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I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for your continued support during this pandemic. This past weekend I was able to celebrate Mother’s Day with my wonderful wife and insanely adorable 10-month-old baby. The fact that I can not only continue to support my family during these difficult times, but even take a moment to celebrate, fills me with a powerful love for this strong community. During all of the copy/pasting I’ve been doing recently (Showcase, Cup, Podcast) I’ve been revisiting a lot of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (thank you Disney+), and I’d like to talk about some of my favorite moments that hold up even after the tenth viewing.

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiDSD18sYWE


DISCLAIMER: I take questions from the post comments on the previous week’s episode here on Patreon. You can ask a business-related question which I may answer live, or a personal question which I may answer below. If your business question was not answered live, I either replied to it in the comments, or referenced the answer in a recent episode. Feel free to inquire why your question wasn't included, or ask the same question a second time if you think I may have missed it. I will edit your comment/question before reading it live to ensure the show moves as quickly as possible. I typically grab all the questions by midnight (PT) the night before each episode.


BRANDON RAY - you said that only one version of a game could qualify for a top 100 list. Which version of Ocarina of Time would you say is the greatest? JONES - I always go with the original. I feel like the ingenuity present in its creation is greater than any improvements that could be made down the road.

SPONGEJAY1 - Just wondering, since COVID-19 is causing a lot of bigger games to be delayed, are there any smaller projects that you think might get more attention than they otherwise would due to the more empty release landscape that is this summer? Personally, my mind goes to THQNordic's remasters of Battle for Bikini Bottom and Destroy All Humans. Both could now do far better than they originally expected due to lack of competition. Could this be a weird blessing in disguise for the indie game industry? JONES - I’m not sure about those because I think they’re still counting on the primary support of their original fans. I’m curious how well Predator Hunting Grounds would have done if none of this was going on. I think COVID will mostly help games that no one’s ever heard of before. It might not get them a huge sales boost, but they’d at least be able to appear in front of eyeballs that would have otherwise passed them by.


Cup of Jones - May 11, 2020

Your weekly batch of business updates and community questions. Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies Schedule: http://easyallies.com/ Merchandise: https://www.fangamer.com/easyallies http://shop.spreadshirt.com/easyallies Live streams - https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies Stream archives - https://www.youtube.com/easyalliesplays https://twitter.com/easyallies https://www.facebook.com/easyallies #EasyAllies



C'mon, Jones. I was/am still debating on whether or not to resume my Superheroes movies reviews posts. And now you wanna talk about the MCU... Very tempted to just post the MCU ones, but it would be great to finish them all. Also, the entire MCU, all the Star Wars: Skywalker Saga + Rogue One, and a lot of other Disney and Puixar movies are on Amazon's Prime Video until October of this year - due to a deal Amazon made with Disney. I signed up for it because of it, even though I ain't interested in the MCU or Star Wars movies atm. The biggest appeal to my family and me are the Disney and Pixar movies, as well as Amazon's original TV shows and movies like Bosch, Modern Love, Tales from the Loop, etc. We have watched Aladdin (2019), The Lion King (2019), The Incredibles, etc. Just last night I watched The Jungle Book with my family, who had never watched it and everyone loved it. Onward just debuted as well, a day or so ago. Frozen 2 is also available. Thinking of rewatching Zootopia today and Rapunzel sometime in the week, which I have never watched it. For those without access to Disney+ because it still isn't in their country, Amazon is a great alternative with a lot of Disney, Pixar, Marvel and Star Wars content. The perfect movies to watch with the family while at home. L & R


Hello Jones. You're probably done FF7 Remake by now and we cant wait to hear your impressions on Spoiler Mode with Brad. Since you haven't played the original FF7, this puts you in a unique position amongst the Allies who can offer a different perspective on the series without decades of nostalgia. With that said, have you considered doing a stream of the original FF7 similar to your playthrough of the Pokemon games? I think that dynamic of "Newcomer plays game joined by series veteran" is really interesting and would make the stream worthwhile, especially with the renewed interest in FF7 being at an all time high due to the Remake. Thank you for taking my question. Best wishes.

