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October is my favorite month of the year! Regardless of how many spooky, holiday-themed entries we get for the next Showcase you will find me in the coziest Fall mood when I'm joined by Bradley Ellis next Tuesday, October 1st. It's of course the heart of the review season, and although it's always great to get your various impressions on the greatest games available, I'm also always hungry for impressions of those deep cuts and weird PC/indie games I've never heard of. So let's celebrate! Bring on the drawings, videos, screenshots, and more. See you soon!

- Brandon


No submissions will be accepted past September 30th at 12:00 AM PT.

While you retain all rights to your content, by submitting here you’re giving Easy Allies the right to show the content in our monthly Community Showcase live stream.

You may submit a comment, an image, or an audio/video file. If you’re submitting anything other than a comment, please host the file elsewhere and link it on Patreon. You can make a tweet or Instagram post with your image, or link the audio/video from a YouTube account, etc.

If you’re posting a video, photograph, or drawing, keep your comment limited to a description of the work. Leaving a piece of art, or a video, in addition to a long comment is a bit disrespectful of people who just leave comments. If you’re posting a lot of images, we will only show a maximum of 9, of our choosing unless you specify otherwise.

Comments have been known to disappear from Patreon posts, unfortunately. Double check that your post remained active before the day of the Showcase. Leaving a comment helps to keep it from vanishing. If you’re submitting text, save a copy locally in case you have to re-post.

Any text to be read should be 500 words or less. Any video or piece of music should be 3 minutes or less. If the entry is longer, we will edit it down to a manageable length. We reserve the right to remove any content we find offensive.

Only one entry per month. Unless you specify what you’d like us to focus on, we’ll always use the last post from each Patron.

You may comment on any submissions, but keep original posts focused toward the Showcase so no submission is overlooked.



Hello Brad & Jones! Let's start by clarifying something: Jones, and Brad in this case but it applies to all the allies sitting in the guest seat, feel free to derail to anywhere my last name takes you, or any other part of my comment for that matter. That's the juicy part of the show, your input, not my silly words. Now with that out of the way... September was bad for my gaming (yeah, again), even worse than August. Mario & Luigi Super Star Saga stayed abandoned this month, the wife's soccer team just lost the most important game of the season vs. their most hated rival and fired the coach afterwards, so I don't think she'll watch any games for the remainder of the year. I'll try to pick this one after I'm done with Resident Evil Zero, which I should start tonight. Moving along, I kept plating Triforce Heroes this month, and while I stand by "it's the second worst game in the franchise" it definitely grew on me. It's not the piece of trash I thought it was at the beginning, it's a fine game; lesser for an stellar franchise like Zelda, but good overall. I finally got the wife and cousin to play with me a couple of times. The cousin seemed to enjoy it, but the wife not so much. I don't think I'll be able to beat all the missions without their help, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to complete it; but I'll give it a good try. Changing consoles, We beat the story mode in Super Mario Maker 2 and have been playing some levels I came across the internet. I tried the ones fellow ally David Cleland showcased last month, the ones Kyle posted on twitter and, of course, the one made in the debut episode of the new Don's design lab. Some devilish stuff right there. And on a different note, Brad, I have something to ask you. How is The World Ends With You on the Switch? I have been hoping for a segment about it on Frame Trap since it launched, but still nothing. I first thought you guys didn't get the game, but in the trial by combat Damiani asked for the Final Fantasy VII release date thing for E3, I could see the logo in your switch, so I'm curious, did you get to play it? I'm guessing the lack of coverage just means it is a mediocre port not even worth trashing, but hey, since you are there, any thoughts you can share about it? That's it for this month. Have a spooky Halloween, allies! Love & Respect César (not related to perfect Joanna or any other dark) Villa.


Greetings Brad and Jones! Happy best month of the entire Year that also happens to be my birth month! Inktober has officially started! Like last year, I’m taking suggestions from the community. I’m only doing 15 this year so I have a little time in between pieces and, hopefully, not get burned out halfway through like I did last year. Here are some of the suggestions that have come in from this lovely community! “Bowsette” suggested by Olf_Himself https://twitter.com/ZephyrMoon2/status/1178974096912191494 “Sobble” suggested by Rayluaza https://twitter.com/ZephyrMoon2/status/1179284193634848768 “Nero” suggested by Lotiaz https://twitter.com/ZephyrMoon2/status/1179635811593183232 “Frog from Chrono Trigger” suggested by StephenCT https://twitter.com/ZephyrMoon2/status/1180007627507548161 “Neku Sakuraba” suggested by rhd162248 https://twitter.com/ZephyrMoon2/status/1180374754940862465 And as a bonus, before I started on this year’s Inktober, I did a warm up illustration so I could get familiar with ProCreate. (Thank you WB Montreal for the hype.) https://twitter.com/ZephyrMoon2/status/1176230205528129536 I look forward to showing more of the lovely suggestions I got this year in the next showcase! Happy Halloween!! Much love and respect, Sara Imshaug Zephyr Moon


Easy Ally: Brandon Jones https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OI9HDiyjCL4 P.S. Jones, if you have any feedback I would love to learn how to make better edits.


Went to watch E.T. at the Seattle Cinerama 70mm festival. Print was european, still had the 1982 BBFC film rating on it. It was rated U (universal) but had the following stipulation: "Contains very mild language and threat" https://tinyurl.com/y4wcuug9 They are currently displaying some superhero costumes. L to R: Captain Marvel | The Adventures of Captain Marvel (c. 1941) Batgirl | Batman & Robin (c. 1997) Batman | Batman (TV series) (c. 1966-1968) Superman | Superman, Superman II, Superman III (c. 1978-1983) These were all from Paul Allen's personal collection, I think. Notice how the Batman costume has purple drawers and gloves? That's because the original silk blend fabric used to make those pieces was hand dyed a dark blue, but faded to that hilarious purple color over time and exposure. https://tinyurl.com/y4oaq9n5 You mean you have to use your hands? That's like a baby's toy! https://tinyurl.com/y3tc8h2u Had to get something for Brad. I'm running out of Brad ideas. Last time was a Kylo Ren nutcracker. I thought this time it would be cool to do a mini-meetup with some other allies at a local barcade (where like 60% of the games dont work) because I heard they'd got their podracer cabinets up and running. So we went to take some photos of Podracing. "Up and running" was a slight exaggeration - there was 1/3 of them that were running and the controls were a bit loose. Turns out though that the years of practice I had at GameWorks didn't abandon me and the high-score was well within my reach! There was a PONG table too Jones! https://tinyurl.com/y67fnoqw https://tinyurl.com/y4s2xonk https://tinyurl.com/y63nykpn https://tinyurl.com/y3jexz78 https://tinyurl.com/yyppblwz They even had an OG Xbox set up. https://tinyurl.com/yxq2lwaa


Hello Brandon and Brad! After submitting a piano arrangement from Final Fantasy IX last month, I wanted to tackle something a little different this time around. Unfortunately, Final Fantasy VII Remake just HAD to show up at TGS and hijack whatever plans I had for this month’s showcase. For my submission, I’ve tried to adapt the new orchestral arrangement of “Those Who Fight Further”, which can be heard during the first fight against the Scorpion Sentinel. Since the new music is rather dynamic and hasn’t been officially released, it was a bit tricky to try and splice together an arrangement that included bits and pieces from the various demos and trailers that have been released so far but I hope you enjoy! Thanks for all you guys do! Adam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbcHMAQ-Jd8


Don't know if I'll be able to make it to the stream on Tuesday but I'll make sure to catch everybody's submissions on the VOD!

