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Reviews! Glorious video game reviews! It’s that time of year where it seems like all our review writers have one game they’re currently working on, one game waiting in the wings, and at least one game they have to pass on because there’s only so much time. I’m even getting back into the racket. I wrote a review script over the weekend for the first time since the end of May. I’m much more involved in shooting special features this month too, and it feels so good to spend more time with the guys. Also, we have some fun additions (and deletions) from the studio to go over.

- Brandon

Video Link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpKmvUDfDgQ

DISCLAIMER: I take questions from the post comments on the previous week’s episode here on Patreon. You can ask a business-related question which I may answer live, or a personal question which I may answer below. If your business question was not answered live, I either replied to it in the comments, or referenced the answer in a recent episode. Feel free to inquire why your question wasn't included, or ask the same question a second time if you think I may have missed it. I will edit your comment/question before reading it live to ensure the show moves as quickly as possible.


JONAH COWAN - Do you listen to any kind of podcasts about marketing? If you don't listen to any, and as you have such a proclivity for the subject, I'd highly recommend Terry O'Reilly;s CBC radio show "Under The Influence". It discusses the history of marketing, and a variety of strategies in a very well produced and colourful way. Take it or leave it, but if you'd care to take a listen, the back catalog can be found on Spotify as a podcast. JONES - SWEET! I’ll check it out, thank you.

SERGEY P. - I've prepared a list of nicknames of various GTA characters, can you try and guess their real names? JONES - I didn’t want to go through this live because I don’t know most of their real names, to be honest. I remembered Brucie’s last name is Kibbutz, and Packie is from the McReary family, but I didn’t know “Packie” stood for Patrick. That’s all I got. Tough game!


Cup of Jones - September 16, 2019

Your weekly batch of business updates and questions.



Sorta proves the point that there needs to be an EZA logo on videos if Jones didn't know the FF14 Classic question was directly from the interview video that's up on your Youtube channel Pretty sure the other people in the room are Square staff but even if they aren't, it was y'alls video/content


Pretty sure that YouTube has a higher bitrate cap for 4K videos - not sure what this will do if you encode a 1080p video at 4K res before uploading, might lead to lower compression

Brandon K Gann

Hey Mr. Jones! Now that we're a little bit into Phase 4, I was wondering if you or EZA as a whole is starting to see if the changes are having tangible impact, and if so, where and how it's most noticeable. Is there anything that hasn't panned out yet but still could? Or is all of this still too early to gauge if the Phase 4 change-ups moved the needle in any way? Regardless, thanks again for reading my question, have a wonderful rest of your day, and Cheers! QUESTION: Has there been noticeable impact since Phase 4 was implemented, or does there still need to be more time to properly gauge what has worked and what could still use some tweaking?


Hi Jones Since this week's Cup of Jones post mentions reviews, I figured I would ask a silly business question. We're two months away from the release of Death Stranding. With more footage having been released at TGS, it's getting abundantly more clear that this game will be very divisive. It's pretty obvious that you and the other Allies that review games are just dying to finally play this and form your own personal opinion. As such, I'm sure you (possibly) and some of the others will want to be the one that reviews the game. Business Question: I know it will never happen, but how about having some sort of tournament to determine who ultimately gets to review Death Stranding? I know it will be a case of simply asking who wants to review it, but given that this is Kojima's first game since his departure from Konami and that some of the Allies are on media blackout for obvious reasons, I figured in this particular case, handing review responsibilities for this game can be handled a bit differently this time. Just a thought. L&R, Karl


Hi Jones, Been a while because I have been trying to deal with mental health so apologies if this is a retread! Business question: What is EZA's current relationship with Michael Pachter? I've been going through some old Pach Attack episodes from GT, and discovered that he is still doing a show similar called Pachter Factor under different ownership. I've always enjoyed his insights and perspectives. What are the chances that we see him appear as a guest on the podcast or another show? Listening to him talk about new, upcoming releases, company decisions or the NPDs could be a fascinating perspective. Even having him on Mysterious Monsters as a contestant could be very fun! I understand you couldn't bring back his show specifically or anything like that, but having guests appear in different forms (haven't seen Luke Arnold in a bit) is a fun change of pace and addition sometimes. Love and Respect, Brian from Happy Gaming


Just feedback: I gotta say I’m not sure I understand the appeal of having “raw” versions of certain shows. It seems like it would be unnecessary extra work for very little benefit. I also don’t think a raw version is ever really going to be raw. It’s as you said, if people know the camera is rolling, they’re going to be “on” no matter what. Also, and granted it’s a small issue, but we just got away from having separate audio and video posts/emails, and going back to posting two different versions of shows might be both annoying, and confusing for some people, especially those who don’t watch COJ. It also gives an opportunity for someone to unknowingly click the raw version, and end up being left with a bad first impression as it could maybe come off as low effort or something.


