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In about 12 hours, Jones and I (Damiani) will go live to discuss our thoughts on the most recent episode of Game of Thrones. As I am doing with the Avengers: Endgame Spoiler Mode, I am collecting your questions via e-mail. Submit your questions with the name you'd like us to read here:  eza.got.s8.e3@gmail.com 

Please do not post spoilers or try to submit your questions in the comments, they will be deleted.

- Damiani



REMINDER - Use the e-mail to submit questions, do NOT submit here!


Can you make an Audio-only version of these please? Desperate to watch these, but Audio versions are alot easier for me to listen to. L&R


Why not just make one email for spoiler mode questions rather than make a new account for every movie and show?


Audio version would be greatly appreciated!


Wanted to throw my hat in the ring for an audio version. Would be appreciated if it's reeeal long like last one.


will this be going on YouTube? or is it twitch only?


It's on youtube and there is an audio version on patreon.