Megan Linart

Hello, Brad and Brandon. so I thought I could sneak in this last twilight review this month but its has been so busy I haven't had much time having some family troubles and with work being so busy instead i thought i'd throw some more screenshots here for now and next month we will finally finish it. Sorry again. Hope you all have a great day. Love and Respect. https://www.instagram.com/p/BpHQhisALKx/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link https://www.instagram.com/p/BoxYPg-HY_f/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link https://www.instagram.com/p/ByIwmigHQmg/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link https://www.instagram.com/p/ByJQQeOnAj4/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link https://www.instagram.com/p/BwDtYIAnFVn/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link


(Hi Jones, I sent the link in private DM and will post here publicly after the showcase)


Link to my demo reel file on Google drive if anyone is interested https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sDN7EKZYlUVbitixPBPnWOY7zVKqaz8e/view?usp=drivesdk

Brandon K Gann

I was hoping complete Creature in the Well, Gears 5, and Borderlands 3 before this showcase, but I only was able to finish two. Starting chronologically, Creature in the Well was a fun time despite some issues. It took me about six hours to 100 percent the game, and while I love the concept, some of the mechanics, and especially its art style, the fact it doesn’t tell you some of the tools you need in unmarked secret areas of one dungeon help you in another dungeon is frustrating, especially when so much is going on at one time it felt like more luck than skill was needed. But, to use Mr. Jones’ example from his Horizon: Zero Dawn review, what’s here is good, but I’m excited for what can come next to be great. Moving on to my favorite Xbox franchise, Gears 5 is easily the best Gears game since 2. There’s so much choice with what to play and how to play it. Because I play alone, Escape, while a fun concept, isn’t conducive to people like me, much like Horde. The multiplayer is solid and getting to play alone with bots is great. The overwhelming customizations and microtransactions feel like a complete waste of time and resources, but thankfully they’re entirely optional and I never felt the need to try and get Iron, the currency you can only buy, but not earn in any respect. The campaign was excellent and outside of how a particular story moment was presented at the very end, I’m very happy with what the Coalition did with the narrative as a whole. Finally, as for Borderlands 3, I feel like I’ve only been able to scratch the surface of what’s available before time to submit. I was hoping to be MUCH further, if not outright done, but alas, I've only been to four planets. So far, everything feels great, I LOVE how from the start, every weapon feels unique, I’m swimming in high rare loot a lot sooner than I expected, and the various quality of life changes are all positives. When I can find the time, I can’t wait to get back to it. For my final hundred words, I want to lament how I’m going to be completely broke by mid-April. Thanks to the Last of Us Part II announcing it’s coming 10 days after Ori and the Will of the Wisps, but 11 days before Final Fantasy VII: Remake, yet there’s still CyberPunk a month later… Wow. And those are just the games I’M interested in! Animal Crossing! Watch Dogs: Legion! In 2016, a two week stretch from April to May gave me what would be three of my top 10 favorite games of all time (Ratchet & Clank, Uncharted 4, and DOOM). I was excited for 2019 at the start of the year. But 2020 could be, for me, my favorite year in gaming before we even get to E3.


Good afternoon gentlemen, Let’s talk about Final Fantasy for a little bit. This year, I’ve been replaying FFs 8, 9, and 12 which means, within the space of a few months, I’ve been basically revisiting my late teens and early twenties. It almost feels as if time is being compressed (if you’re into that sort of nonsense). It’s been interesting to see if and how I’ve changed as a FF player in the years since. First, however, let me first talk briefly about why I chose to purchase the ones I did. I still have all of the original discs for these games as well as a readily available PS2 to play them on. I mainly bought 8 and 9 for good karma and 12 was the Zodiac Age version which I hadn’t played before. I’ll probably get 10 eventually because who could resist seeing Anima in all of her HD glory? And it will be nice to be able to just put my Switch to sleep rather than, as a random example, if I got called away while in the third phase of a grueling three-phase boss fight, having to worry about putting my PS2 on pause for over two hours. Anyway, Final Fantasy 9! I still love the characters and the world. I still hate the card game and I’m frankly baffled as to how I had the patience to play Chocobo Hot and Cold enough to 100% the chocograph sidequest. One thing that really impressed me this time around was that the game was able to tell when I started to depend on certain characters a little too much and therefore when to take them away from me. Also, nice to know I still love Freya as much as I used to. FF12 is almost exactly as I remembered it. I like the new license board a lot and the way you can mix and match jobs. I still have my BradyGames strategy guide which has been especially helpful. I have gotten completely sidetracked by the hunts and Ashe, Balthier, and Penelo are still my main party so yeah, not much has changed there. I did put this on pause for Mario Maker but the Pharos Lighthouse is waiting for me when I get back. Right now, I’m playing FF8. Those FMVs and that soundtrack are somehow better than I remembered it. (The first time I played, I made my mom watch the opening because I was so blown away by it.) The story is as endearingly insane as I remember and junctioning is actually kind of fun this time around. However, navigation is still kind of rough. I got lost in the Deling Sewers again and whoever designed Esthar is probably still having a good laugh about it. Triple Triad is still great, exchanging rules is not so great. So that’s my little nostalgia trip. And I just want to end with these words: fast forwarding is a godsend. L&R to you both! Asbo Zappruder/screaming_argonaut


Oh I once knew a post It lived each day the same Safe and sane and swell When they told me it died I didn't cry All I could say was How could they tell?


Hey Jones and Brad, hope it's been a great month for you guys, what with responsible for Milo and Huber respectively. This month I've been trying to crank out more art, and working to further my own style and skill. A couple inktober submissions, minus the ink, a dnd commission, as well as the most epic moment for my character in the dnd game I'm playing in, a circus friend submission, and of course, some EZA love. Keep doing what you do. L&R Eric Jackson https://twitter.com/AllyEricJackson/status/1181386440061513729/photo/1 https://twitter.com/AllyEricJackson/status/1181386639370682368/photo/1 https://twitter.com/AllyEricJackson/status/1181386977066680321/photo/1 https://twitter.com/AllyEricJackson/status/1181387157564313600/photo/1 https://twitter.com/AllyEricJackson/status/1181387455389298688/photo/1 https://twitter.com/AllyEricJackson/status/1181390798929063936/photo/1 https://twitter.com/AllyEricJackson/status/1181387735937863680/photo/1 https://twitter.com/AllyEricJackson/status/1181392255497596929/photo/1


Hey Brandon and Brad, I got LA Noire as a rental this month, so have been working my way through it. Played through it all on the 360, but it has been so long, I don't remember much of it. It is an enjoyable game. The interview mechanic is overacted of course, which feels odd, but without it, solving the cases would be too much trial and error. The weirdest part is how the faces are attached to the bodies. Often if you are off to the side or behind people and they are looking at you, it doesn't fit with what the body is doing. For most of the month though, I have been playing through WoW Classic. At level 43 on my priest with over 6 days played time. A Mage at level 13 and a Paladin at level 18. I have really enjoyed going back to how it was before all the patches made it more of a solo game. I have grouped up with so many people as I have been questing since there is more of a challenge in classic. Love and respect, BeardedScotsman86


Hi Jones and Brad! I'm back with more poetry, this time kinda focused around how I grew up reading so many fantasy books that I when I was a kid I thought I'd go on my own big adventure when I grew up. (Thank goodness for D&D – I kinda get to do that now anyway!) document link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Of0XairLVPxk_Yr_Sr7UnEK19tDp375XpFvacBRN4-w/edit?usp=sharing Love & respect, Spencer (spoolesofthread) <3 (as always, comment & poem combined are less than 500 words!)


