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Thanks your all for your patience regarding my new show, but now it's time to give you the first details on the D-Files. Learn about the philosophy of the new show, the theme we're going for, who will be helping to make it a reality, and finally some real talk about how important the community is to this project. As always, let me know your thoughts and feedback!


D-Files Update #1

Michael Damiani gives you the preliminary update on the road to the first episode of his new show, the D-Files. Apologies for audio quality, future updates won't have this issue. Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies Merchandise: http://shop.spreadshirt.com/easyallies https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies https://twitter.com/easyallies https://www.facebook.com/easyallies https://easyallies.tumblr.com/



Thanks for the update! Excited for the new show! And bonus cute kitty :D


Sorry, I wasn't paying attention. That cat stole the show.

Rico P.



Looking forward to getting some D ... Also someone get Damiani a decent mic please


Trying hard not to see Michael as the guy who stole Deli Girl.


Why are you guys so coy about naming the previous shows you produced on GT? I wasn't sure if you were talking about Pop-Fiction, Retrospectives, or Time-line until like 5 minutes in.


Because that other company doesn't deserve the exposure.


Can you guys please use some of the money to give the poor guy a better microphone?


So excited about this!


I'm really excited to see the end product, but take all the time you need. Its definitely worth the wait! :)


Excited for this, but I would think about the title again. The D-Files sounds like a porn parody of the X-Files. How about Video Game Files instead? People would also better understand what it might be about when they read "Video Game Files" instead of "D-Files".


Can you research into who's uncle actually works at Nintendo?


I think you should keep the topics of the show secret and tease them out in the future. Heaven forbid we remove one of your avenues for trolling! But I'm delighted to hear it's going to have a good budget behind it, and that you're bringing in talent from the Viacom days. It sounds like you've a good plan for doing it right, so I've only positivity to share. I look forward to seeing it develop!


I'm excited about the community picks, but I feel like it might take away from the mystery somewhat. A good way to fix that might be to have us choose from a series of vague clues or riddles. If you want to frame it in the style of the show, maybe make us choose between a few "case files." But if you keep the language ambiguous, that would build up each episode by getting us talking, while still letting us choose the direction for it. Anyway, I'm so glad you're back to making this kind of show. Thanks for keeping us posted.


Will the cat be on the show too?


Damiani you're the expert when it comes to this stuff. It's your show so you should choose what to cover, Patreons or not.


The -D stands forrrrrrrrrrr. :D. Glad you're back,D! Sounds awesome! Your cat should star as a villain!


Even though us backers are putting our faith in you guys, I believe the last thing we want to see is anyone feeling overwhelmed or stressed out by feeling like they absolutely must produce a high budget show in a short time frame. Do your thing!


Really looking forward to it. I would like it if you hinted as subtly as possible, cause I don't want no spoilers.


Sounds great!


yeah i agree I think d-files opens themselves up to jokes and isnt immediately obvious that its about games (though I guess pop fiction wasnt either).


This was going to be the first episode. Now you've ruined the surprise.


Take the time, make it great! :-)


As many are saying, Damiani; I think it be better if you pick the topic of the episodes. You guys know best where an interesting story might be so!!


As many are saying, Damiani; I think it be better if you pick the topic of the episodes. You guys know best where an interesting story might be so!!


Please consider using a higher quality microphone


Thanks for the update Mike! Curious for the D files👍🏻


I was just about to suggest this as well. Great update, but that audio quality - even just for a small update video - is atrocious


Yo Brandon, get Mike a new Mic ;)


Looking forward to it! Thanks for the update.


You've been gone too long Mike!! :)


I'd also be happy to see you cover nearly any in-depth topic. For example, an episode on how Sony pitched the PS1 to Nintendo, got rejected, and the eventual shift of big name titles (MGS1 and FFVII) to the PS1 rather than N64. Maybe in another episode, you could dig up more dirt on what happened at Konami last year. In short, what I'm trying to say is: cover what you want. I'm just excited to hear you cover these topics in your trademark, excruciating detail. Have fun, looking forward to hearing more.


(also, sorry if this comment was posted all over the place previously... tried to comment from main site and it didn't work... twice? D'oh)


I absolutely think having an addendum video instead of the same content with a bit extra baked in is my preference. I always was annoyed when the "update" videos came out and I had to sift through to try and find the new information. I think YouTube annotations and so on solve a bit of the problem of linking to the original video.


Yes ! It's happening ! :D Thanks for the update (even if he definitely need a better mic)


Yes! I missed this kind of show, thanks for the update.


I think for small corrections an addendum would be better, for more major mistakes a revision of the same complete vid would be better


I have complete faith that this show will turn out great, and would suggest people wait until after the first episode has aired before suggesting changes. Also I would just to know if you (Damiani) will be on the group podcast once in a while in the future.


