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After dipping into this week’s swamp of upsetting gaming news, we take a refreshing moment to just catch up with Jones.

00:09:33 - Corrections
00:11:56 - Shenmue 3’s Epic Switcheroo and Refunds
00:30:18 - Let’s Talk to Jones
00:42:19 - Podcast Halftime
00:44:40 - The Gaming Game
00:51:31 - L&R - Advice for a Teacher who Wants to Be Cool
00:56:52 - L&R - Game Studios - Up, Down or Even
01:12:35 - L&R - Is an avatar the same character after changing races?
01:23:39 - Time for Bets
01:27:42 - Closing

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It feels like at the beginning of every podcast recently Kyle is trying his hardest to make us mad at him


CORRECTION: Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze released in feb 2014, not 2013.


In my college chemistry class, I answered my professor's question wrong by saying "half-life" instead of radioactive decay. He noted it was the wrong answer and he wasn't looking for headcarbs. This caused me to ask him after class if he gamed. Found out he was big into gaming and was competitively playing overwatch and was considering jumping into rainbow six siege. We spoke about games frequently after that.


Semi-correction: One other main issue PC gamers have with the Epic Game Store is that you're being forced to use a launcher that's vastly inferior to what Steam offers - no Workshop for mods, no easy In-House Streaming, no fora for customer support, etc. It also does not offer better prices, in my region at least. At least some other stores like GOG offer clear advantages over Steam.


As an English teacher (and huge FF nerd), I've done things like show cutscenes from Metal Gear Solid 2 and Xenoblade Chronicles to help introduce content/ideas or post thought-provking questions on tests. I try not to be shy about being a gamer and often use that to encourage the kids to almost be nerdy about things they love, be it games or otherwise. I'd hide pearl bead art of characters in my room too - I had one of Ness last year, or as many of my student called him, "That kid from Smash Bros". I also totally used some of the FF14 primal themes on a poetry test......but that's another story altogether .


Steam has had a monopoly on the space for too long, and they havent really innovated their launcher due to lack of competition. Problem is, Epic comes in, and offers a “fair” revenue split to Devs. Steam has always took too much, for little that they do. The revenue split Epic offers is more in line with what people have said it should be. The bigger issue is that, Epic store REALLY is bare bones compared to Steam. Its a heavily flawed launcher. Maybe someday it will match Steam, or maybe surpass it. Maybe not. Either way, everyone loses. The exclusivity is what really sucks. But Steam can also end this, if they just change their revenue split. But they won’t. So now we have two companies “competing” but both sides are heavily flawed in their own way. But as it currently stands, Steam has a much better launcher. Altho tbh, I feel like even if Epic store was better then steam, people would still be upset. Because everyone’s games are in the Steam ecosystem. We are talking 10 + years of people collecting PC games on that platform. So I have a feeling that most don’t want to split between two platforms, regardless. But i agree with you that the launcher is a big deal. Because people have gotten games on GOG and others before. So that plays a huge part

Justin Jackson

Halftime game was absolutr trash.




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