Hey Jones. Hey Brad. I find myself in a similar place as last month. Team Dangerous did not win our pool games for our opportunity to play for an opportunity to play in Vegas, but I can't say I was expecting too much, seeing as how this was my first APA Tri-City Tournament. It did however provide a lot of helpful tips and experience to where I've managed to maintain the next skill level! The gaming front is a bit slow, but not non existent. My switch jrpgs are piling up. I'm slowly making my way through Final Fantasy 8 remastered and having a good old time. FF8 was my first Final Fantasy, so it has a very special place in my heart. For now, of course, I've put more time into Triple Triad than the actual game. However, I'm a little disappointed that random citizens do not want to play a round during critically important time sensitive missions ha. Also on the docket are Dragon Quest XI (I'm looking forward to 16 bit mode since I played through 2/3rds of it on PS4) and also DQ 3. Good times await for sure! I'll let that do for this month. I'm looking forward to my horror movie marathon throughout the month. Also, good games are a comin'. Til next time!


Hey Jones and Brad! Sharing another video game piano cover this month. Just a good song from a good 2019 game that I found a great arrangement for: https://youtu.be/ydhzaMtvuXY L&R - Ben


Hey all! What a crazy, crazy month. Gaming time was unfortunately sparse this month as I spent two weeks haphazardly planning an event on campus where we got a presidential candidate to come! It made quite a bit of press, and even the cover of my school’s paper. Truly one of the biggest and most stressful things Ive ever been apart of. In my (sparse) free time this month however I did manage to start two games and finish one (sort of). Firstly, I began Chrono Trigger on PC! Im only about three hours in, but Im feeling the Jones desire to grind in this one. The music is wonderful, and the sprite art incredible. I also began Pokemon Crystal. Ive played and finished a pokemon game of nearly every gen, but never Gen 2 (excluding SoulSilver). Now that I have something to pace myself with in the Thursday streams, Crystal seemed the perfect game. Current team: Croconaw (Stein), Skiploom (Peri), Zubat (Moon), Poliwag (Elsa), Togepi (Wish), and a Paras whose name I forgot! Now lastly, in the finished department (sort of). Is Catherine:Full Body. I played through its 10 hour campaign over a weekend, and got what I think is probably the bad Katherine with a K ending. I really loved the games odd quirks, and it felt like a mad blend between Atlus’ usual quirk with something like Rocky Horror. The puzzle elements were fine, but in future runs for other endings I’ll probably turn it down to the easiest difficulty, as my real enjoyment was in the story and characters. A final thing of note, I just purchased ‘The Tatami Galaxy’ on Bluray today. Around a year ago I started watching it on Crunchyroll but then it was removed, and it only just came out on physical media. Its got an amazing art style, and basically cant be dubbed because the dialogue is so fast. Its definitely a show you have to be paying full attention to the subs before they fly by. Oh, and Cube World is finally out! The Alpha I bought years ago is finally paying off. So, yes! College is college, and insanely busy. However hopefully the next month will be a little calmer, as I could certainly use the destresser of time to game. L&R Tyler @tmgm528


Yo. Check out Marianne on Netflix. Good creepy show for this spooky month.


This month I am submitting a video: https://youtu.be/40qun1BGp64 <iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/40qun1BGp64" width="560"></iframe>


Hello Brad and Jones. Greetings Chat. September came and went, I’m actually amazed how fast this month went through since there were many games that came out and haven’t finished. Let’s get some stuff out of the way, Link’s Awakening and Control are games that I didn’t purchase this month, is not that I don’t want to play them however I’ve been very occupied with other games, so I don’t want just to purchase those games and leave them on my backlog. This month I will talk about Gears 5, Borderlands 3 and of course…… Destiny 2 (again). First of all, Gears 5 is one of the best games of the year, no questions asked. This time the story on the game is the highlight for me, probably for the first time since Gears 2 I actually cared about the characters and their motivations to do what they had to do. The gameplay is more refined and the multiplayer is just pure fun. To be honest even if there are games like Sekiro and RE2 Remake, Gears 5 might be my GOTY so far. Now let’s go with the hot takes, ready?...... I DON”T LIKE Borderlands 3. This might be weird coming from someone who loves Looter Shooters, but I was bored most of the time that I was playing Borderlands 3. Let’s talk about what I like, Shooting, What I don’t like? well almost anything else. The humor didn’t make me laugh at all and the worlds feel lifeless by some reason, not sure what it is but going to a new place in borderlands was not exciting, but maybe my biggest problem is that the loot doesn’t feel like something you own, as an example since most of the weapons are RNG, they don’t feel completely unique. The weapons just feel like a number and nothing else, but again, maybe is a Me thing, I don’t know. After saying all that you will ask me, then why do you Love Destiny 2? is the same thing right? Well maybe, but maybe not. To be honest is not only the gameplay and the Looting that makes D2 a great game, but is one of the best games to play with other people. Doing a dungeon with 2 other friends and getting nice loot? Sign me in. Doing a raid with 5 other friends? SIGN ME IN. Maybe the reason why I love Destiny 2 so much is that I can play many things with other people and receive nice loot with them, and of course finishing a raid with your Fireteam is very satisfactory. Borderlands 3 doesn’t do that unfortunately. Finally I might now be watching this community showcase, because today is the release of Destiny 2: Shadowkeep, so see you in the VOD later. (Edit: Is not Shadowkeep lunch anymore so I should be watching live). Well that is it from my this time, I wish the best for all of you. Amor y Respeto. Miguel.


Hi Jones, hi Brad, hi Allies. Here is a trailer I made for a game that I have enjoyed enormously over the last two weeks. Please enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hmF4lFjOLI


Hey, Jones! Hey, Brad! I hope you’re both well. I don’t normally have anything to share for the showcase, but since you said that you like receiving gameplay, I thought I’d share my latest number one leaderboard run, from my favourite racing game of the year, and of all time, Dirt Rally 2.0. I know this might not necessarily be everyone's thing, but I hope you enjoy it. If anyone is interested in seeing more runs, you can find my channel by searching “BeatenDownBrian” on Youtube. L&amp;R https://youtu.be/CHln1ghKTU0 (For some reason the thumbnail shows the video as being 3:01, but it should be 3 minutes exactly.)


Hey guys, To make up for last months errors, I have submitted both the screen shots from last time along with even more Dragon Quest Builders 2 screen shots. I put them in a slideshow to have them in an organized order. Again, slight spoilers in the last two photo's, but their references make it worth looking at them. Hope this works, L&amp;R Sean https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1nef9R09dEQczyPug0IBvUNV1ahbl7Z0WJxbIhBTylmE/edit?usp=sharing


Hey Brad and Jones, This month in games I played Link's Awakening. This is the first time I have beaten the game and I am very glad I did, although I have played over half of the DX version but got stuck after the Water Temple. My biggest gripe with the game is how the trading quest gates your progress and how you are lead to your next objective. I feel like they added the phone a friend system late in development of the original title to ease the confusion of what to do next, however I still found myself stuck at similar points with the remake as with my first time playing. I think the linear design is kind of at fault here as in Link to the Past when you get to the second half of the Game you have multiple dots on your map where your objectives are and what order you tackle them is mostly up to you. All in all I still loved the game but I usually come away from the end of a Zelda journey thinking that the current game I was playing in its own way is one of the best Zelda's but for me this is just a good one. This is my 10th Zelda completion and I am looking forward to the next 2D Zelda title with hope that they put in as much effort as they did with Link Between Worlds. In the world of TV I recently watched Fleabag. My God watch Fleabag. This is some of the best comedy screenwriting period. Watch Fleabag!! Comics: Jonathan Hickman' s House of X and Powers of X will finish up in early October and this is one Comic event where I had to be up to date. The ramifications for what the future of the X-men comics will be is huge and the Comics themselves are so 'heady' that I mostly follow along but am sometimes so baffled that I can only wait for the next issue to hope to glean proper understanding. Truly top teir writing. In Manga I have just gotten up to Volume 27 of Berserk as their was a half price sale on comixology so I spoiled myself and got up to Volume 30. Now I fully understand Artorias of the Abyss' move set being based on Guts as when he gets his Berserker armour he is a demon of flips and heavy strikes. Man I really loved 90% of this manga but the gratuitous rape never gets easier to read. I understand that we as a reader are going through the psychological torment that Guts is enduring every day but sometimes it would be best left to the imagination. Miura is such an amazing artist but I feel like he wastes a lot of panels on a shocking scene that could be told in a single panel or even in some cases a reaction shot. All the Love, All the respect. Steven.