Brandon K Gann

Hey Mr. Jones! If we were living in a normal year, this week or last probably would’ve been Judges Week. I know I’ve asked related such questions year after year, but with the absence of Judges Week this year, I wanted to know (if you’re willing to share): Is not being able to attend a hinderance for either yourself or EZA? I know the value to us fans and followers are the impressions you can talk about when the embargos expire during the press conferences and during the end of day impressions, but is there any tangible detriment to EZA for not getting hands-on with several games you normally wouldn’t have? Thank you for taking my question and as always have a wonderful rest of your day! Cheers! QUESTION: In what I’m sure would have been this week or last, it should have been Judges Week. Since there is no such gathering this year, is being unable to take part hinder EZA in any way, or is the event the kind of thing where it isn’t a big deal if one gets (mandatorily) missed?


Hi Jones, Personal Question I just want to find out about a couple of music tracks used in a couple of GameTrailers reviews. Do you know the music that starts playing when the Blur review enters the Design portion of the review and where to find it? Also the Design portion of the Splinter Cell: Conviction review I am curious about-I think I've heard that one being used in other GT reviews of Ubisoft games.


Hey there Jones, I watch Cup of Jones every week. It's my favorite way to start my week while we update and I clean the kitchen, cook dinner, and do some house chores. While I understand why business and personal Cup of Jones questions are locked behind a Patreon pay wall though, I feel that the Cup of Jones editorials could largely be made public to a larger appeal and viewership. As I write now, there are around 600 people who have watched through the latest episode of Cup of Jones. That means that only that many have been able to hear your reflections on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. If these editorials were cut into their own standalone video and made available for free or for $1+ patrons, would it not only encourage more people to tune into the weekly Cup of Jones, but also add specific videos that have a good chance of getting more views than COJ on its own? That's not an intentionally negative shot fired, but I feel like if causal viewers were to click on a video, "Jones Talks MCU" would be a video to listen in on more than weekly community business meetings and updates. I imagine lots of viewers would be happy to sit in to hear you talk about Marvel, how Ocarina is the best game of all time, etc. Maybe not every single editorial would garner high viewership, but I feel that select ones could be a nice aside to incentivize EZA members to write in and make their voice heard, and participate in the relaxing cup we have every Monday, if not just hear your take on specific things in its own video series. If not, I'll still be here every Monday to listen in. Love ya Jones! Brian from Happy Gaming


Mr. Jones, Will the Allies ever branch back into covering mobile titles or less mainstream games? For a while it seems like all the coverage is exclusively for big releases. Is there any hope that the meat that is made up of big releases will get spiced up with some niche or obscure titles?


Hey Jones, how you are doing today? Before I get to my question I wanted to say that in regards to the TLOU2 spoiler discussions, I get where you are coming from and I wonder if doing a post mortem on the leaks and the situation surrounding ND and Sony, a few weeks after TLOU2's release would be a better idea. You could talk about what the leaks were, how they changed some people's perception on the game when taken out of context , how Sony/ND handled them, etc without being afraid of spoilers. Just a thought. Anyway, I was wondering, how do you guys feel about doing a dedicated show for discussing the major upcoming releases? I know you already do that to some degree with Podcast news and Previews, but those are more news oriented whereas I think a more speculative and opinion based show where you would discuss your hopes and worries for an upcoming major game a month or two before its release could be really interesting. Hype and pre-release discussions and speculations are a big part of what makes gaming so fun and while I'm sure those discussions happen casually among allies, I feel like we as the audience don't get to see much of that and personally I think a lot of allies in the community would love to see how you, Ben, Brad, etc feel about games like Ghost of Tsushima and Last of Us Part II, before they are out and we can all experience them. Just something that came to mind as I was getting more hungry for pre-release discussion of TLOU2 and Ghost of Tsushima from the allies haha. Cheers.