Business Question: Would you ever consider releasing Mysterious Monsters for at home play in some form? I think it would be pretty fun to play with people at home. You could make it a patreon exclusive reward if need be.


While I was watching the podcast on YouTube, an older episode of the podcast appeared in the suggested videos on the side. I realised that if I didn’t know about EZA, there isn’t any indication that the podcast is even about video games. I was wondering if there is a particular reason the EZA podcast doesn’t have descriptive titles like Frame Trap and Friend Code do. Since you already take the time to do timestamps, you could just take the first 3 of those and string them together, ie: “Project Resistance, Ring Fit Adventure & August NPDs”. L&R from the UK


Hello Brandon. Each Easy Allies review editor has his own style. Ian always put game’s clip between each paragraph (often with game’s character speech), while you put several different clips between review’s sections (usually gameplay & environment shots), but go from one paragraph to another within section without any pauses. However your Groundhog Day: Like Father Like Son review follows Ian’s template much more than your own. Why is this sudden change of style?


BUSINESS / PERSONAL QUESTION: Often you and the allies talk about feeling exhausted from busy schedules, and especially of course now that you're a father. Yet you all show up as pretty conscientious and professional in your shows and programs rather than grumpy and miserable. How do you do it, is that just part of being a performer, and to what extent are you, or other allies, biting your tongue or having to hide your exhaustion in any given show/stream? L&R Dan Straker

Megan Linart

Can I just have your quick thoughts on Grease 2? Thank You ♥️😊


Heya Jones, OK, so if Phase 4 of Easy Allies was one of the colors on Joseph's Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, which color would it be?


Morning Jones! Just watched your review for Groundhog Day: Like Father Like Son. Very interesting, and I wasn't even aware that game existed! What exactly spurned your desire to make this a full-fledged review rather than a Don't Skip? I'm curious as to why this game was given the review treatment, while games like Super Mario Maker 2 and Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 were not covered in the same way. I know that you were away on leave when these games were originally released, but I believe they could have been reviewed in this game's stead, even if it was few weeks/months after they came out, while a Don't Skip could have been a more apt way to give everyone a heads up about this unique VR title. Either way, just interested in your process and the Allies' process in discerning how to cover bigger releases versus smaller ones in the various ways you have at your disposal. L&R, Brian Denu


Hi Jones - what impact, if any, does the new Rockstar Games Launcher for PC have on your life?


Hi Jones, I searched easyallies instead of just clicking on bookmarks like usual and this website came up(Rankank.com). It claims that easyallies.com has a net worth of US$867,398. Is this accurate in your opinion and if yes how do you feel about it? It also says the website gets almost 2mil unique users a year, that seems great if true. well thanks for your time L&R


There any interest out of you or the other allies to give Apple Arcade a stream or something? The service doesn't look to be completely throwaway judging from the lineup, which on its own is at least a bit of a mild surprise. We all know how the rest of the allies feel about mobile games, but I can't imagine anything else in this sector that'd hope to get the allies' attention the same way the Sega Genesis Mini could.


Hey Jones, I recently moved to California with the military and I’m only a couple hours from LA! With that being said I was wondering if there was any news on the live show and meet ups thank you for the reply keep up the great work!


Hey Jones! I understand that wanting to stream new games as soon as possible while it's the gaming zeigeist (like right as it's available to download) might seem like the way to go, but it's not as great for many of us, who wants both to play the game ourselves and watch you guys play it live without being spoiled. We are basically forced into choosing between watching you guys play it, but having the whole game spoiled for us, or playing the game ourself first and then watch the VOD which is always a lot less fun than watching it live. Maybe just waiting a bit (a day or two), to give those of us with that problem some time to play it first would be a solution. I was wondering what were your thought on that and if you would discuss that issue with the other allies? Thanks!


