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I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for your continued support during this pandemic. This past weekend I was able to celebrate Mother’s Day with my wonderful wife and insanely adorable 10-month-old baby. The fact that I can not only continue to support my family during these difficult times, but even take a moment to celebrate, fills me with a powerful love for this strong community. During all of the copy/pasting I’ve been doing recently (Showcase, Cup, Podcast) I’ve been revisiting a lot of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (thank you Disney+), and I’d like to talk about some of my favorite moments that hold up even after the tenth viewing.

00:12:58 - Business Questions
01:18:11 - Editorial: Revisiting the MCU


DISCLAIMER: I take questions for each Cup of Jones episode from the original video post. Questions from this audio-only post will not be used in future episodes. The video version is typically posted just before this one, so scroll down our Patreon page to find it.


BRANDON RAY - you said that only one version of a game could qualify for a top 100 list. Which version of Ocarina of Time would you say is the greatest? JONES - I always go with the original. I feel like the ingenuity present in its creation is greater than any improvements that could be made down the road.

SPONGEJAY1 - Just wondering, since COVID-19 is causing a lot of bigger games to be delayed, are there any smaller projects that you think might get more attention than they otherwise would due to the more empty release landscape that is this summer? Personally, my mind goes to THQNordic's remasters of Battle for Bikini Bottom and Destroy All Humans. Both could now do far better than they originally expected due to lack of competition. Could this be a weird blessing in disguise for the indie game industry? JONES - I’m not sure about those because I think they’re still counting on the primary support of their original fans. I’m curious how well Predator Hunting Grounds would have done if none of this was going on. I think COVID will mostly help games that no one’s ever heard of before. It might not get them a huge sales boost, but they’d at least be able to appear in front of eyeballs that would have otherwise passed them by. 



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