Hello allies this month I wanted too highlight something a bit different. Recently I went too a charity event Ubisoft held in Paris, Birmingham and Sydney! Yes that’s right us aussies got something you Americans didn’t. Anyway it was a really nice event that went above and beyond in quality for a charity event. Highlights of the day were 1. Watching some pro teams playing rainbow six siege playfully. Of which right near the final round we witnessed the only female on the teams play dead near her team mates bodies. Not get noticed and as the only player left alive on her team clutch it with a triple kill. The crowd went wild. 2. Highlight geting too talk to a developer on Beyond good and evil 2. It was nice hearing a young Indian gamer express his appreciation of beyond good and evil 2 useing Indian culture as inspiration for the city they have been showing off. It’s true so very little ever uses Indian culture in games journey to the west stuff aside. I am off too pax Melbourne very soon. Wooooo Australian indie games! Love and respect


Hello Brandon, Brad, and Allies! First time posting for the Community Showcase. I figured it'd be relatively safe posting something DBZ-related with this crowd. Here is a short clip of me practicing some sick kicks with the new Dragon Ball FighterZ character Gogeta! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2zuUfjTOTs&amp;feature=youtu.be <iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/z2zuUfjTOTs" width="560"></iframe> L&amp;R, Accounts Payable ("AP")


Hi Allies, I keep forgetting to submit to the showcase but not this month. I've got to play a good number of games thanks friends and family which is great because I couldn't afford them otherwise. I've gotten about 10 hours into Fire Emblem 3 Houses but it's just not grabbing me like I'd hoped it would. I'll probably continue to peck away at it but for now the drives just not there. Got to play some Blazing Chrome and MUA3 which were fun &amp; Oninaki which was ok. Skipped on Link's Awakening because no one I knew had it and $60 is just way too much to pay for me. Yes I played it in the past and yes it's a great game but come on. Remake or no this should have been $40 max. Lastly I was playing Control and by was I mean after having it for a couple days and getting about a third of the way through I received Astral Chain as a gift. I put a hold on Control and popped Astral Chain in to play for a couple hours just to see. It was then I knew I had to make a decision. So I promptly returned Control, watched the remainder of the story on Youtube and then dove into Astral Chain. I love this game and could go in depth with the reasons why but I'll just say it filled the disappointment I had after playing DMC5. This game is a must buy in my book, don't skip. Use the money you'd spend on that overpriced Zelda Remake &amp; put it to better use on this terrific new franchise instead. Still coming we have games like Death Stranding, Luigi's Mansion 3 (that's right) and more. Though I'll say I couldn't care less about Last of Us II. But really the next game coming out this year I can't wait to get my hand on is Indivisible which is coming out October 8th and looking to be fantastic. I'm almost sure it's going to be overlooked and buried by most outlets and people which would be a damn shame but what can you do. Anyway in case I forget to submit again here's to a great end of the year and Happy Holidays Allies.


Hello Brandon and Brad. Not a whole lot new this month to report on my end, as I continue to be poor and unemployed. You'd think with Sweden having an entire government agency meant to help disabled people find employment it shouldn't be taking them a year and a half to find me work, but here we are. In the meantime, I'm saving money this month for my personal big autumn release: Pokémon Sword/Shield. Haven't made up my mind on which version to get but it'll probably depend on the exclusives. That said, I've got one new game I've been playing that I'd like to talk about, namely Remnant: From the Ashes. I enjoy this game a lot, but the parts I enjoy the most aren't the shooting or the movement or the worldbuilding, but the aesthetics of the whole thing. The Root makes for a fantastic enemy with their twisted, witchy, botanical abomination look, and a lot of the armor design is top-notch, whether it's leather longcoats, regal metal platemail or things a bit more alien and out there. My biggest criticism of the game right now is that it feels a little undercooked. A lot of interesting plot threads are left hanging by the time the story wraps up, and there's not really any endgame content outside of restarting the campaign, but there's apparently a lot of free and paid DLC is planned down the road, which I'm looking forward too. Right now, I feel like Remnant is good, and I have a strong feeling that with enough support in the future it'll end up being GREAT. Speaking of great games, I decided to play Undertale again, something I haven't done since it was released four years ago. Undertale was an important game for me, I don't think it's a reach to say that it made me a kinder, more understanding person, primarily because it made me WANT TO BE that kind of person, and I think a lot of discussions around why the game is good miss the mark. Undertale isn't good because it constantly lands its jokes or because it has fantastic boss battles, though both of those things are true. Undertale is good because of its unrelenting sincerity. Even when it's making jokes about handhold-y tutorials or anime tropes it doesn't do so in a demeaning way. Undertale is only ever earnest and that sort of ephemeral quality is why both its funny and its serious moments pack such a punch. Undertale might not be my FAVOURITE game, but it's certainly up there, and the trek through New Home before meeting Asgore stands out strongly as possibly my FAVOURITE video game moment. No AAA game, no matter how many millions of dollars they spend on mocap or high-profile actors or cutting edge photorealistic graphics, will ever come close to having a fraction of the emotionality Undertale did, because you can't buy heart. Well, that's all for now, hope y'all have a great week! Love &amp; Respect, Small Leviathan


Alright! My first submission to the community showcase! Let the lack of editing experience shine through! But it was a lot of fun to make. L&amp;R! ♥ https://youtu.be/BxSOhBHVKoo


And I guess you're supposed to comment as a save? Well let's see how it goes!


Note for Brandon: the first comment/submission was from Cesar Villa. If it is the first comment and you still see "Load more comments", then it's just a glitch, nothing is lost really.


