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I am doing this series of "treehugger" images mostly because i like hiking around amongst the redwoods of California (both the Sequoias of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, and the Coast Redwoods of the far Northern Coast) with friends.  I always ask them to keep an eye out for some tree that really "speaks" to them in some way.  Some of my friends don't really connect with trees that way, but most of them seem to get it anyway.  Some tree will just catch their attention more than others for whatever reason - for its size or girth, the interestingness of its bark, the scenery around its base, etc.  

On our first day we found a couple great trees - one I just chose myself to take a treehugger photo because it had a nice wide base and was off trail for seclusion.  Later on though Ari finally found HER tree. Not only did it have really unique bark patterning (a mix or bare wood, thick red bark, and charred black wood all swirling around huge holes), but its base was completely hollowed out by fire, which made it a perfect home for her.  She wanted to just live in the tree, so I had to take another set of images of her there. It made for a good day of hiking!



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