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Apologies, allies. The schedule for Cup of Jones has been a bit erratic lately. This is due to a combination of factors: adjusting the calendar for Phase 4, gamescom events, updating elements of this show along with Trailer Jones, cutting the Control and Oninaki reviews, and maneuvering around general baby-Milo shenanigans. If you still have questions to ask me, direct them to the last video post for Cup and I'll catch up with everything on Thursday at 10 AM PT. I'll also see you tonight at 6 PM for some Wreckfest with the crew, Thursday at 6 PM for the start of my very first Pokemon Silver adventure, and don't forget the podcast now goes up on Friday for early-access Patrons (Sunday for everyone else). This week is our first full stream/show schedule of Phase 4, and new stuff will start rolling in soon. Looking forward to getting Cup back on track, and producing new episodes of Trailer Jones in the new format. Thanks for your patience!

- Brandon



I almost can't believe you're going to finally play Silver! Can't wait for Thursday!


Don't worry about us, Jones: family first! Hope the family is doing well. L&R.


Crystal is the real deal


Thanks for the heads up, papa Jones. Don't worry about it, take care of baby Milo as much as possible, time flies and you will want to have enjoyed every last second of it. I love Cup of Jones, it has become one of my favorite shows from EZA, so I can wait all week because I know it will be worth it. Just a tiny little request: more Sophie and specially Norbert, really missing him. You should just put them on top of the desk while doing CoJ, make beds for both and let them rest there if they want. Win-win situation. L&R


Wreckfest! Excellent choice.


Let it simmer 8-)