Hello again! Since I have now played a Pop'n Music song for pretty much everyone one, I'm doing something different this time. In December I decided to do a New Years Resolution to draw one picture every day. A tablet I bought to do art a year prior would finally get used. I made it until I couldn't keep up in April. I have compiled a video of many of them, included some of my strange doodles when I was bored. Many of these I used a reference, but some I did not. And at the end I have a couple pictures and videos of what I have been up to lately. Thank you so much for doing these Showcases! https://youtu.be/kco6LyVk60g


Hi Brad &amp; Brandon, I can’t come up with any specific “deep dive” for September so my comment will be all over the place in terms of content. On the gaming side: I finished Control and I am currently more than halfway through Divinity: Original Sin. Control is an absolute blast and I can only echo all the praise EZA has given that game. The “Spolier Mode” discussion made me go back to the game to find some of the hidden areas (I never found one). Also a Special “shoutout” to Raytracing - the reflections in this game are jaw dropping. I am have not formed a complete opinion for Divintiy even though I have played 44 hrs. I have to admit that I couldn’t care less about the story and the quest tracker is an absolute nightmare. The only reason I am still playing is the combat and the fact that “momma raised no quitter”. Besides gaming I have three more anecdotes: 1) I had my birthday on September 5th. I am now 33 years. 2) I am starting a new job in October 1st in the automobile industry. I am really looking forward the new challenges, even though I think that my new job will cut into my Easy Allies podcast listening habits. 3) My father moved out of his old house and as a consequence I inherited all Legos from my childhood (roughly 55 lbs). I built a few sets in the last days, but ultimately it is too much for one person since me and my brothers owned over more than 100 lego sets. Thus, in October we will have a Lego Saturday where we will sit down in my house and build Lego sets for the whole day. I will send some pictures in the next showcase. That’s it for this month. Have a spooky October. Love &amp; Respect Thim


Hi Brad and Brandon, I've been getting back into gaming this month after some difficult times. I finally finished Breath of the Wild which had been on hold for a while. Now that I've experienced it I finally understand why people talk about this open world. It's so much fun exploring and while the graphics might not be technically the best I feel it is one of the best looking open worlds I've ever seen. It's amazing how they handle draw distance and how on top of every mountain the view is incredible. I didn't do everything because open world games take up so much time but I explored the entire continent. Personally I also really liked the Shrines and Divine Beasts because they were all very short and this way I could play somewhat shorter sessions but still feel a big sense of accomplishment. While no Zelda can ever beat Ocarina of Time for me this one came the closest. After an open world game I was in the mood for a more linear narrative game so I chose to replay FFIX. Although I thought I definitely played it when it came out there is a lot I don't remember anymore, so I am actually not sure if I ever finished it. After hearing so much praise from many of the allies I was curious if I would like it as much as I liked FF7 &amp; 8 in the past. I have now finished it and I really really liked it. It's not that much of a surprise since I love every main Final Fantasy game but I can definitely understand why FFIX has a special place for some. The dynamic between the 4 main characters (Zidane, Dagger/Garnet, Steiner and Vivi) is really great and very different from 7 or 8. The game starts of really weird and almost like a comedy but slowly turns into a more serious grand adventure with a great love story in it. The escape from alexandria is probably my favorite part. I really like Steiner and Beatrix. Steiner especially is a very unique character but he works great in the setting of FFIX. I think for most people their first final fantasy game will always be the best. For me it's that way with 7 so that can never be beaten but 9 offers a very different style of game after 7 &amp; 8 and it's definitely worthy of the FF name. Now to wait on the FF7 remake! Please Square, don't make me wait 10 years for the entire game. 2 years between releases should be doable, you can do it! Love &amp; Respect, Jax Mcclane


Hey guys, it's September 2019 and I'm STILL playing Overwatch. Hopefully I'll beat it soon to get it off my backlog but in all seriousness, I want to bring up a fun little conversation I had with other players online. There was an article about an upcoming patch that would have numerous hero balance changes to buff some of the weaker heroes that are struggling in the current meta, and nerf a lot the heroes that excel in the current meta. One of the characters being nerfed is Doomfist, a hero introduced over 2 years ago who I still can't play to save my life whenever I attempt to play him, but he is one of the hardest characters to thwart in the hands of someone only slightly capable with his move set. This article lead to lots of people agreeing with my joke in the comment section that I wish Doomfist was somehow nerfed for experienced players, and was buffed to be even more broken for players like me who struggle to get a single kill with him. This is how it often goes with competitive games like Overwatch - a new character is introduced that is overpowered, but this makes them exciting to play and feels fair since their playstyle is new to all players so everyone playing as them is a noob. Soon after they're released in competitive play, they alter the meta, are played on both teams in almost every game, and they're nerfed after they are understood to be "broken." Sadly, this means that unless you picked up a new character right away, it's really hard to pick them up later once they're balanced for experienced players. For example, the most recent Overwatch hero, Sigma, was said to have one of the highest skill ceilings of any hero. However, the dude is broken; even a player as bad as myself who doesn't even use him that much can perform quite well with him in the current state of the game. Once he gets nerfed in the upcoming patch, hopefully I'll still be able to win at least half the time, but I feel bad for anyone wanting to try him later. I understand this is a common PvP multiplayer issue without a solution, but it's disappointing nonetheless. This is why I'm hoping that the Jason Schreier scoops about Blizzard are true and a PvE focused Overwatch is coming out soon. These heroes are all so fun to play but only against cannon fodder AI can I feel that videogame power fantasy when playing the heroes I haven't been using for the past 3 years. -Joe


Hello Brandon and Brad, not much rhyme or reason to the art this month just a collection of some stuff I made in September. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1xV_mYY1TvHvAe9Y4pkPIJFxZDXt0h-bO First up is a piece made in hype for the announcement that never came. While I was shaken I still believe! Next is a drawing of Tanjiro from Kimetsu No Yaiba (Demon Slayer) not much else to say here. After that is a drawing of Link done in a sort of children's book/picture book style as I have an ongoing art idea about a Legend of Zelda children's book. Lastly is just a commission I did this month of someone as a Pokemon trainer, I just really like how it turned out. Thanks for all you guys do. L&amp;R!


Hi Jones and Brad, I have missed the last 2 or so showcases due to busy life and all, but thought it’s finally time to return for yet another Star Citizen post. We have had patch 3.6.2 out for a while now with 3.7 looming around the corner. The thing that had me and my organisation most excited was the addition of the new Origin 890J ship. This is the LARGEST ship thus far, and very different from what we have gotten before. This is not a fighter, but a diplommacy ship. Matter in fact, it is so large, that it got its own hangar that can be opened for an additional ship to land inside of it. As atmosphere flight can make the 890J very heavy, it’s smarter to have a smaller ship which you can use to transfer yourself and your company down to the surface of the planet you want to visit. So what are you going to do with a ship this size if you cant fight in it? Well, Invite leaders from other organisations for creating business deals, or maybe sign a peace treaty after a war. Maybe smooth them up with a trip to the onboard bar. Or Just for a meal on one of the ships restaurants? Or you can do like we did, just take a dip in the hot tub and sauna after a match of pool whilst your pilot smoothly flys you around the verse. Unfortunately, we went a little bit too far. After I had unloaded supplies from an Aegis titan from Arccorp, we decided to go for an evening into uncharted space. This…. Was a mistake. After cruising around in space and getting frisky, the ship started to shake like crazy and a message came from the bridge with a simple “oh-oh”. I ran out to the central gathering room and look out from the ship. Our amazing pilot had managed to discover and get stuck in the gravity pull from what can only be described as a dying star. Soon after, my friend came running in with his eyes wide open (facetracking FTW) just staring at the star stating “well this is it then”. It didn’t take long for us to get sucked in and torn to shreds. So much for a ship worth around 890 USD. Hope you enjoyed this little walkthrough of a different Star Citizen post from the other ones. Might not been as action packed, but it was still a fun event. Oh also, I’ve gotten questions on how I could take some of the screenshots. In game you can set the camera to a more “cinematic” view and adjust its position and distance for some extra cool shots. All the best Lotias https://imgur.com/a/wZdsWHv


