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Today is a short episode with just one takeaway, and that means patrons are more focused on clarification than suggestion. It makes sense that now is the time for more details. We just got back in the studio, so what future upgrades are we wishing for? We’ve made it through a lot of our fundraising goals, but where the hell is Trash Babies? Valid curiosities and conversations we should be having, so thank you for kicking them off. Today’s editorial is about a guest stream happening today in our studio and on our Twitch channel. This is a test of sorts so I’ll talk about what that means and all the ways it could go.

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0GcFWBvN44

- Brandon

DISCLAIMER: I take questions from the post comments on the previous week’s episode here on Patreon. You can ask a business-related question which I may answer live, or a personal question which I may answer below. If your business question was not answered live, I either replied to it in the comments, or referenced the answer in a recent episode. Feel free to inquire why your question wasn't included, or ask the same question a second time if you think I may have missed it. I will edit your comment/question before reading it live to ensure the show moves as quickly as possible. I typically grab all the questions by midnight (PT) the night before each episode.


Cup of Jones - June 28, 2021

Your weekly batch of business updates and community questions. Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies Schedule: http://easyallies.com/ Merchandise: https://www.fangamer.com/easyallies http://shop.spreadshirt.com/easyallies Live streams - https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies Stream archives - https://www.youtube.com/easyalliesplays https://twitter.com/easyallies https://www.facebook.com/easyallies #EasyAllies


Brandon K Gann

Hey Mr. Jones! Well, it’s that time again. Apologies for being annoying, I will now and forever feel that way when asking this question. And I do with deeply shrug shoulders, upraised palms, and a highly raised (yet pensive) eyebrow: Hall of Greats update? It’s been three months since March and I didn’t want to ask until June was in the rearview to make sure all group streams were completed. I understand the first half of the month was out of the question with E3, and with the release of Mario Golf being a timely game to play, but with the return to being the studio, I figured HoG would be a great stream to celebrate (in addition to the six-hour celebration stream). In any event, I’m sure, as you’ve said MANY times, EZA is aware and has factored the next HoG into the calendar somewhere. I guess I’m just hoping for an update on to expect the next. Now watch it be put on the calendar before you get to this question, as my luck as is. Anyway, thanks for reading as always, and once again, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day! Cheers! P.S. To any Patron reading this, per what was said in the last episode, I can confirm: Mr. Jones gives a great hug. P.P.S: You saying you were thinking about shrugging off my question (and no, I did not take that in any negative connotation) made me have a good chuckle. Thanks for brightening my day with that! QUESTION: I ask this feeling fully awkward and annoying and I apologize for that… But… because it’s been three months AND E3 is behind us… Hall of Greats update?


Hello Sir Jones, Now that you are back in the studio, will we start getting more intramural tournaments? I noticed it has been a while and would love to see them return. Now I am posting this before the Mario Golf stream so maybe you are doing one for that, and if not, it seems like the perfect game for one. L&R, Cody.


Jones totally understand renting the space but curious why you would also host on the EZA channel and not just their own channel. Apologies if you already answered this. L&R


Is getting a second overhead cam an option? It was pretty tough to follow the Rat Queens stream while only the main board was in full view. I feel like this problem might come up again when the Allies will play the Bloodborne board game.


As someone who missed out on all the old GT content and the first couple of years of EzA, the Puppet Spectacular was my introduction to Buttons. I absolutely need a playlist of everything he's been in. Instant icon confirmed.


Hoeg Law’s “Virtual Legality” podcast episode 500 went life recently and he gave a shoutout and huge thanks to the Easy Allies and some interesting tidbits about how the interaction was between EA and HL. I joined watching the EA podcast at the tail end of his sponsorship of the EA podcast and found his sponsorship bits interesting to become a subscriber to his channel and started watching his content regularly because I find his analysis of current controversies and legal issues quite fascinating. Meanwhile I am working my way back trough the old EA podcast catalogue (YouTube App is not helpful at all with that -,- ) and see the interactions between HL and EA with him giving insights to then current topics in the EA podcast which got me thinking… Business question: Why are there no recent versions of “ask Hoeg” on the podcast? I know some current topics may be a bit too complicated to be discussed or summed up in a tight timeframe for the podcasts but in recent episodes it was quite amusing to see the allies fumble and stumble trough some current developments and consequently catch flak for it in later corrections when a simple comment from Hoeg could have given a more grounded insight and discussion starting point? Maybe as a takeaway try to get the other allies opinion on maybe including Hoeg more frequently to prevent blank stares and stumbling trough news sections you cannot ignore but are maybe to inexperienced to cover with authority? Sorry if this comes of a bit harsh, non-native speaker here. Finally, any interesting things you want to share with the audience about your interaction with Hoeg over the past years? L&R Private Prinny


Hi Jones, It's nice to hear some of the Allies are beginning to make travel plans again, but if you were going to accompany Ben "back home", where in Iowa would you visit? Dubuque? Des Moines? Davenport? Marshaltown? Mason City? Ke-o-kuk? Ames? Clearlake? (wherever you go be sure to steer clear of River City...I hear they've got Trouble!)


Hello Brandon. I think that Q&A was better when it was done via Zoom. When you are together in one room you naturally interact with each other much more. A pair of allies may have a separate small conversation. Also it feels like you jump topics more often than when you sat in your rooms and conversed remotely. Maybe this is more entertaining for non-patrons who are just watching Q&A, but as someone who ask you questions, I would prefer if you were more focused on the topic, even if it’s a silly one. To be clear, I’m not saying that you put low effort. I think that this is a natural byproduct of being in the studio. That’s why I’m advocating for doing Q&A via Zoom.


GUNDAM BUILDING?? That was going to be the entirety of my comment, but I see that other Patrons are also asking for a return to content that was on hold for the pandemic. I don't mean to pile on but the thought popped in my head recently and I thought I would put it here.


Hey. I was wondering - what's Brand Manager's take on fan games? (General thoughts)


Heya Jones, Oh, uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah, no. For sure. I'll get right on that. But if Easy Allies was try to get out of writing an important document, would they say they refuse to write about politics, that they are just a simple cobbler, that there's a new baby in the family, or that they want to see their wife?


ps - You may have noticed there is no Poppleton submission this month for Community Showcase. Unfortunately, I've had to lower my Patreon pledge. However, this is not the end of Poppleton and I hope to be back some day relatively soon.


I have a totally different perspective to the Q&A comment above. Just in case it needs to be said: I'm not saying that the comment is incorrect… I just have a different perspective, and perhaps it'll help. I love that it’s in the studio. I have had it to my neck with remote conferencing softwares. I do not want to see it anymore outside of work. This format allows for much more natural conversations, and I think that the back and forth bouncing of conversations and jokes is just so much better without the lag and awkwardness of Zoom. So yeah, just to add a different perspective. Please no more Zoom. My sanity thanks you.