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Happy anniversary, allies! 5 years later we’re still able to commit to the big stuff we love to do like streams, reactions, and reviews, while experimenting with new shows and events. It’s impossible to overstate how much your support means to this crew. If you’re reading this, and watching/listening to today’s episode, then you’ve made a commitment to EZA that will help ensure we can keep making fun stuff and connecting with our audience. I know we often appear aloof and wacky but we take that level of dedication very seriously, especially when it’s time to make changes to what we offer. I’m excited to bring you all the news and bonus features this week, and I hope you dig EZX ‘21. Let’s celebrate!

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWDvP1U8t1U

- Brandon

DISCLAIMER: I take questions from the post comments on the previous week’s episode here on Patreon. You can ask a business-related question which I may answer live, or a personal question which I may answer below. If your business question was not answered live, I either replied to it in the comments, or referenced the answer in a recent episode. Feel free to inquire why your question wasn't included, or ask the same question a second time if you think I may have missed it. I will edit your comment/question before reading it live to ensure the show moves as quickly as possible. I typically grab all the questions by midnight (PT) the night before each episode.


Cup of Jones - March 22, 2021

Your weekly batch of business updates and community questions. Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies Schedule: http://easyallies.com/ Merchandise: https://www.fangamer.com/easyallies http://shop.spreadshirt.com/easyallies Live streams - https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies Stream archives - https://www.youtube.com/easyalliesplays https://twitter.com/easyallies https://www.facebook.com/easyallies #EasyAllies



Hi Jones. After watching the first two episodes of Mindful Gaming, I am very excited and looking forward to the rest of this series. Do you think this could be a recurring series, maybe once a year, etc? It is hitting me at such a needed time right now and I would love to see other games be highlighted, maybe games we wouldn't think of. Thank you.

Brandon K Gann

Hey Mr. Jones! Before jumping into my question, I’ve started writing this in the down time between the start of Cup and before EZX, so while I have a question about Mindful Games you let us know during the editorial, I may have a follow up dependent on what’s announced and what my fellow Patrons ask. SO! I’m captivated you’ll be a doing a video essay style show centered on a topic your passionate about and it reminded me of Don’t Skip and how that’s fallen by the wayside, so I was wondering, in your opinion, what is your evaluation of keeping a six-episode limited run on video essay like content for the channel after Mindful Games? Say a brief run of Don’t Skips, or to use a couple of other topics you enjoy maybe a series about games utilizing the outdoors or perhaps musical theatre? This format is energizing with a lot of potential, and having this type of thing two or three times a year would bring another type of content to EZA. As always, I’m sure this isn’t something feasible to realistically do what with all Allies’ individual schedules, but just wanted to say this is something I’m really looking forward to and hoping it has a long tail unlike some of the other EZA has made. Again, thanks for always taking my question and again Happy 5 years to EZA! Have a wonderful rest of your day. Cheers! QUESTION: What is your evaluation of keeping the six-episode limited run format for video essay like content for the channel after Mindful Games? Say a brief return of Don’t Skips, or to use a couple of other topics you enjoy as examples, maybe a series about games utilizing the outdoors or perhaps musical theatre? I feel this would compliment well with the rotating seasonal shows EZA already does that could fit nicely two or three times a year.

Sid Raghunandan

Oh my god, can we as a community stop talking about this weird co-moderator hang up every week? Is it really that big a deal??? it does make me laugh every time it's brought up tho haha


Heya Jones just raised my pledge on patreon to the shout out tier for a least a couple months in honor of EZA's 5th birthday! Just wondering why there is a limit to how many people can be in that tier? When I went to raise it it said there was 1 spot left. Just thought it was weird to put a limit on how many people can be a tier. L&R


I think it might be a time factor of how long it takes them to read them aloud on the podcasts. It was raised from 5 to 8 after more interest was shown. They'd probably consider raising it again if they get consistently 8 people month after month.


Might have to jump in on that Animal Crossing opportunity with you, Jones. Fun fact: I actually have you friended on Switch for the original AC island visits, but the visit never happened. I actually already have a room in my house that is meant to be my "thinking room" so that would require zero effort. What would require effort is cleaning my island! Haven't played since Halloween! I deeply wanted to play during Winter, but a rather traumatic situation occured IRL and I couldn't bring myself to play.


Mr. Jones, Hey it finally happened to me and Patreon ate one of my comments. I had an idea for an opening bit for the EZA podcast inspired by the Tomb Raider cookbook and Daniel Bloodworth's enthusiasm for it last week. I believe this bit could foster community involvement, gain patrons, generate revenue for the company or charity through merchandise, and possibly be a bit for Bloodworth if there is no room for it as the opening bit. The idea is this: EZA is opening a hot new restaurant in Los Angeles and they need help creating the menu. Patrons can submit videogame or EZA inspired dishes for the podcast each week and the panelists will decide between two of your choosing. The winning recipe can be included in the cookbook and the loosing recipe can go to a rival restaurant's menu. At the end of a season the winning dishes can have recipes made up by patrons and put into the cookbook. I imagine that a forward by yourself explaining your disdain for cooking would also be very entertaining. The book could also include meal preferences and preferred gaming snacks from the allies for fun as well as themed recipes based on EZA lore which could include... Don's no flip pizza Ian's Ol' fashioned, Homemade Soylent Kyle's Little Pig, Little Pig, Baby Back Ribs Huber's Hype Burger with fries and ketchup (when served together the three have strong bonds) Brandon's Hot sauces that range from "Can I have some daddy" to "Hurt me Plenty" (or any combination of the two) in spiciness. Bloodworth's Nutrition wrap Ben's Dojo Style Noodles and Broth Jessica Lyn Verdi's Dirty (Mind) Rice The Millo, Milo Milkshake The Amanda Troop's Patented Throat Coat Vocal Tea Brad's General Hux's chicken Damiani's Triforce Tritip Sean Clinton's Efficient German Potato Salad and Sophie's Good Girl Soufflé Finally, the cookbook could be printed, signed to sent to those willing to pay a high, but fair, price. It could be posted digitally for patrons at a certain tier as well, skipping all the mess of printing. This isn't even mentioning the potential for the EZA 10/10 cocktails as well. Your thoughts Mr. Jones? Respectfully, Morgan Mohalla