Here is a short story I wrote inspired by one of your State of Play reaction: “It is too dangerous to be doing this! Rumor has it the devil himself was the cause of this man’s downfall. To interfere is too costly!” Theophilus was a cautious and passionate man whose concern came from a good place. He was tall with hair of dark wool and skin to match. A good friend and confidant, but I had ignored him the previous two nights and tonight my plan was the same. “My friend I fear no devil, but I do fear what will happen if I do not follow my conscious and my conscious says I must finish what I started.” With this, he finished his ale and paid the barkeep. The night was cooler than usual, so I pulled my tunic close to my face to hide from both the cold and whatever was in the night. I make the turn down the rough, rocky road. The devil may not be after me but the officials are out with their guards and their dogs. Looking for my family, looking for me, and why? Because we live as we see fit and we help those who are in need; something they don’t want to see. When the clouds cover the moon I realize I am alone and I move quickly through the street to my destination. Last night was as easy as the night before and tonight should finish the job. The house was modest and again the window was open. As I reached into my pocket to pull out the bag I hear a voice from inside. “Your generosity has doomed you! You must flee! Go he will be here and we will all suffer.” Before I could answer the street seemed different and before me stood a pale man, with light hair and a chaotic presence. He spoke a language that I had never heard but I could somehow understand. “You have interfered with my work, so you must suffer eternal consequence! You believe in doing good, well you shall walk the Earth with forever in your bones. No man nor disease can kill you and I will never come for you. We shall see how holy you are when you are faced with the oblivion of eternity,” and suddenly he was gone. I felt no different than I had before. I ran to the man in his home; he still had the gold but was too frightened to speak to me. I walked home, feeling no different than I had felt. I have to tell Theophilus, I must tell the BIshop, I must tell someone.


Hello Brandis! You know what? We are entering the best month of the year, and I'm playing Link's Awakening and Ni no Kuni! So of course I'm happy! I love what Ryo Nagamatsu has done to the music of Link's Awakening, and this time, I'm giving you a cover I made a bit before Link's Awakening came out. For the second time I'm submitting what I love doing inbetween bigger projects: take a tune from a Zelda game, transcribe it by ear and replace the instruments with the N64 Ocarina of Time instruments. I chose the music from Mount Tamaranch, better known as Tal Tal Heights, because it's glorious, and here's essentially what it might have sounded like if Link's Awakening had been remade for the N64! Love &amp; Respect, Kévin Gillet Link to the music: https://youtu.be/ureihanbmss


greetings jones and brad hope your having a good start to fall and halloween month. lots of stuff to look forward to this month Valfaris that 2d heavymetal/doom/contra game on the 10, samurai jacks creators new show primal on the 7 on adultswim its caveman vs dinosaurs/primal creatures, game freaks little town hero on the 15, also overwatch and witcher 3 also on the 15, and luigis mansion 3 at the end to cap off oct. watched the new season of disenchated, the simpsons creators fantesy show on netflix season 2 was a much better season with decent char devlopment and good use of dark humor to have some great moments in it. finished dark crystal season1 loved it and might watch it again in oct.now to games which to say in sept there a lot of games. links awaking was a overall joy to play and i it might be the best looking switch game ever made, and i can just sit in town and listen to the amazing well done music all day.borderlands 3 all i can say its more borderlands with the good and the bad things that come with that. sayonara wild hearts is a rez meets presona music game witch title card song makes it a instant buy and rocks the whole way through.blashemous jones if theres one game you need to play this game is it the spite work and combat are amazing done and the bosses are the best and most gruesome things i ever seen. and finally wow had its small 8.2.5 patch adding in a sync system where you can take overlevel toons and sync to your friends lvl and even do quests you already done with them is a nice addition to the game,the war campain is over in this patch ending in the most amazing well produced big budget cutscene i ever seen it was 6mins long.jones blizzard has posted the entire expansions high detailed cutscenes into a 22 min vid called Battle for Azeroth: Varok Saurfang's Mak'gora, even if you dont play wow i suggest everyone watch it its basically saurfangs tale through the expansion and well worth watching.also some more Nzoth stuff and the whole planet bleeding out cause of a mt sized sword in it hopefully we get more info on 8.3 soon and possiable expansion at blizzcon seems really likely now. thats all for me i hope we can get a some luigis mansion stream before 3 maybe a full playthrough and other horror games this oct from you guys have safe and spooky oct guys -cdjgamer.


Hello Brandon and Brad, I hope your having a good Tuesday, This month has been rather busy with teaching work. So I haven't had that much time for games this month. Yet I managed to beat two games this month. Legend of Zelda Link to the Past and Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening It had been a long time since I had played and beat either of these games. I have played Link to the Past many times, just not beat it. Hearing Kyle talk about how people would only play the first few levels of Link to the Past encouraged me to just beat it fully again. I love the game, it reminds me of my youth. It also is a fun game with great music, great gameplay and a decent enough story for me. With Link's Awakening, I hadn't played it since the original on Gameboy. I enjoyed the game a lot too. I had a lot of similar elements to Link to the Past, and the new art style was adorable. I have to say that I still prefer Link to the Past, but I enjoyed Link's Awakening this time a lot more than when I was younger. I think it is cause I was more interested in the story and I think when I was young I played it over a longer period of time which caused it to not connect as much. Now I am looking forward to replaying DQ11 and if I have time I think I will take a shot at DQ3 for this coming month, though I doubt I will have enough time for both.


Aloha Brandon and Brad, (Didn't realize last month that providing pictures reduced the available text you could submit, so I will keep this month's submission shorter.) Picked up Iceborne and Borderlands 3 this month. Tried Iceborne and my hand just couldn't handle it. Borderlands 3 is more manageable especially with friends. I can just get boosted along sometimes. Almost 40 in WoW Classic, saving up money for those initial mount costs. Not really looking forward to anything in particular in October, game wise, Outer Worlds definitely, possibly Atelier Ryza, but that's about it. Picking up Yakuza 4 next year when the physical release of all 3 come out. Started watching a few new shows for the Fall season. Stumptown and Evil seem like the strongest of the new lot, but we'll see. The end of Disenchantment season 1 was really enjoyable as well. This month's pictures are still following recent trends. Was super hyped about the return of Gundam build streams, since I still have a few I bought in Japan and are sitting in my backlog.(Pic 1) Tried starting the Going Merry during the stream, but my hand couldn't handle the fine control needed for those pieces so I moved back to LEGO and here's a picture of my work at end of the stream. (Pic 2) Finished up the set later that week and added it to my new display setup. Really happy I picked the shelving, as my living room was looking like a LEGO shop with models just kinda strewn about in various clumps. Now I can mostly consolidate them in one spot. The bottom most shelf is from the Solo movie, including the Kessel Run Millennium Falcon, AT Hauler, Han and Moloch's Landspeeders, and Enfys Nest's Cloud-Rider Swoop bikes. The shelf above that has sets from the Freemaker Adventures. (Pic 3) The next shelf has 3 sets from the Star Wars Rebels series, then the top most shelf has sets from the Old Republic MMO. The left ship is the character ship for the two Jedi classes, the right ship is the same for the two Sith classes. With a Striker-class fighter in the middle. (Pic 4) The last one is the new Friends Central Perk set I picked up for the 25th Anniversary this year. Love that show. (Pic 5) Have an amazing October and thank you again for everything you do. Mahalo nui loa, Samo Rozman @Namzor https://imgur.com/a/Nurbenv


Hi Brad and Brandon. Busy September besides platinuming FFVIII Remastered so I only did 3 this time. Rest are old photos. 1)Love Megaman X series so made one inspired by it with a mix of X and Zero. 2)Trying to color an inkwork with watercolor. Turned out pretty well. Proud on the hair. 3)It's October which means Inktober. So I'm using ink. Also need to wait for it to dry next time. 4)Gundam that is now removed from that place. 5)Is it spooky? 6)Sea of clouds near the top of Mt. Fuji. We didn't make it to the top 1st time sadly. 7)This is there now. Gundam Unicorn...I think what it was called. My 3rd visit. 8) &amp; 9) Classic. https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1178805982736142336 https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1178806324437639168 https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1178807223792885761 https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1178813096195964931 https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1147365252104720384/photo/3 https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1145194639558733824/photo/1 https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1145194639558733824/photo/2 Love and Respect TearjuEngi


