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This post will forever sit in that strange time between the Death Stranding review embargo and launch day. When all reviewers opinions were all over the place and all gamers were at the height or bottom of their expectations. Some of the most anticipated games of the year are finally dropping this month including Jedi Fallen Order and Pokemon Sword/Shield. I’m getting my GOTY playthroughs lined up for when we all break for the holidays. The Game Awards are a few weeks away. It’s a time to talk about excellence in gaming, and I’m getting pumped. Also, Troop and I just had our 12th wedding anniversary, so today’s short episode will end in a very gross, gushy, nauseating editorial about love.

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KeEKy9vcYEc

- Brandon

DISCLAIMER: I take questions from the post comments on the previous week’s episode here on Patreon. You can ask a business-related question which I may answer live, or a personal question which I may answer below. If your business question was not answered live, I either replied to it in the comments, or referenced the answer in a recent episode. Feel free to inquire why your question wasn't included, or ask the same question a second time if you think I may have missed it. I will edit your comment/question before reading it live to ensure the show moves as quickly as possible.


TIMOTHY AUGUSTIN - What's your spooky movie of choice? JONES - ProbablyThe Nightmare Before Xmas or Interview with the Vampire. My favorite horror film is The Exorcist III.

JAMES DAVIE - Could you explain what that Ultimate Duck Hunting GameTrailers review was? JONES - With pleasure. That was created by Rob Kerkovich, who is now starring as Sebastian Lund on NCIS New Orleans. He’s a funny guy, and pitched that review idea to us when we were still in the process of figuring out what our reviews were going to be like. He also did a wonderful review of Hummer Badlands for the Xbox. Both reviews were all his idea, and I love them so much.


Cup of Jones - November 4, 2019

Your weekly batch of business updates and questions.


Megan Linart

Do you ever get scared when you have to do a review of an heavily anticipated game, the Death Stranding reviews really showed me what it’s like to see so much toxicity and hatred amongst the gaming community..it honestly makes me question to even bother writing a positive comment on a video in anticipation of being made fun of, or questioned for my opinion I couldn’t even imagine what that could be like for EZA. Do these anxieties ever happen to you when reviewing a game of high anticipation?

Brandon K Gann

Hey Mr. Jones! While there’s so much going on between Death Stranding, Halloween, Jedi: Fallen Order preview coverage and the like, I almost forgot Xbox is putting on X019 in London from Nov 14-16. If Xbox is having some form of Inside Xbox or similar presentation, will EZA do any reactions? I’m curious because the few EZA has done hasn’t felt worth it because Xbox hasn’t really brought massive news worthy of reactions, but still, this is the last thing ANYONE will be doing before the Game Awards and was just curious if EZA is keeping an eye on this to see if anyone wants to spare probably a couple hours out of their day for what I’m sure will be a ho-hum event for major news. Thanks again for reading my question and have a wonderful rest of your day! Cheers! P.S.: Per your comment prior to answering my question last week: I’m first (typically) because I have a question or two written out ahead of time, only deleting or changing on the fly if a fellow Patron asks something similar or exactly as I’ve worded it, and post it the moment you sign off. I do this for two reasons: 1.) I’m going to forget posting if it’s not on the top of my mind, and what better time than while I’m watching? And 2.) As I’ve stated in the past, whether or not you choose to answer my question, I do so to participate, and CLEARLY I’ve left enough of an impression (positive I can only hope), that not only do I ask worthy questions, but by being present every week, my name is associated with having an investment (not just financial but emotional) in the success of EZA. QUESTION: If Xbox is having a presentation of some sort for X019 (Nov 14-16.), will EZA do any reactions for it despite the poor track record of the events having a lack of noteworthy news?

Seanie Dee

Can someone let me know if he at all talks about anyones score or opinions on Death Stranding? I really don't want to know what anyone thinks about the game till it's in my hands and I'm hours into it. I'm really upset Sony did this, letting reviews go up a week before the public can play it. Like I understand some people want to know before they buy it. But also tons of people like me already have it pre-ordered without hesitation. And I see some of those people now confused from all these reviews.


