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Ian, Huber, Don, and Jess get together to talk about everything from laundry, to bread, to quarantine hair, to Rugrats!




And for that reason............ I'm........... In


too real at the end even if it was a joke, and even if Jess was in on it. Just felt bad


Bros! Not cool! I just wanted to tweet Jess and make sure she was ok!


The fact that I couldn’t 100% say that was a bit. Made that too real. Damn it ian why do you play with my feels


You never know what direction Ian’s content is going to go. All fantastic stuff.


Just... bravo... bravo. *clap*

Daryl Rodriguez

I can't get anyone I know to watch EZA because of shit like this. We live in an era where if you rub someone the wrong way just one time, they never come back.


I hate seeing comments like this, classic manipulation tactic. Even if what you said is true, who cares, the content is not for them then. Let them get into what they like and leave the rest of us to get into what we like.


That was some legit acting by Jess there at the end. I was really kinda doubting myself if this was a bit or if something really went down there. The only thing that made me confident that everything is ok, is that you otherwise wouldn't publish something like this out in the open (....right?)


That was insane


Jess deserves an Oscar or whatever the top acting award is. bravo!

Douglas Chomicz

This was great! I love your creativity Ian and how we never quiet know where an easy update will go.


This is the kind of thing that makes you lose respect for someone. This is worse than click bait. He should get his own channel if this is what we have to look out for moving forward.