Hello Jones! Would it be possible for you guys to tag your patreon exclusive mini series on patreon as "exclusive mini series" or something similar? You have an exclusive episode tag, but anything that goes in there is just going to get overrun by all of the spoiler modes and will be tougher to find when looking for patreon exclusive posts.


I think that's a pretty specific distinction, and having two separate exclusive tags would likely create more confusion than be helpful. You can still go to https://easyallies.com/#!/exclusives to see all the different series that are available. -Bloodworth


Love you, Jones


I'm sure I'm not going to be the only one to suggest this, but I really think Ian's Silent Hill 2 HOG video should be uploaded to the channel separately. Bite size, well put together, and very enjoyable. Would be another great example to bring in people that haven't watched HOGs. L&R -GOTYlocks


Hello Brandon. I liked Mindful Games and wanted to suggest Red Dead Redemption 2 & Death Stranding if you decide to continue this series in the future. Also I have a question about Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: did you find the process of building a cairn stressful or relaxing?


Hi Jones. This relates to the downloadable audio version of Cup of Jones. For a few weeks now, I've noticed that whatever you have the file name listed as in the Patron post, it downloads as '1.mp3' every time. It wouldn't be much of an issue on windows, where most browsers give me the option to rename it right away. However I usually download it on Chrome on my android phone, which doesn't immediately give that option, and manually renaming it is a bit of a hassle. Would you be able to look into why that is happening? Please and thank you. Edit: Checking back, it looks like the first one that does this is the March 9th Cup of Jones.


This is something happening to all the audio files on Patreon, not sure what's up. -Bloodworth


Heya Jones, Yeah, it was really cool. And I can't want for the puppet show. On a totally unrelated note, which of the following scenarios would Easy Allies say sucks the most: not being a comedian on late night TV, not having a boyfriend, having an annoying roommate, being a therapist with no clients, or being a former child star stuck as a building superintendent?


Hey Brandon, how are you doing today? With Patrons getting extended version of EZA podcast, I was wondering if it was possible for $1 Patrons to get an email for the podcast post on patreon when it unlocks for them? It's much easier to access and search for EZA content through emails than Patreon and it also acts as a good reminder that new EZA content is available. Thanks. L&R


There is a checkbox to notify patrons when we edit a post, but it does come with the unfortunate side effect that we can't send it only to $1 patrons. Everyone that got the email for early access would get emailed again. -Bloodworth


Good Morning Jones, The It Takes Two stream was one of the jolliest streams and games would you guys consider continuing and doing a full playthrough of the game? Also I hope the allies are on the look out for vaccines as it's opening up to everyone, in my state if you are diligent you can find open spots that are left over so I hope the allies can as well and get back into the office.


Hi Jones, Congratulations on 5 years and the success of EZX! I ordered the new shirts from the US store (as it had more of the other designs) and it ended up coming from Spain anyway, so worked out for myself in the UK, and should hopefully have them soon! On the subject of EZX, I wanted to make a suggestion for future monthly/quarterly streams, and that is Easy Allies Chess Tournaments!!! I stayed up until 3am watching Jason cast your EZX tournament and ****SPOILER****** got to see Brandon 'Kingslayer' Jones take the win, and was one of the most fun 'esports' streams I have watched in a while. Jason's knowledge and have the non playing Allies comment on the games was fun, and having the 10 minute time limit made it so tense. Am hoping you can find some time when Jason and afew allies are free to do more tournaments in the future! L&R Stormtamer


Good morning! Hall of Greats question: Has it ever been suggested that any remaining presentation time be added to the cross-examination? Hope everyone has a great week. Congrats on an EZX well done!


*Patreon keeps deleting my post, so I'm trying to reword this* Good Morning Jones! Congratulations on 5 years and an incredible week of content and hitting your goal! EZX 21 was top tier and had me tuned in for every stream. Achieve It Yourself is back, new Monster Hunter, Hall of Greats, Mindful Games I already love and even a surprisingly amazing chess tournament (please do it again sometime!). Your late night Dragons Dogma session was a highlight for me and I just had to stay up late to watch the whole thing. Thank you to you and all the rest of the guys! It was an awesome celebration! Here's my question: There were some streams this past week with multiple people playing the same game where we only had the video of one player. There have been other streams like Valheim and Ian and Don's Mario Maker race where multiple perspectives are shown. I get that it's not always easy to pull off that setup so I'm not simply asking you guys do it more, but can you explain what reasons would go into deciding to use multiple game feeds for some streams and not others? There are definitely times where seeing what the other guys are up to adds to the experience. Specifically in the Valheim stream where Don turned into a rock. If we only had Ian's perspective we wouldn't have witnessed the wackiness of Don being transported around the map and trapped in different parts of the environment, all the while Huber was following Don's directions to hunt him down and free him. It was hysterical and without their feed we would have only heard it while watching Ian farm wood or build walls. Love and Respect! - Ryann


Good Morning Jones, Triple Double or Double Single Extra Toasted Bun 2x Grilled Onions Raw Onions Chopped Chilis You're Welcome