Hi, Megan. I know this is a question for Jones, but if you excuse me, I would like to add something since the same has happened with me many times as well. All the negativity, hate and demeaning comments, I used to allow it to affect me a lot, so much it always affected my well being - mentally, emotionally and physically. But in time I learned to ignore the bad and troll comments and focus on the good ones. I never stop being impressed by so many great and kind comments I read every day. Toxicity and hatred are in everything in this world, unfortunately. While we can't change that, we can react in a positive manner and give our best to the world. Positivity begets positivity. It may not always be true, but it's infinitely better than the alternative. I have met many people with hate and negativity in their hearts, not a single one of them ever looked happy. We just need to connect with the people that are good, even if it's hard to know who they are most of the time. I don't know how much bad things the Allies deal with, but almost every day I ponder if I should post how much I love them all. I have been pondering this for over 2 years now. What always stops me is the knowledge that no matter what I say, they will never know how much. However, I know they know that they are loved by many people, people who respect and cherish them for who they are and everything they do. In the end, all I can do is hope that this love and respect is deeper and larger than all the negativity around them. L & R


Would you guys ever consider joining any other media platforms? Floatplane is one that I use and I think it might be a really good fit for you guys.


Mr. Jones, Would you be willing to provide more resourceful information with your reviews? This could include estimates for time to complete the game, associated satellite content (as seen with FF15), price at launch, number of players, console availability, console exclusive content, console exclusive issues etc. This could be included in the description for YouTube videos so that it does not alter the consistency or integrity of your content. Respectfully, Morgan Mohalla


My 2 cents here, I think EZA and mostly anybody critiquing a game should bring these elements up naturally and if necessary in-context. For example, the length of a game may only matter if its short, full priced, and low quality. Otherwise, the review should describe what makes the game great or not and you can discern these things on their own. A review shouldn't be a Wal-Mart listing but I unique perspective that might inform you about the experience. Just my opinion, but I don't think critics should be going out of their way to list these things.


Hello Jones. Since now you have spent some time with your team in Pokemon Silver, I would like you to reconsider bringing, at least your battle team, pokemon with you into the future. Kyle mentioned that there is a way to bring your pokemon into sun and moon, and I would love to see Tick-Tock, Joey, Ruth, and the rest be a part of your new adventures even if you don't use them. Them just being ROM data on the EZA PC never to be seen again is very depressing. Also, did you ever bring your pokemon Red pokemon to sun and moon?


Love the idea of seeing more Ripleys on Fiasconauts - I’ve really enjoyed Aliza on Callisto 6 & Shield of Tomorrow- would love to watch her have a Fiasco with the crew!


Hello Brandon. During early days of Easy Allies you were saving gameplay captures for using in Community Comments. Since then Community Comments was transformed into Community Showcase and other shows that use game’s footage (like Top 10) have also faded away. Do you still keep gameplay captures after you’ve done with game’s review?


Jones, no worries about the pc question last week I was just curious. I work in the IT field so I'm just interested in what people are using and whats popular now. We use a 3rd party updater program that helps keep programs all up to date called patch my pc if Damiani or Ian are interested. I can post the link if you want me too.


Hello Jones! I'm writing about your video reviews and the score at the end. I often miss it and have to rewind the video to see it. Sometimes I have the review open on one side of the screen and more or less just listen to it, while I do other stuff on the other half of the screen. And sometimes I don't look at it on purpose, to avoid visual spoilers. I know that I have to wait until what you say is the final summary, to then look at the video when you stop talking. But I still often miss it. So If you consider improving this situation, I have two suggestions: 1. Reading the score out loud. 2. Having a clear audio queue (a little jingle) to play right before the score pops up. You used to have a very clear queue back in the Gametrailers days. Before the score popped up, there was a short animation of a pinball machine, with a unique and recognizable jingle playing. (Here is an example of that. The link is time-coded to the right moment. --> https://youtu.be/8FLwlvj6vsA?t=405 ) Maybe this could be taken into consideration if you plan to bump up the production value of the review animations in the future, or it could be just a small acoustic queue that you add to the current format. L&R Snowcone Guy

Joseph La Russa

Hey Jones, quick question this week. The last two episodes have mentioned Huber possibly or possibly not reviewing Shenmue III because he backed it, but my question to you is: why does that matter? What's the difference between Huber buying it at launch (like many prominent critics like Jim Sterling and Colin Moriarty) and backing it on Kickstarter? If it's a matter of money, I pose the same question and buying a Collector's or Special edition. In fact, I think an argument could be made that Huber backing it is /better/ and less of a conflict of interest because you weren't given an item (the game) for free. What are you thoughts?