Hi Brandon, At one point do we start worrying about the fact that the podcast sponsor slots are not being filled? Is anything being done behind the scenes to try and spread the word that those sponsorships are available? Has anyone turned you guys down because they thought it was not worth the investment? I'm more curious than worried, but it has been quite a while since we've been rocking with a full roster... Keep up the great work. Love the new Cup format! Fluffhead108 (Cory)


ps- FYI, Jones, ending up with Pokemon Shield actually works out well for you because Shield has an exclusive ghost gym. (Sword's exclusive gym is fighting-type.)


Jones, are you all planning on doing a new promotional video on your main channel highlighting the new schedule for streams for the Easy Allies Plays channel? Easy Allies Plays has fewer than 30,000 subscribers, compared to well over 200,000 on the main. A lot of these people are missing out on some great content, particularly post-Phase 4. The channel desperately needs a new promotion on the main channel.


We're working on a promo that covers everything and I believe Easy Allies Plays is included in that, but also keep in mind that the channel is second-hand content. The main thing to promote really is the Twitch channel where all of that happens live. That's a lot more important for growth and easier for viewers to get engaged. Easy Allies Plays is really just a backup for people who can't get Twitch to play smoothly, and it makes it easier to organize and search archives. The disparity between the channel subscriber counts also shouldn't be surprising when you consider the types of content on each channel. All that's on Easy Allies Plays are copies of old livestreams, and a lot of viewers aren't very interested in that. Whereas the main channel has a number of varied things that different people may be interested in, whether it's reviews, reactions, podcasts, awards, betting specials, E3 coverage, or any of our more distinct shows. Judging by the numbers that larger event streams get when they are posted on Plays, I think there's a fair amount of people who know about the channel that just don't feel the need to subscribe. -Bloodworth