Well, here we are again. It is the night before the showcase and I haven't written squat. OK, video games... I played a bit of Astral Chain. The game is fun. The story and writing, not so much. I think when it comes to video games, the story is the most important. If it was decent, I might have finished it by now. Maybe the game will prove me wrong, but I'm going through slowly. Now to comepletely contradict myself, I played Untitled Goose Game. The a was dumb fun game. It did it's job of keeping me occupied during a flight. It even got some chuckles out of me. Yes, there is no story, but the whole game is about just being an asshole. So next best thing. I still have yet to play Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. I really want to, but I just don't have the time to invest at the moment. Anything else... ah, yeah, I played the second story DLC for One Piece: World In this DLC, you play as Sabo. It was alright. Again, the story is one of the stronger aspects of this game. The DLC episodes coincide with the main game. So instead of playing as Luffy, in the first you get to see what Zoro is doing, in this you get to see what Sabo is up to, and in the third in the future, you get to see what Law was up to. They've filled in some gaps of the story in the main game, so that's neat. They did shove Katakuri randomly in the story though for this one, but an awkward cameo being the weakest part of the story is not bad for a franchise game. Hrmm... 200 words left, guess I'll just talk about One Piece some more because the manga has been so fricking incredible. Don't worry, I won't spoil. I think I do a decent job whenever I talk about things to not spoil. Usually between story arcs, we get to see what is going on with other factions in the world. One of the best things about the series is how fleshed out the world is. Whenever we check in on the other parts of the world, it feels fleshed out and alive. You actually feel that there are these characters living there. Seeing events happen outside of the main characters is great. Some of the most exciting chapters are those that don't feature any of the Straw-Hats because it is just a knowledge dump that expands insight and breathes life to that world. When a newspaper shows up in this series, my heart skips a beat because I know something is about to go down. This time we are getting these chapters between acts of an arc because so much is going on. Nothing holds a candle to the world-building in this series and I can't wait to see what is next. Anyhoo, excited to see One Piece: STAMPEDE in theaters next month.


Greetings Brad and Brandon, I hope you both had a great September, mine was pretty good but I did encounter a strange bug with Steam that has yet to be resolved. For whatever reason it only effects dialogue and only in three of my games, one of which sounds like they're talking in the next room with a bad mic. The other two just straight out don't have any dialogue and the internet is surprisingly quiet as to what the issue is, looks like I'll just have to reinstall Steam as reinstalling games, updating drivers, modifying files hasn't done anything for me. On a brighter note I have a funny story to share. I listen to your podcasts, a lot, primarily due to being majorly behind on your videos. As such my wife is oftentimes around as I listen to the Allies talk about video games. Since she plays video games only occasionally so she's never listening really intently when I have you guys on. This created funny situation regarding Masahiro Sakurai. Sakurai comes up quite about when talking about video games, and this caused my wife some confusion as she thought Sakurai...was a video game. On first mention of Sakurai she thought the Allies were talking about a particular game, which was fine. However subsequent mentions of Sakurai made her think that there were multiple Sakurai games, which makes sense given Sakurai's work on Kirby and Kid Icarus, yet it still left my wife wondering just how many Sakurai games were there? Had she asked for clarity for her questions it would have resolved her confusion right then and there but we would have missed out on my wife's humorous revelation. Her moment of clarity came when the Allies were talking about Masahiro Sakurai being sick, to which my wife replied "Wait, you mean Sakurai has been a person this entire time!?" I was there to inform my wife about who Sakurai was and what games he had made as well as sharing a good chuckle over the situation. To be honest though, I'd probably have to give a "shut up and take my money" if Sakurai made a video game about himself. It would probably be epic. Anyways that pretty much entails September, I'm looking forward to snagging some deals for the Steam fall sale and I thoroughly the absolutely insane, bonkers, yet enjoyable "I Love You, Colonel Sanders! A Finger Lickin' Good Dating Simulator" that came out just a few days ago. The sad thing is this is only game that has come out this year that I have played, so guess who's the front-runner for my personal 2019 GOTY? =P Anyways, I hope my submission made you smile and I wish you both a blessed October. Love and Respect as always, OutcastWriter


Don't eat my comment like last time, I was sorely displeased.


Hello Jones and Brad! I haven’t written in a while, but I must agree that October is a special month. My birthday falls a couple days before Halloween so it’s always been an exciting time of year personally. In grade school I’d often have my Birthday party as a trick-or-treat/sleepover combo of sugar fueled, pizza stuffed madness. I still have vivid memories of my twelfth birthday after getting my very first computer from my parents. On Halloween night, my best friends pooled their resources to buy me multimedia speaker to go with the new system. The computer was a 486 SX that ran at 25mhz with a luxurious 4MBs of RAM. We all went up to my bedroom to get the speakers setup, but the Great Pumpkin would have the last laugh. It was that night I discovered computers needed sound cards and you can’t just plug some speakers into the back of your monitor like it was a TV. That might sound depressing, but it actually lead me down a road of taking apart computers, learning about their hardware, figuring out how to install upgrades, and eventually building my own PCs. I saved up for a 16bit sound card, and eventually added a CD-ROM drive, more RAM and a bigger hard drive in that computer. I have been on the PC hardware upgrade treadmill ever since. That first computer is also where I played many of my favorite games of all time. X-Wing, Tie Fighter, X-Com, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, Civilization, and Ultima 6 were absolutely formative, each worthy in their own way of being listed among The Greats. I remain incredibly nostalgic for that era of PC gaming. It’s incredible what a different world it was back then. It’s so strange to think how I knew how to do certain things that were required to play games in the era of DOS and boot floppies with custom autoexec.bat and config.sys files. You had to know what IRQ jumper settings and com ports were in use for audio and joystick ports. Resolving conflicts often involved opening up your PC case to physically change the way your hardware was configured. There was no internet to ask even the most basic questions. I would buy every PC magazine I could get my hands on and read them cover to cover. A favorite of mine was Computer Shopper which was printed like a phone book, had like a thousand pages, and was filled with mail order computer system and part ads from small independent computer shops all over North America. Thanks for allowing me to reminisce. Have a great fall!


(Re posting my submission in a strategic move to try and go last in the hopes that I might catch it live lol.) Game Dev Update: https://youtu.be/FgGQjwAnFnY


Episode TWO of the Shenmue EZA-DUB Starring: Michael Huber Brandon Jones Kyles Bosman and Ben Moore
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBfmL34S0fA L&amp;R Dan Allen Detroit, MI EPISODE ONE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYhv_HDMK10


