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You read that parenthetical correctly, this will be my final monthly Box Peek update. Not because I'm giving up, but because I'm actually almost done!

Production Update:
October was a very good Box Peek month. After wrapping up all of the Episode 10 prep, I shot and edited episodes 8 and 9. This means that all that's left is to shoot and edit the final episode and to edit the Season 2 trailer, which I expect to have out at some point this week.
The premiere date will depend on finding a good hole in the EZA schedule as well as something that works well for me logistically, but I'll have that figured out within the week.

Behind-the-Scenes Thoughts:
Feels pretty crazy to go from months of nothing finished to "Hey look out, premiering imminently!" I'd say there are few things that got us here:

1. It really does take a lot longer to prep an episode than to shoot and edit it. Getting 8, 9, and 10 prepped back-to-back was a real slog, but the last couple of weeks have been a relative breeze. My hands don't even hurt anymore.

2. My new therapist is a pretty weird guy who frequently calls me an actual infant, but he has good advice on project management. Last month I created a Finish Box Peek grid in Google Docs, an uptight formality I would have normally dismissed, and it's actually been very helpful in organizing my time and giving me a great idea of whether I'm behind or ahead of schedule. If you're curious, google "Gantt Chart" and see for yourself how stupid this stuff is. Definitely for dorks but definitely useful.

3. I've been utilizing the power of Taking Breaks to great effect. I'm not talking about walking around the house and taking little stretches, I'm talking 20-40 minute breaks baby. Basically at the first sign of slowing down I'll just step away for a bit, maybe stick my feet in the robotic foot massager, and come back at a higher power level than before. In the end I get more done on consistent break day than I do a massive marathon day.

There is still a lot to do before launch day, but it feels incredibly close. The truth is I wanted to have my trailer done for this post so I could really blow you away, but it didn't happen and that's okay. I'm guessing most didn't expect me to finish anytime soon (myself included) so we're still ahead of public expectation while behind the unholy Gantt Chart. Look forward to the Season 2 trailer within the next seven days, and along with that I'll make a post here including all of the launch plans.

Thank you for your continued patience and support,



Trailer hype!


So, so very hyped for this! Box Peek will be a great end to this year!


I came for the update, I got project management suggestions! This is a win win! Thank you for all your hardwork! Very excited to see Season 2!


Nice work Kyle! We're really excited for Box Peek but also for you to complete such a huge and awesome project. L&R


It is time


Box Peek Season 2 is almost ready and all is right with the world. Thank you for sticking to it and getting this across the finish line.


Okay, when can we fund Box Peek Season 2? I don't need you to make it, just post monthly semi-related updates. I'll miss these Kyle Bosman musings.


I'll miss these updates. Can you just make a "monthly check in with Kyle" post on patreon?


Just finished showing ep 1-5 to someone new and at the end of ep 5 it says more in 2019 and he was like "so when....?" Needless to say I'm PUMPED


congrats kyle! i hope you’re as proud of all the work you’ve put into this project as we are. you’ve come so far and it’s honestly extremely inspiring and heartwarming to see you crossing this finish line. keep up the incredible work!! <3


Exciting stuff Kyle! Happy for you, and can’t wait for the premiere!


Good luck with the season 2 launch dude - you deserve a big round of applause for all you do to show us this inspirational piece of work. The creativity in this speaks volumes and you should be proud from what it has spawned and accomplished. Cheers from us Canadians and can’t wait to continue the story and adventure!


doing my best Huber impression and saying i am FREAKING OUT, DUDE


Kickstarter for Next Project


Season 3 when?


Gantt Charts giving me horrible flashbacks to college. I'm glad you're able to get some use out of them, because I was forced to use them and I never did lol.

Andrew Chalmers

"Definitely for dorks" - I've been dissed haha. Thanks for the update and glad you're finding tools to get you through it. Cheers.


I let my nephew (7) watch box peek for the first time this weekend. He got hooked and binged the whole thing. Just a little L&R


Proud of you, Kyle. Can't wait!


Extremely impressed with what you've done with Box Peek thus far, Kyle. Took a lot of time, but when I look at the product, it's immediately understandable why. Looking forward to these last five episodes.


Wow. You can just feel the sense of completion coming out of this post. Congrats on finding an organization system and work-break balance that works for you. Praise be to weird guy therapist, Feetbot, and, of course, actual infant Kyle Bosman, who did most of the work. I'm so proud of you and cannot wait to see what you all have come up with.