Hey Jones, No idea what you're planning on doing with Gaming Gladiators, but while listening I started to imagine glorious art of the battle between all the gladiators, or art of all the winners standing over the losers. I do a weekly gaming webcomic and big assemble pieces are kind of my thing. You can check out the three Last Supper parodies I did last Easter for example (@woodenplankstudios on Instagram or @WoodenPlankST on Twitter). I don't want to self promote or anything, but if you ever need something drawn like an epic gladiator battle between dozens of gaming characters, I'd love to help! Or with anything else, for that matters. Just wanted to throw that out there! Loving the 'new' podcasts so far by the way, the focus on news and discussion is pretty great! Cheers, Abel


Hello Brandon. Speaking of movies, how often do you watch bonus features and/or listen to the audio commentaries? Do you consume all behind-the-scenes content, or do you pick something you’re interested in? Personally I watch everything (and if it’s a blu-ray I manually check its file structure – sometimes I find clips that aren’t available through the menu) and often begin to appreciate the movie more after learning how and why it was created.


Hi Brandon, Wanted to follow up on the "passing hosting over to another ally during the podcast" topic, since you kindly gave your opinion last episode. I do totally understand that it is important to pass certain topics to panelists who are better versed for a topic. The gripe I had with the Segment in said episode was that it felt like - in this case - Damiani not only provided his very well researched information, but also took over the role of moderator. This may of course have been just something that happened naturally. My question last week was aiming more towards "are there plans to have other allies host longer segments on the show". If it came across as "please do not let others talk for a longer time", then I am sorry. Thank you


Hi Brandon, This is a question I have had for you for quite some time and I would love to have your insight on the situation. CDPR has said that they do not see a future where Cyberpunk 2077 is held back at all. It will make its September release as they are only working on bug fixes and the day 1 patch right now. They have stated however that the only thing that may have been trimmed is voice acting. Only 60-70% of it may be finished by September no matter how much they try. They stated they have no problem releasing the game with only the voice acting they have done and then adding the rest via patches when the game is released. Do you think this is a smart move or do you believe that this is going to bite CDPR in the butt if they actually go through with this? Do you think that reviewers and gamers will chastise the game for its lack of voice acting or do you think it will get free pass because of Covid-19? How would you feel playing Cyberpunk 2077 with just over half of the voice acting finished?


Hola Brandon, I know we're still weeks away, but I was curious if you knew who'd be joining you on the next Community Showcase? I recall you trying to give everyone a heads up at the end of a showcase, but I didn't catch a name this time when I went back to listen. While this might not affect my personal submission, i'm sure it might help others who try and prepare something for a specific ally if they're on. P.S. Know that the gratitude you bring up regarding the patrons still pledging is greatly appreciated. Makes it worth it even more.


Hello Jones! Say everybody in the tier did actually submit something for community showcase. How would you handle the stream? And on a related note, if more and more people did submit to the showcase, would the guidelines get stricter and would the submissions have to be shorter?


Hi, Jones. With Gary Whitta's new animal crossing talk show becoming a huge hit, is it something that you'd want to appear on as a guest?


Hey Jones! I'm asking ahead of this month's community showcase-- I want to submit an anime trailer I put together professionally. I sort of figure it's fine since it doesn't use any vocal music-- just score from the release itself. I was kinda hoping I could get a mini, two-minute (however long you need to express your thoughts, even if it's just like half a minute! I don't know why I went to two minutes, that's a huge ask rofl) off the cuff trailer jones in response, because it's always nice getting feedback (as well as sharing an edit i'm proud of)! But I'm asking here for an important reason, and that's this: Even with the lack of an easily processable copyright strike song backing the trailer, would you still be weary of submitting something like that? I know you don't want it muted, and I don't either, so I figure I'll ask here first. Stay safe out there. (Also, really looking forward to hearing your thoughts on VII remake. I'm still thinking about it, weeks after I finished it. In a good way.) Love and respect. P.S: Sorry for the long and unwieldy paragraph!


