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Either my PC or YouTube froze this episode of Cup before it was over resulting in, to quote Daniel Bloodworth, "the most bizarre thing I've ever seen YouTube do." So here's the very sloppy, out-of-sync-for-the-first-two-minutes, second part of today's episode, and hopefully this glitch never, ever happens again. Please keep your questions for next week on the original post. Thanks, allies!

- Brandon


Cup of Jones - November 11, 2019

Your weekly batch of business updates and questions.



Oh Jonesy! Thanks for posting this, it's a lot of fun for those of us Patreon supporters.


Phew! Didn't look like I missed much though. you scared me for a second!


Thats it, gotta switch to float plane! 😅


Thank you


Jones, with the release of the new Sonic trailer, I have a question that I think is uniquely suited to you as both a trailer connoisseur and games man. Do you think it's possible that the bad Sonic design was intentional, to get people riled up, and then happy when the real design is revealed? Think about it. You weaponize a fervent fanbase. Spend a chunk of change on a trailer with a purposely bad Sonic and a fake release date knowing people are going to hate it, then go dark until you're ready with the final product, design, and announce the new release date (that you always intended). Even better, make some Halloween costumes "because it was already in process and couldn't be changed" and sell some nightmare Sonic masks to the memelords who will love to dress up as something so horrifying (who would ever do that? ). That guarantees you sell more of them than if you had just released regular looking ones. Just curious what you think.


this part 2 post won't be considered for questions. please repost your comment on the original post


Hey Jones! Personal question here. There's a Youtube creator I follow who goes by B-Mask who's argued that video games and theatre have a lot in common with each other, arguably (in his view) more so than with film and television. Additionally, he's also drew a similar comparison with theme parks as well. As someone with a theatre background and as an avid theme park fan yourself, I was curious what your perspective on these views are, and what you think about the commonalities between games and theatre/theme parks vs film/television are. -L&R


This editorial, Jones is unhinged Your PC struggling to play clips like me struggling through life


Jones, your backup strategy HURT MY TEETH. That is not a three tier backup system. That's barely a system at all. The shared server you and the allies use to share and collaborate on videos and other work is the beginning and end of where your data can reliably sit. The PC any ally works from home on is a personal computer, and unless they want to personally invest and save terabytes of data used for the EZA business, their computer is out of the question as a backup. Your personal hard drive can (and eventually will) fail. What will happen when 2-3 years from now, you need capture or a video the EZA team produced, and it doesn't exist because there wasn't a proper backup/disaster recovery solution in place? What about all the other assets the team uses to produce content like graphics and sound files? I mean your office is in southern California, it is not beyond the pale to be worried that your building could be damaged by fire or an earthquake, and if the worst does happen, then what? I don't have any faith YouTube would preserve anything the EZA team has produced (what if Box Peak disappeared?!?). Without the assets the EZA team has spent blood, sweat, and tears creating, it would not be an understatement to say the loss would be an existential blow. There are a lot of relatively inexpensive options out there you should consider. Look into S3 storage from Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, or a Co-location (offsite) where you can replicate your studio server, all which could be enough to save EZA if disaster strikes. Technology fails all the time, you need to build in business class redundancies. The allies are a scrappy group, so I'm sure you guys would be able to figure something out, but don't be reckless if you can avoid it. With much Love and Respect, Alen Kanlic


Just as an aside. Disney Plus is only available in the United States, Canada, and Netherlands, and doesn't look like it's rolling out further until next year... I don't think you guys would intentionally spoil anything, but some allies can be a bit enthusiastic in the moment.


Hello Mr. Jones. I understand that reviews are the lifeblood to any gaming network. Unfortunately, I'm not a big fan of reviews, however I am a big fan of your Ghost Recon Impressions because you were able to get more in-depth similar to a small Frame Trap discussion. Here's my concern. When I heard that Huber was in conflict with himself with Shenmue 3 on reviewing the game or not, I also notice that he'd rather soak in Shenmue 3 with his own time rather than crunching it for the main public. If that is the case, wouldn't it be better if he took his own time and just do a BIG OLD stream of Shenmue 3 at a later date of his choosing? The last time Huber did a Shenmue 3 Stream, everyone had a blast! Rushing through Shenmue 3 sounds like a bad idea... if anything, it ruins the outright experience! Maybe people might disagree with me, but I would rather Huber be happy and have him take his sweet time with Shenmue 3 rather getting a rushed out Review. Love and Respect, Mhee123

Dennis M.

Hi Jones, overall I can say that I'm pretty happy with the state of EZA at the moment – for example I'm looking forward to every Achieve it Yourself and Mysterious Monsters episode, the EZA Podcast, Pokemon Silver Streams and hey, even Cup of Jones - BUT there is one thing that I dearly miss: bets. At the beginning of the year you said that you definitely want to do more bets or even Betting Specials again, but the reality is that it only ever happens once a year, at E3. Which is a bummer, cause the payoffs are always EZA at its peak and it’s getting rarer and rarer these days. Where are the concerts, the trials, the Dinoramas, the paintings, the Stand-Ups, the Nutrition Raps and so on and so forth? I miss stuff like that. I feel like you miss too many opportunities with things like Nintendo Directs, State of Plays, Gamescom, Tokyo Games Show, Paris Games Week, The Game Awards etc. I would love to hear your thoughts on this. As I said, I enjoy EZA as it is, but having more bets would make my EZA experience perfect. L&R, Dennis


I think you misunderstand where our footage is backed up. The majority of it is on a business-level Google Drive. I imagine for the price we pay, there's a fair amount of redundancy in their systems. -Bloodworth


Hey Jonesey! In light of recent events of your internet cutting out, isnt it time to invest in a backup? Im not sure how this works in the US, but in Europe a 4G modem with unlimited data costs you about 20 euros a month for businesses. Ive heard data is expensive in the US, but cannot confirm this myself. Would like to hear your thoughts on this.


For the new sponsorships, will you be reading specific text they provide? Will you be inserted video Roost provides? Looking to understand how integral to the podcast those will be, as I know sometimes Allies will make comments about the sponsors after you read them, so want to make sure I'm not missing any funny commentary by listening to the Patron-only Ad Free version - B-Ray


Hey Jones! So watching EZA streams is pretty much my favorite thing to do nowadays and I had a minor gripe recently. I think EZA streams should have better or more noticeable stream alerts. I’m talking about the gif of Huber sweating (which I still love but feel it’s a little outdated) and the Patreon pledge alert. While I’m not asking there to be explosions or really loud noises, I think a better way to show to the audience that people are subbing or pledging are needed. My biggest example is last group stream there was a $50 (!!!) pledge on Patreon that popped up that neither the chat or the allies really payed any attention to. I just think that sort of thing should be celebrated. This is my first time posting on Cup of Jones so sorry if anything is wrong or off base. Love you guys and you make me extremely happy pretty much everyday. L&R, DarkBenHyuga