Hi Jones - Hi Brad- First off, I don't think it is said enough directly… But I just want to say thank you to you and all the Allies for exactly what you guys do. By bringing something uniquely special, Easy Allies enriches our lives so much for the better. I have so much fun enjoying your passion for gaming, and find myself genuinely amazed that such a positive force can uplift people even in the most jaded or uncertain of times. I thank you for that joy as it entertains &amp; strengthens me daily which instills only a feeling of pride to be part of something so worth caring about. This community showcase is an example of that pride fostered by positive ingenuity for all Allies. Thank you. This past month seem to have flown by and as usual had kept me very busy only leaving a limited time to play a couple of games. I have mostly played “Monster Hunter World Iceborne”, the game is simply a master class in expansion DLC. Other developers and publishers take note on how to revitalize a previously released game. Also this month, Blood recently inspired me to go back and revisit one of my favorite RPGs, “Phantasy Star II”. It’s a very cool game from a great series with an fun story &amp; setting. Visual quality of the game is comparable to say... Final Fantasy IV (early 16 bit era), but the use of color is spellbinding working like a anime, and game-play is all its own with a unique D&amp;D flair added to it Furthermore “Phantasy Star II” has a killer battle system (that’s crazy fast), whacked out monsters born from your childhood nightmares, and some wild, super-far-future techno music beats. The best way to play “Phantasy Star II” now is probably the Sega’s Genesis Classic Collection on PS4- That rewind and fast forward function is just too good. Check it out, it’s one of the Greats and classically trained to rock your socks off. Additionally I do also absolutely recommend “Phantasy Star IV” when you get around to it. It’s also a “Great,” and arguably just as good if not better than Phantasy Star II. Did you guys see the Final Fantasy VII Remake Tokyo Game Show presentation? ...Because it was really awesome. Yes, I do love Final Fantasy VII, and yes I am clearly biased toward it. However now I can say, from my life experience alone, there has never been anything done in a game’s production like Final Fantasy VII Remake to the degree in which the quality of its execution is matching the massively aspired scale these games will reach for. It's unprecedented, and I honestly feel both honored and humbled to be able to experience them firsthand. What did they do during the presentation you ask? Before being rendered unconscious by the power of classic rpg nostalgia, I remember Kitase was talking for a while and then my brain started melting when they showed gameplay of the newly added “classic mode” turned based battle system, and a shot of the in-game menu screen.


This is my first time editing one of my streams, but I thought it would be fun. At the very least, it's short. Cheers Allies! https://youtu.be/tu6ipzFpbmM


oops submitted too late


Hey Allies, I'll be completely frank: I've been severely struggling with my depression for the last several months. I've been working on a song for the community showcase, but because of my deep slump, I've been unable to get it done. Apologies to everyone because I think it will be a lot of fun when it comes out. I'm not all-knowing when it comes to my mental illness. Sometimes I have spouts that keep me from pursuing my creative ventures for long periods. Sometimes it lasts no more than 24-48 hours. Recently, I've decided that I'm going to try and get in the front seat, so to speak, by addressing and confronting my feelings more directly. My next podcast, with inspiration from an ally who reached out to me who I'll keep anonymous, is going to be about a game that is near and dear to me personally. The episode is going to be about dealing with depression, and how Chrono Trigger has helped give me positive thoughts and feelings in the most troubling times. It was my very first game, and I wanted to give it special attention. Writing about it has definitely helped ignite that dormant spark I've had the last while. Thanks to that ally, even though the episode isn't done. If everyone can't wait, I recommend listening to the episode I wrote about Pokémon, as it's the one I'm the most proud of. My podcast is Happy Gaming, and you can find it on most podcast services except for Spotify, as well as my Patreon. Thanks for all the positive feelings and community through my turmoil, even if I haven't been vocal. Not just to Brandon, Brad and the Allies, but to the allies community, where I feel safe, secure, and welcome above all else. The EZA community is truly one of a kind, and I feel blessed to be a part of such a wonderful group of people. This last month as far as gaming goes, I picked up Catherine and Ni No Kuni Remastered, two of my favorites from last Gen (I even wrote a whole episode on Catherine if you're interested). instead, I got preoccupied with Celeste. I struggled all month to beat the final epilogue chapter. I could only make it a screen or two every day. I died 4088 times. But I finally made it through. I beat it around an hour after I told my girlfriend it was unfair and too hard. It made me feel like I can conquer the most difficult things, and even though depression is a lot tougher, Celeste has, and continues to make a tremendously positive impact on me. Check it out if you haven't or if you're down for great platformers with challenge and positive messages. For more shameful self-plugs, I also wrote a podcast episode about Celeste. That's it for me this month Allies, sorry for the long silence. Sending my deepest love, and all my respect all around Brian from Happy Gaming


Safety post, even if it's too late to get in for the showcase! Love everyone!


Hello Jones and Brad! September might end up being my most momentous month of gaming, maybe ever? It all comes down to my two most anticipated games of 2019 releasing just a few short weeks apart. Let’s start at the beginning, shall we? Released at the tail end of August was Control, which I was immediately in on from the first reveal. I’ve always had an affinity for Remedy games since I first played Max Payne, going so far as to write a report in school about how I felt that the weather effects in Alan Wake were going to be revolutionary. While I bounced off the main gameplay of Wake and never played Quantum Break, I still cheered the studio on from afar. But Control was going to be the one I finally finished. Well, finished is a slight understatement, as I added another Platinum to my shelf. I don’t even know where to start with my love for this game. Whether it’s the fascinating story, constantly engaging combat that pushes you from the start to the end, the great music, incredible performances, or the satisfying way it gives you new abilities at just the right pace, Control just nails it on every level for me. I didn’t even care about the framiness, which definitely improved after the first patch. More than anything, I understood why it was chugging when it did. The amount of complicated physics it was handling while juggling multiple enemies just felt like it was pushing the hardware to its limits, which is exactly what you’d expect from a late gen title. This isn’t Sonic Boom we’re talking about. Jesse Faden rules and the Ashtray Maze was dope as hell. Next, Link’s Awakening. When I was a wee child of five years old, I was taken to Toys R Us to get a Game Boy. There, I was presented with the first choice of my young life. Which bundle would I choose, Tetris or Link’s Awakening? I had already played Tetris, but Zelda was just that game I saw pictures of on the NES console box. Zelda was unlike anything I had seen before, so my choice was made. Although I poured hundreds of hours into that game, I never got too far. I’d go to my limit, get stuck, and restart just to keep living in that world. 26 years later, I was given a gift. The chance to close the loop and finish the story that I loved so dearly. Link’s Awakening for Switch was a magical experience for me, capturing that childlike wonder that kept me awake many nights years ago. I adore the art style, truly creating something unique. And that music? oooooWEEEE that’s a good score. It is not an understatement to say this game hit me hard, as it was difficult to see the credits through my tears. Next month, I’ll talk about The Last of Us, which I finished right before I wrote this. L&amp;R, GOTYlocks


Hey Brad and Brandon ! Wingatakus here hope your both doing well. So im on a podcast now. We just went live on youtube couple of days ago and its been pretty fun so far. Its called Blue Ray Dismay and we got all horrors movie coming up for the month of October starting with the original Halloween. If you could please just read this short Description Promo that would be awesome. Hope some of the allies and chat can check it out. Im the one called Bruno Diaz. As always Love and Respect. We invite all movie lovers and connoisseurs to the BlueRayDismay journey via beer goggles, hangover, tipsiness or even soberness! We explore characters, sub-plots, fan theory and our own skewed interpretation of what we believe the director intended to portray. We’ll give you fun facts, history and even current info on some of the most memorable movies and movie characters you’ve seen throughout the years! You’re more likely to understand our fuzzy and semi-sober observations if you watch along, but if you think you know the movie that well, then by all means you can listen to the podcast straight! Either way it’ll be a trip down memory lane - or at least fragments of it depending on fluid consumption that evening!! Blue Ray Dismay on Youtube and Instagram. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUtwYq2ALkfU4CL8rtdMmnw/featured


Hi Brandon &amp; Brad. This month I played two games. 1. Control. I’m not disappointed, but kind of. I feel that the game is not complete. Maybe the potential is not fully realized. 2. Children of Morta. A game about a family, about a big family. And you play with most of them, even the ones that feels like an NPC at the beginning. Where is the Don’t Skip for this game? L&amp;R, Stepan