I use Gantt charts everyday for work - it's a masterpiece


Thank you for your hard work and update, Kyle. Definitely read "I'm talking 20-40 minute breaks baby" in Kyle's voice. LOL. Can't wait to see your masterpiece!


I was just thinking this week that it was time for another Box Peek rewatch, so I'm super hyped to hear that Season 2 is imminent! Thanks for all the hard work you've put in to make it happen!


How good does it feel to get this far dude ? Nothing about finishing a project is ever truly easy but the satisfaction of actually being able to say "there, I made this and it's ready for the world" is always so great. Congrats, I look forward to seeing the end result :D


Great news - and don't let that therapist calling you an "infant" get to you. There is a quote by Erich Kästner that I really like: "Nur wer erwachsen wird und ein Kind bleibt, ist ein Mensch" - it roughly translates to "Only he who uses a Gantt chart but keeps being a child is a Bosman" ... ;)


Thanks for the update! Sometimes we need to be called infants... Haha ... Just as long as we learn and grow up


Just wanted to throw in my support for a continued monthly "Kyle checks in with Patreon" post. Congrats! The family and I can't wait to watch! :)


I would also add my voice to those wanting a monthly Kyle post here on Patreon.


This has been an enormous undertaking, Kyle. Congratulations on getting so close to completing it! I'll be rewatching the first Box Peek episodes again in anticipation of its conclusion.


Thanks for all the amazing and sometimes personal updates, Kyle. The Gantt Chart and specially the power of Taking Breaks are really helpful advices. That's why when we're stuck in something, like a game boss or level, after we take a break for a few hours or a day and come back, we succeed in short time. Same with vacations, taking a break is really important. I haven't watched any Box Peek episode yet, I've been patiently waiting to watch all 10 episodes together like a movie. Soon the wait will be over. Love you very much, Kyle. L & R

Cody Ficker

this is gonna kickass


Nice ! Good luck on the trailer infant !


Super hyped for the premiere! Good work, Kyle! Do you ever wonder what you'll do with your time once you're finished? That feeling always hits me when done with a big project.


Well done, Kyle! This post was inspiring and legitimately gave me a lift on a miserable Sunday morning!

Mark van Dijken

Very proud of you Kyle! can't wait till the reveal

Megan Linart

Yay!!!!! I’m so excited, this whole thing has really been so inspiring to see! Your determination actually inspired me to go back to school and try to better my own self so thank you so much can’t wait to be there on premiere day!


Oh Kyle, Gantt charts are used around the world by so many project managers; you'd have no idea. It's one of those things that makes you say "this is so obvious and stupid", but it really is a useful tool.


Great Job Kyle! Proud of you!!


Congratulations Kyle! I’ve loved reading these updates every month, and how candid you are in them! You should be proud of making this happen!


Kyle, my whole job is looking at this "Gnat Chart" you speak of. I am the Production Manager for an animated TV show. We just call it the production schedule. The schedule plus mapping out what is happening every day on a regular calendar basically helps you see how screwed you are (i.e. 5 things overlapping) but also how fast you gotta move.


My wife and I have been waiting for more Box Peek since the end of Season 1 and we couldn't be more excited to see what happens! Excellent job Kyle!


Gantt Charts? Haven't heard that since college. We engineers use gantt charts too. They're really helpful and I'm glad you're using them too.


Almost there... aaaaalmost theeeeeere!


Strong work, Kyle! Thanks for all you do!


Please show us your Gantt Chart after you're done!


Yes, a Bosman Gantt chart walkthrough as part of your after premier behind the scenes extras would be great!


Makes me so happy to hear you talk so positively not only about Box Peek progress, but also about taking breaks and therapy! Have a good time dude


Can we see a trailer jones for box peek's trailer? 😂


Tweet @trailerjones and see if he'll do it. I will if you will because I was thinking the same thing =)


I too would like to see a Box Peek Gantt Chart, and am certainly a dork.


This is awesome! So glad that we are almost there! can almost taste it! Gantt Charts are great but also super weird. Super well done Kyle, you should be proud of yourself. Breaks are always good, glad that you actually started taking them! Love and respect!


"Not because I'm giving up" actually it would've been hilarious if you wrote a post that was like "I'm giving up you guys. Box Peek has become too ambitious and difficult to make. I am a miserable human being and I just can't make this thing. If you ever wonder why Box Peek is no longer a thing, blame it on Damiani. He's broken into my home drunk last night, started shouting something about Link to the Past, destroyed all the props and nearly killed me and my dog Rufus. Send all your hate through twitter to @Damianicus "


Now that I wrote this, it does not sound hilarious at all.