I'm embarrassed to admit this, but my ONLY exposure to Damiani is from The Final Bosman, where he played the villain and stole Kyle's love interest. Due to that, I've never liked the guy (hey, he played a heel very well, so no, it's not a jab against Damiani, just the character he played, like the Iron Sheik or John Cena)... so it'll be interesting to see something REAL from him for once. I'm looking forward to it.


I love how serious you take this. Every single time you made an episode it was outstanding. So thankful you are a part of Easy Allies!


You can still check out his old show! Look up "pop fiction" it's absolutely excellent and the amount of dedication he puts into it is astounding. He is also responsible for the Kingdom Hearts Timeline, if you are into that game


Looking forward for this show. To me it's very interesting and I hope there will be very long episodes :)


Thank you so much for that lengthy explanation! I look greatly forwards to the spiritual successor to...(Viacom or Defy trademarked name? Show). It's gonna be awesome:)


So glad your show is coming back. Was so happy when I heard you will be joining EZA too. Best of luck on your work, I'm sure it will be great :)




Okay, I'll be honest: I have never seen that "previous show" and even after listening to that pitch for a few minutes, I still have absolutely no idea what he is going on about. Graphic packages? Hints? More people involved and it still takes a month to make an episode? Is this some kind of animated series? Seriously, I have no idea. Very bad pitch for people who did not follow him so far. Can someone catch me up?


The old show was Pop Fiction. Just look it up on YouTube and you'll know what to expect.


I'm so excited for this "type" of show to comeback. I loved the original. Take your time Damiani, we all look forward to what you have in store.


thanks for the update, so great to see you back!


One word: HYPE!

Andrew Chalmers

Looking forward to it, Damiani! Thanks for the update. I like the level of quality you're aiming for. One piece of feedback: Use some of that EZA money to get yourself a new mic. It'll make your updates, streams, etc. more enjoyable to listen to.


I'd say take as much time as you need to properly produce episodes. Its nice that you want the content out as soon as possible but for me don't rush it.

Old School Lane

Glad to hear it's going well, Michael. Will you make a little bit of room to do a show similar to Timeline in the future, especially since we never gotten that Metal Gear episode?


Glad to have you back Damiani


I know I've been using this word a lot over the last few weeks, but I am so EXCITED for The D-Files. And it looks like Damiani's excited too which is awesome.

Michael Eaton

Looking forward to this.


I can't wait to see the show Damiani. I am now looking forward to the D-Files premiere more than Civil War. I know you and your crew will knock it out of the park. I like the fact of keeping the game in question a secret until release day, and hope other people feel the same. It's more fun when we don't know what to expect than when we do.


Keep up the good work, man!


Nice to have you back!


You really need to rock a beard dude !


Do your thing, Damiani! We're glad to have you back and really looking forward to whatever you're working on.


!!!! So excited!!!!! This was the show that got me into gametrailers 😀😀😀😀


I can't wait to watch the first episode!


Take your time, I could not be more HYPED! this is one of the best shows on the internet!


I'm really looking forward to the new show! I know you will do it right


WOOOOOOOOO!!!! Can't wait to hear more about the D-Files!!!!


Awesome news Damiani! Can't wait! Please update your mic though D-Dawg!


You really really need to improve the quality of the audio recording, because this is pretty poor. Otherwise, cool news!


Ca(n)t wait!


This is above and beyond what I expected. I mean, you guys just launched! I seriously expected you guys to take like 3-4 months before content was rolling out this consistently. So the fact that you guys are already on schedule to start doing full time shows again on a monthly basis, is beyond amazing. I'm so happy. I'm also so excited that you guys are going all out with this, and keeping the production similar. Thank you so much guys!


But..... What's in Damianis mug...?


Michael, that was a stellar update, thank you so much for that. you're cat, she's/he's a tabby? What a thunder stealer lol@8:00 - Listen, speaking for myself and i'm certain a large number of fans, concerning you - any episode will be a great episode - i'm/we're just really so thrilled to have you back since the Defy layoffs on GT. - Sincerely, you were sorely missed. With that being said, it was great seeing you on twitch recently as well with Wind Waker HD , such a joy to hear your honest commentary, and experience gameplay through your artistic perception. . . . Ok buddy, so on that note, I love that you're a part of this and I/we appreciate the update and are looking forward with everything you do from here on out, Truly. (Really great Don is working with you also!)


Great to have you back.


Hype. Hype. Hype. Hype. Hype. Hype. Hype. Hype. Hype. Hype. Hype. Hype. Hype.


Hey Damiani! You really need to bring some "jolly" to your streams. Why play through a 120 Star Super Mario 64 Run and just be moody and angry all the time? Cursing the game and talking about shitty Bowser and shitty camera and so on. You really didn't seem to enjoy it, so why play at all? Felt the same way about Zelda. Games is supposed to be fun. I don’t feel you’re a good fit for EZA. Bringing it down.


Im sure your show was the inspiration for matt pats show game theory. Cant wait to see the evolution of this show. So glad its alive


Sooooo excited to the new show guys, looks like it could turn out really amazing. Super happy to be in support of the team and I totally trust in the content that'll come from Damiani :D