Hey Jones. A personal question for you, but you can maybe consider it a business question if you like. I'm not sure if this has been asked before, but I was wondering out of all the Allies, who would you trust the least to look after Milo on their own? If you like, you could go through all the Allies and talk about the pros and cons of each of them. L&R The Banana Forklift Killer


Just want to express support for 30-90 second podcast (or other video) highlight clips directly uploaded to Twitter or Facebook. Definitely not YouTube, that would clutter the channel


I think Huber gave several hundred dollars to the Kickstarter? Something like that? I think that warrants disclosure but eh that's just a thought, wouldn't really mind whether Huber reviews or someone else reviews or no review. Actually no review sounds good to me, a more epic video on the story of Huber's love for Shenmue sounds more fitting to me x)


Hey Jones, I have a business question. Given that The Mandalorian will be a weekly show, will the Allies be doing a weekly Twitch stream to discuss each episode, ala like you guys did for GoT S8 and One Punch Man S2? Or will you guys wait until the first season is done to do a Spoiler Mode? I realize this is a last minute question, given that by the time you read this, Disney+ will launch tomorrow. But I know you guys are big Star Wars fans and figured I would ask.


Heya Jones, Okay, but like seriously, if Phase 4 of Easy Allies went into the wicket business, would it join the Elks or join the Shriners? Or do you think you'd rather be a member of the Diners?

Andrew Chalmers

Cheers, especially appreciate the editorial.


Didn't make the cut last week since I posted the morning of, so I posted again as stated... Regarding the monthly Q&A: I have been watching some of the newer small group streams and though I'm glad the allies interact with chat, what is the benefit of having the monthly Q&A as a tier when anyone can ask anything anytime during chat for free and there's a good chance your question will be answered if you ask it enough?


The launch of Season 2 of Box Peek was abrupt and not advertised at all. What a shame.. thoughts? Random ideas that would have been FREE : - Last tuesday groupstream, you guys could have rewatched S1 together live. - Tweet / FB / YT community : Watch S1 of Box Peek NOW, before S2. - An Easy Update with Kyle about Box Peek S1 and his hopes for S2. :(


Hey Jones. Just curious if changing what day the podcast released increased how many people were in the Early Access tier on patreon. The switch is the reason I joined because I like to start my weekend at 5PM on Friday with the podcast during my ride home. Also I would be interested in anything else you might want to share in terms of viewership numbers or unexpected outcomes from the change. Or maybe it wasn't a big deal at all and nothing significant happened..


Hi, Jones. I'm trying something a little different this time. I put the full review on a text hosting site. Here will be only the score and you can read the full review if you want. I'm trying this to not have a long "wall of text" in the comments section. Please let me know what you think. Fantastic Four (2015) - 1/10: https://textuploader.com/1oa6g Personal question: On a scale of 1 to 10, what's the score you would give to each of of Sam Raimi's Spider-Man movies? L & R


Hey Jones! What are your exact plans with Pokemon Sword&Shield? Will it be similar to Brandon Sun, Kyle Moon? Thx!

Dennis M.

Hey Jones, can you please activate the DVR function on YouTube again when going live for Cup of Jones? The function was turned off in the last couple of weeks. Thanks!


Me too! The ladies are very busy (and live far away) but I'll try. - Jones


Hey Jones! I just watched your impressions video about Ghost Recon: Breakpoint, and it inspired me to send a few feedback snippets! First, about the fact you guys eventually decided to not review the game. I understand the reasons you've given, too long after release + a general disinterest from Huber. However, I feel like this could be a slippery slope: if you choose not to review games that you're not enjoying, then you'll never give bad scores. If other publications started doing the same thing, then games would only get positive reviews, since any negative one would be "cancelled". Obviously this is a worst case scenario unlikely to happen, but at least in principle I wouldn't like to see this happen on the regular. If the game is so unenjoyable that you can't bring yourself to finish it, fair enough, mention it in the review, that's the best justification for a bad score you could ever give. Having said that, this video was super enjoyable and informative, and I'd love for you to continue using this format. I realize you're already doing thorough game discussions on Frame Trap (and Spoiler Mode), so how about this: on top of the full Frame Trap episodes, why don't you also publish each individual game discussion as separate, shorter videos? I'm sure it would increase views as those would be more shareable and digestible. Game Informer for example does this with their weekly podcast, they post individual discussions as separate videos and those sometimes end up getting more views than the full show. Cheers!


Hey Jones, Just finished watching you and Huber talk about Ghost Recon. I really enjoyed the discussion but I couldn't shake one critique. His name is Jon Bernthal, pronounced Burn-thall, not Bear-in-thall. Just in case he comes up in future conversations. L&R.


Just chiming in to say I had a similar idea about the individual Frame Trap videos and am curious to know what Jones thinks about it!


Regarding the Huber Shenmue 3 review. Would it be possible to add the legendary Shenmue 3 reveal clip to the review. Its a big moment for many. For me its the start of my journey with you guys. And the non-allyviewer will get a clear understanding who Huber is. L&R