Morning Jones! Summer Game Fest is here! I don't really understand what this entails as far as further announcements, demos, previews, etc. are concerned, and I am wondering if anything has been communicated to you and the Allies about what to expect? Will this ramp up to an E3-style bonanza come June? Does it warrant a betting special? Do y'all have any plans for this prolonged event? L&R, Brian


Hey Jones! Hearing you doing stuff early in the morning, means I can enjoy your content in the afternoon or evening in Germany. Thank you for the animal crossing streams. My question now is, is there a way for you to see on patreon from which country's of the world your viewers are? How many countries are represented and what are the top 5 or 10 percentage wise. Dankeschön, Kevin


On the last two Cup of Jones episodes, you have mentioned that you guys had a meeting looking at the month of May and seeing how light content wise it is. I do agree but it seems like you mostly ignored the end of April which had XCOM Chimera Wars, Sakura Wars, and Gears Tactics. Now I know Ben did streams of all theses games(bless his soul), but otherwise you guys have ignored these games. My guess is Ben is the only ally interested in theses games and he’s already busy enough, but it did hurt me to hear you say we will focus on Animal Crossing and Final Fantasy VII Remake because there’s not much going on. I’m greatly in the minority but I was actually more excited for those 3 games over the 2 big bois. I know Gamexplain gets other reviewers do to reviews on their channel when none of them are personally interested in more niche games, but have you guys ever thought of doing something similar to avoid missing games that only one or no ally is personally interested in? To end on a more positive note, I think you are doing a great job with podcast L&R.


Hey, Jones. This doesn't warrant a response since you have talked about it before, but I did want to echo other comments saying that making 3 spoiler modes for FF7R was a great idea. I know this is a very unique situation, not all games can afford 3 very distinct kinds of spoiler conversations. But if it's something you can replicate in the future, please do. Especially for single-player games, it's wonderful to have this prolonged conversation and to be able to extend this game's moment beyond its release period.


Brandon - I thought it was interesting when you mentioned Crispin Glover demanding the same pay as Michael J Fox for BTTF2 in the most recent CoJ because it reminded me of an old interview that Glover did on the Opie and Anthony show and he's since repeated the same information to other outlets but he explains that this was a falsehood, a total fabrication put out there by the films Co-writer Bob Gale. He explained that Money was still a problem, though. “I wanted to be in the movie, but the offer was less than half of what Lea Thompson and Tom Wilson – who had similar sized roles – it just wasn’t fair”. Here's a link if you want to read more about it, I think that Crispin Glover got a raw deal when they still used his likeness without permission to which he actually sued the studio for and won -- preventing an actor's likeness from appearing in a film without permission. I also think that his performance as George McFly is one of the best things about the original BttF. https://www.denofgeek.com/movies/why-crispin-glover-never-did-back-to-the-future-part-ii/


Howdy Brandon, I wanted to start by saying great job on the podcast so far! I feel your enthusiastic vibe makes for a really fun and exciting conversation, and has really allowed your fellow allies to thrive! I also wanted to hear about your strategy regarding full game playthroughs. I actually discovered ya'll when searching for a good playthrough of FF7 back in 2016, and it served a great place to get to know a lot of the allies, eventually leading me to become a Patreon backer! I'm curious if you have a good way to track this kind of conversion, as it seems this may be a good way to attract new viewers, as well as allowing them to get to know ya'll as they join you for several hours of gameplay. I imagine the bulk of viewership comes from quicker streams of new and trending games, but wonder if there's some payout in LPing some of the greats! That leads to a more fun final question: If you had all the time in the world to do a full lets play or two, what game or games would you choose? Cheers! St0mpz


Hey Jones. Thoughts on the ghost of tsushima presentation? Is that how a presentation should be done in your opinion? To me, it was what I expected of the AC "gameplay" walk through


