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Hey there, patrons! It's time for another edition of Ben's Lore Corner. For those who are unfamiliar, once a week I flesh out a particular aspect of the world I created for our Dungeons & Dragons show Tabletop Escapades. Today, I wrote about the different religious beliefs practiced in the world of Etros. I hope you enjoy the entry and I can't wait to share more with you next Thursday.

Today's entry: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UmEI6PfHwU0S4U7me74CRHgog2Mu8O3zVPvc34gQcY/edit?usp=sharing

For a general background, go here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13QWrTodG98KZ0oy3ZwhSySS1XFXw4Awbro-_ZakZbMg/edit?usp=sharing



Robert I.

I greatly love these! ^_^


Awesome! I love this world building.


It's great that you're doing this, Ben. I'd really like to see longer tabletop videos. A week is so much time to wait for one hour and I can't wait to see the rest of the world/campaign you've created. 👍

Eóin Dooley

Seconding the longer videos. Even a half-hour would probably greatly improve the flow (it'd mean a battle gets done in two rather than three videos).

Eóin Dooley

This is super cool. Loving that the Halflings are getting a distinct identity as neoliberal dicks. Very different flavour than the usual disinterested farmer or stout, small dudes.


this is great! I hope the party survive the next fight lol, they nearly fucking died on the "shaking off the rust" encounter lol


I need some fan art related to the Church of Phalus!


"Halflings pride themselves on not having any religious beliefs whatsoever." "Those who are religiously active amongst halflings are openly mocked..." Do they primarily dawn fedoras and describe themselves as "euphoric"?


I love this Ben, keep up the good work. I love how you almost got everyone killed in that first encounter. Any chance that Jones will be joining this motley crew?


Great entry as usual. Loving it!

Simon Wallace

It's great stuff Ben but what I really want to hear more about are the Cat Races which are now official canon...


love how invested you are this is a lot of work


Ben I really enjoyed this entry. The world is really starting to come together


Bosman. Forest fires was epic


Nicely done guys. I had a great time watching this weeks show.


Ben must really enjoy generating these story ideas. I think he mentioned it too in Frame Trap.


I greatly enjoy reading these posts, thanks Ben.