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As if out of nowhere, Sony reveals PlayStation 5 details in a historically low-key manner.   

00:05:09 - Corrections
00:08:22 - Updates
00:11:34 - PlayStation 5 Details Revealed
00:51:54 - Podcast Halftime
00:57:35 - Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
01:08:37 - Capcom Home Arcade Announced
01:18:46 - Xbox One S All Digital Edition
01:22:45 - L&R - Game: Which Game Uses Unreal?
01:26:12 - L&R - Missing game cheats
01:37:16 - Time for Bets
01:41:34 - Closing

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Yes! The news came out before the recording! Can't wait to hear to the discussion :)


Audio almost never plays on the android patreon app.


Since the PS5 is confirmed to be using an x86 custom Ryzen and is basically a PC like PS4 and Xbox One, and also from the wording that is "faster than SSDs of PCs today", it makes me think it's marketing talk for them implementing improved SSD technology which by the time PS5 launches, will simply be standard in PCs too.


i imagine its more so how it is connected, it could totally be soldered onto the board like gpu memory or have a setup similar to ram both of which are faster than typical SSD's.


I gave up on Soundcloud and Patreon app. For android I use PocketCasts. It just got a major update with some inevitable minor bugs but for the most part my cast app of choice.


Hey is Ian okay? I worry...... Sending all the love and respect I can manage. ♥


Kyle, I just want to say that I go to RIT and you are absolutely correct in saying it is a nerd school. I'm transferring!

Jeff P

if a game is able to render a city scape at the speed of a fighter jet, what else could it render that quickly? If the throughput of the data is what was holding back past dev’s, cause only so much data can be passed through those pipes at a time... what would a future GTA look like? How many more individual ai can be calculated at the same time? How many more NPC’s can be present?


The limitations on AI are on CPU, the bottleneck of storage is on effective data streaming (pop in and stuff like that) which of course also means "proper loading screen" loading. AI especially but also view distance is easily limited by everything else (CPU GPU RAM) before we get to storage.


Correction: You can easily communicate the awesomeness of 3D audio with simple online clips. It's not that new actually, this 3D barber shop is old but still unsettling (set to HQ and use headphones ofc): <a href="https://youtube.com/watch?v=IUDTlvagjJA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtube.com/watch?v=IUDTlvagjJA</a>


Correction: Super Turbo was the last version of Street Fighter 2 to be released. Contains all 16 characters and it's also faster than Hyper Fighting with 4 speed settings from Normal up to Turbo 3. It's also the most played version in tournaments to this day. Hyper Fighting is still played in tournaments, but isn't as popular as Super Turbo. (Personally, it makes no sense as to why Capcom wouldn't at least use Super Turbo as the choice on the Capcom Home Arcade, considering they could only put one Street Fighter 2 version on there.)