Hi, Jones. I've been meaning to write some questions for CoJ for a while now, but been very busy. I still found some time to watch a few movies. After hearing Huber say he re-watched all of the MCU movies before Avengers: Endgame came out, I decided to do the same, though for both my misfortunate and delight, it spiralled into me deciding to watch almost all super hero movies made in the last 41 years - 74 movies, though I might add or remove one or two. If you don't mind, I would like to write to you every week about some short summaries of the movies and whether they hold up or not imho. This will also help incentivize me to actually watch them all, because some are really rough - Spider-Man (2002). I would also love to hear your thoughts on both the movies if you watched them and whether you think they hold up or not. I will put the year in parenthesis so you know when the movie came out and to avoid confusion when some movie titles are the same. Also, I'm using the movies most appropriate chronological timeline instead of the year of release, I did this for context reasons. Needless to say some timelines have some unclear entries and others it's best just to go with the order of release. If you don't have time to read everything, just check the scores. If you prefer, I can just write the scores for the next weeks. For the beginning, I've re-watched all the X-Men, Wolverine and Deadpool movies. X-Men: Origins - Wolverine (2009) - 9/10 - I love this movie. I understand many people hate it, but I just love almost everything in this movie. The story, the characters, the acting, the action scenes. Almost everything. It feels like this movie was made for me. I had scored it a 10 the first time I watched it, but lowered it to a 9 after re-watching and seeing some logic plot holes. Still, the rest is amazing imho. X-Men (2000) - 6/10 - Solid movie for what many consider to be the start of the current super hero movie trend, though I always think of Blade (1998) as the one who started it all. Regardeless, the action scenes are very weak and some of the special effects are really bad - like Wolverine's loop around the statue of liberty's crown. The story is somewhat stupid and there are some holes in logic like why didn't fly to the top where Magneto and Rogue were before or after Wolverine was there?! Still, the characters, the dialogue and the acting were solid enough to provide an enjoyable time. X2: X-Men United (2003) - 7/10 - I had given it an 9 before, but after re-watching it, some logic holes in the story and how some characters behave really brought it down - Cyclops got shafted hard in this movie, I never bothered before, but now I understand why so many people hate James Marsden's Cyclops, though he was solid in the first movie, where I loved his tussles with Wolverine. The action sequences were really good for the most part and the story was very entertaining. Best one and the one that makes the most sense out of all the first 3 movies. Also, Stryker is really great villain and Bryan Cox nailed his portrayal. Nightcrawler's attack on the White House is the best part of the movie, the sequence is on par with many great action scenes of the last few years. X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) - 7/10 - I remembered this movie being very bad, however the first part of this movie is actually very good - with the exception of the bit with Cyclops, which was a waste. The second part is where the movie really falls apart and where some of the teasing from the first part like Iceman vs Pyro and Wolverine vs Phoenix end up in disappointment. There were some really great scenes like when Phoenix destroys the house, the fight at the laboratory, Kitty Pride vs Juggernaut and some really great humor like a Wolverine scene that made me cry of laughter. The Wolverine (2013) - 8/10 - I also remembered this movie being worst than it was, however it has some great action scenes and the twist at the end wasn't bad. There are some bad parts of this movie like gaps in characters' arcs and reasoning, as well as the moronic need to have a very unlikely love relationship for Wolverine. Still, main characters are solid enough and they act as best as they can with a weird script. Would have given it a lower score, but I still found myself very entertained. X-Men: First Class (2011) - 9/10 - Great movie all around. Only things that kept it from a 10 were some scenes which didn't deliver and make very little sense - like when Emma Frost goes to that Russian military officer and how Moira finds the entrance to the Hellclub's lair, which would've been found multiple times already, Emma Frost could wipe the memory of any intruder, but still should have been hidden in a much better place. The way Beast looks is really bad. Best scene is when Azazel attacks the CIA base - even if he later doesn't show even 1/100 of that fighting capability against Beast. The rest was really great. X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) - 10/10 - I honestly forgot how freaking great this movie is. From the beginning to the end, this movie hits all notes for me. I loved everything about this movie and even though I had watched it before, so many scenes made me smile from ear to ear all over again. Gave it a 10 before and still keep it as a 10. This movie is on te same level as Avengers: Infinity War, slightly lower since it didn't make me cry like Avengers: Infinity War did. But this did get emotional when the two Xaviers of the Past and Future talk with each other. Then there's the way Bryan Singer pays respect to the actors and events of the original trilogy, as well as creating a new timeline to correct some of that trilogy's mistakes - like X-Men: The Last Stand (2006). Last, but definitely not least, Quicksilver's scenes were awesome and lovely. Perfect example of what an X-Men movie should be. X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) - 9/10 - Another movie I remembered being bad, but re-watching it made the good parts stand out more than the first time. This is a movie where I can understand both the people who hate it and the people who love it, depending on what each person finds tolerable or not. I could write an essay on the good and the bad of this movie, but the reason I scored it so high is because the parts that hit well, hit really hard for me. Again, Quicksilver's mansion scene was one of the best action and special effects scene I have ever seen in my life, and it still topped his really amazing scene in X-Men: Days of Future Past in every way possible. They handled the death of a character in a very good and realistic way. All of that with the fact that the bad parts were tolerable. X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019) - 7/10 - I only watched this movie once, so it should be interesting re-watching it many years from now. This movie's story and events are really bad - and that scene with changes the fate of a certain character was both predictable and badly executed. Aliens as villains is the most generic thing ever after zombies and was even badly executed. So why not a much, much lower score? Cyclops finally, FINALLY is portrayed like the bad-ass he is in the comics. This by itself gives it an automatic 1 whole point. Then the action scenes were very good and as bad as some parts were, there were many great scenes that really elevated the movie for me - like the first mission. Logan (2017) - 10/10 - You guys already did a Spoiler Mode that covers most of my sentiment. This movie is absolutely great, and even the very few scenes that felt subpar, were actually tied into better scenes that actually justified and redeemed them in a way. Superb movie for the end of one of the most beloved and well known fiction characters and aperfect tribute to almost two decades of Hugh Jackman's career as Wolverine. Same for Patrick Stewart's Charles Xavier. And Dafne Keen was also really great. Deadpool (2016) - 8/10 - I gave it a 10 before, but after re-watching it, specially since it's a comedy, some jokes didn't bite as hard as they did the first time, however most jokes were very funny still. The action sequences were great and we finally got to see how bad-ass Colossus can be, even if too "cartoony goody two-shoes" for my taste. Great origins story, humour and action sequences. And who doesn't love Vanessa!?! No one. Deadpool 2 (2018) - 10/10 - Absolutely great movie. All the characters are loveable, the twist with the X-Force squad is so incredible the first time you see it, and the second time is just as incredible. The humour really hits its peak and flows smoothly from one scene to another. One of the best moments of my life will always be Deadpool's crotch on Cable's face! Perfection. This movie made me laugh from beginning to end. Great action scenes and a very good story that hits on themes we all know in a very well executed way - family, love, hope, redemption. And the time travel in this movie actually makes sense and you understand the characters' reason for doing it. The "Once Upon a Deadpool" is also very funny, with Fred Savage calling out most of the tropes with the genre and some story decisions. This is it for this week, if you feel it's too much, please let me know and this will be it. If you remember the scores you gave for them and want to share, I would love to see it. No judgement here, things affects us in different ways, so all opinions are valid. I'm planning on doing the Spider-Man movies for next week, I should have finished them by now, but Spider-Man (2002) is extremely cheesy. I have been watching it in chunks, believe it or not, just like you did with Aquaman and other movies. I had no issue whatsoever re-watching the X-Men movies, but Spider-man is really giving me trouble, I just can't muster the will to focus and watch it all at once. I didn't watch this movie since 2002 and it does not hold up in any way. I actually stopped watching it to write this because at 01:26:24, is the scene where Peter is hiding above in the ceiling and you can see, I kid you not, you can see the cable attached to his waist and the ceiling, it shakes as Tobey Macguire moves and stays like that for 3 seconds. Yes, it's this type of amateur stuff all over the movie in so many ways that just make it hard to watch it seriously. Search for "Screenrant's 25 Mistakes Fans Completely Missed In The Spider-Man Movies" to see other very bad mistakes they made. Just Spider-Man has 7 and they didn't even include the scene with Peter on the ceiling. I never used recreational drugs, but I feel this would be a great movie if one watched it while baked/high. lol So my struggle continues, but I will finish it. I love Spider-Man 2, so I'm both excited and afraid to see how well it is today. Anyway, that's stuff for next week - if it doesn't bother you. In case you're wondering, after the Spider-Man movies - except for the MCU ones, I plan to re-watch in this order: Blade trilogy, Daredevil (2003) and Elektra, the 3 Fantastic Four movies, all the 23 movies in the MCU - including Homecoming and Far From Home, the original Batman tetralogy plus Catwoman, the Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy, Green Lantern (2011), the Christopher Reeve Superman movies plus Supergirl (1984), Superman Returns, all 7 movies in the DC Extended Universe, all 3 Hellboy movies and ending with Watchmen. I hope this is somewhat fun for you, Jones. But if it isn't, please let me know. I just wanted to shared some of my thougths with you, but I don't want to waste your time and patience if this isn't something you're interested to read. Feel free to tell Huber about it, I believe he might like it, but I'm not sure. L&R


