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Last week's response to Achieve It Yourself was surprisingly encouraging, so thanks for all the comments and support you've given us. Earlier this week Brad and I were talking about Ep 1, and he said "We never post anything that has this percentage of people who are happy" and honestly yeah that's pretty rare. We unfortunately can't reliably replicate the suspense of Bloodworth hover jumping inches above failure on his final run, so I'm curious what you think about this episode as well.

Episode 3 will be right here same time next week, 11am PT.

Until then,


Achieve It Yourself - From Last to First & BROTHER!! - S1 #2

Damiani and Brad face tests of raw skill and stinky cheese. Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies Schedule: http://easyallies.com/ Merchandise: https://www.fangamer.com/easyallies http://shop.spreadshirt.com/easyallies Live streams - https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies Stream archives - https://www.youtube.com/easyalliesplays https://twitter.com/easyallies https://www.facebook.com/easyallies #EasyAllies



This is my favourite show ever made.

Megan Linart

Yay!! This show is honestly some of your best work!! Keep it up allies!


What’s the tier to get Damiani some pants?


Thanks Kyle! Love it! Gave it a thumbs up on YouTube. Where else do you and the other Allies check in order to evaluate the success of a video? L&R


Damiani the drama killer, haha. Too pro! Nah, still a really fun episode!


Yeah, hard to follow that Yoshi run but I love the Damiani cheese strats in this video.


This was an absolute delight.


You can just spread the word about how much you like it on Twitter, etc. Thanks! -Bloodworth


I know you're in a saturated market, but you guys are chronically hard on yourselves, Kyle. This and all the shows that lean on the genuine friendships and personalities of the Allies are reliably amazing, just to see sincere and meaningful relationships on display in 2019 is a rarity. I know, I'm biased, but I hope you aren't anxiously pressing forward without getting the chance to be joyful at all the great stuff you're giving us.


Me and my friend do the last to first thing all the time, we call it the overlap challenge. Tho we usually try to let all the racers pass us


Love this show!


This show is so good because of 2 things: it's short and edited + it has gaming. Somehow most of your other shows don't have these 2 ingredients.


Last to First, not First to Last with the achievement?


Good call adding the third achievement based on time.


That Toad sound clip kills me. Loving the show so far. L & R!


Good episode, though I'm surprised you were accepting achievements for cross-platform games that have them elsewhere.


I had a list of backup achievements for scenarios where our main achievement gets cleared easily, and for the backups I was less strict about pre-existing achievements


That was pure cheese from Damiani. Make him do it again with the restriction of KO by stamina depletion instead of ring out.


You can cheese many official achievements. Damiani played smart!

Andrew Chalmers

Brad's reaction to Kyle at the beginning haha


This would be much more work on yall's end, but I think the show would be more entertaining if you just cut out or tweaked any achievements that turned out too easy like the Mario Kart one. That wasn't exactly thrilling to watch, and if you didn't want that time to just be a waste you could quickly mention yall did that one effortlessly first try (which only took minutes) and move on to a different achievement or mention yall beat it 50CC effortlessly, so you show us trying the same concept with 150CC or such where it actually becomes a challenge. I'll watch the show regardless, and I'm not writing this as a complaint. I just think this would make for a more entertaining show in the long run as general feedback.


That intro music!!! Hahaha 👌🔥🤘


Where do we submit ideas for achievements?


Submissions for season 1 are all already locked in, but for any future seasons and for any other shows, there will be a specific post right here on Patreon

Star Tsurugi

Kyle's such a backseat gamer/driver

Axel Selhammar

Man, too bad season one's all locked in. There should be a forum section or a discord or something for achieve it yourself where you could post ideas and challenges


the "good for you" soundbite is just genius


The first achievement each episode is supposed to be easy, like a warm up run.


Je-SUS that intro gets me pumped EVERY TIME!!!!


Digging this show!


Damiani would have 100% plats/achievements if Nintendo got in the game


You guys make great content. Just let those personalities shine through!!


Everyone is getting mad at Damiani for cheesing it but how are we supposed to trust that all he did was the combo while we couldn't see him! He could have done a smash attack for all we know! What was that lightning effect all about? huh?


90% of my deaths in shovel knight were from trying to get my money bags back from a pitfall death. A lesson I never learned throughout the whole game, it's so hard but you gotta just ditch em sometimes. Watching Damiani jump right past them in the video hurt my soul.

Gan Khef

Big fan of the "Nintendo doesn't think we need achievements." opening.