade) Play as a vampire or an inquisitor in 1230 AD after the fall of Constantinople Plays like the main game, but introduces a ton of vampire mechanics, new skill trees, new religions, custom kingdoms, and customization options. -Fodlan: A Fire Emblem Mod (3rd picture) Take the rains of one of the four main powers in Fodlan right before war breaks out. Featuring a custom map, characters, and mechanics, you can play and interact with many characters from three houses. The modders are also expanding on the lore of the game, adding regions and religions outside of fodlan. -Lord of the Rings: Realms in exile (4th picture) This mod lets you enter into middle earth right before the war for the ring breaks out. The modders are slowly adding detailed areas one at a time, but allowing people to play what's there right now. On top of having a custom map, characters, religions/cultures, cosmetic options, playable races, and mechanics, the modding team behind this mod also added some custom music as well. And yes, you can play as the Dark Lord Sauron. -NOT OUT YET (No pictures)- -The witcher- Just announced that modders are working on a witcher mod for ck3. Nothing was shown yet. -Elder kings 2- Unlike the lord of the rings mod, they wish to release this when the entire map is done. You will be able to play ck3 in tamriel, with elder scrolls features like multiple playable races, magic, religious worship of daedra, and the ability to summon dragons if you are dragonborn. -The four nations- ck3 in the land of avatar the last airbender. Still early in progress, the isle of the fire nation seems to be finished, and has a start date during the era of avatar kyoshi. -Game of thrones- play ck3 in the land of Westeros, like other mods mentioned, has a custom map, assets, and features. There are many other great, high quality mods for ck3, anyone interested in the game should really take a look. L&R Nextgenheff (Here is link to screenshots https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/13y0eRJT080A7sOHZtVi0oiueAcpWVBeFWkN_c9-Wh_8/edit?usp=sharing )

Nik Gothic

Hello, Brandon! Hello, Damiani! I’m going through my day-to-day life and I’m still combating my loneliness, and partially to alleviate that during lockdown, I was running a text-based game of Dungeons & Dragons for some of my friends on Discord. I sometimes get in the habit of drawing creatures or heroes from the campaign and I’m really proud with these two goblins: https://i.imgur.com/AvcRSCd.png I really like goblins, they’re just so funny, and I think Warcraft and Jimquisition both had a big hand in making them appealing to me. This first one is just a common guardsman, while this other one... https://i.imgur.com/4ZHhhsJ.png is named ’Honcho’ and is one of the early bosses for the players. He’s been the leader of a small occupational force that took over a Gnomish windmill, and is sitting in a cosy office at the top. He’s very nerdy and swears like a sailor, and looks a bit like Danny deVito. https://i.imgur.com/Vhjgnu7.png This next one is a fursona I drew for one of my dearest friends. (Is this the first time somebody’s posted furries on EZA?) She’s a mouse named Vanilla, and since my friend is a big Bob Dylan fan she commissioned me to draw her character in the same attire and pose as the 1966 „Blonde on Blonde“ album. Here’s two of ’em side by side! https://i.imgur.com/m4OgjDe.jpg I drew a bit more of my Nelly. A rare colour picture: https://i.imgur.com/cT7uDgz.png And this other one was inspired after I couldn’t stop listening to the song „Evil Hearted You“ by the Yardbirds. This one was really challenging since I’m not used to drawing perspectives like this: https://i.imgur.com/Hx37KSN.png And now for some exciting news - I’ve decided I want to try out skateboarding! I guess all that THPS hype finally did me in. I always wanted to try it out but I never had money as a kid, and now that I do, I consciously set out to buy parts, the first of which is a custom-design deck. Now this deck miiiiight be a little explicit for EZA’s standards? I personally think it’s fine but if you don’t wanna show it, I’ll completely understand: https://i.imgur.com/NuUSlBP.jpg This design is based on an old concert poster from the early 90s for Dinosaur Jr. and My Bloody Valentine and it’s so sick. It combines all the things I love in one package, and I have Boardpusher to thank for printing it out. I got the wheels too and I’m expecting trucks by tomorrow, and hopefully I won’t immediately crash and get discouraged. I was meaning to ask Brad for skating tips last time, but Patreon ate my post, so I’m sad he won’t see this. Wishing you all a wonderful day now! Love & Respect, Nik Gothic (@Clownboss)


