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This set of 18 hi-res images and a video has been moved to the Archive for $25+ subscribers. Upgrade your support to gain access to over 250 archived sets - literally thousands of images and videos!

Since it was cold and rainy, Ariel and I were working pretty fast on the mountain top, so I didn't spend much time mucking about with my iPhone for BTS footage.  I did set it up to record her modeling on one of the rock outcroppings though, so I have included that sequence for you, my BTS patrons.  

Also for you I will share that the exact location of this shoot was just a few hundreds yards down a trail that starts at the end of the parking lot for the Mount Wilson Observatory, in case you are ever out that way.  On a sunny day the parking lot might be packed , but on a day like this there was only one other car parked far away, which drove off right after we parked, leaving the place to ourselves.  Always a good thing for nude nature photography!



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