Hey Jones, just a quick question. Is there a reason why Damiani's stream of Link's Awakening DX hasn't been added to YouTube yet?


2 suggestions for you twitch channel: Week ends are slow, you should do the Re Runs on those days, in a chronological order. We can't see top bit gifters anymore on top of twitch chat, you should put it back up, it will entice people to donate more !! Bye


Hey, Jones. Hope you’re well. It’s been said in the past that the episodes of Spoiler Mode have been a good driver for new Patrons. With that in mind, would be worth making just one of the older episodes available to the public as a way of reminding them what they’re missing out on? just as it has been a long time since the GOW episode. For my two cents, I’d pick either RE2, KH3, or Sekiro, just as those games sold so well. L&R BeatenDwonBrian


We do promos for most Spoiler Modes to let people know that they're available. I don't think that making one public would make significantly more difference. The concept for Spoiler Mode is pretty easy to understand. That said, if we did decide to do a free episode, it would make more sense to plan that out with an upcoming episode so we could actually include some promotional message within the video. Plus it would make more sense than randomly releasing a KH 3 discussion 10 months later without any form of context. -Bloodworth


Hi, Jones. Just have a question regarding how the amount of consistent content may impact revenue. With the retirement of tabletop escapades and Huber Syndromes, I am worried that the lack of shows audience can look forward to weekly may impact the channel's ability to attract new members. As you know, many YouTube channels grew or able to maintain members due to the sheer amount of content they upload (weekly or even daily). Now, don't get me wrong, I love shows such as fiasconaut, frame trap, etc. But they are usually bi-weekly or monthly. For new viewers there doesn’t seem to have a show they can latch onto besides weekly podcast (group stream is amazing but it’s on a different channel). Just wondering if this is a concern in terms of growing the channel. FYI, as a patreon I am happy with the current scheduling.