Hey Jones and Damiani, I’m back this month with an update as we get closer to the release of issue #1 of The New Luminaries! Last time, we had all of the color flats finished. Now all of the color details have been completed for each page, thanks to the hard work of our amazing artist J.R. (the links to his website and twitter are again posted at the bottom), and we’re now waiting on the lettering to be completed before we can call it a wrap on this issue and fully move onto number 2! Quick recap of the synopsis for Damiani, the story revolves around a mysterious event that causes some of the world’s most notorious villains to randomly appear throughout the city, and it's up to a team of unexpected heroes to step up and save the day. 3 of the pictures below are the color flats for the previous pages we showed as well as the full color details for each of those pages, and the last 3 are new pages with the full color details. These first two sets of pages are part of the fight between Marisa, and Razorwing. Page 1 Color Flats: https://imgur.com/xB9eApA Page 1 Full Color: https://imgur.com/WjE8xjh Page 2 Color Flats: https://imgur.com/GXv7A6K Page 2 Full Color: https://imgur.com/elpizA8 The next set shows part of the fight between the villain, Hellekinesis, facing off against Charlie, the museum guard who has acquired a bond with a magic sword. Page 3 Color Flats: https://i.imgur.com/26I0DWc.jpg Page 3 Full Color: https://imgur.com/yJlu0iE These 3 images are new pages showing: Marisa and Ezra as they set out in search for answers: https://imgur.com/2CIjocr Jack-of-all-Trades and his flying pirate ship full of goons descending on the local museum: https://imgur.com/nD74dJd And our final hero of the issue, Neko Orenji, jumping into action! https://imgur.com/JZ6h12X Link to the artist twitter and website: Twitter: JR Harris (@JRcomicarts) Website: http://jrcomicart.com


Hello sirs Jones and Damiani! We return from the forums to give you our belated GOTY 2020, we took our sweet time to make sure no stone was left unturned (and to get PS5s). As a reminder, the rules are for every participant to send their top 8 for the year, which receive points according to their ranking. So here are our overall rankings, let us know what you think! #20. Assassin's Creed Valhalla (7 points) #19. Kentucky Route Zero: TV Edition (8 points) #18. Crusader Kings III (9 points) #17. Yakuza: Like a Dragon (12 points) #16. Streets of Rage 4 (12 points) #15. Demon's Souls (14 points) #14. Half-Life: Alyx (14 points) #13. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 (15 points) #12. Cyberpunk 2077 (15 points) #11. Astro’s Playroom (16 points) #10. Resident Evil 3 (18 points) #9. Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales (18 points) #8. Animal Crossing: New Horizons (22 points) #7. 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim (24 points) #6. DOOM Eternal (26 points) #5. Hades (32 points) #4. Ghost of Tsushima (36 points) #3. Ori and the Will of the Wisps (43 points) #2. Final Fantasy VII Remake (73 points) #1. The Last of Us Part II (75 points) Here's some extra tidbits: After Uncharted 2: Among Thieves in 2009, The Last of Us in 2013 and Uncharted 4: A Thief's End in 2016, this is the fourth GOTY win for Naughty Dog, making them the uncontested kings of the EZA forums. See you in 2024 for Uncharted 5: Revenge of the Thief! A cruel, cruel second place for the wonderful Final Fantasy VII Remake with 73 points. Before the last four votes I received, it was 11 points ahead. And it scored nothing from those four votes, while Last of Us scored 13. It is the highest-scoring second place ever, and it got 9 #1 votes versus 6 for Last of Us. Robbed! The two games that deserve a huge shout-out for narrowly missing the top 20 with 6 points: Huntdown and Crash Bandicoot 4! On the Nintendo front, Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity and Paper Mario: The Origami King only scored 1 point each, yikes! Hope you enjoyed, cheers!