Hey Jones. (first, sorry for English) Recently I was curious about comments on Patreon posts, and why not all comments are loading. I tried to use the underlying APIs to get all the comments, and here is what I found. 1. Number of comments shown under the posts are the number of comments and the replies to the comments. 2. To see all the comments one should load all the comments and load all the replies. 3. Sometimes (many times) "Load more comments" does not return anything, but shows that there are more comments to load. In this cases getting all comments with underlying API returns a different number of comments, exactly the same number as you can get on the web (less then the number of all comments) Now. I made a custom script that shows all the comments in simple printable page. (The details of how to use it are below) I don't know if Patreon gives creators another way to view the post, but if not then you can try it. L&R, Stepan THE DETAILS on How to install a custom script in your preferred web browser (Firefox, Chrome, Edge...) First you should install the script host extension from the store (add-on on Firefox): Greasemonkey or Violentmonkey or Tampermonkey. Then you should go to the custom script page: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stepanhakobyan/custom-user-scripts/master/Patreon/patreon-show-all-comments.user.js The host extension should automatically ask if you want to install and enable the custom script. After that if you go to any post page on Patreon you should see four new buttons on top. (here is the way they look like https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stepanhakobyan/custom-user-scripts/master/Patreon/buttons.png) The buttons are opening two types of view, in the same page, or in external page. I hope you will say which one you prefer so I can remove other buttons.


Hey Jones - I don't want to sound obnoxious, I really hope it doesn't come off like that. I love every single Ally, even the ones who've abandoned the group for lucrative streaming careers, and I really want to show that love as much as possible with comments, questions, and games for the EZA Podcast. However, after almost 5 months of submitting questions, comments, games, and various other ideas, my comments were only addressed once on the podcast. I know that just because I'm a patron or leaving a submission for L&R doesn't automatically mean it will get picked, but I was wondering if there was any insight you could give into the selection process for L&R? Is it literally just whatever catches your eye? Do you try to feature Patrons who've been commenting a lot without getting picked up? Is there a secret "grace period" you have in your head so you don't pick the same people too often? Again, I don't want to complain, I truly appreciate everything you guys do with you community, and I know that L&R and even Cup of Jones are things you do because you want to, not because you have too. It's just a teeny tiny bit frustrating sometimes. Love you all, L&R spongejay1


Hey Jones got a quick suggestion for you. For an opening bit in the podcast I thought a good idea for you would be "What's better, the game or it's trailer?". An example could be "What's better, Mass Effect 3 or it's trailer?" and then you ask the panelists. Seems fun and fits your style.


Hey Jones, I’m aware that none of you necessarily are looking to add another stream or show to your work week. BIG BUT I’ve been playing through Final Fantasy VI for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, and just loving it. I know you’ve already streamed it— I think the whole thing? But Huber has said many times that he wants to play through it. I think the two of you have great chemistry together. Are you picking up what I’m putting down, Mr. Jones? Think about it when you’re back in the studio? Pretty please? Hope you have a good week, Davis


Good morning, Jones. Is there animosity between any of the allies? If so, how is it tempered? If not, how is peace maintained for so long?


Hey Jones, Oh, that's really cool. I never noticed that before. But if Easy Allies was an ingredient in a witch's magical potion, would it be a cow as white as milk, a cape as red as blood, hair as yellow as corn, or a slipper as pure as gold?


Good morning, Jrandon Bones, Want to let you know that I believe you best alteration to the podcast thus far is the incorporation of L&R submissions during the front half of the show. Historically, having a comment regarding a topic covered during the news portion of the podcast was an almost guaranteed way to not have it be read. With this, L&R can help inform the conversation, get more submissions read each week, and improve community involvement. Big fan of the change! Now let’s focus on improving that terrible voice of yours…


Good to know, thank you. I've definitely been the propagator of many a blown-up lie from the movie industry. Thank you for setting the record straight BUT if I was him I still would have totally taken the money - Jones