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We hit $52K! That means you're getting our first, official, Full Playthrough this month. More info on who/what/when ASAP. This was our highest payout month so far, and with all the preparations getting finalized for our third anniversary event, the company is buzzing with excitement. Some people have asked what games I'm reviewing next, so for today's editorial I'm going to look ahead at the rest of 2019 and figure out what games I'm definitely going to make time for.

00:10:29 - Business Questions
01:25:35 - Personal Questions
02:31:07 - Editorial

- Brandon 



Thank you jones !


Hey, Easy Allies, don't forget to notify people about the Community Showcase alterations or edit the original post. Some people might not have listened to today's Cup of Jones.


Hey, I hope this is the right place to post this question: Hey, Jones! Been loving seeing the Easy Allies grow since the first year and humble beginnings when just seeing $40k was a huge deal. I have long-wondered how time is allocated for new shows and Patreon goals. For example, Huber's game show. Does this mean that Huber and other involved Easy Allies will have less time for other projects, or that their work week just gets busier? Have considerations been given to how this might affect stress and quality of other projects?


Hey, you were close, but i'm afraid you'll have to post your question in the comment section for the video post to have it read. He only takes questions from there in an effort to keep them all together. :)