[hi jones. Please just call me Croctis on the stream (“this is from Croctis” for example) and that’s it. No message! Thanks.] https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ErhCEVyVcAAxZtN?format=jpg&name=large


HI Brandon and HI Mike! The pandemic made it happen - no Wohnzimmer Championships for an entire year, which means no new Opener to show. What did I do in the meantime? An art project financially supported by the german ministry of culture and science. With the help of four great musicians, I made a music video that involved lots of people (and their cars) but I never made personal contact with them. I do not even know them. But this video would have never happened without their will to participate. The intention was to show that our society while in the grip of isolation is still upholding the value of togetherness. Please enjoy... https://youtu.be/WKHHdUpCk8o (to Brandon: I know youtube is not the best idea for grabbing videos so I mailed you the download link. Sorry for the video being to long, please feel free to cut)


[comment] Hi Brandon, Hi Damiani, Hope both of your July’s are going well! Damiani, rumor has it you partake of the occasional Nintendo game every now and then. Well, I think I might have predicted the future of a certain as-of-yet unreleased Nintendo title, but I thought I should run it by you for approval. This prediction concerns Pikmin 4. Once again, E3 has come and gone with no sign of Pikmin 4 in sight, despite Miyamoto’s past assurances that the game was pretty much ready to go. So: when *can* we expect to see Pikmin 4? Well, let’s do some math. The first Pikmin came out in 2001. Pikmin 2 came out in 2004. In other words, the gap between Pikmin 1 and 2 was roughly three years: three to the first power. Why is that relevant? Because Pikmin 3 came out in 2013, and the gap between Pikmin 2 and 3 was roughly nine years: three to the *second* power. It stands to reason, therefore, that the gap in years between Pikmin 3 and Pikmin 4 will equal three to the *third* power: a whopping twenty-seven years from 2013. So I hope you, like me, are looking forward to playing Pikmin 4 when it finally releases in the year 2040. Isn’t math wonderful? (I also predict that in 2040, a Nintendo employee will state in an interview that they’ve been thinking about bringing back F-Zero, but haven’t had any new ideas for the series yet. Can’t be too far, though!) As always, thanks for everything you guys do to make the internet a better place. L&R, levelcapybara


Hi Damiani and Jones. Only one art I did in June but gotta keep up with monthly Chun-Li going. I finally got a PS5. Was thinking jumping in on Astro's Playroom but decided to put it in-between Spider-Man games so I have been playing remaster, intending to platinum it. I was a bit sad they took out fast travel scenes but I guess faster loading is the reason why it's not there. Also went back to Call of Duty game(Warzone) since Black Ops 2 which is like 7 years ago. Just enjoying my time with friends though I'm doing everything they asked me not to do like playing it on PS4 instead of PS5 or not having aim-assist on(K/D is at 0.07). I know it's free but if your cross-play is turned off, a game shouldn't ask for you to turn it on twice at the beginning of each match and to have yes as the top option. That's just simply a bad game design. E3 this year was such a downer. Wasn't really excited on almost anything. Thankfully EUROs [football(soccer)] has been mostly awesome. Unfortunately missing the finals on Sunday because of work. Bike is fixed. Love and Respect TearjuEngi https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1403705279896772616?s=19


I think I'm just in time on this deadline. :) https://youtu.be/41h1KJNFy0g


My girlfriend said she was going out to get coffee and came back with a surprise gift! https://imgur.com/k3tcTKj


I love the design of your world. I hope to some day have the artistic skill to match


I mean, that last Wohnzimmer Champions video could feed us for year.