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Video Link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K71ed3zKCBY

In 2019, CD Projekt RED promised they wouldn’t crunch their employees, and two years ago Insomniac introduced us to their new Spider-Man, but this week we learned that things change. Also, how did the latest Smash fighter reveal go, and what led to Genshin Impact’s incredible success?

00:01:18 - Corrections
00:03:59 - Silver Lining
00:05:24 - Cyberpunk 2077 Launch Crunch
00:28:14 - Spider-Man's new face on PS5
00:40:39 - Minecraft in Smash Bros Ultimate
00:53:50 - Genshin Impact's success
01:04:55 - Also This Week...
01:15:18 - L&R - Mario Kart or Diddy Kong Racing?
01:17:14 - L&R - Game: EZ-est 10 out of 10 Review
01:24:20 - L&R - Communities supporting old games
01:26:50 - L&R - The backlog of a doctor in Asia
01:28:39 - Time for Bets
01:35:12 - Closing

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Jordan Litchmore - Lake

That's the wrong date right? And you didn't record this last week lol?


Been waiting for this! In the video the names for the panel at the start are from last week. And date in the video title is wrong also.


Thanks for the catch. I've fixed the date. -Bloodworth


Too add to the conversation re Cyberpunk (as a marketer), a lot has to do when deals (store shelve presence, promotional material, from statues to posters with dates on them), advertising spots (radio, TV, during events and on fixed banner spaces online, affiliate sites and through programmatic media buying) + social media pushes, native ads etc, While yeah, Huber says "eat the cost", marketing often beats the development cost and is well hidden cost between tax deductible, invoiceable and delayable payments. Then, as you pointed out, Holidays are a HUUUUUUUUUUGE factor, specially with Next Gen hype, as people who will sleep on next-gen will jump on Cyberpunk, as will the PC community. Not defending crunch, but yeah, this isn't as black and white as it sounds. 6 weeks pre launch is... well, yeah, crunch time :(


Your comment on Michel Ancel was kinda weird. If you are gonna talk about him you have to dig deep or just ignore it, because to me it is still super unclear what to believe. There are some articles that claim things and there are several instagram posts from Ancel where he tries to prove every single argument wrong, but from what I have seen there is not really anything "official" that we can trust. I think you have to make that clearer.


Have you guys ever considered adding a show topic that isn't news related? We're coming to the end of the generation, in these news light weeks it could be cool to hear you guys talk about your favourite games of the gen on the podcast, best shooter, best RPG, best new IP etc. I also say this because I actually don't know what games are your favourites and it would be cool to know (besides going to a review and checking who wrote it). You could do a discussion in the podcast and then an edited video or the isolated podcast segment listing the EZA top 10 (I know that's a lot of extra work but those words are virtual crack to the YouTube algorithm) This is the time when gamers like me will be looking back on the gen. When the new gen comes it may well be too late. I really hope you consider, I would love to hear all the Allies opinions on GOTG. L&R


I think it's a major issue that none of you challenge each other on many of these important topics and it doesn't help the conversation. I'm honestly getting really tired of the comically unrealistic ideas you guys have of how companies should operate and that there's no one on the podcast with a differing opinion. Oddly enough you even glazed over the Michel Ancel topic during corrections and simply giggled that there were accusations over his conduct at work and left it at that, no inclusion of his response at all. It felt more like you gave the Liberation article the benefit of the doubt rather than him.


@Nugene - do you have fundamentally different opions to your friends?


Pronunciation Correction- Shadow of Mordor Protagonist is Talion, not Talon as Huber and Jones had said.


re Crunch. It Is fine if the company did not make it part of their identity that they are above and beyond and doing things for the gamer/consumer. I do not feel that warrants sympathy since they have had no problem marketing and weaponizing it to their audience trying to portray them selves as the upstarts for the gamers above and beyond other companies.


I really miss a game at the beggining of the podcast it really always started the podcast off really exciting, not that corrections isnt exciting :P


On the topic of face change this did happen before almost exactly with Tomb Raider 2013. The current gen remaster uses a different face for Lara than the last gen version.




I've been working in the industry for more than a decade now. No developer, of sound mind, wants to ever announce their title before it is ready. That is solely a publisher’s decision. The executive boards running these publishers, are at times, very out of touch with the human cost of development and like any business, push the envelope until there is blowback. Why should consumers care? Well maybe you like the level design in a game, the character animations or even the bug free visuals and performance. The people responsible for all those features end up being the casualties and leaving the companies or the industry as a whole. So what can we all do as video game consumers? Hold publishers and developers accountable. Show that you care about the human cost and force them to modify their behavior. If they do not, bring up unionization, as it will empower the labor force and help them organize.